244 research outputs found

    Adaptive Telemetry for Software-Defined Mobile Networks

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    The forthcoming set of 5G standards will bring programmability and flexibility to levels never seen before. This has required introducing changes in the architecture of mobile networks, enabling different features such as the split of control and data planes, as required to support the rapid programming of heterogeneous data planes. Software Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a basic toolset for operators to manage their infrastructure, as it opens up the possibility of running a multitude of intelligent and advanced applications for network optimization purposes in a centralized network controller. However, the very basic nature that makes possible this efficient management and operation in a flexible way-the logical centralization-poses important challenges due to the lack of proper monitoring tools, suited for SDN-based architectures. In order to take timely and right decisions while operat-ing a network, centralized intelligence applications need to be fed with a continuous stream of up-to-date network statistics. However, this is not feasible with current SDN solutions due to scalability and accuracy issues. This article first analyzes the monitoring issues in current SDN solutions and then proposes a telemetry frame-work for software defined mobile networks capable of adapting to the various 5G services. Finally, it presents an experimental validation that shows the benefits of the proposed solution at alleviating the load on the control and data planes, improv-ing the reactiveness to network events, and providing better accuracy for network measurements.This work has been partially funded by the H2020 Framework Programme Europe/Taiwan joint action 5G-DIVE Project (Grant No. 859881), by the H2020 Framework Programme EU 5G-Transformer Project (Grant No. 761586), and by the H2020 Framework Programme EU 5Growth Project (Grant No. 856709)

    Testing in context: Efficiency and executability

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    Testing each software component in isolation is not always feasible. We consider testing a deterministic Implementation Under Test (IUT) together with some other correctly implemented components as its context. One of the essential issues of testing in context is test executability problem, i.e., tests generated solely from the specification of the IUT may not be executable due to the uncontrollable interaction between the IUT and its context. On the other hand, generating a test sequence from the abstract specifications of a stateful IUT and its context often suffers from the well-known state explosion problem. In this dissertation, we solve the problem of generating a minimal-length test sequence from a given specification of a stateful IUT and its embedded context. By adopting model checking techniques, we avoid the state explosion problem during test generation and avoid the test executability problem during testing in context

    Service composition based on SIP peer-to-peer networks

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    Today the telecommunication market is faced with the situation that customers are requesting for new telecommunication services, especially value added services. The concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) seems to be a solution for this, so this concept finds its way into the telecommunication area. These customer expectations have emerged in the context of NGN and the associated migration of the telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched towards packet-switched networks. One fundamental aspect of the NGN concept is to outsource the intelligence of services from the switching plane onto separated Service Delivery Platforms using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) to provide the required signalling functionality. Caused by this migration process towards NGN SIP has appeared as the major signalling protocol for IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. This will lead in contrast to ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and IN (Intelligent Network) to significantly lower dependences among the network and services and enables to implement new services much easier and faster. In addition, further concepts from the IT (Information Technology) namely SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) have largely influenced the telecommunication sector forced by amalgamation of IT and telecommunications. The benefit of applying SOA in telecommunication services is the acceleration of service creation and delivery. Main features of the SOA are that services are reusable, discoverable combinable and independently accessible from any location. Integration of those features offers a broader flexibility and efficiency for varying demands on services. This thesis proposes a novel framework for service provisioning and composition in SIP-based peer-to-peer networks applying the principles of SOA. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to enable the provisioning and composition of services which is performed by applying SIP. Based on this, the framework provides a flexible and fast way to request the creation for composite services. Furthermore the framework enables to request and combine multimodal value-added services, which means that they are no longer limited regarding media types such as audio, video and text. The proposed framework has been validated by a prototype implementation

