10 research outputs found

    On the complexity of scheduling checkpoints for computational workflows

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    This paper deals with the complexity of scheduling computational workflows in the presence of Exponential failures. When such a failure occurs, rollback and recovery is used so that the execution can resume from the last checkpointed state. The goal is to minimize the expected execution time, and we have to decide in which order to execute the tasks, and whether to checkpoint or not after the completion of each given task. We show that this scheduling problem is strongly NP-complete, and propose a (polynomial-time) dynamic programming algorithm for the case where the application graph is a linear chain. These results lay the theoretical foundations of the problem, and constitute a prerequisite before discussing scheduling strategies for arbitrary DAGS of moldable tasks subject to general failure distributions

    PartRePer-MPI: Combining Fault Tolerance and Performance for MPI Applications

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    As we have entered Exascale computing, the faults in high-performance systems are expected to increase considerably. To compensate for a higher failure rate, the standard checkpoint/restart technique would need to create checkpoints at a much higher frequency resulting in an excessive amount of overhead which would not be sustainable for many scientific applications. Replication allows for fast recovery from failures by simply dropping the failed processes and using their replicas to continue the regular operation of the application. In this paper, we have implemented PartRePer-MPI, a novel fault-tolerant MPI library that adopts partial replication of some of the launched MPI processes in order to provide resilience from failures. The novelty of our work is that it combines both fault tolerance, due to the use of the User Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) framework in the Open MPI library, and high performance, due to the use of communication protocols in the native MPI library that is generally fine-tuned for specific HPC platforms. We have implemented efficient and parallel communication strategies with computational and replica processes, and our library can seamlessly provide fault tolerance support to an existing MPI application. Our experiments using seven NAS Parallel Benchmarks and two scientific applications show that the failure-free overheads in PartRePer-MPI when compared to the baseline MVAPICH2, are only up to 6.4% for the NAS parallel benchmarks and up to 9.7% for the scientific applications

    Supporting automatic recovery in offloaded distributed programming models through MPI-3 techniques

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    In this paper we describe the design of fault tolerance capabilities for general-purpose offload semantics, based on the OmpSs programming model. Using ParaStation MPI, a production MPI-3.1 implementation, we explore the features that, being standard compliant, an MPI stack must support to provide the necessary fault tolerance guarantees, based on MPI's dynamic process management. Our results, including synthetic benchmarks and applications, reveal low runtime overhead and efficient recovery, demonstrating that the existing MPI standard provided us with sufficient mechanisms to implement an effective and efficient fault-tolerant solution.This research received funding from the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme via the DEEP-ER project under Grant Agreement no. 610476. This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2012-34557) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). Antonio J. Peña is cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266. The authors thank Jorge Bell´on, from BSC, for his technical support with the Nanos++ internals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Asynchronous Teams and Tasks in a Message Passing Environment

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    As the discipline of scientific computing grows, so too does the "skills gap" between the increasingly complex scientific applications and the efficient algorithms required. Increasing demand for computational power on the march towards exascale requires innovative approaches. Closing the skills gap avoids the many pitfalls that lead to poor utilisation of resources and wasted investment. This thesis tackles two challenges: asynchronous algorithms for parallel computing and fault tolerance. First I present a novel asynchronous task invocation methodology for Discontinuous Galerkin codes called enclave tasking. The approach modifies the parallel ordering of tasks that allows for efficient scaling on dynamic meshes up to 756 cores. It ensures high levels of concurrency and intermixes tasks of different computational properties. Critical tasks along domain boundaries are prioritised for an overlap of computation and communication. The second contribution is the teaMPI library, forming teams of MPI processes exchanging consistency data through an asynchronous "heartbeat". In contrast to previous approaches, teaMPI operates fully asynchronously with reduced overhead. It is also capable of detecting individually slow or failing ranks and inconsistent data among replicas. Finally I provide an outlook into how asynchronous teams using enclave tasking can be combined into an advanced team-based diffusive load balancing scheme. Both concepts are integrated into and contribute towards the ExaHyPE project, a next generation code that solves hyperbolic equation systems on dynamically adaptive cartesian grids

    Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance for Two-Sided Dense Matrix Factorizations

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    The mean time between failure (MTBF) of large supercomputers is decreasing, and future exascale computers are expected to have a MTBF of around 30 minutes. Therefore, it is urgent to prepare important algorithms for future machines with such a short MTBF. Eigenvalue problems (EVP) and singular value problems (SVP) are common in engineering and scientific research. Solving EVP and SVP numerically involves two-sided matrix factorizations: the Hessenberg reduction, the tridiagonal reduction, and the bidiagonal reduction. These three factorizations are computation intensive, and have long running times. They are prone to suffer from computer failures. We designed algorithm-based fault tolerant (ABFT) algorithms for the parallel Hessenberg reduction and the parallel tridiagonal reduction. The ABFT algorithms target fail-stop errors. These two fault tolerant algorithms use a combination of ABFT and diskless checkpointing. ABFT is used to protect frequently modified data . We carefully design the ABFT algorithm so the checksums are valid at the end of each iterative cycle. Diskless checkpointing is used for rarely modified data. These checkpoints are in the form of checksums, which are small in size, so the time and storage cost to store them in main memory is small. Also, there are intermediate results which need to be protected for a short time window. We store a copy of this data on the neighboring process in the process grid. We also designed algorithm-based fault tolerant algorithms for the CPU-GPU hybrid Hessenberg reduction algorithm and the CPU-GPU hybrid bidiagonal reduction algorithm. These two fault tolerant algorithms target silent errors. Our design employs both ABFT and diskless checkpointing to provide data redundancy. The low cost error detection uses two dot products and an equality test. The recovery protocol uses reverse computation to roll back the state of the matrix to a point where it is easy to locate and correct errors. We provided theoretical analysis and experimental verification on the correctness and efficiency of our fault tolerant algorithm design. We also provided mathematical proof on the numerical stability of the factorization results after fault recovery. Experimental results corroborate with the mathematical proof that the impact is mild

    Power-Aware Resilience for Exascale Computing

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    To enable future scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, the next generation of scientific applications will require exascale computing performance to support the execution of predictive models and analysis of massive quantities of data, with significantly higher resolution and fidelity than what is possible within existing computing infrastructure. Delivering exascale performance will require massive parallelism, which could result in a computing system with over a million sockets, each supporting many cores. Resulting in a system with millions of components, including memory modules, communication networks, and storage devices. This increase in number of components significantly increases the propensity of exascale computing systems to faults, while driving power consumption and operating costs to unforeseen heights. To achieve exascale performance two challenges must be addressed: resilience to failures and adherence to power budget constraints. These two objectives conflict insofar as performance is concerned, as achieving high performance may push system components past their thermal limit and increase the likelihood of failure. With current systems, the dominant resilience technique is checkpoint/restart. It is believed, however, that this technique alone will not scale to the level necessary to support future systems. Therefore, alternative methods have been suggested to augment checkpoint/restart -- for example process replication. In this thesis, we present a new fault tolerance model called shadow replication that addresses resilience and power simultaneously. Shadow replication associates a shadow process with each main process, similar to traditional replication, however, the shadow process executes at a reduced speed. Shadow replication reduces energy consumption and produces solutions faster than checkpoint/restart and other replication methods in limited power environments. Shadow replication reduces energy consumption up to 25 depending upon the application type, system parameters, and failure rates. The major contribution of this thesis is the development of shadow replication, a power-aware fault tolerant computational model. The second contribution is an execution model applying shadow replication to future high performance exascale-class systems. Next, is a framework to analyze and simulate the power and energy consumption of fault tolerance methods in high performance computing systems. Lastly, to prove the viability of shadow replication an implementation is presented for the Message Passing Interface

    An enhanced ant colony system algorithm for dynamic fault tolerance in grid computing

