124 research outputs found

    Development of Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Estimation

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    La retinopatia diabètica (DR) és una malaltia crònica. És una de les principals complicacions de diabetis i una causa essencial de pèrdua de visió entre les persones que pateixen diabetis. Els pacients diabètics han de ser analitzats periòdicament per tal de detectar signes de desenvolupament de la retinopatia en una fase inicial. El cribratge precoç i freqüent disminueix el risc de pèrdua de visió i minimitza la càrrega als centres assistencials. El nombre dels pacients diabètics està en augment i creixements ràpids, de manera que el fa difícil que consumeix recursos per realitzar un cribatge anual a tots ells. L’objectiu principal d’aquest doctorat. la tesi consisteix en construir un sistema de suport de decisions clíniques (CDSS) basat en dades de registre de salut electrònic (EHR). S'utilitzarà aquest CDSS per estimar el risc de desenvolupar RD. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'estudien mètodes d'aprenentatge automàtic per constuir un CDSS basat en regles lingüístiques difuses. El coneixement expressat en aquest tipus de regles facilita que el metge sàpiga quines combindacions de les condicions són les poden provocar el risc de desenvolupar RD. En aquest treball, proposo un mètode per reduir la incertesa en la classificació dels pacients que utilitzen arbres de decisió difusos (FDT). A continuació es combinen diferents arbres, usant la tècnica de Fuzzy Random Forest per millorar la qualitat de la predicció. A continuació es proposen diverses tècniques d'agregació que millorin la fusió dels resultats que ens dóna cadascun dels arbres FDT. Per millorar la decisió final dels nostres models, proposo tres mesures difuses que s'utilitzen amb integrals de Choquet i Sugeno. La definició d’aquestes mesures difuses es basa en els valors de confiança de les regles. En particular, una d'elles és una mesura difusa que es troba en la qual l'estructura jeràrquica de la FDT és explotada per trobar els valors de la mesura difusa. El resultat final de la recerca feta ha donat lloc a un programari que es pot instal·lar en centres d’assistència primària i hospitals, i pot ser usat pels metges de capçalera per fer l'avaluació preventiva i el cribatge de la Retinopatia Diabètica.La retinopatía diabética (RD) es una enfermedad crónica. Es una de las principales complicaciones de diabetes y una causa esencial de pérdida de visión entre las personas que padecen diabetes. Los pacientes diabéticos deben ser examinados periódicamente para detectar signos de diabetes. desarrollo de retinopatía en una etapa temprana. La detección temprana y frecuente disminuye el riesgo de pérdida de visión y minimiza la carga en los centros de salud. El número de pacientes diabéticos es enorme y está aumentando rápidamente, lo que lo hace difícil y Consume recursos para realizar una evaluación anual para todos ellos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es construir un sistema de apoyo a la decisión clínica (CDSS) basado en datos de registros de salud electrónicos (EHR). Este CDSS será utilizado para estimar el riesgo de desarrollar RD. En este tesis doctoral se estudian métodos de aprendizaje automático para construir un CDSS basado en reglas lingüísticas difusas. El conocimiento expresado en este tipo de reglas facilita que el médico pueda saber que combinaciones de las condiciones son las que pueden provocar el riesgo de desarrollar RD. En este trabajo propongo un método para reducir la incertidumbre en la clasificación de los pacientes que usan árboles de decisión difusos (FDT). A continuación se combinan diferentes árboles usando la técnica de Fuzzy Random Forest para mejorar la calidad de la predicción. Se proponen también varias políticas para fusionar los resultados de que nos da cada uno de los árboles (FDT). Para mejorar la decisión final propongo tres medidas difusas que se usan con las integrales Choquet y Sugeno. La definición de estas medidas difusas se basa en los valores de confianza de las reglas. En particular, uno de ellos es una medida difusa descomponible en la que se usa la estructura jerárquica del FDT para encontrar los valores de la medida difusa. Como resultado final de la investigación se ha construido un software que puede instalarse en centros de atención médica y hospitales, i que puede ser usado por los médicos de cabecera para hacer la evaluación preventiva y el cribado de la Retinopatía Diabética.Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a chronic illness. It is one of the main complications of diabetes, and an essential cause of vision loss among people suffering from diabetes. Diabetic patients must be periodically screened in order to detect signs of diabetic retinopathy development in an early stage. Early and frequent screening decreases the risk of vision loss and minimizes the load on the health care centres. The number of the diabetic patients is huge and rapidly increasing so that makes it hard and resource-consuming to perform a yearly screening to all of them. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to build a clinical decision support system (CDSS) based on electronic health record (EHR) data. This CDSS will be utilised to estimate the risk of developing RD. In this Ph.D. thesis, I focus on developing novel interpretable machine learning systems. Fuzzy based systems with linguistic terms are going to be proposed. The output of such systems makes the physician know what combinations of the features that can cause the risk of developing DR. In this work, I propose a method to reduce the uncertainty in classifying diabetic patients using fuzzy decision trees. A Fuzzy Random forest (FRF) approach is proposed as well to estimate the risk for developing DR. Several policies are going to be proposed to merge the classification results achieved by different Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT) models to improve the quality of the final decision of our models, I propose three fuzzy measures that are used with Choquet and Sugeno integrals. The definition of these fuzzy measures is based on the confidence values of the rules. In particular, one of them is a decomposable fuzzy measure in which the hierarchical structure of the FDT is exploited to find the values of the fuzzy measure. Out of this Ph.D. work, we have built a CDSS software that may be installed in the health care centres and hospitals in order to evaluate and detect Diabetic Retinopathy at early stages