    The role of the RM-ODP computational viewpoint concepts in the MDA approach

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    An MDA design approach should be able to accommodate designs at different levels of platform-independence. We have proposed a design approach previously (in [2]), which allows these levels to be identified. An important feature of this approach is the notion of abstract platform. An abstract platform is determined by the platform characteristics that are relevant for applications at a certain level of platform-independence, and must be established by considering various design goals. In this paper, we define a framework that makes it possible to use RM-ODP concepts in our MDA design approach. This framework allows a recursive application of the computational viewpoint at different levels of platform-independence. This is obtained by equating the RM-ODP notion of infrastructure to our notion of abstract platform

    Interface refactoring in performance-constrained web services

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    This paper presents the development of REF-WS an approach to enable a Web Service provider to reliably evolve their service through the application of refactoring transformations. REF-WS is intended to aid service providers, particularly in a reliability and performance constrained domain as it permits upgraded ’non-backwards compatible’ services to be deployed into a performance constrained network where existing consumers depend on an older version of the service interface. In order for this to be successful, the refactoring and message mediation needs to occur without affecting functional compatibility with the services’ consumers, and must operate within the performance overhead expected of the original service, introducing as little latency as possible. Furthermore, compared to a manually programmed solution, the presented approach enables the service developer to apply and parameterize refactorings with a level of confidence that they will not produce an invalid or ’corrupt’ transformation of messages. This is achieved through the use of preconditions for the defined refactorings

    Privacy Preserving Network Security Data Analytics: Architectures and System Design

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    An incessant rhythm of data breaches, data leaks, and privacy exposure highlights the need to improve control over potentially sensitive data. History has shown that neither public nor private sector organizations are immune. Lax data handling, incidental leakage, and adversarial breaches are all contributing factors. Prudent organizations should consider the sensitive nature of network security data. Logged events often contain data elements that are directly correlated with sensitive information about people and their activities -- often at the same level of detail as sensor data. Our intent is to produce a database which holds network security data representative of people\u27s interaction with the network mid-points and end-points without the problems of identifiability. In this paper we discuss architectures and propose a system design that supports a risk based approach to privacy preserving data publication of network security data that enables network security data analytics research


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    This thesis is about APIs and web development. Technologies specifically presented include GraphQL and REST as a basis for the implementation of the web application. The purpose of the thesis was to create a web-based tool for project follow up. The main goal of the tool is to provide reporting functionalities and views for project follow up based on data from the public APIs provided by Toggl. In the first part of the thesis, relevant theory about GraphQL, REST and APIs is provided. Web APIs are presented, along with common protocols, such as HTTP, as well as different data formats for the serialization of the data to be transmitted over the net-work. A literature review is also performed on the current state of the research on GraphQL-based APIs as well as on comparisons on GraphQL-, and RESTful-APIs. The second part consists of the design and implementation of the application. Toggl, a time tracking service, is described with its two different APIs, the Toggl API, and the Report API. Further, the decision process of selecting the technologies for the developed tool is presented. One of the main parts of the tool consists of the synchronization mechanism for keeping the data in the database up to date with the data stored in Toggl. The other major part is about exposing the data via a GraphQL-API and consuming it in a single-page-application created in React. The developed application is a minimum viable product, fulfilling its purpose of providing reporting functionalities for projects based on the data provided by Toggl. It was developed with usability, flexibility and testability in mind enabling further development in the future. GraphQL was the choice of API technology and was considered a suitable approach in this applicatio

