47 research outputs found

    Разработка бизнес-процесса для оцифровки автомобильных дорог

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    This article discusses the problem of route optimization in modern conditions using digital technologies. As a result of the analysis performed, the process of video filming and digitiza-tion of the route has been implemented, which makes it possible to more effectively achieve the re-quired result in a short time with minimal economic costs. The paper describes methods for improv-ing service and minimizing costs in the transport system. The description is supplemented with dy-namic simulation models based on BPMN notations.В данной статье рассматривается проблема оптимизации маршрута в совре-менных условиях с применением цифровых технологий. В результате выполненного анализа реализо-ван процесс видеосъемки и оцифровки маршрута, что позволяет более эффективно достичь       требуемого результата за короткое время с минимальными экономическими затратами. Описаны методы улучшения сервиса и минимизации расходов в транспортной системе. Описание дополнено динамическими имитационными моделями, построенными на основе нотаций BPMN

    Protsessimudelite struktuur koosmõjus mudeli kasutusega

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    “Üks pilt on väärt tuhat sõna” - kui eelnev mõttetera on esitatud info edastamise kontekstis, kus lisaks tuimadele faktidele soovitakse anda edasi ka emotsiooni ja tunnet, siis kuidas toimib sama lause just nimelt tuimade faktide edastamisel? Järjest rohkem esitatakse töötajatele suunatud organisatsioonide kirjeldusi läbi erinevate jooniste ja tekstide, seda eriti protsessimudelite juures. Antud doktoritöö keskendub kahele küsimusele: (i) kuidas kombineeritakse struktuurseid ja mittestruktuurseid komponente protsesside kirjeldamisel praktikas; (ii) ja mis tagab protsessimudelite jätkusuutliku kasutuse organisatsioonis? Protsessihierarhia lisamine protsessimudelisse avaldab positiivset mõju mudeli kasutusele organisatsioonis. Samas, protsesside esitamisel diagrammi kujul tuleb arvestada lõppkasutajaga (antud kontekstis töötaja), kelle jaoks ei tarvitse olla lihtne lugeda olulist informatsiooni diagrammilt. Seega peab olema töötajatele suunatud mudelites teksti kujul esitatud faktide hulk oluliselt suurem kui läbi joonise kirjeldatu. See on eriti oluline suuremate mudelite juures, kus protsessidiagrammidega esitatav info on mahukas ja joonised sageli keerulised. Kui mudeli lugemisel peab kasutaja fookus olema eelkõige protsessijoonisel ja lisafakte esitatakse teksti kujul, siis sellised mudelid sobivad pigem tehnilisele lugejaskonnale, mitte organisatsiooni teadmistebaasi. Kui organisatsioon soovib aktiivset teadmistebaasi kasutust, siis on vaja saavutada hea tasakaal organisatsiooni (Organisatsiooni, Modelleerimise ja Kasutusega seotud edufaktorid) ja tehniliste parameetrite (Protsessimudeli ja Tarkvaraga seotud edufaktorid) vahel. Näiteks, tehnilist poolt kajastavate edufaktorite kontekstis on väga oluline ‘Mudeli struktuur’, mis otseselt mõjutab protsessimudeli laiemat kasutust organisatsioonis. Organisatsiooni ja kasutajate kontekstis mängib olulist rolli juhtkonna eeskuju protsessimudeli aktiivsel kasutamisel.A picture is worth a thousand words, but adding even a few words can greatly enhance a picture. It is common to find textual and diagrammatic components complementing each other in enterprise models in general, and in business process models in particular. This doctoral thesis discusses the questions of: (i) how do structured and unstructured components of process models co-exist with each other in practice; and (ii) what determines that a process model is used on a sustained basis within an organization? Presenting the process hierarchy of a process model in a structured form has a positive impact on the sustained use of the model. Caution is necessary when adding structured components into the descriptions of processes — it might not be easy for process workers to understand the structure(s) and obtain essential information from the diagrams. Thus, the balance between pure text and diagrams needs to be “shifted” toward the text, especially in the context of larger process models where the amount of information is great and the process diagrams tend to be voluminous and complicated. If a significant part of the information is presented on a diagram and less information is given via text (you have to “read” the diagram first), then the model is rather appropriate for technical people but has no place in the knowledge base of process workers. A good balance between the organizational setting (factors related to Organization, Users and Process Modelling) and technical parameters directly related to the knowledge base (factors related to Model and Tools) is necessary when the sustained use of knowledge base is important for the organization. One factor in particular that was highlighted in the context of technical parameters as contributing to sustained use was the Structure of the process model. The impact of management on users through a positive example plays a substantial role during the deployment phase of the knowledge base in the organization

