12 research outputs found

    Virtual laboratories and m-learning: learning with mobile devices

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    This paper introduces the concept and the advantages of using virtual laboratories through mobile devices. It will also be introduced some concepts related to learning objects and m-learning. We also present the virtual experience used for the virtual mobile laboratory. In the end, we indicate the ideal methodology to use these technologies when teaching chemical experiments

    Reengenharia de sistemas de informação académicos

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    No mundo académico, a necessidade de investigação e a consequente demanda de meios eficazes, equipamentos adequados e espaço físico reservado e apropriado, entrou numa nova era devido essencialmente ao crescimento exponencial da Internet e serviços associados e ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de rede. Esta realidade exige uma formação académica adequada de técnicos qualificados que compreendam os conceitos dos sistemas de informação, e que adquiram capacidade para os aplicar às situações práticas que encontram nas organizações. Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma arquitectura derivada da reengenharia de sistemas, e consequente aplicação de gestão no Laboratório de Sistemas de Informação e Multimédia (LABSIM) situado na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Desenvolveu-se uma arquitectura que facilita a gestão e o acesso aos laboratórios e equipamento informático, dos alunos, docentes e investigadores, eliminando as barreiras temporais, geográficas e os constrangimentos de acesso físico, que um laboratório convencional impõe.IP

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kimia Menggunakan Media Laboratorium Virtual Berdasarkan Paradigma Pembelajaran di Era Global

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    Penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran kimia berbasis laboratorium virtual yang layak pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur. Kelayakan media pembalajaran didasarkan pada 2 kriteria yaitu validitas media berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator dan kepraktisan media berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) Borg & Gall dan dilakukan dalam empat langkah yaitu; penyelidikan dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan awal format produk, dan uji coba awal. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar telaah media, lembar validasi media, angket respon siswa, dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; media dinyatakan valid dengan kategori sangat valid dan presentase kevalidan ≥61%; Media dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan angket respon siswa dalam hal ketertarikan siswa terhadap media diperoleh presentase 98% dan 93,33% dalam hal kemudahan pemahaman dan penggunaan, sementara hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 88,75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium virtual layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur

    Analysis of Students' Perceptions of Differences Based on Gender in the Use of Virtual Reality Laboratories

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    Background: Using a VR laboratory requires skill or skill in moving your hands to press buttons or other available tools, as is done by someone in general when playing a game. So this is also suspected to affect someone's desire or interest in operating this VR laboratory. From experience in the field when conducting trials using VR laboratories, someone who is used to playing games tends to find it easier to operate a VR laboratory compared to people who rarely play games. Based on the research results on the factors that influence a person's addiction to games, data obtained from comparing the number of game users between men and women are dominated by men at 59% and women at 41%.[30]. Seeing the phenomenon that there is a difference between the number of men and women in terms of using this game encourages the desire to conduct a deeper study of how men and women perceive when asked about the implementation of a VR laboratory which, in fact, uses almost the same as using a game. Thus this study aims to analysis of students' perceptions of differences based on gender in the use of virtual reality laboratories as one of the initial studies became the basis for developing virtual reality laboratories for several types of chemistry practicum Materials and Methods: This descriptive quantitative research aims to determine students' perceptions of the implementation of virtual reality (VR) laboratories. The population in this study were students of public and private high schools in Jakarta, using a random sampling technique of 150 students consisting of 75 female students and 75 male students. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire instrument with temporary understanding indicators, views, and concerns with a total of 15 statement items with a scoring system based on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, which an expert validator has validated. The validated perception questionnaire instrument was used in this study and then analyzed. Results: The results of data analysis using a 3 x 2 manova with a significance level of 5% showed that there were differences in students' perceptions of the Virtual Reality (VR) Laboratory in terms of gender differences (sig. <0.05). From the results of research on the analysis of gender-based differences in students' perceptions of the use of virtual reality laboratories, it can be concluded that: there are significant differences between male and female perceptions of the use of virtual reality laboratories, which can be seen from the acquisition of a two-tailed significance value of 0.934 > Sig 0.05. Significant differences in perceptions between women and men regarding the implementation of the VR laboratory are increasingly evident from the average score of men's answers (mean score is 3.36), which is greater than the average score of women's answers (mean score of 2.37). Conclusion: From the results of research on the analysis of gender-based differences in students' perceptions of the use of virtual reality laboratories, it can be concluded that: there are significant differences between male and female perceptions of the use of virtual reality laboratories, which can be seen from the acquisition of a two-tailed significance value of 0.934 > Sig 0.05. Significant differences in perceptions between women and men regarding the implementation of the VR laboratory are increasingly evident from the average score of men's answers (mean score is 3.36), which is greater than the average score of women's answers (mean score of 2.37). This means that men's perceptions of the implementation of the VR laboratory are more positive or more acceptable than women's Key Word: virtual laboratory, perception, gender, learning, chemistry