    Muistikeskeisen radioverkon vaikutus tietopÀÀsyjen suoritusnopeuteen

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    Future 5G-based mobile networks will be largely defined by virtualized network functions (VNF). The related computing is being moved to cloud where a set of servers is provided to run all the software components of the VNFs. Such software component can be run on any server in the mobile network cloud infrastructure. The servers conventionally communicate via TCP/IP -network. To realize planned low-latency use cases in 5G, some servers are placed to data centers near the end users (edge clouds). Many of these use cases involve data accesses from one VNF to another, or to other network elements. The accesses are desired to take as little time as possible to stay within the stringent latency requirements of the new use cases. As a possible approach for reaching this, a novel memory-centric platform was studied. The main ideas of the memory-centric platform are to collapse the hierarchy between volatile and persistent memory by utilizing non-volatile memory (NVM) and use memory-semantic communication between computer components. In this work, a surrogate memory-centric platform was set up as a storage for VNFs and the latency of data accesses from VNF application was measured in different experiments. Measurements against a current platform showed that memory-centric platform was significantly faster to access than the current, TCP/IP using platform. Measurements for accessing RAM with different memory bandwidths within the memory-centric platform showed that the order of latency was roughly independent of the available memory bandwidth. These results mean that memory-centric platform is a promising alternative to be used as a storage system for edge clouds. However, more research is needed to study how other service qualities, such as low latency variation, are fulfilled in memory-centric platform in a VNF environment.Tulevaisuuden 5G:hen perustuvissa mobiiliverkoissa verkkolaitteisto on pÀÀosin virtualisoitu. TÀllaisen verkon virtuaaliverkkolaite (VNF) koostuu ohjelmistokomponenteista, joita ajetaan tarkoitukseen mÀÀrÀtyiltÀ mobiiliverkon pilven palvelimilta. Ohjelmistokomponentti voi olla ajossa millÀ vain mobiiliverkon nÀistÀ pilvi-infrastruktuurin palvelimista. Palvelimet on tavallisesti yhdistetty TCP/IP-verkolla. Jotta suunnitellut alhaisen viiveen kÀyttötapaukset voisivat toteutua 5G-verkoissa, pilvipalvelimia on sijoitettu niin kutsuttuihin reunadatakeskuksiin lÀhelle loppukÀyttÀjiÀ. Monet nÀistÀ kÀyttötapauksista sisÀltÀvÀt tietopÀÀsyjÀ virtuaaliverkkolaitteesta toisiin tai muihin verkkoelementteihin. TietopÀÀsyviiveen halutaan olevan mahdollisimman pieni, jotta kÀyttötapausten tiukoissa viiverajoissa pysytÀÀn. Mahdollisena lÀhestymistapana tietopÀÀsyviiveen minimoimiseen tutkittiin muistikeskeistÀ laitteistoalustaa. TÀmÀn laitteistoalustan pÀÀperiaatteita on korvata nykyiset lyhytkestoiset ja pysyvÀt muistit haihtumattomalla muistilla sekÀ kommunikoida muistisemanttisilla viesteillÀ tietokonekomponenttien kesken. TÀssÀ työssÀ muistikeskeisyyttÀ hyödyntÀvÀÀ sijaislaitteistoa kÀytettiin VNF-datan varastona ja ohjelmistokomponenttien tietopÀÀsyviivettÀ sinne mitattiin erilaisilla kokeilla. Kokeet osoittivat nykyisen, TCP/IP-pohjaisen alustan huomattavasti muistikeskeistÀ alustaa hitaammaksi. Toiseksi, kokeet osoittivat tietopÀÀsyviiveiden olevan saman suuruisia muistikeskeisen alustan sisÀllÀ, riippumatta saatavilla olevasta muistikaistasta. Tulokset merkitsevÀt, ettÀ muistikeskeinen alusta on lupaava vaihtoehto reunadatakeskuksen tietovarastojÀrjestelmÀksi. LisÀÀ tutkimusta alustasta kuitenkin tarvitaan, jotta muiden palvelun laatukriteerien, kuten matalan viivevaihtelun, toteutumisesta saadaan tietoa

    Testing abstract behavioral specifications

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    We present a range of testing techniques for the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language and apply them to an industrial case study. ABS is a formal modeling language for highly variable, concurrent, component-based systems. The nature of these systems makes them susceptible to the introduction of subtle bugs that are hard to detect in the presence of steady adaptation. While static analysis techniques are available for an abstract language such as ABS, testing is still indispensable and complements analytic methods. We focus on fully automated testing techniques including blackbox and glassbox test generation as well as runtime assertion checking, which are shown to be effective in an industrial setting