    Quality of process modeling using BPMN: a model-driven approach

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia InformáticaContext: The BPMN 2.0 specification contains the rules regarding the correct usage of the language’s constructs. Practitioners have also proposed best-practices for producing better BPMN models. However, those rules are expressed in natural language, yielding sometimes ambiguous interpretation, and therefore, flaws in produced BPMN models. Objective: Ensuring the correctness of BPMN models is critical for the automation of processes. Hence, errors in the BPMN models specification should be detected and corrected at design time, since faults detected at latter stages of processes’ development can be more costly and hard to correct. So, we need to assess the quality of BPMN models in a rigorous and systematic way. Method: We follow a model-driven approach for formalization and empirical validation of BPMN well-formedness rules and BPMN measures for enhancing the quality of BPMN models. Results: The rule mining of BPMN specification, as well as recently published BPMN works, allowed the gathering of more than a hundred of BPMN well-formedness and best-practices rules. Furthermore, we derived a set of BPMN measures aiming to provide information to process modelers regarding the correctness of BPMN models. Both BPMN rules, as well as BPMN measures were empirically validated through samples of BPMN models. Limitations: This work does not cover control-flow formal properties in BPMN models, since they were extensively discussed in other process modeling research works. Conclusion: We intend to contribute for improving BPMN modeling tools, through the formalization of well-formedness rules and BPMN measures to be incorporated in those tools, in order to enhance the quality of process modeling outcomes

    Bridging the gap between textual and formal business process representations

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsIn the era of digital transformation, an increasing number of organizations are start ing to think in terms of business processes. Processes are at the very heart of each business, and must be understood and carried out by a wide range of actors, from both technical and non-technical backgrounds alike. When embracing digital transformation practices, there is a need for all involved parties to be aware of the underlying business processes in an organization. However, the representational complexity and biases of the state-of-the-art modeling notations pose a challenge in understandability. On the other hand, plain language representations, accessible by nature and easily understood by everyone, are often frowned upon by technical specialists due to their ambiguity. The aim of this thesis is precisely to bridge this gap: Between the world of the techni cal, formal languages and the world of simpler, accessible natural languages. Structured as an article compendium, in this thesis we present four main contributions to address specific problems in the intersection between the fields of natural language processing and business process management.A l’era de la transformació digital, cada vegada més organitzacions comencen a pensar en termes de processos de negoci. Els processos són el nucli principal de tota empresa i, com a tals, han de ser fàcilment comprensibles per un ampli ventall de rols, tant perfils tècnics com no-tècnics. Quan s’adopta la transformació digital, és necessari que totes les parts involucrades estiguin ben informades sobre els protocols implantats com a part del procés de digitalització. Tot i això, la complexitat i biaixos de representació dels llenguatges de modelització que actualment conformen l’estat de l’art sovint en dificulten la seva com prensió. D’altra banda, les representacions basades en documentació usant llenguatge natural, accessibles per naturalesa i fàcilment comprensibles per tothom, moltes vegades són vistes com un problema pels perfils més tècnics a causa de la presència d’ambigüitats en els textos. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és precisament el de superar aquesta distància: La distància entre el món dels llenguatges tècnics i formals amb el dels llenguatges naturals, més accessibles i senzills. Amb una estructura de compendi d’articles, en aquesta tesi presentem quatre grans línies de recerca per adreçar problemes específics en aquesta intersecció entre les tecnologies d’anàlisi de llenguatge natural i la gestió dels processos de negoci.Postprint (published version

