237 research outputs found

    Cognitive Robots for Social Interactions

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    One of my goals is to work towards developing Cognitive Robots, especially with regard to improving the functionalities that facilitate the interaction with human beings and their surrounding objects. Any cognitive system designated for serving human beings must be capable of processing the social signals and eventually enable efficient prediction and planning of appropriate responses. My main focus during my PhD study is to bridge the gap between the motoric space and the visual space. The discovery of the mirror neurons ([RC04]) shows that the visual perception of human motion (visual space) is directly associated to the motor control of the human body (motor space). This discovery poses a large number of challenges in different fields such as computer vision, robotics and neuroscience. One of the fundamental challenges is the understanding of the mapping between 2D visual space and 3D motoric control, and further developing building blocks (primitives) of human motion in the visual space as well as in the motor space. First, I present my study on the visual-motoric mapping of human actions. This study aims at mapping human actions in 2D videos to 3D skeletal representation. Second, I present an automatic algorithm to decompose motion capture (MoCap) sequences into synergies along with the times at which they are executed (or "activated") for each joint. Third, I proposed to use the Granger Causality as a tool to study the coordinated actions performed by at least two units. Recent scientific studies suggest that the above "action mirroring circuit" might be tuned to action coordination rather than single action mirroring. Fourth, I present the extraction of key poses in visual space. These key poses facilitate the further study of the "action mirroring circuit". I conclude the dissertation by describing the future of cognitive robotics study

    Similarity, Retrieval, and Classification of Motion Capture Data

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    Three-dimensional motion capture data is a digital representation of the complex spatio-temporal structure of human motion. Mocap data is widely used for the synthesis of realistic computer-generated characters in data-driven computer animation and also plays an important role in motion analysis tasks such as activity recognition. Both for efficiency and cost reasons, methods for the reuse of large collections of motion clips are gaining in importance in the field of computer animation. Here, an active field of research is the application of morphing and blending techniques for the creation of new, realistic motions from prerecorded motion clips. This requires the identification and extraction of logically related motions scattered within some data set. Such content-based retrieval of motion capture data, which is a central topic of this thesis, constitutes a difficult problem due to possible spatio-temporal deformations between logically related motions. Recent approaches to motion retrieval apply techniques such as dynamic time warping, which, however, are not applicable to large data sets due to their quadratic space and time complexity. In our approach, we introduce various kinds of relational features describing boolean geometric relations between specified body points and show how these features induce a temporal segmentation of motion capture data streams. By incorporating spatio-temporal invariance into the relational features and induced segments, we are able to adopt indexing methods allowing for flexible and efficient content-based retrieval in large motion capture databases. As a further application of relational motion features, a new method for fully automatic motion classification and retrieval is presented. We introduce the concept of motion templates (MTs), by which the spatio-temporal characteristics of an entire motion class can be learned from training data, yielding an explicit, compact matrix representation. The resulting class MT has a direct, semantic interpretation, and it can be manually edited, mixed, combined with other MTs, extended, and restricted. Furthermore, a class MT exhibits the characteristic as well as the variational aspects of the underlying motion class at a semantically high level. Classification is then performed by comparing a set of precomputed class MTs with unknown motion data and labeling matching portions with the respective motion class label. Here, the crucial point is that the variational (hence uncharacteristic) motion aspects encoded in the class MT are automatically masked out in the comparison, which can be thought of as locally adaptive feature selection

    Pathway to Future Symbiotic Creativity

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    This report presents a comprehensive view of our vision on the development path of the human-machine symbiotic art creation. We propose a classification of the creative system with a hierarchy of 5 classes, showing the pathway of creativity evolving from a mimic-human artist (Turing Artists) to a Machine artist in its own right. We begin with an overview of the limitations of the Turing Artists then focus on the top two-level systems, Machine Artists, emphasizing machine-human communication in art creation. In art creation, it is necessary for machines to understand humans' mental states, including desires, appreciation, and emotions, humans also need to understand machines' creative capabilities and limitations. The rapid development of immersive environment and further evolution into the new concept of metaverse enable symbiotic art creation through unprecedented flexibility of bi-directional communication between artists and art manifestation environments. By examining the latest sensor and XR technologies, we illustrate the novel way for art data collection to constitute the base of a new form of human-machine bidirectional communication and understanding in art creation. Based on such communication and understanding mechanisms, we propose a novel framework for building future Machine artists, which comes with the philosophy that a human-compatible AI system should be based on the "human-in-the-loop" principle rather than the traditional "end-to-end" dogma. By proposing a new form of inverse reinforcement learning model, we outline the platform design of machine artists, demonstrate its functions and showcase some examples of technologies we have developed. We also provide a systematic exposition of the ecosystem for AI-based symbiotic art form and community with an economic model built on NFT technology. Ethical issues for the development of machine artists are also discussed