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    Fault tolerance in grid computing allows the system to continue operate despite occurrence of failure. Most fault tolerance algorithms focus on fault handling techniques such as task reprocessing, checkpointing, task replication, penalty, and task migration. Ant colony system (ACS), a variant of ant colony optimization (ACO), is one of the promising algorithms for fault tolerance due to its ability to adapt to both static and dynamic combinatorial optimization problems. However, ACS algorithm does not consider the resource fitness during task scheduling which leads to poor load balancing and lower execution success rate. This research proposes dynamic ACS fault tolerance with suspension (DAFTS) in grid computing that focuses on providing effective fault tolerance techniques to improve the execution success rate and load balancing. The proposed algorithm consists of dynamic evaporation rate, resource fitness-based scheduling process, enhanced pheromone update with trust factor and suspension, and checkpoint-based task reprocessing. The research framework consists of four phases which are identifying fault tolerance techniques, enhancing resource assignment and job scheduling, improving fault tolerance algorithm and, evaluating the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm was developed in a simulated grid environment called GridSim and evaluated against other fault tolerance algorithms such as trust-based ACO, fault tolerance ACO, ACO without fault tolerance and ACO with fault tolerance in terms of total execution time, average latency, average makespan, throughput, execution success rate and load balancing. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm achieved the best performance in most aspects, and second best in terms of load balancing. The DAFTS achieved the smallest increase on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 7%, 11% and 5% respectively, and smallest decrease on throughput and execution success rate by 6.49% and 9% respectively as the failure rate increases. The DAFTS also achieved the smallest increment on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 5.8, 8.5 and 8.7 times respectively, and highest increase on throughput and highest execution success rate by 72.9% and 93.7% respectively as the number of jobs increases. The proposed algorithm can effectively overcome load balancing problems and increase execution success rates in distributed systems that are prone to faults

    Tolerância a falhas em sistemas MPI com grupos dinâmicos de processos recomendados e registro de mensagens distribuído baseado em paxos

