142 research outputs found

    Image-Based Visual Servoing for Robotic Systems: A Nonlinear Lyapunov-Based Control Approach

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    Image-Based Visual Servoing for Robotic Systems: A Nonlinear Lyapunov-Based Control Approach

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    Image-Based Visual Servoing for Robotic Systems: A Nonlinear Lyapunov-Based Control Approach

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    Alignment control using visual servoing and mobilenet single-shot multi-box detection (SSD): a review

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    The concept is highly critical for robotic technologies that rely on visual feedback. In this context, robot systems tend to be unresponsive due to reliance on pre-programmed trajectory and path, meaning the occurrence of a change in the environment or the absence of an object. This review paper aims to provide comprehensive studies on the recent application of visual servoing and DNN. PBVS and Mobilenet-SSD were chosen algorithms for alignment control of the film handler mechanism of the portable x-ray system. It also discussed the theoretical framework features extraction and description, visual servoing, and Mobilenet-SSD. Likewise, the latest applications of visual servoing and DNN was summarized, including the comparison of Mobilenet-SSD with other sophisticated models. As a result of a previous study presented, visual servoing and MobileNet-SSD provide reliable tools and models for manipulating robotics systems, including where occlusion is present. Furthermore, effective alignment control relies significantly on visual servoing and deep neural reliability, shaped by different parameters such as the type of visual servoing, feature extraction and description, and DNNs used to construct a robust state estimator. Therefore, visual servoing and MobileNet-SSD are parameterized concepts that require enhanced optimization to achieve a specific purpose with distinct tools

    Adaptive Hybrid Visual Servo Regulation of Mobile Robots Based on Fast Homography Decomposition

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    For the monocular camera-based mobile robot system, an adaptive hybrid visual servo regulation algorithm which is based on a fast homography decomposition method is proposed to drive the mobile robot to its desired position and orientation, even when object’s imaging depth and camera’s position extrinsic parameters are unknown. Firstly, the homography’s particular properties caused by mobile robot’s 2-DOF motion are taken into account to induce a fast homography decomposition method. Secondly, the homography matrix and the extracted orientation error, incorporated with the desired view’s single feature point, are utilized to form an error vector and its open-loop error function. Finally, Lyapunov-based techniques are exploited to construct an adaptive regulation control law, followed by the experimental verification. The experimental results show that the proposed fast homography decomposition method is not only simple and efficient, but also highly precise. Meanwhile, the designed control law can well enable mobile robot position and orientation regulation despite the lack of depth information and camera’s position extrinsic parameters

    Differential Drive Mobile Robot Motion Accuracy Improvement with Odometry-Compass Sensor Fusion Implementation

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    The Implementation of wheeled robot technology in the development of transportation vehicles makes them capable for operating automatically. In order to operate automatically, a vehicle requires stable control system which including motion kinematic algorithm where is developed in a robotic system. With the aim of being able to build an Unmanned Grounded Vehicle (UGV), in this study an UGV prototype was made in the form of a wheeled robot with Differential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) system. The robot is controlled by motion kinematic control algorithm and a trajectory tracking system that is used to get an estimate of the position caused by the robot’s movement, beside it made the robot can operate automatically. To support the performance of the control system, the robot prototype is added with a compass sensor which used as the wheel odometry sensor’s support. The process of combining wheel odometry and compass sensor data is carried out by using the sensor fusion algorithm, where the limit value for the RMS error for the position accuracy is not more than 0.15 meters. As the result of the trials, by adding a compass sensor and implementing sensor fusion algorithm is able to reduce the average RMS (Root Mean Square) error value of the motion accuracy into below 0.15 meters which previously worth 0.392 meters decreased into 0.075 meters

    A Multi-Sensorial Hybrid Control for Robotic Manipulation in Human-Robot Workspaces

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    Autonomous manipulation in semi-structured environments where human operators can interact is an increasingly common task in robotic applications. This paper describes an intelligent multi-sensorial approach that solves this issue by providing a multi-robotic platform with a high degree of autonomy and the capability to perform complex tasks. The proposed sensorial system is composed of a hybrid visual servo control to efficiently guide the robot towards the object to be manipulated, an inertial motion capture system and an indoor localization system to avoid possible collisions between human operators and robots working in the same workspace, and a tactile sensor algorithm to correctly manipulate the object. The proposed controller employs the whole multi-sensorial system and combines the measurements of each one of the used sensors during two different phases considered in the robot task: a first phase where the robot approaches the object to be grasped, and a second phase of manipulation of the object. In both phases, the unexpected presence of humans is taken into account. This paper also presents the successful results obtained in several experimental setups which verify the validity of the proposed approach

    Autonomous navigation and mapping of mobile robots based on 2D/3D cameras combination