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    An effective reading for Fun with Anna is an interactive storytelling learning method for children to develop their vocabulary knowledge by exploring many things using their imagination. The objectives of this paper include to develop interactive storybook that focus on vocabulary, helps children recognize vocabulary by giving them graphics to imagine, to identify multimedia elements and to conduct an effectiveness testing on interactive storybook. The interactive multimedia story book was developed based on ADDIE model that is the basic term for the five phase instructional design model consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The effectiveness testing reading for fun with Anna was conducted based on the Pre and Post testing through a case study of a Kindergarten in Melaka, Malaysia. The findings showed that the Post-Test result, who underwent the teaching and learning process using the reading for fun with Anna had a higher achievement level in comparison with the Pre-Test, who experienced the conventional approach to teaching and learning. This paper implies the effectiveness of the reading for fun with Anna in classroom. For future work, it is recommended that the student’s score should record after children do their exercises. The score will be appearing and they can save it under their name. This can build competitive feelings in them to compete with others indirectly it will motivate them to do bette


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    This research and development aims to develop appropriate virtual laboratory-based chemical instructional media in the subject matter of Chemical Elements. The feasibility of chemical instructional media is based on two criteria, namely media validity based on the results of the validator's assessment and media practicality based on the results of the student response questionnaire and observation of student activities. The type of research used is Borg & Gall's research and development (R & D) and carried out in four steps, namely; investigation and data collection, planning, initial development of product formats, and initial trials. The research instruments used in this research were media review sheets, media validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and student activity observation sheets. The results show that; the media were declared valid with a very valid validity category and a validity percentage of ≥61%; The media is stated to be practical based on student response questionnaires in term of students' interest in the media were 98% and 93.33% in term of convenience understanding and use, while the results of student observation show an activity of 88.75%. Based on the results of this research, the virtual laboratory-based chemistry instructional media are feasible to be used as in the subject matter of Chemical Elements.ABSTRAKPenelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran kimia berbasis laboratorium virtual yang layak pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur. Kelayakan media pembalajaran didasarkan pada 2 kriteria yaitu validitas media berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator dan kepraktisan media berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) Borg & Gall dan dilakukan dalam empat langkah yaitu; penyelidikan dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan awal format produk, dan uji coba awal. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar telaah media, lembar validasi media, angket respon siswa, dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; media dinyatakan valid dengan kategori sangat valid dan presentase kevalidan ≥61%; Media dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan angket respon siswa dalam hal ketertarikan siswa terhadap media diperoleh presentase 98% dan 93,33% dalam hal kemudahan pemahaman dan penggunaan, sementara hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 88,75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium virtual layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Integrasi Nasional Berbasis Mobile

