1,372 research outputs found

    DR.SGX: Hardening SGX Enclaves against Cache Attacks with Data Location Randomization

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    Recent research has demonstrated that Intel's SGX is vulnerable to various software-based side-channel attacks. In particular, attacks that monitor CPU caches shared between the victim enclave and untrusted software enable accurate leakage of secret enclave data. Known defenses assume developer assistance, require hardware changes, impose high overhead, or prevent only some of the known attacks. In this paper we propose data location randomization as a novel defensive approach to address the threat of side-channel attacks. Our main goal is to break the link between the cache observations by the privileged adversary and the actual data accesses by the victim. We design and implement a compiler-based tool called DR.SGX that instruments enclave code such that data locations are permuted at the granularity of cache lines. We realize the permutation with the CPU's cryptographic hardware-acceleration units providing secure randomization. To prevent correlation of repeated memory accesses we continuously re-randomize all enclave data during execution. Our solution effectively protects many (but not all) enclaves from cache attacks and provides a complementary enclave hardening technique that is especially useful against unpredictable information leakage

    Transparent multi-core speculative parallelization of DES models with event and cross-state dependencies

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    In this article we tackle transparent parallelization of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) models to be run on top of multi-core machines according to speculative schemes. The innovation in our proposal lies in that we consider a more general programming and execution model, compared to the one targeted by state of the art PDES platforms, where the boundaries of the state portion accessible while processing an event at a specific simulation object do not limit access to the actual object state, or to shared global variables. Rather, the simulation object is allowed to access (and alter) the state of any other object, thus causing what we term cross-state dependency. We note that this model exactly complies with typical (easy to manage) sequential-style DES programming, where a (dynamically-allocated) state portion of object A can be accessed by object B in either read or write mode (or both) by, e.g., passing a pointer to B as the payload of a scheduled simulation event. However, while read/write memory accesses performed in the sequential run are always guaranteed to observe (and to give rise to) a consistent snapshot of the state of the simulation model, consistency is not automatically guaranteed in case of parallelization and concurrent execution of simulation objects with cross-state dependencies. We cope with such a consistency issue, and its application-transparent support, in the context of parallel and optimistic executions. This is achieved by introducing an advanced memory management architecture, able to efficiently detect read/write accesses by concurrent objects to whichever object state in an application transparent manner, together with advanced synchronization mechanisms providing the advantage of exploiting parallelism in the underlying multi-core architecture while transparently handling both cross-state and traditional event-based dependencies. Our proposal targets Linux and has been integrated with the ROOT-Sim open source optimistic simulation platform, although its design principles, and most parts of the developed software, are of general relevance. Copyright 2014 ACM

    Mechanisms for Unbounded, Conflict-Robust Hardware Transactional Memory

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    Conventional lock implementations serialize access to critical sections guarded by the same lock, presenting programmers with a difficult tradeoff between granularity of synchronization and amount of parallelism realized. Recently, researchers have been investigating an emerging synchronization mechanism called transactional memory as an alternative to such conventional lock-based synchronization. Memory transactions have the semantics of executing in isolation from one another while in reality executing speculatively in parallel, aborting when necessary to maintain the appearance of isolation. This combination of coarse-grained isolation and optimistic parallelism has the potential to ease the tradeoff presented by lock-based programming. This dissertation studies the hardware implementation of transactional memory, making three main contributions. First, we propose the permissions-only cache, a mechanism that efficiently increases the size of transactions that can be handled in the local cache hierarchy to optimize performance. Second, we propose OneTM, an unbounded hardware transactional memory system that serializes transactions that escape the local cache hierarchy. Finally, we propose RetCon, a novel mechanism for detecting conflicts that reduces conflicts by allowing transactions to commit with different values than those with which they executed as long as dataflow and control-flow constraints are maintained