    Scalable intelligent electronic catalogs

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    The world today is full of information systems which make huge quantities of information available. This incredible amount of information is clearly overwhelming Internet endusers. As a consequence, intelligent tools to identify worthwhile information are needed, in order to fully assist people in finding the right information. Moreover, most systems are ultimately used, not just to provide information, but also to solve problems. Encouraged by the growing popular success of Internet and the enormous business potential of electronic commerce, e-catalogs have been consolidated as one of the most relevant types of information systems. Nearly all currently available electronic catalogs are offering tools for extracting product information based on key-attribute filtering methods. The most advanced electronic catalogs are implemented as recommender systems using collaborative filtering techniques. This dissertation focuses on strategies for coping with the difficulty of building intelligent catalogs which fully support the user in his purchase decision-making process, while maintaining the scalability of the whole system. The contributions of this thesis lie on a mixed-initiative system which is inspired by observations on traditional commerce activities. Such a conversational model consists basically of a dialog between the customer and the system, where the user criticizes proposed products and the catalog suggests new products accordingly. Constraint satisfaction techniques are analyzed in order to provide a uniform framework for modeling electronic catalogs for configurable products. Within the same framework, user preferences and optimization constraints are also easily modeled. Searching strategies for proposing the adequate products according to criteria are described in detail. Another dimension of this dissertation faces the problem of scalability, i.e., the problem of supporting hundreds, or thousands of users simultaneously using intelligent electronic catalogs. Traditional wisdom would presume that in order to provide full assistance to users in complex tasks, the business logic of the system must be complex, thus preventing scalability. SmartClient is a software architectural model that uses constraint satisfaction problems for representing solution spaces, instead of traditional models which represent solution spaces by collections of single solutions. This main idea is supported by the fact that constraint solvers are extreme in their compactness and simplicity, while providing sophisticated business logic. Different SmartClient architecture configurations are provided for different uses and architectural requirements. In order to illustrate the use of constraint satisfaction techniques for complex electronic catalogs with the SmartClient architecture, a commercial Internet-based application for travel planning, called reality, has been successfully developed. Travel planning is a particularly appropriate domain for validating the results of this research, since travel information is dynamic, travel planning problems are combinatorial, and moreover, complex user preferences and optimization constraints must be taken into consideration

    Représentation et combinaison d'informations incertaines : nouveaux résultats avec applications aux études de sûreté nucléaires

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    It often happens that the value of some parameters or variables of a system are imperfectly known, either because of the variability of the modelled phenomena, or because the availableinformation is imprecise or incomplete. Classical probability theory is usually used to treat these uncertainties. However, recent years have witnessed the appearance of arguments pointing to the conclusion that classical probabilities are inadequate to handle imprecise or incomplete information. Other frameworks have thus been proposed to address this problem: the three main are probability sets, random sets and possibility theory. There are many open questions concerning uncertainty treatment within these frameworks. More precisely, it is necessary to build bridges between these three frameworks to advance toward a unified handlingof uncertainty. Also, there is a need of practical methods to treat information, as using these framerowks can be computationally costly. In this work, we propose some answers to these two needs for a set of commonly encountered problems. In particular, we focus on the problems of:- Uncertainty representation- Fusion and evluation of multiple source information- Independence modellingThe aim being to give tools (both of theoretical and practical nature) to treat uncertainty. Some tools are then applied to some problems related to nuclear safety issues.Souvent, les valeurs de certains paramètres ou variables d'un système ne sont connues que de façon imparfaite, soit du fait de la variabilité des phénomènes physiques que l'on cherche à représenter,soit parce que l'information dont on dispose est imprécise, incomplète ou pas complètement fiable.Usuellement, cette incertitude est traitée par la théorie classique des probabilités. Cependant, ces dernières années ont vu apparaître des arguments indiquant que les probabilités classiques sont inadéquates lorsqu'il faut représenter l'imprécision présente dans l'information. Des cadres complémentaires aux probabilités classiques ont donc été proposés pour remédier à ce problème : il s'agit, principalement, des ensembles de probabilités, des ensembles aléatoires et des possibilités. Beaucoup de questions concernant le traitement des incertitudes dans ces trois cadres restent ouvertes. En particulier, il est nécessaire d'unifier ces approches et de comprendre les liens existants entre elles, et de proposer des méthodes de traitement permettant d'utiliser ces approches parfois cher en temps de calcul. Dans ce travail, nous nous proposons d'apporter des réponses à ces deux besoins pour une série de problème de traitement de l'incertain rencontré en analyse de sûreté. En particulier, nous nous concentrons sur les problèmes suivants :- Représentation des incertitudes- Fusion/évaluation de données venant de sources multiples- Modélisation de l'indépendanceL'objectif étant de fournir des outils, à la fois théoriques et pratiques, de traitement d'incertitude. Certains de ces outils sont ensuite appliqués à des problèmes rencontrés en sûreté nucléaire