    A Value-Driven Framework for Software Architecture

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    Software that is not aligned with the business values of the organization for which it was developed does not entirely fulfill its raison d’etre. Business values represent what is important in a company, or organization, and should influence the overall software system behavior, contributing to the overall success of the organization. However, approaches to derive a software architecture considering the business values exchanged between an organization and its market players are lacking. Our quest is to address this problem and investigate how to derive value-centered architectural models systematically. We used the Technology Research method to address this PhD research question. This methodological approach proposes three steps: problem analysis, innovation, and validation. The problem analysis was performed using systematic studies of the literature to obtain full coverage on the main themes of this work, particularly, business value modeling, software architecture methods, and software architecture derivation methods. Next, the innovation step was accomplished by creating a framework for the derivation of a software reference architecture model considering an organization’s business values. The resulting framework is composed of three core modules: Business Value Modeling, Agile Reference Architecture Modeling, and Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling. While the Business value modeling module focuses on building a stakeholder-centric business specification, the Agile Reference Architecture Modeling and the Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling modules concentrate on generating a software reference architecture aligned with the business value specification. Finally, the validation part of our framework is achieved through proof-of-concept prototypes for three new domain specific languages, case studies, and quasi-experiments, including a family of controlled experiments. The findings from our research show that the complexity and lack of rigor in the existing approaches to represent business values can be addressed by an early requirements specification method that represents the value exchanges of a business. Also, by using sophisticated model-driven engineering techniques (e.g., metamodels, model transformations, and model transformation languages), it was possible to obtain source generators to derive a software architecture model based on early requirements value models, while assuring traceability throughout the architectural derivation process. In conclusion, despite using sophisticated techniques, the derivation process of a software reference architecture is helped by simple to use methods supported by black box transformations and guidelines that facilitate the activities for the less experienced software architects. The experimental validation process used confirmed that our framework is feasible and perceived as easy to use and useful, also indicating that the participants of the experiments intend to use it in the future

    Dynamic reconfiguration of cloud application architectures

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    [EN] Service-based cloud applications are software systems that continuously evolve to satisfy new user requirements and technological changes. This kind of applications also require elasticity, scalability, and high availability, which means that deployment of new functionalities or architectural adaptations to fulfill service level agreements (SLAs) should be performed while the application is in execution. Dynamic architectural reconfiguration is essential to minimize system disruptions while new or modified services are being integrated into existing cloud applications. Thus, cloud applications should be developed following principles that support dynamic reconfiguration of services, and also tools to automate these reconfigurations at runtime are needed. This paper presents an extension of a model-driven method for dynamic and incremental architecture reconfiguration of cloud services that allows developers to specify new services as software increments, and the tool to generate the implementation code for the services integration logic and the deployment and architectural reconfiguration scripts specific to the cloud environment in which the service will be deployed (e.g., Microsoft Azure). We also report the results of a quasi-experiment that empirically validate our method. It was conducted to evaluate their perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived intention to use. The results show that the participants perceive the method to be useful, and they also expressed their intention to use the method in the future. Although further experiments must be carried out to corroborate these results, the method has proven to be a promising architectural reconfiguration process for cloud applications in the context of agile and incremental development processes.This research is supported by the Value@Cloud project (MINECO TIN2013-46300-R), DIUC_XIV_2016_038 project, and the Microsoft Azure Research AwardZúñiga-Prieto, MÁ.; Gonzalez-Huerta, J.; Insfran, E.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM. (2018). Dynamic reconfiguration of cloud application architectures. Software Practice and Experience. 48(2):327-344. https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.2457S32734448

    Secure*BPMN - a graphical extension for BPMN 2.0 based on a reference model of information assurance & security

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    The main contribution of this thesis is Secure*BPMN, a graphical security modelling extension for the de-facto industry standard business process modelling language BPMN 2.0.1. Secure*BPMN enables a cognitively effective representation of security concerns in business process models. It facilitates the engagement of experts with different backgrounds, including non-security and nontechnical experts, in the discussion of security concerns and in security decision-making. The strength and novelty of Secure*BPMN lie in its comprehensive semantics based on a Reference Model of Information Assurance & Security (RMIAS) and in its cognitively effective syntax. The RMIAS, which was developed in this project, is a synthesis of the existing knowledge of the Information Assurance & Security domain. The RMIAS helps to build an agreed-upon understanding of Information Assurance & Security, which experts with different backgrounds require before they may proceed with the discussion of security issues. The development process of the RMIAS, which was made explicit, and the multiphase evaluation carried out confirmed the completeness and accuracy of the RMIAS, and its suitability as a foundation for the semantics of Secure*BPMN. The RMIAS, which has multiple implications for research, education and practice is a secondary contribution of this thesis, and is a contribution to the Information Assurance & Security domain in its own right. The syntax of Secure*BPMN complies with the BPMN extensibility rules and with the scientific principles of cognitively effective notation design. The analytical and empirical evaluations corroborated the ontological completeness, cognitive effectiveness, ease of use and usefulness of Secure*BPMN. It was verified that Secure*BPMN has a potential to be adopted in practice

