625 research outputs found

    Visual perception driven registration of mammograms

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    International audienceThis paper aims to develop a methodology to register pairs of temporal mammograms. Control points based on anatomical features are detected in an automated way. Thereby, image semantic is used to extract landmarks based on these control points. A referential is generated from these control points based on this referential the studied images are realigned using different levels of observation leading to both rigid and non-rigid transforms according to expert mammogram reading

    Radiologists can detect the ‘gist’ of breast cancer before any overt signs of cancer appear

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    Radiologists can detect abnormality in mammograms at above-chance levels after a momentary glimpse of an image. The study investigated this instantaneous perception of an abnormality, known as a “gist” response, when 23 radiologists viewed prior mammograms of women that were reported as normal, but later diagnosed with breast cancer at subsequent screening. Five categories of cases were included: current cancer-containing mammograms, current mammograms of the normal breast contralateral to the cancer, prior mammograms of normal cases, prior mammograms with visible cancer signs in a breast from women who were initially reported as normal, but later diagnosed with breast cancer at subsequent screening in the same breast, and prior mammograms without any visible cancer signs from women labelled as initially normal but subsequently diagnosed with cancer. Our findings suggest that readers can distinguish patients who were diagnosed with cancer, from individuals without breast cancer (normal category), at above-chance levels based on a half-second glimpse of the mammogram even before any lesion becomes visible on the mammogram. Although 20 of the 23 radiologists demonstrated this ability, radiologists’ abilities for perceiving the gist of the abnormal varied between the readers and appeared to be linked to expertise. These results could have implications for identifying women of higher than average risk of a future malignancy event, thus impacting upon tailored screening strategies

    Automatic intensity windowing of mammographic images based on a perceptual metric

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    [EN] Purpose: Initial auto-adjustment of the window level WL and width WW applied to mammographic images. The proposed intensity windowing (IW) method is based on the maximization of the mutual information (MI) between a perceptual decomposition of the original 12-bit sources and their screen displayed 8-bit version. Besides zoom, color inversion and panning operations, IW is the most commonly performed task in daily screening and has a direct impact on diagnosis and the time involved in the process. Methods: The authors present a human visual system and perception-based algorithm named GRAIL (Gabor-relying adjustment of image levels). GRAIL initially measures a mammogram's quality based on the MI between the original instance and its Gabor-filtered derivations. From this point on, the algorithm performs an automatic intensity windowing process that outputs the WL/WW that best displays each mammogram for screening. GRAIL starts with the default, high contrast, wide dynamic range 12-bit data, and then maximizes the graphical information presented in ordinary 8-bit displays. Tests have been carried out with several mammogram databases. They comprise correlations and an ANOVA analysis with the manual IW levels established by a group of radiologists. A complete MATLAB implementation of GRAIL is available at . Results: Auto-leveled images show superior quality both perceptually and objectively compared to their full intensity range and compared to the application of other common methods like global contrast stretching (GCS). The correlations between the human determined intensity values and the ones estimated by our method surpass that of GCS. The ANOVA analysis with the upper intensity thresholds also reveals a similar outcome. GRAIL has also proven to specially perform better with images that contain micro-calcifications and/or foreign X-ray-opaque elements and with healthy BI-RADS A-type mammograms. It can also speed up the initial screening time by a mean of 4.5 s per image. Conclusions: A novel methodology is introduced that enables a quality-driven balancing of the WL/WW of mammographic images. This correction seeks the representation that maximizes the amount of graphical information contained in each image. The presented technique can contribute to the diagnosis and the overall efficiency of the breast screening session by suggesting, at the beginning, an optimal and customized windowing setting for each mammogram. (C) 2017 American Association of Physicists in MedicineThis work has the support of IST S.L., University of Valencia (CPI15170), Consolider (CPAN13TR01), MINETUR (TSI1001012013019) and IFIC (Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence SEV20140398). The authors would also like to thank C. Bellot M.D., M. Brouzet M.D., C. Calabuig M.D., J. Camps M.D., J. Coloma M.D., D. Erades M.D., Mr. V. Gutierrez, J. Herrero M.D., Dr. I. Maestre, Dr. A. Neco M.D., C. Ortola M.D., A. Rubio M.D., Dr. R. Sanchez, Dr. F. Sellers, A. Segura M.D., and the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC) for their effort, participation, counseling, and commitment in this research study. The authors report no conflicts of interest in conducting the research.Albiol Colomer, A.; Corbi, A.; Albiol Colomer, F. (2017). Automatic intensity windowing of mammographic images based on a perceptual metric. Medical Physics. 44(4):1369-1378. https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.12144S13691378444Maidment, A. D. A., Fahrig, R., & Yaffe, M. J. (1993). Dynamic range requirements in digital mammography. Medical Physics, 20(6), 1621-1633. doi:10.1118/1.596949Kimpe, T., & Tuytschaever, T. (2006). Increasing the Number of Gray Shades in Medical Display Systems—How Much is Enough? 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    Incorporating Breast Asymmetry Studies into CADx Systems