    Handling imperfect information in criterion evaluation, aggregation and indexing

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    A rough set-based association rule approach implemented on exploring beverages product spectrum

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    [[abstract]]When items are classified according to whether they have more or less of a characteristic, the scale used is referred to as an ordinal scale. The main characteristic of the ordinal scale is that the categories have a logical or ordered relationship to each other. Thus, the ordinal scale data processing is very common in marketing, satisfaction and attitudinal research. This study proposes a new data mining method, using a rough set-based association rule, to analyze ordinal scale data, which has the ability to handle uncertainty in the data classification/sorting process. The induction of rough-set rules is presented as method of dealing with data uncertainty, while creating predictive if—then rules that generalize data values, for the beverage market in Taiwan. Empirical evaluation reveals that the proposed Rough Set Associational Rule (RSAR), combined with rough set theory, is superior to existing methods of data classification and can more effectively address the problems associated with ordinal scale data, for exploration of a beverage product spectrum.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Optimization Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory

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    Optimization is of central concern to a number of disciplines. Operations Research and Decision Theory are often considered to be identical with optimization. But also in other areas such as engineering design, regional policy, logistics and many others, the search for optimal solutions is one of the prime goals. The methods and models which have been used over the last decades in these areas have primarily been "hard" or "crisp", i.e. the solutions were considered to be either feasible or unfeasible, either above a certain aspiration level or below. This dichotomous structure of methods very often forced the modeler to approximate real problem situations of the more-or-less type by yes-or-no-type models, the solutions of which might turn out not to be the solutions to the real problems. This is particularly true if the problem under consideration includes vaguely defined relationships, human evaluations, uncertainty due to inconsistent or incomplete evidence, if natural language has to be modeled or if state variables can only be described approximately. Until recently, everything which was not known with certainty, i.e. which was not known to be either true or false or which was not known to either happen with certainty or to be impossible to occur, was modeled by means of probabilities. This holds in particular for uncertainties concerning the occurrence of events. probability theory was used irrespective of whether its axioms (such as, for instance, the law of large numbers) were satisfied or not, or whether the "events" could really be described unequivocally and crisply. In the meantime one has become aware of the fact that uncertainties concerning the occurrence as well as concerning the description of events ought to be modeled in a much more differentiated way. New concepts and theories have been developed to do this: the theory of evidence, possibility theory, the theory of fuzzy sets have been advanced to a stage of remarkable maturity and have already been applied successfully in numerous cases and in many areas. Unluckily, the progress in these areas has been so fast in the last years that it has not been documented in a way which makes these results easily accessible and understandable for newcomers to these areas: text-books have not been able to keep up with the speed of new developments; edited volumes have been published which are very useful for specialists in these areas, but which are of very little use to nonspecialists because they assume too much of a background in fuzzy set theory. To a certain degree the same is true for the existing professional journals in the area of fuzzy set theory. Altogether this volume is a very important and appreciable contribution to the literature on fuzzy set theory

    Representing archaeological uncertainty in cultural informatics

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    This thesis sets out to explore, describe, quantify, and visualise uncertainty in a cultural informatics context, with a focus on archaeological reconstructions. For quite some time, archaeologists and heritage experts have been criticising the often toorealistic appearance of three-dimensional reconstructions. They have been highlighting one of the unique features of archaeology: the information we have on our heritage will always be incomplete. This incompleteness should be reflected in digitised reconstructions of the past. This criticism is the driving force behind this thesis. The research examines archaeological theory and inferential process and provides insight into computer visualisation. It describes how these two areas, of archaeology and computer graphics, have formed a useful, but often tumultuous, relationship through the years. By examining the uncertainty background of disciplines such as GIS, medicine, and law, the thesis postulates that archaeological visualisation, in order to mature, must move towards archaeological knowledge visualisation. Three sequential areas are proposed through this thesis for the initial exploration of archaeological uncertainty: identification, quantification and modelling. The main contributions of the thesis lie in those three areas. Firstly, through the innovative design, distribution, and analysis of a questionnaire, the thesis identifies the importance of uncertainty in archaeological interpretation and discovers potential preferences among different evidence types. Secondly, the thesis uniquely analyses and evaluates, in relation to archaeological uncertainty, three different belief quantification models. The varying ways that these mathematical models work, are also evaluated through simulated experiments. Comparison of results indicates significant convergence between the models. Thirdly, a novel approach to archaeological uncertainty and evidence conflict visualisation is presented, influenced by information visualisation schemes. Lastly, suggestions for future semantic extensions to this research are presented through the design and development of new plugins to a search engine