    Explanation of the Model Checker Verification Results

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    Immer wenn neue Anforderungen an ein System gestellt werden, müssen die Korrektheit und Konsistenz der Systemspezifikation überprüft werden, was in der Praxis in der Regel manuell erfolgt. Eine mögliche Option, um die Nachteile dieser manuellen Analyse zu überwinden, ist das sogenannte Contract-Based Design. Dieser Entwurfsansatz kann den Verifikationsprozess zur Überprüfung, ob die Anforderungen auf oberster Ebene konsistent verfeinert wurden, automatisieren. Die Verifikation kann somit iterativ durchgeführt werden, um die Korrektheit und Konsistenz des Systems angesichts jeglicher Änderung der Spezifikationen sicherzustellen. Allerdings ist es aufgrund der mangelnden Benutzerfreundlichkeit und der Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation von Verifizierungsergebnissen immer noch eine Herausforderung, formale Ansätze in der Industrie einzusetzen. Stellt beispielsweise der Model Checker bei der Verifikation eine Inkonsistenz fest, generiert er ein Gegenbeispiel (Counterexample) und weist gleichzeitig darauf hin, dass die gegebenen Eingabespezifikationen inkonsistent sind. Hier besteht die gewaltige Herausforderung darin, das generierte Gegenbeispiel zu verstehen, das oft sehr lang, kryptisch und komplex ist. Darüber hinaus liegt es in der Verantwortung der Ingenieurin bzw. des Ingenieurs, die inkonsistente Spezifikation in einer potenziell großen Menge von Spezifikationen zu identifizieren. Diese Arbeit schlägt einen Ansatz zur Erklärung von Gegenbeispielen (Counterexample Explanation Approach) vor, der die Verwendung von formalen Methoden vereinfacht und fördert, indem benutzerfreundliche Erklärungen der Verifikationsergebnisse der Ingenieurin bzw. dem Ingenieur präsentiert werden. Der Ansatz zur Erklärung von Gegenbeispielen wird mittels zweier Methoden evaluiert: (1) Evaluation anhand verschiedener Anwendungsbeispiele und (2) eine Benutzerstudie in Form eines One-Group Pretest-Posttest Experiments.Whenever new requirements are introduced for a system, the correctness and consistency of the system specification must be verified, which is often done manually in industrial settings. One viable option to traverse disadvantages of this manual analysis is to employ the contract-based design, which can automate the verification process to determine whether the refinements of top-level requirements are consistent. Thus, verification can be performed iteratively to ensure the system’s correctness and consistency in the face of any change in specifications. Having said that, it is still challenging to deploy formal approaches in industries due to their lack of usability and their difficulties in interpreting verification results. For instance, if the model checker identifies inconsistency during the verification, it generates a counterexample while also indicating that the given input specifications are inconsistent. Here, the formidable challenge is to comprehend the generated counterexample, which is often lengthy, cryptic, and complex. Furthermore, it is the engineer’s responsibility to identify the inconsistent specification among a potentially huge set of specifications. This PhD thesis proposes a counterexample explanation approach for formal methods that simplifies and encourages their use by presenting user-friendly explanations of the verification results. The proposed counterexample explanation approach identifies and explains relevant information from the verification result in what seems like a natural language statement. The counterexample explanation approach extracts relevant information by identifying inconsistent specifications from among the set of specifications, as well as erroneous states and variables from the counterexample. The counterexample explanation approach is evaluated using two methods: (1) evaluation with different application examples, and (2) a user-study known as one-group pretest and posttest experiment