    Learning-based 3D human motion capture and animation synthesis

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    Realistic virtual human avatar is a crucial element in a wide range of applications, from 3D animated movies to emerging AR/VR technologies. However, producing a believable 3D motion for such avatars is widely known to be a challenging task. A traditional 3D human motion generation pipeline consists of several stages, each requiring expensive equipment and skilled human labor to perform, limiting its usage beyond the entertainment industry despite its massive potential benefits. This thesis attempts to explore some alternative solutions to reduce the complexity of the traditional 3D animation pipeline. To this end, it presents several novel ways to perform 3D human motion capture, synthesis, and control. Specifically, it focuses on using learning-based methods to bypass the critical bottlenecks of the classical animation approach. First, a new 3D pose estimation method from in-the-wild monocular images is proposed, eliminating the need for a multi-camera setup in the traditional motion capture system. Second, it explores several data-driven designs to achieve a believable 3D human motion synthesis and control that can potentially reduce the need for manual animation. In particular, the problem of speech-driven 3D gesture synthesis is chosen as the case study due to its uniquely ambiguous nature. The improved motion generation quality is achieved by introducing a novel adversarial objective that rates the difference between real and synthetic data. A novel motion generation strategy is also introduced by combining a classical database search algorithm with a powerful deep learning method, resulting in a greater motion control variation than the purely predictive counterparts. Furthermore, this thesis also contributes a new way of collecting a large-scale 3D motion dataset through the use of learning-based monocular estimations methods. This result demonstrates the promising capability of learning-based monocular approaches and shows the prospect of combining these learning-based modules into an integrated 3D animation framework. The presented learning-based solutions open the possibility of democratizing the traditional 3D animation system that can be enabled using low-cost equipment, e.g., a single RGB camera. Finally, this thesis also discusses the potential further integration of these learning-based approaches to enhance 3D animation technology.Realistische virtuelle menschliche Avatare sind ein entscheidendes Element in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von 3D-Animationsfilmen bis hin zu neuen AR/VR-Technologien. Die Erzeugung glaubwürdiger Bewegungen solcher Avatare in drei Dimensionen ist bekanntermaßen eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. Traditionelle Pipelines zur Erzeugung menschlicher 3D-Bewegungen bestehen aus mehreren Stufen, die jede für sich genommen teure Ausrüstung und den Einsatz von Expertenwissen erfordern und daher trotz ihrer enormen potenziellen Vorteile abseits der Unterhaltungsindustrie nur eingeschränkt verwendbar sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Alternativen um die Komplexität der traditionellen 3D-Animations-Pipeline zu reduzieren. Zu diesem Zweck stellt sie mehrere neuartige Möglichkeiten zur Erfassung, Synthese und Steuerung humanoider 3D-Bewegungen vor. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Verwendung lernbasierter Methoden, um kritische Teile des klassischen Animationsansatzes zu überbrücken: Zunächst wird eine neue 3D-Pose-Estimation-Methode für monokulare Bilder vorgeschlagen, um die Notwendigkeit mehrerer Kameras im traditionellen Motion-Capture-Ansatz zu beseitigen. Des Weiteren untersucht die Arbeit mehrere datengetriebene Ansätze zur Synthese und Steuerung glaubwürdiger humanoider 3D-Bewegungen, die möglicherweise den Bedarf an manueller Animation reduzieren können. Als Fallstudie wird, aufgrund seiner einzigartig mehrdeutigen Natur, das Problem der sprachgetriebenen 3D-Gesten-Synthese untersucht. Die Verbesserungen in der Qualität der erzeugten Bewegungen wird durch eine neuartige Kostenfunktion erreicht, die den Unterschied zwischen realen und synthetischen Daten bewertet. Außerdem wird eine neue Strategie zur Bewegungssynthese beschrieben, die eine klassische Datenbanksuche mit einer leistungsstarken Deep-Learning-Methode kombiniert, was zu einer größeren Variation der Bewegungssteuerung führt, als rein lernbasierte Verfahren sie bieten. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Dissertation besteht in einer neuen Methode zum Aufbau eines großen Datensatzes dreidimensionaler Bewegungen, auf Grundlage lernbasierter monokularer Pose-Estimation- Methoden. Dies demonstriert die vielversprechenden Möglichkeiten lernbasierter monokularer Methoden und lässt die Aussicht erkennen, diese lernbasierten Module zu einem integrierten 3D-Animations- Framework zu kombinieren. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten lernbasierten Lösungen eröffnen die Möglichkeit, das traditionelle 3D-Animationssystem auch mit kostengünstiger Ausrüstung, wie z.B. einer einzelnen RGB-Kamera verwendbar zu machen. Abschließend diskutiert diese Arbeit auch die mögliche weitere Integration dieser lernbasierten Ansätze zur Verbesserung der 3D-Animationstechnologie

