76 research outputs found

    Photometric visual servoing for omnidirectional cameras

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    International audience2D visual servoing consists in using data provided by a vision sensor for controlling the motions of a dynamic system. Most of visual servoing approaches has relied on the geometric features that have to be tracked and matched in the image acquired by the camera. Recent works have highlighted the interest of taking into account the photometric information of the entire image. This approach was tackled with images of perspective cameras. We propose, in this paper, to extend this technique to central cameras. This generalization allows to apply this kind of method to catadioptric cameras and wide field of view cameras. Several experiments have been successfully done with a fisheye camera in order to control a 6 degrees of freedom (dof) robot and with a catadioptric camera for a mobile robot navigation task

    Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Their Application in Calibration

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    In central catadioptric systems, lines in a scene are projected to conic curves in the image. This work studies the geometry of the central catadioptric projection of lines and its use in calibration. It is shown that the conic curves where the lines are mapped possess several projective invariant properties. From these properties, it follows that any central catadioptric system can be fully calibrated from an image of three or more lines. The image of the absolute conic, the relative pose between the camera and the mirror, and the shape of the reflective surface can be recovered using a geometric construction based on the conic loci where the lines are projected. This result is valid for any central catadioptric system and generalizes previous results for paracatadioptric sensors. Moreover, it is proven that systems with a hyperbolic/elliptical mirror can be calibrated from the image of two lines. If both the shape and the pose of the mirror are known, then two line images are enough to determine the image of the absolute conic encoding the camera’s intrinsic parameters. The sensitivity to errors is evaluated and the approach is used to calibrate a real camer

    Visual Servoing

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    International audienceThis chapter introduces visual servo control, using computer vision data in the servo loop to control the motion of a robot. We first describe the basic techniques that are by now well established in the field. We give a general overview of the formulation of the visual servo control problem, and describe the two archetypal visual servo control schemes: image-based and pose-based visual servo control. We then discuss performance and stability issues that pertain to these two schemes, motivating advanced techniques. Of the many advanced techniques that have been developed , we discuss 2.5-D, hybrid, partitioned, and switched approaches. Having covered a variety of control schemes, we deal with target tracking and controlling motion directly in the joint space and extensions to under-actuated ground and aerial robots. We conclude by describing applications of visual ser-voing in robotics

    Omnidirectional Vision Based Topological Navigation

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    Goedemé T., Van Gool L., ''Omnidirectional vision based topological navigation'', Mobile robots navigation, pp. 172-196, Barrera Alejandra, ed., March 2010, InTech.status: publishe

    Proyecciones cónicas de rectas en sistemas catadióptricos para percepción visual en entornos construidos por el hombre

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    Los sistemas de visión omnidireccional son dispositivos que permiten la adquisición de imágenes con un campo de vista de 360º en un eje y superior 180º en el otro. La necesidad de integrar estas cámaras en sistemas de visión por computador ha impulsado la investigación en este campo profundizando en los modelos matemáticos y la base teórica necesaria que permite la implementación de aplicaciones. Existen diversas tecnologías para obtener imágenes omnidireccionales. Los sistemas catadióptricos son aquellos que consiguen aumentar el campo de vista utilizando espejos. Entre estos, encontramos los sistemas hiper-catadióptricos que son aquellos que utilizan una cámara perspectiva y un espejo hiperbólico. La geometría hiperbólica del espejo garantiza que el sistema sea central. En estos sistemas adquieren una especial relevancia las rectas del espacio, en la medida en que, rectas largas son completamente visibles en única imagen. La recta es una forma geométrica abundante en entornos construidos por el hombre que además acostumbra a ordenarse según direcciones dominantes. Salvo construcciones singulares, la fuerza de la gravedad fija una dirección vertical que puede utilizarse como referencia en el cálculo de la orientación del sistema. Sin embargo el uso de rectas en sistemas catadióptricos implica la dificultad añadida de trabajar con un modelo proyectivo no lineal en el que las rectas 3d son proyectadas en cónicas. Este TFM recoge el trabajo que se presenta en el artículo "Significant Conics on Catadioptric Images for 3D Orientation and Image Rectification" que pretendemos enviar a "Robotics and Autonomous Systems". En él se presenta un método para calcular la orientación de un sistema hiper-catadióptrico utilizando las cónicas que son proyecciones de rectas 3D. El método calcula la orientación respecto del sistema de referencia absoluto definido por el conjunto de puntos de fuga en un entorno en que existan direcciones dominantes

    Image-Based Visual Servoing for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Epipolar Geometry

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    Vision-based grasping of unknown objects to improve disabled people autonomy.

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    International audienceThis paper presents our contribution to vision based robotic assistance for people with disabilities. The rehabilitative robotic arms currently available on the market are directly controlled by adaptive devices, which lead to increasing strain on the user's disability. To reduce the need for user's actions, we propose here several vision-based solutions to automatize the grasping of unknown objects. Neither appearance data bases nor object models are considered. All the needed information is computed on line. This paper focuses on the positioning of the camera and the gripper approach. For each of those two steps, two alternative solutions are provided. All the methods have been tested and validated on robotics cells. Some have already been integrated into our mobile robot SAM
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