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    Aufgrund der tendenziell zunehmenden Nachfrage an Systemen zur Unterstützung des alltäglichen Lebens gibt es derzeit ein großes Interesse an autonomen Systemen. Autonome Systeme werden in Häusern, Büros, Museen sowie in Fabriken eingesetzt. Sie können verschiedene Aufgaben erledigen, beispielsweise beim Reinigen, als Helfer im Haushalt, im Bereich der Sicherheit und Bildung, im Supermarkt sowie im Empfang als Auskunft, weil sie dazu verwendet werden können, die Verarbeitungszeit zu kontrollieren und präzise, zuverlässige Ergebnisse zu liefern. Ein Forschungsgebiet autonomer Systeme ist die Navigation und Kartenerstellung. Das heißt, mobile Roboter sollen selbständig ihre Aufgaben erledigen und zugleich eine Karte der Umgebung erstellen, um navigieren zu können. Das Hauptproblem besteht darin, dass der mobile Roboter in einer unbekannten Umgebung, in der keine zusätzlichen Bezugsinformationen vorhanden sind, das Gelände erkunden und eine dreidimensionale Karte davon erstellen muss. Der Roboter muss seine Positionen innerhalb der Karte bestimmen. Es ist notwendig, ein unterscheidbares Objekt zu finden. Daher spielen die ausgewählten Sensoren und der Register-Algorithmus eine relevante Rolle. Die Sensoren, die sowohl Tiefen- als auch Bilddaten liefern können, sind noch unzureichend. Der neue 3D-Sensor, nämlich der "Photonic Mixer Device" (PMD), erzeugt mit hoher Bildwiederholfrequenz eine Echtzeitvolumenerfassung des umliegenden Szenarios und liefert Tiefen- und Graustufendaten. Allerdings erfordert die höhere Qualität der dreidimensionalen Erkundung der Umgebung Details und Strukturen der Oberflächen, die man nur mit einer hochauflösenden CCD-Kamera erhalten kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert somit eine Exploration eines mobilen Roboters mit Hilfe der Kombination einer CCD- und PMD-Kamera, um eine dreidimensionale Karte der Umgebung zu erstellen. Außerdem wird ein Hochleistungsalgorithmus zur Erstellung von 3D Karten und zur Poseschätzung in Echtzeit unter Verwendung des "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping" (SLAM) Verfahrens präsentiert. Der autonom arbeitende, mobile Roboter soll ferner Aufgaben übernehmen, wie z.B. die Erkennung von Objekten in ihrer Umgebung, um verschiedene praktische Aufgaben zu lösen. Die visuellen Daten der CCD-Kamera liefern nicht nur eine hohe Auflösung der Textur-Daten für die Tiefendaten, sondern werden auch für die Objekterkennung verwendet. Der "Iterative Closest Point" (ICP) Algorithmus benutzt zwei Punktwolken, um den Bewegungsvektor zu bestimmen. Schließlich sind die Auswertung der Korrespondenzen und die Rekonstruktion der Karte, um die reale Umgebung abzubilden, in dieser Arbeit enthalten.Presently, intelligent autonomous systems have to perform very interesting tasks due to trendy increases in support demands of human living. Autonomous systems have been used in various applications like houses, offices, museums as well as in factories. They are able to operate in several kinds of applications such as cleaning, household assistance, transportation, security, education and shop assistance because they can be used to control the processing time, and to provide precise and reliable output. One research field of autonomous systems is mobile robot navigation and map generation. That means the mobile robot should work autonomously while generating a map, which the robot follows. The main issue is that the mobile robot has to explore an unknown environment and to generate a three dimensional map of an unknown environment in case that there is not any further reference information. The mobile robot has to estimate its position and pose. It is required to find distinguishable objects. Therefore, the selected sensors and registered algorithms are significant. The sensors, which can provide both, depth as well as image data are still deficient. A new 3D sensor, namely the Photonic Mixer Device (PMD), generates a high rate output in real-time capturing the surrounding scenario as well as the depth and gray scale data. However, a higher quality of three dimension explorations requires details and textures of surfaces, which can be obtained from a high resolution CCD camera. This work hence presents the mobile robot exploration using the integration of CCD and PMD camera in order to create a three dimensional map. In addition, a high performance algorithm for 3D mapping and pose estimation of the locomotion in real time, using the "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping" (SLAM) technique is proposed. The flawlessly mobile robot should also handle the tasks, such as the recognition of objects in its environment, in order to achieve various practical missions. Visual input from the CCD camera not only delivers high resolution texture data on depth volume, but is also used for object recognition. The “Iterative Closest Point” (ICP) algorithm is using two sets of points to find out the translation and rotation vector between two scans. Finally, the evaluation of the correspondences and the reconstruction of the map to resemble the real environment are included in this thesis

    Visual Guided Approach-to-Grasp for Humanoid Robots

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    Vision based control for robots has been an active area of research for more than 30 years and significant progresses in the theory and application have been reported (Hutchinson et al., 1996; Kragic & Christensen, 2002; Chaumette & Hutchinson, 2006). Vision is a very important non-contact measurement method for robots. Especially in the field of humanoi
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