    Exploring sparsity, self-similarity, and low rank approximation in action recognition, motion retrieval, and action spotting

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    This thesis consists of 4 major parts. In the first part (Chapters 1-2), we introduce the overview, motivation, and contribution of our works, and extensively survey the current literature for 6 related topics. In the second part (Chapters 3-7), we explore the concept of Self-Similarity in two challenging scenarios, namely, the Action Recognition and the Motion Retrieval. We build three-dimensional volume representations for both scenarios, and devise effective techniques that can produce compact representations encoding the internal dynamics of data. In the third part (Chapter 8), we explore the challenging action spotting problem, and propose a feature-independent unsupervised framework that is effective in spotting action under various real situations, even under heavily perturbed conditions. The final part (Chapters 9) is dedicated to conclusions and future works. For action recognition, we introduce a generic method that does not depend on one particular type of input feature vector. We make three main contributions: (i) We introduce the concept of Joint Self-Similarity Volume (Joint SSV) for modeling dynamical systems, and show that by using a new optimized rank-1 tensor approximation of Joint SSV one can obtain compact low-dimensional descriptors that very accurately preserve the dynamics of the original system, e.g. an action video sequence; (ii) The descriptor vectors derived from the optimized rank-1 approximation make it possible to recognize actions without explicitly aligning the action sequences of varying speed of execution or difference frame rates; (iii) The method is generic and can be applied using different low-level features such as silhouettes, histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), etc. Hence, it does not necessarily require explicit tracking of features in the space-time volume. Our experimental results on five public datasets demonstrate that our method produces very good results and outperforms many baseline methods. For action recognition for incomplete videos, we determine whether incomplete videos that are often discarded carry useful information for action recognition, and if so, how one can represent such mixed collection of video data (complete versus incomplete, and labeled versus unlabeled) in a unified manner. We propose a novel framework to handle incomplete videos in action classification, and make three main contributions: (i) We cast the action classification problem for a mixture of complete and incomplete data as a semi-supervised learning problem of labeled and unlabeled data. (ii) We introduce a two-step approach to convert the input mixed data into a uniform compact representation. (iii) Exhaustively scrutinizing 280 configurations, we experimentally show on our two created benchmarks that, even when the videos are extremely sparse and incomplete, it is still possible to recover useful information from them, and classify unknown actions by a graph based semi-supervised learning framework. For motion retrieval, we present a framework that allows for a flexible and an efficient retrieval of motion capture data in huge databases. The method first converts an action sequence into a self-similarity matrix (SSM), which is based on the notion of self-similarity. This conversion of the motion sequences into compact and low-rank subspace representations greatly reduces the spatiotemporal dimensionality of the sequences. The SSMs are then used to construct order-3 tensors, and we propose a low-rank decomposition scheme that allows for converting the motion sequence volumes into compact lower dimensional representations, without losing the nonlinear dynamics of the motion manifold. Thus, unlike existing linear dimensionality reduction methods that distort the motion manifold and lose very critical and discriminative components, the proposed method performs well, even when inter-class differences are small or intra-class differences are large. In addition, the method allows for an efficient retrieval and does not require the time-alignment of the motion sequences. We evaluate the performance of our retrieval framework on the CMU mocap dataset under two experimental settings, both demonstrating very good retrieval rates. For action spotting, our framework does not depend on any specific feature (e.g. HOG/HOF, STIP, silhouette, bag-of-words, etc.), and requires no human localization, segmentation, or framewise tracking. This is achieved by treating the problem holistically as that of extracting the internal dynamics of video cuboids by modeling them in their natural form as multilinear tensors. To extract their internal dynamics, we devised a novel Two-Phase Decomposition (TP-Decomp) of a tensor that generates very compact and discriminative representations that are robust to even heavily perturbed data. Technically, a Rank-based Tensor Core Pyramid (Rank-TCP) descriptor is generated by combining multiple tensor cores under multiple ranks, allowing to represent video cuboids in a hierarchical tensor pyramid. The problem then reduces to a template matching problem, which is solved efficiently by using two boosting strategies: (i) to reduce the search space, we filter the dense trajectory cloud extracted from the target video; (ii) to boost the matching speed, we perform matching in an iterative coarse-to-fine manner. Experiments on 5 benchmarks show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art under various challenging conditions. We also created a challenging dataset called Heavily Perturbed Video Arrays (HPVA) to validate the robustness of our framework under heavily perturbed situations