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    Breast cancer is one of the global leading causes of death among women, and an early detection is of uttermost importance to reduce mortality rates. Screening mammograms, in which radiologists rely only on their eyesight, are one of the most used early detection methods. However, characteristics, such as the asymmetry between breasts, a feature that could be very difficult to visually quantize, is key to breast cancer detection. Due to the highly heterogeneous and deformable structure of the breast itself, incorporating asymmetry measurements into an automated detection system is still a challenge. In this study, we proposed the use of a bilateral registration algorithm as an effective way to automatically measure mirror asymmetry. Furthermore, this information was fed to a machine learning algorithm to improve the accuracy of the model. In this study, 449 subjects (197 with calcifications, 207 with masses, and 45 healthy subjects) from a public database were used to train and evaluate the proposed methodology. Using this procedure, we were able to independently identify subjects with calcifications (accuracy = 0.825, AUC = 0.882) and masses (accuracy = 0.698, AUC = 0.807) from healthy subjects

    Shape description and matching using integral invariants on eccentricity transformed images

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    Matching occluded and noisy shapes is a problem frequently encountered in medical image analysis and more generally in computer vision. To keep track of changes inside the breast, for example, it is important for a computer aided detection system to establish correspondences between regions of interest. Shape transformations, computed both with integral invariants (II) and with geodesic distance, yield signatures that are invariant to isometric deformations, such as bending and articulations. Integral invariants describe the boundaries of planar shapes. However, they provide no information about where a particular feature lies on the boundary with regard to the overall shape structure. Conversely, eccentricity transforms (Ecc) can match shapes by signatures of geodesic distance histograms based on information from inside the shape; but they ignore the boundary information. We describe a method that combines the boundary signature of a shape obtained from II and structural information from the Ecc to yield results that improve on them separately

    Fatigue in radiology : a fertile area for future research

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    Fatigue in radiologists may be responsible for a large number of medical errors. This review describes the latest research on fatigue in radiology. This includes measurement methods, and recent evidence on how fatigue affects accuracy in laboratory test conditions and in clinical practice. The extensive opportunities for future research in the area are explored, including testing interventions to reduce fatigue-related error, and further understanding of which fatigue measures correlate with errors. Finally we explore the possibility of answering these questions using large population based observational studies and pragmatic integrated randomised controlled trials

    Data-driven synthesis of composite-feature detectors for 3D image analysis

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    Most image analysis techniques are based upon low level descriptions of the data. It is important that the chosen representation is able to discriminate as much as possible among independent image features. In particular, this is of great importance in segmentation with deformable models, which must be guided to the target object boundary avoiding other image features. In this paper, we present a multiresolution method for the decomposition of a volumetric image into its most relevant visual patterns, which we define as features associated to local energy maxima of the image. The method involves the clustering of a set of predefined band-pass energy filters according to their ability to segregate the different features in the image. In this way, the method generates a set of composite-feature detectors tuned to the specific visual patterns present in the data. Clustering is accomplished by defining a distance metric between the frequency features that reflects the degree of alignment of their energy maxima. This distance is related to the mutual information of their responses' energy maps. As will be shown, the method is able to isolate the frequency components of independent visual patterns in 3D images. We have applied this composite-feature detection method to the initialization of active models. Among the visual patterns detected, those associated to the segmentation target are selected by user interaction to define the initial state of a geodesic active model. We will demonstrate that this initialization technique facilitates the evolution of the model to the proper boundary.S

    Unsupervised Texture Segmentation

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