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan bahan ajar Integrasi Nasional berbasis mobile untuk Mahasiswa Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dengan pendekatan Reserch and Development (R&amp;D). Langkah dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian yang dilakukan oleh tiga orang ahli yaitu ahli media, ahli konten, dan ahli desain pembelajaran mendapatkan hasil sangat layak. Presentase kelayakan bahan ajar integrasi nasional menurut ahli konten sebesar 83,8%, menurut ahli media sebesar 88,9%, dan menurut ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 89,8%. Secara keseluruhan presentase kelayakan bahan ajar integrasi nasional menurut ahli sebesar 87,5% yang tergolong kategori sangat layak. Selain penilaian oleh ahli, dilakukan juga penilaian oleh 50 orang mahasiswa dengan hasil presentase kelayakan sebesar 94,48% yang tergolong kategori sangat layak

    Uso de Recurso Educacional com Mídias Interativas e Integradas On-Line em Ensino e Aprendizagem.

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    A tecnologia está presente em todos os segmentos da vida do homem, no trabalho, no meio social, em casa, na escola. Através da tecnologia e de suas vertentes, é que interagimos com o mundo em que vivemos. Dessa forma, é imperativo que o educador crie condições para que seus alunos utilizem a tecnologia e dela façam um novo aprendizado, pontuado e direcionado pelos recursos multimidiáticos que são apresentados pelas ferramentas tecnológicas. É preciso valorizar e modernizar a escola, utilizando a tecnologia de forma consciente, onde o aluno é tido como peça fundamental na aprendizagem. Deve ser apresentado a ele uma nova forma de aprender, possibilitando a interação contínua entre professor e aluno, dinamizando a comunicação, a parceria e posteriormente a construção do conhecimento. Dentro desses questionamentos, a possibilidade de se criar objetos de aprendizagem, nos quais suas ferramentas e recursos permeiem e elucidem eficazmente a criação de ambientes tecnológicos que agucem a curiosidade, a criatividade e o interesse do aluno, é de extrema importância dentro de nossas escolas. Este trabalho consiste em utilizar uma ferramenta para produção de aplicações multimídia online, potencializada por imagem, som, áudio, vídeo e objetos 3D, que servirá de base para produzir material didático a ser disponibilizado para professores da rede pública da cidade de Itajubá. O foco principal deste trabalho está no uso dessa ferramenta na produção de aplicações educacionais e sua avaliação com profissionais de educação, procurando apontar suas vantagens e desvantagens como elemento tecnológico para o ambiente escolar

    Explorando simulações e laboratórios virtuais multimídia como recursos de aprendizagem de física