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications

    Efficient runtime systems for speculative parallelization

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    Manuelle Parallelisierung ist zeitaufwändig und fehleranfällig. Automatische Parallelisierung andererseits findet häufig nur einen Bruchteil der verfügbaren Parallelität. Mithilfe von Spekulation kann jedoch auch für komplexere Programme ein Großteil der Parallelität ausgenutzt werden. Spekulativ parallelisierte Programme benötigen zur Ausführung immer ein Laufzeitsystem, um die spekulativen Annahmen abzusichern und für den Fall des Nichtzutreffens die korrekte Ausführungssemantik sicherzustellen. Solche Laufzeitsysteme sollen die Ausführungszeit des parallelen Programms so wenig wie möglich beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir, inwiefern aktuelle Systeme, die Speicherzugriffe explizit und in Software beobachten, diese Anforderung erfüllen, und stellen Änderungen vor, die die Laufzeit massiv verbessern. Außerdem entwerfen wir zwei neue Systeme, die mithilfe von virtueller Speicherverwaltung das Programm indirekt beobachten und dadurch eine deutlich geringere Auswirkung auf die Laufzeit haben. Eines der vorgestellten Systeme ist mittels eines Moduls direkt in den Linux-Betriebssystemkern integriert und bietet so die bestmögliche Effizienz. Darüber hinaus bietet es weitreichendere Sicherheitsgarantien als alle bisherigen Techniken, indem sogar Systemaufrufe zum Beispiel zur Datei Ein- und Ausgabe in der spekulativen Isolation mit eingeschlossen sind. Wir zeigen an einer Reihe von Benchmarks die Überlegenheit unserer Spekulationssyteme über den derzeitigen Stand der Technik. Sämtliche unserer Erweiterungen und Neuentwicklungen stehen als open source zur freien Verfügung. Diese Arbeit ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.Manual parallelization is time consuming and error-prone. Automatic parallelization on the other hand is often unable to extract substantial parallelism. Using speculation, however, most of the parallelism can be exploited even of complex programs. Speculatively parallelized programs always need a runtime system during execution in order to ensure the validity of the speculative assumptions, and to ensure the correct semantics even in the case of misspeculation. These runtime systems should influence the execution time of the parallel program as little as possible. In this thesis, we investigate to which extend state-of-the-art systems which track memory accesses explicitly in software fulfill this requirement. We describe and implement changes which improve their performance substantially. We also design two new systems utilizing virtual memory abstraction to track memory changed implicitly, thus causing less overhead during execution. One of the new systems is integrated into the Linux kernel as a kernel module, providing the best possible performance. Furthermore it provides stronger soundness guarantees than any state-of-the-art system by also capturing system calls, hence including for example file I/O into speculative isolation. In a number of benchmarks we show the performance improvements of our virtual memory based systems over the state of the art. All our extensions and newly developed speculation systems are made available as open source

    Towards Exascale Scientific Metadata Management

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    Advances in technology and computing hardware are enabling scientists from all areas of science to produce massive amounts of data using large-scale simulations or observational facilities. In this era of data deluge, effective coordination between the data production and the analysis phases hinges on the availability of metadata that describe the scientific datasets. Existing workflow engines have been capturing a limited form of metadata to provide provenance information about the identity and lineage of the data. However, much of the data produced by simulations, experiments, and analyses still need to be annotated manually in an ad hoc manner by domain scientists. Systematic and transparent acquisition of rich metadata becomes a crucial prerequisite to sustain and accelerate the pace of scientific innovation. Yet, ubiquitous and domain-agnostic metadata management infrastructure that can meet the demands of extreme-scale science is notable by its absence. To address this gap in scientific data management research and practice, we present our vision for an integrated approach that (1) automatically captures and manipulates information-rich metadata while the data is being produced or analyzed and (2) stores metadata within each dataset to permeate metadata-oblivious processes and to query metadata through established and standardized data access interfaces. We motivate the need for the proposed integrated approach using applications from plasma physics, climate modeling and neuroscience, and then discuss research challenges and possible solutions

    A speculative execution approach to provide semantically aware contention management for concurrent systems

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    PhD ThesisMost modern platforms offer ample potention for parallel execution of concurrent programs yet concurrency control is required to exploit parallelism while maintaining program correctness. Pessimistic con- currency control featuring blocking synchronization and mutual ex- clusion, has given way to transactional memory, which allows the composition of concurrent code in a manner more intuitive for the application programmer. An important component in any transactional memory technique however is the policy for resolving conflicts on shared data, commonly referred to as the contention management policy. In this thesis, a Universal Construction is described which provides contention management for software transactional memory. The technique differs from existing approaches given that multiple execution paths are explored speculatively and in parallel. In the resolution of conflicts by state space exploration, we demonstrate that both concur- rent conflicts and semantic conflicts can be solved, promoting multi- threaded program progression. We de ne a model of computation called Many Systems, which defines the execution of concurrent threads as a state space management problem. An implementation is then presented based on concepts from the model, and we extend the implementation to incorporate nested transactions. Results are provided which compare the performance of our approach with an established contention management policy, under varying degrees of concurrent and semantic conflicts. Finally, we provide performance results from a number of search strategies, when nested transactions are introduced

    Aikido: Accelerating shared data dynamic analyses

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    Despite a burgeoning demand for parallel programs, the tools available to developers working on shared-memory multicore processors have lagged behind. One reason for this is the lack of hardware support for inspecting the complex behavior of these parallel programs. Inter-thread communication, which must be instrumented for many types of analyses, may occur with any memory operation. To detect such thread communication in software, many existing tools require the instrumentation of all memory operations, which leads to significant performance overheads. To reduce this overhead, some existing tools resort to random sampling of memory operations, which introduces false negatives. Unfortunately, neither of these approaches provide the speed and accuracy programmers have traditionally expected from their tools. In this work, we present Aikido, a new system and framework that enables the development of efficient and transparent analyses that operate on shared data. Aikido uses a hybrid of existing hardware features and dynamic binary rewriting to detect thread communication with low overhead. Aikido runs a custom hypervisor below the operating system, which exposes per-thread hardware protection mechanisms not available in any widely used operating system. This hybrid approach allows us to benefit from the low cost of detecting memory accesses with hardware, while maintaining the word-level accuracy of a software-only approach. To evaluate our framework, we have implemented an Aikido-enabled vector clock race detector. Our results show that the Aikido enabled race-detector outperforms existing techniques that provide similar accuracy by up to 6.0x, and 76% on average, on the PARSEC benchmark suite.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant CCF-0832997)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (DOE SC0005288)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA HR0011-10- 9-0009