434 research outputs found

    Certified Roundoff Error Bounds Using Semidefinite Programming.

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    Roundoff errors cannot be avoided when implementing numerical programs with finite precision. The ability to reason about rounding is especially important if one wants to explore a range of potential representations, for instance for FPGAs or custom hardware implementation. This problem becomes challenging when the program does not employ solely linear operations as non-linearities are inherent to many interesting computational problems in real-world applications. Existing solutions to reasoning are limited in the presence of nonlinear correlations between variables, leading to either imprecise bounds or high analysis time. Furthermore, while it is easy to implement a straightforward method such as interval arithmetic, sophisticated techniques are less straightforward to implement in a formal setting. Thus there is a need for methods which output certificates that can be formally validated inside a proof assistant. We present a framework to provide upper bounds on absolute roundoff errors. This framework is based on optimization techniques employing semidefinite programming and sums of squares certificates, which can be formally checked inside the Coq theorem prover. Our tool covers a wide range of nonlinear programs, including polynomials and transcendental operations as well as conditional statements. We illustrate the efficiency and precision of this tool on non-trivial programs coming from biology, optimization and space control. Our tool produces more precise error bounds for 37 percent of all programs and yields better performance in 73 percent of all programs

    Dandelion: Certified Approximations of Elementary Functions

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    Elementary function operations such as sin and exp cannot in general be computed exactly on today's digital computers, and thus have to be approximated. The standard approximations in library functions typically provide only a limited set of precisions, and are too inefficient for many applications. Polynomial approximations that are customized to a limited input domain and output accuracy can provide superior performance. In fact, the Remez algorithm computes the best possible approximation for a given polynomial degree, but has so far not been formally verified. This paper presents Dandelion, an automated certificate checker for polynomial approximations of elementary functions computed with Remez-like algorithms that is fully verified in the HOL4 theorem prover. Dandelion checks whether the difference between a polynomial approximation and its target reference elementary function remains below a given error bound for all inputs in a given constraint. By extracting a verified binary with the CakeML compiler, Dandelion can validate certificates within a reasonable time, fully automating previous manually verified approximations

    Proving Tight Bounds on Univariate Expressions with Elementary Functions in Coq

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    International audienceThe verification of floating-point mathematical libraries requires computing numerical bounds on approximation errors. Due to the tightness of these bounds and the peculiar structure of approximation errors, such a verification is out of the reach of generic tools such as computer algebra systems. In fact, the inherent difficulty of computing such bounds often mandates a formal proof of them. In this paper, we present a tactic for the Coq proof assistant that is designed to automatically and formally prove bounds on univariate expressions. It is based on a formalization of floating-point and interval arithmetic, associated with an on-the-fly computation of Taylor expansions. All the computations are performed inside Coq's logic, in a reflexive setting. This paper also compares our tactic with various existing tools on a large set of examples