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Elias P. Duarte Jr.Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 11/05/2017Inclui referências : f. 93-103Área de concentração : Ciência da computaçãoResumo: Os sistemas HPC (High-Performance Computing) são geralmente empregados para executar aplicações de longa duração, incluindo, por exemplo, simulações científicas e industriais complexas. Construir sistemas HPC tolerante a falhas permanece um desafio à medida que o tamanho desses sistemas aumenta. Esta tese de doutorado apresenta duas estratégias de tolerância a falhas para sistemas HPC baseados em MPI. A primeira contribuição apresenta uma solução para lidar com a variabilidade de desempenho que afeta negativamente ou inviabiliza a execução das aplicações HPC. Este é o caso dos clusters compartilhados onde um nodo computacional pode se tornar muito lento e comprometer a execução de toda a aplicação. Esta tese propõe um novo modelo de diagnóstico em nível de sistema onde os processos executam testes entre si a fim de determinar se são recomendados ou não-recomendados. Os processos classificados como recomendados formam um grupo dinâmico, chamado de DGRP (Dynamic Group of Recommended Processes), e são responsáveis por executar a aplicação. Os processos testados como não-recomendados são removidos do DGRP. Um processo pode reingressar ao DGRP após uma rodada de consenso executada pelos processos do DGRP. O modelo foi implementado e empregado para monitorar os processos em um cluster compartilhado multiusuário. No estudo de caso apresentado, os processos do DGRP executam o algoritmo de ordenação paralela Hyperquicksort. O Hyperquicksort é implementado e adaptado para se reconfigurar em tempo de execução a fim de suportar até n ?? 1 processos não-recomendados (em um sistema com n processos). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a sua eficiência. A segunda contribuição desta tese se insere na técnica de rollback-recovery na sua variante chamada de registro de mensagens. O registro de mensagens não requer a sincronização dos processos para salvar o estado da aplicação e evita que todos os processos reiniciem a partir do último estado salvo. No entanto, a maioria dos protocolos de registro de mensagens conta com um componente centralizado e que não tolera falhas, chamado de event logger, para armazenar as informações de recuperação, isto é, os determinantes. Esta tese de doutorado propõe o primeiro event logger distribuído e tolerante a falhas para os protocolos de registro de mensagens. Duas implementações baseadas no algoritmo de consenso Paxos, chamadas de Paxos Clássico e Paxos Paralelo, foram realizadas para o event logger. Um protocolo pessimista de registro de mensagens é construído e implementado para interagir com o event logger proposto e realizar a recuperação automática das aplicações MPI. O desempenho dos event loggers é avaliado perante a aplicação AMG (Algebraic MultiGrid) e as aplicações do NAS Parallel benchmark. A recuperação é avaliada através do algoritmo paralelo de Gusfield e a aplicação AMG. Resultados demonstram que o event logger baseado em Paxos Paralelo tem desempenho comparável ou superior ao da abordagem centralizada e que o protocolo proposto realiza a recuperação da aplicação eficientemente. Palavras-chave: Tolerância a Falhas em MPI, DGRP, Registro de Mensagens, Paxos Paralelo.Abstract: HPC systems are employed to execute long-running applications including, for example, complex industrial and scientific simulations. Building robust, fault-tolerant HPC systems remains a challenge as the size of the system grows. This doctoral thesis presents two faulttolerant strategies for HPC systems based on MPI. Our first contribution presents a solution to deal with the performance variation of HPC system processes that negatively a_ect or even prevent the execution of HPC applications. This is the case in shared clusters in which a single node can become too slow and can thus compromise the entire application execution. This thesis proposes a new system-level diagnosis model in which processes execute tests among themselves in order to determine whether they are recommended or non-recommended. Processes classified as recommended form a Dynamic Group of Recommended Processes (DGRP), which is responsible for running the application. A process can rejoin the DGRP after a round of consensus executed by the DGRP processes. The model was implemented and used to monitor processes in a shared multi-user cluster. In the case study presented, the DGRP processes execute the parallel sorting algorithm Hyperquicksort. Hyperquicksort is implemented and adapted to reconfigure itself at runtime in order to proceed even if up to N ?? 1 processes become non-recommended (N is the total number of processes). Results are presented showing that the strategy is e_cient. The second contribution of this thesis is in the field of the rollbackrecovery technique in its variant based on message logging. Message logging does not require all processes to coordinate in order to save their states during normal execution. Neither does it require to restart all processes from the last saved states after a single process fails. However, most existing message logging protocols rely on a centralized entity which does not tolerate failures, called event logger, which stores recovery information called determinants. This thesis proposes, to the best of our knowledge, the first distributed and fault-tolerant event logger. Two implementations are presented based on the Paxos consensus algorithm, called Classic Paxos and Parallel Paxos. A pessimistic message logging protocol is built and implemented based on the proposed event logger to perform automatic recovery of MPI applications after failures. We evaluate the performance of the event logger using both the AMG (Algebraic MultiGrid) application and NAS Parallel benchmark applications. Application recovery is evaluated in two case studies based on Gusfield's parallel cut tree algorithm and the AMG application. Results show that the event logger based on Parallel Paxos performs as well as or better than a centralized event logger and that the proposed recovery protocol is also e_cient. Keywords: Fault Tolerance in MPI, DGRP, Message Logging, Parallel Paxos

    Contributions au rendement des protocoles de diffusion à ordre total et aux réseaux tolérants aux délais à base de RFID