    Intelligent Sensors for Human Motion Analysis

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    The book, "Intelligent Sensors for Human Motion Analysis," contains 17 articles published in the Special Issue of the Sensors journal. These articles deal with many aspects related to the analysis of human movement. New techniques and methods for pose estimation, gait recognition, and fall detection have been proposed and verified. Some of them will trigger further research, and some may become the backbone of commercial systems

    HUMAN4D: A human-centric multimodal dataset for motions and immersive media

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    We introduce HUMAN4D, a large and multimodal 4D dataset that contains a variety of human activities simultaneously captured by a professional marker-based MoCap, a volumetric capture and an audio recording system. By capturing 2 female and 2 male professional actors performing vari

    Analysis of movement quality in full-body physical activities

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    Full-body human movement is characterized by fine-grain expressive qualities that humans are easily capable of exhibiting and recognizing in others' movement. In sports (e.g., martial arts) and performing arts (e.g., dance), the same sequence of movements can be performed in a wide range of ways characterized by different qualities, often in terms of subtle (spatial and temporal) perturbations of the movement. Even a non-expert observer can distinguish between a top-level and average performance by a dancer or martial artist. The difference is not in the performed movements-the same in both cases-but in the \u201cquality\u201d of their performance. In this article, we present a computational framework aimed at an automated approximate measure of movement quality in full-body physical activities. Starting from motion capture data, the framework computes low-level (e.g., a limb velocity) and high-level (e.g., synchronization between different limbs) movement features. Then, this vector of features is integrated to compute a value aimed at providing a quantitative assessment of movement quality approximating the evaluation that an external expert observer would give of the same sequence of movements. Next, a system representing a concrete implementation of the framework is proposed. Karate is adopted as a testbed. We selected two different katas (i.e., detailed choreographies of movements in karate) characterized by different overall attitudes and expressions (aggressiveness, meditation), and we asked seven athletes, having various levels of experience and age, to perform them. Motion capture data were collected from the performances and were analyzed with the system. The results of the automated analysis were compared with the scores given by 14 karate experts who rated the same performances. Results show that the movement-quality scores computed by the system and the ratings given by the human observers are highly correlated (Pearson's correlations r = 0.84, p = 0.001 and r = 0.75, p = 0.005)

    Improving the Generalizability of Speech Emotion Recognition: Methods for Handling Data and Label Variability

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    Emotion is an essential component in our interaction with others. It transmits information that helps us interpret the content of what others say. Therefore, detecting emotion from speech is an important step towards enabling machine understanding of human behaviors and intentions. Researchers have demonstrated the potential of emotion recognition in areas such as interactive systems in smart homes and mobile devices, computer games, and computational medical assistants. However, emotion communication is variable: individuals may express emotion in a manner that is uniquely their own; different speech content and environments may shape how emotion is expressed and recorded; individuals may perceive emotional messages differently. Practically, this variability is reflected in both the audio-visual data and the labels used to create speech emotion recognition (SER) systems. SER systems must be robust and generalizable to handle the variability effectively. The focus of this dissertation is on the development of speech emotion recognition systems that handle variability in emotion communications. We break the dissertation into three parts, according to the type of variability we address: (I) in the data, (II) in the labels, and (III) in both the data and the labels. Part I: The first part of this dissertation focuses on handling variability present in data. We approximate variations in environmental properties and expression styles by corpus and gender of the speakers. We find that training on multiple corpora and controlling for the variability in gender and corpus using multi-task learning result in more generalizable models, compared to the traditional single-task models that do not take corpus and gender variability into account. Another source of variability present in the recordings used in SER is the phonetic modulation of acoustics. On the other hand, phonemes also provide information about the emotion expressed in speech content. We discover that we can make more accurate predictions of emotion by explicitly considering both roles of phonemes. Part II: The second part of this dissertation addresses variability present in emotion labels, including the differences between emotion expression and perception, and the variations in emotion perception. We discover that it is beneficial to jointly model both the perception of others and how one perceives one’s own expression, compared to focusing on either one. Further, we show that the variability in emotion perception is a modelable signal and can be captured using probability distributions that describe how groups of evaluators perceive emotional messages. Part III: The last part of this dissertation presents methods that handle variability in both data and labels. We reduce the data variability due to non-emotional factors using deep metric learning and model the variability in emotion perception using soft labels. We propose a family of loss functions and show that by pairing examples that potentially vary in expression styles and lexical content and preserving the real-valued emotional similarity between them, we develop systems that generalize better across datasets and are more robust to over-training. These works demonstrate the importance of considering data and label variability in the creation of robust and generalizable emotion recognition systems. We conclude this dissertation with the following future directions: (1) the development of real-time SER systems; (2) the personalization of general SER systems.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147639/1/didizbq_1.pd
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