    Verified compilation and optimization of floating-point kernels

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    When verifying safety-critical code on the level of source code, we trust the compiler to produce machine code that preserves the behavior of the source code. Trusting a verified compiler is easy. A rigorous machine-checked proof shows that the compiler correctly translates source code into machine code. Modern verified compilers (e.g. CompCert and CakeML) have rich input languages, but only rudimentary support for floating-point arithmetic. In fact, state-of-the-art verified compilers only implement and verify an inflexible one-to-one translation from floating-point source code to machine code. This translation completely ignores that floating-point arithmetic is actually a discrete representation of the continuous real numbers. This thesis presents two extensions improving floating-point arithmetic in CakeML. First, the thesis demonstrates verified compilation of elementary functions to floating-point code in: Dandelion, an automatic verifier for polynomial approximations of elementary functions; and libmGen, a proof-producing compiler relating floating-point machine code to the implemented real-numbered elementary function. Second, the thesis demonstrates verified optimization of floating-point code in: Icing, a floating-point language extending standard floating-point arithmetic with optimizations similar to those used by unverified compilers, like GCC and LLVM; and RealCake, an extension of CakeML with Icing into the first fully verified optimizing compiler for floating-point arithmetic.Bei der Verifizierung von sicherheitsrelevantem Quellcode vertrauen wir dem Compiler, dass er Maschinencode ausgibt, der sich wie der Quellcode verhĂ€lt. Man kann ohne weiteres einem verifizierten Compiler vertrauen. Ein rigoroser maschinen-ĂŒ}berprĂŒfter Beweis zeigt, dass der Compiler Quellcode in korrekten Maschinencode ĂŒbersetzt. Moderne verifizierte Compiler (z.B. CompCert und CakeML) haben komplizierte Eingabesprachen, aber unterstĂŒtzen Gleitkommaarithmetik nur rudimentĂ€r. De facto implementieren und verifizieren hochmoderne verifizierte Compiler fĂŒr Gleitkommaarithmetik nur eine starre eins-zu-eins Übersetzung von Quell- zu Maschinencode. Diese Übersetzung ignoriert vollstĂ€ndig, dass Gleitkommaarithmetik eigentlich eine diskrete ReprĂ€sentation der kontinuierlichen reellen Zahlen ist. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert zwei Erweiterungen die Gleitkommaarithmetik in CakeML verbessern. Zuerst demonstriert die Dissertation verifizierte Übersetzung von elementaren Funktionen in Gleitkommacode mit: Dandelion, einem automatischen Verifizierer fĂŒr Polynomapproximierungen von elementaren Funktionen; und libmGen, einen Beweis-erzeugenden Compiler der Gleitkommacode in Relation mit der implementierten elementaren Funktion setzt. Dann demonstriert die Dissertation verifizierte Optimierung von Gleitkommacode mit: Icing, einer Gleitkommasprache die Gleitkommaarithmetik mit Optimierungen erweitert die Ă€hnlich zu denen in unverifizierten Compilern, wie GCC und LLVM, sind; und RealCake, eine Erweiterung von CakeML mit Icing als der erste vollverifizierte Compiler fĂŒr Gleitkommaarithmetik

    Certifying floating-point implementations using Gappa

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    High confidence in floating-point programs requires proving numerical properties of final and intermediate values. One may need to guarantee that a value stays within some range, or that the error relative to some ideal value is well bounded. Such work may require several lines of proof for each line of code, and will usually be broken by the smallest change to the code (e.g. for maintenance or optimization purpose). Certifying these programs by hand is therefore very tedious and error-prone. This article discusses the use of the Gappa proof assistant in this context. Gappa has two main advantages over previous approaches: Its input format is very close to the actual C code to validate, and it automates error evaluation and propagation using interval arithmetic. Besides, it can be used to incrementally prove complex mathematical properties pertaining to the C code. Yet it does not require any specific knowledge about automatic theorem proving, and thus is accessible to a wide community. Moreover, Gappa may generate a formal proof of the results that can be checked independently by a lower-level proof assistant like Coq, hence providing an even higher confidence in the certification of the numerical code. The article demonstrates the use of this tool on a real-size example, an elementary function with correctly rounded output

    Certification of Bounds of Non-linear Functions: the Templates Method

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    The aim of this work is to certify lower bounds for real-valued multivariate functions, defined by semialgebraic or transcendental expressions. The certificate must be, eventually, formally provable in a proof system such as Coq. The application range for such a tool is widespread; for instance Hales' proof of Kepler's conjecture yields thousands of inequalities. We introduce an approximation algorithm, which combines ideas of the max-plus basis method (in optimal control) and of the linear templates method developed by Manna et al. (in static analysis). This algorithm consists in bounding some of the constituents of the function by suprema of quadratic forms with a well chosen curvature. This leads to semialgebraic optimization problems, solved by sum-of-squares relaxations. Templates limit the blow up of these relaxations at the price of coarsening the approximation. We illustrate the efficiency of our framework with various examples from the literature and discuss the interfacing with Coq.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 table