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    Dans les systèmes répartis asynchrones, l'horloge logique et le vecteur d'horloges sont deux outils fondamentaux pour gérer la communication et le partage de données entre les entités constitutives de ces systèmes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'exploiter ces outils avec une perspective d'implantation. Dans une première partie, nous nous concentrons sur la communication de données et contribuons au domaine de la diffusion uniforme à ordre total. Nous proposons le protocole des trains : des jetons (appelés trains) circulent en parallèle entre les processus participants répartis sur un anneau virtuel. Chaque train est équipé d'une horloge logique utilisée pour retrouver les train(s) perdu(s) en cas de défaillance de processus. Nous prouvons que le protocole des trains est un protocole de diffusion uniforme à ordre total. Puis, nous créons une nouvelle métrique : le rendement en termes de débit. Cette métrique nous permet de montrer que le protocole des trains a un rendement supérieur au meilleur, en termes de débit, des protocoles présentés dans la littérature. Par ailleurs, cette métrique fournit une limite théorique du débit maximum atteignable en implantant un protocole de diffusion donné. Il est ainsi possible d'évaluer la qualité d'une implantation de protocole. Les performances en termes de débit du protocole des trains, notamment pour les messages de petites tailles, en font un candidat remarquable pour le partage de données entre coeurs d'un même processeur. De plus, sa sobriété en termes de surcoût réseau en font un candidat privilégié pour la réplication de données entre serveurs dans le cloud. Une partie de ces travaux a été implantée dans un système de contrôle-commande et de supervision déployé sur plusieurs dizaines de sites industriels. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous concentrons sur le partage de données et contribuons au domaine de la RFID. Nous proposons une mémoire répartie partagée basée sur des étiquettes RFID. Cette mémoire permet de s'affranchir d'un réseau informatique global. Pour ce faire, elle s'appuie sur des vecteurs d'horloges et exploite le réseau formé par les utilisateurs mobiles de l'application répartie. Ainsi, ces derniers peuvent lire le contenu d'étiquettes RFID distantes. Notre mémoire répartie partagée à base de RFID apporte une alternative aux trois architectures à base de RFID disponibles dans la littérature. Notre mémoire répartie partagée a été implantée dans un jeu pervasif qui a été expérimenté par un millier de personnes.In asynchronous distributed systems, logical clock and vector clocks are two core tools to manage data communication and data sharing between entities of these systems. The goal of this PhD thesis is to exploit these tools with a coding viewpoint. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on data communication and contribute to the total order broadcast domain. We propose trains protocol: Tokens (called trains) rotate in parallel between participating processes distributed on a virtual ring. Each train contains a logical clock to recover lost train(s) in case of process(es) failure. We prove that trains protocol is a uniform and totally ordered broadcast protocol. Afterwards, we create a new metric: the throughput efficiency. With this metric, we are able to prove that, from a throughput point of view, trains protocol performs better than protocols presented in literature. Moreover, this metric gives the maximal theoretical throughput which can be reached when coding a given protocol. Thus, it is possible to evaluate the quality of the coding of a protocol. Thanks to its throughput performances, in particular for small messages, trains protocol is a remarkable candidate for data sharing between the cores of a processor. Moreover, thanks to its temperance concerning network usage, it can be worthwhile for data replication between servers in the cloud. Part of this work was implemented inside a control-command and supervision system deployed among several dozens of industrial sites. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on data sharing and contribute to RFID domain. We propose a distributed shared memory based on RFID tags. Thanks to this memory, we can avoid installing a computerized global network. This is possible because this memory uses vector clocks and relies on the network made by the mobile users of the distributed application. Thus, the users are able to read the contents of remote RFID tags. Our RFID-based distributed shared memory is an alternative to the three RFID-based architectures available in the literature. This distributed shared memory was implemented in a pervasive game tested by one thousand users.PARIS-CNAM (751032301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Using group replication for resilience on exascale systems

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    High performance computing applications must be resilient to faults, which are common occurrences especially in post-petascale settings. The traditional fault-tolerance solution is checkpoint-recovery, by which the application saves its state to secondary storage throughout execution and recovers from the latest saved state in case of a failure. An oft studied research question is that of the optimal checkpointing strategy: when should state be saved? Unfortunately, even using an optimal checkpointing strategy, the checkpointing frequency must increase as platform scale increases, leading to higher checkpointing overhead. This overhead precludes high parallel efficiency for large-scale platforms, thus mandating other more scalable fault-tolerance mechanisms. One such mechanism is replication, which can be used in addition to checkpoint-recovery. Using replication, multiple processors perform the same computation so that a processor failure does not necessarily imply application failure. While at first glance replication may seem wasteful, it may be significantly more efficient than using solely checkpointrecovery at large scale. In this work we investigate a simple approach where entire application instances are replicated. We provide a theoretical study of checkpoint-recovery with replication in terms of expected application execution time, under an exponential distribution of failures. We design dynamic-programming based algorithms to define checkpointing dates that work under any failure distribution. We also conduct simulation experiments assuming that failures follow Exponential or Weibull distributions, the latter being more representative of real-world systems, and using failure logs from production clusters. Our results show that replication is useful in a variety of realistic application and checkpointing cost scenarios for future exascale platforms.