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    Neste trabalho foi estudada a utilização de laboratórios virtuais multimídia como recurso de aprendizagem de Física dentro da perspectiva das trajetórias de aprendizagem, da teoria da aprendizagem significativa e da aprendizagem experiencial. Devido ao fato de não haver laboratórios tradicionais em algumas escolas e até às recomendações atuais de não aglomeração de pessoas motivadas pela pandemia causada pelo Coronavírus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), os laboratórios virtuais podem ser usados como alternativa para a realização de aulas práticas. Além disso, há alunos que estudam a disciplina de Física na modalidade de ensino a distância ou no modelo híbrido que não têm possibilidade de realizar aulas experimentais em laboratórios reais. Neste contexto, avaliar este tipo de recurso de aprendizagem que permite ultrapassar algumas barreiras referentes à questão de tempo e lugar, é uma estratégia a ser considerada, pois para que ocorra a aprendizagem significativa uma das condições a ser levada em consideração é que os materiais sejam potencialmente significativos. É útil saber se um determinado laboratório virtual ou simulador tem as qualidades necessárias para situações de aprendizagem. Então, nesta tese desenvolveu-se o MAPHYSE (Model for Assessing Physics Simulators for Educational Purposes) – Modelo para Avaliação de Simuladores de Física para Fins Educacionais – o qual foi formado a partir de requisitos pedagógicos aplicados à Norma ISO/IEC 25010 (2011). Neste trabalho foi também projetado um simulador com fundamentação na teoria de aprendizagem multimídia e baseado no método de pesquisa para avanço da ciência e tecnologia - Design Science Research (DSR). Além disso, foi delineada uma estratégia que assegure a utilização desse recurso de aprendizagem e orienta o aluno nas suas atividades com questões que o norteiam na busca de sua aprendizagem em cada uma das etapas de exploração do mesmo. Dois simuladores (simulador da Lei de Stevin – desenvolvido no âmbito desta pesquisa) e (simulador Sob Pressão – do Projeto PhET da Universidade de Colorado) com os mesmos objetivos de aprendizagem foram avaliados com base no MAPHYSE por 3 professores e foram usados com dois grupos distintos de alunos para avaliar a aprendizagem. Para a análise dos resultados recorreu-se a estatística descritiva e teste de Mann-Whitney. As avaliações dos mesmos são altas e com notas bastante próximas. A partir da análise dos resultados, foi possível constatar os benefícios da avaliação de simuladores adequados funcionalmente e considerados satisfatórios sem restrições. Os resultados da aprendizagem dos grupos não apresentaram diferenças significativas e foram consideravelmente altos. Outros dois grupos simularam a distância e presencialmente, apresentando também bons resultados e sem diferença significativa entre eles.This work studied the use of multimedia virtual laboratories as a learning resource of Physics within the perspective of learning trajectories, the theory of meaningful learning and experiential learning. Due to the fact that there are no traditional laboratories in some schools and even the current recommendations of non-agglomeration of people motivated by the pandemic caused by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), virtual laboratories can be used as an alternative to conduct practical classes. In addition, there are students who study the discipline of Physics in the modality of distance learning or in the hybrid model who are not able to perform experimental classes in real laboratories. In this context, evaluating this type of learning resource that allows overcoming some barriers related to the question of time and place is a strategy to be considered, because for significant learning one of the conditions to be taken into account is that the materials are potentially significant. It is useful to know if a particular virtual lab or simulator has the qualities necessary for learning situations. Then, in this thesis, MAPHYSE was developed - Model for Assessing Physics Simulators for Educational Purposes - which was formed from pedagogical requirements applied to ISO/IEC 25010 (2011). In this work was also designed a simulator based on multimedia learning theory and based on the research method for advancement of science and technology - Design Science Research (DSR). In addition, a strategy was designed to ensure the use of this learning resource and guides the student in his/her activities with questions that guide him/her in the search for their learning in each of the stages of its exploration. Two simulators (Stevin's Law simulator – developed under this research) and (Simulator Under Pressure – of the PhET Project of the University of Colorado) with the same learning objectives were evaluated based on MAPHYSE by 3 teachers and were used with two distinct groups of students to evaluate learning. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test were used for the analysis of the results. Their ratings are high and with very close grades. From the analysis of the results, it was possible to verify the benefits of the evaluation of functionally appropriate simulators and considered satisfactory without restrictions. The learning results of the groups did not present significant differences and was considerably high. Two other groups that simulated the distance and in person also obtained good results and no difference dignified between them

    Contribución a la Aplicación de Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial para el diseño efectivo de Sistemas Adaptativos de Aprendizaje Competitivo

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    El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en la propuesta y validación de métodos basados en técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial para la estimación del nivel de dificultad de los desafíos propuestos en el entorno On-line de Aprendizaje Competitivo QUESTTOURnament, que permita el posterior establecimiento de concursos o itinerarios de aprendizaje para grupos de alumnos según su nivel de conocimiento. QUESTOURnament es una herramienta telemática que permite el desarrollo de concursos on-line. Mediante estudios de estado de arte de sistemas de aprendizaje competitivo y de sistemas de aprendizaje adaptativos se han identificado las características de estos últimos que permitirían potenciar las ventajas e inconvenientes que presentan los sistemas competitivos y, en concreto, el sistema QUESTOURnament. Así, se propone el sistema QUESTOURnament adaptativo y se diseña y valida una solución basada en algoritmos genéticos y lógica difusa que permite estimar el nivel de dificultad de las preguntas en QUESTOURnament.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemátic