364 research outputs found

    Review and Analysis of Failure Detection and Prevention Techniques in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

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    Maintaining the health of IT infrastructure components for improved reliability and availability is a research and innovation topic for many years. Identification and handling of failures are crucial and challenging due to the complexity of IT infrastructure. System logs are the primary source of information to diagnose and fix failures. In this work, we address three essential research dimensions about failures, such as the need for failure handling in IT infrastructure, understanding the contribution of system-generated log in failure detection and reactive & proactive approaches used to deal with failure situations. This study performs a comprehensive analysis of existing literature by considering three prominent aspects as log preprocessing, anomaly & failure detection, and failure prevention. With this coherent review, we (1) presume the need for IT infrastructure monitoring to avoid downtime, (2) examine the three types of approaches for anomaly and failure detection such as a rule-based, correlation method and classification, and (3) fabricate the recommendations for researchers on further research guidelines. As far as the authors\u27 knowledge, this is the first comprehensive literature review on IT infrastructure monitoring techniques. The review has been conducted with the help of meta-analysis and comparative study of machine learning and deep learning techniques. This work aims to outline significant research gaps in the area of IT infrastructure failure detection. This work will help future researchers understand the advantages and limitations of current methods and select an adequate approach to their problem

    Features correlation-based workflows for high-performance computing systems diagnosis

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    Analysing failures to improve the reliability of high performance computing systems and data centres is important. The primary source of information for diagnosing system failures is the system logs and it is widely known that finding the cause of a system failure using only system logs is incomplete. Resource utilisation data – recently made available – is another potential useful source of information for failure analysis. However, large High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems generate a lot of data. Processing the huge amount of data presents a significant challenge for online failure diagnosis. Most of the work on failure diagnosis have studied errors that lead to system failures only, but there is little work that study errors which lead to a system failure or recovery on real data. In this thesis, we design, implement and evaluate two failure diagnostics frameworks. We name the frameworks CORRMEXT and EXERMEST. We implement the Data Type Extraction, Feature Extraction, Correlation and Time-bin Extraction modules. CORRMEXT integrates the Data Type Extraction, Correlation and Time-bin Extraction modules. It identifies error cases that occur frequently and reports the success and failure of error recovery protocols. EXERMEST integrates the Feature Extraction and Correlation modules. It extracts significant errors and resource use counters and identifies error cases that are rare. We apply the diagnostics frameworks on the resource use data and system logs on three HPC systems operated by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). Our results show that: (i) multiple correlation methods are required for identifying more dates of groups of correlated resource use counters and groups of correlated errors, (ii) the earliest hour of change in system behaviour can only be identified by using the correlated resource use counters and correlated errors, (iii) multiple feature extraction methods are required for identifying the rare error cases, and (iv) time-bins of multiple granularities are necessary for identifying the rare error cases. CORRMEXT and EXERMEST are available on the public domain for supporting system administrators in failure diagnosis

    Time machine : generative real-time model for failure (and lead time) prediction in HPC systems

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems generate a large amount of unstructured/alphanumeric log messages that capture the health state of their components. Due to their design complexity, HPC systems often undergo failures that halt applications (e.g., weather prediction, aerodynamics simulation) execution. However, existing failure prediction methods, which typically seek to extract some information theoretic features, fail to scale both in terms of accuracy and prediction speed, limiting their adoption in real-time production systems. In this paper, differently from existing work and inspired by current transformer-based neural networks which have revolutionized the sequential learning in the NLP tasks, we propose a novel scalable log-based, self-supervised model (i.e., no need for manual labels), called Time Machine1 , that predicts (i) forthcoming log events (ii) the upcoming failure and its location and (iii) the expected lead time to failure. Time Machine is designed by combining two stacks of transformer-decoders, each employing the selfattention mechanism. The first stack addresses the failure location by predicting the sequence of log events and then identifying if a failure event is part of that sequence. The lead time to predicted failure is addressed by the second stack. We evaluate Time machine on four real-world HPC log datasets and compare it against three state-of-the-art failure prediction approaches. Results show that Time Machine significantly outperforms the related works on Bleu, Rouge, MCC, and F1-score in predicting forthcoming events, failure location, failure lead-time, with higher prediction speed

    Resiliency of high-performance computing systems: A fault-injection-based characterization of the high-speed network in the blue waters testbed

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    Supercomputers have played an essential role in the progress of science and engineering research. As the high-performance computing (HPC) community moves towards the next generation of HPC computing, it faces several challenges, one of which is reliability of HPC systems. Error rates are expected to significantly increase on exascale systems to the point where traditional application-level checkpointing may no longer be a viable fault tolerance mechanism. This poses serious ramifications for a system's ability to guarantee reliability and availability of its resources. It is becoming increasingly important to understand fault-to-failure propagation and to identify key areas of instrumentation in HPC systems for avoidance, detection, diagnosis, mitigation, and recovery of faults. This thesis presents a software-implemented, prototype-based fault injection tool called HPCArrow and a fault injection methodology as a means to investigate and evaluate HPC application and system resiliency. We demonstrate HPCArrow's capabilities through four fault injection campaigns on a Cray XE/XK hybrid testbed, covering single injections, time-varying or delayed injections, and injections during recovery. These injections emulate failures on network and compute components. The results of these campaigns provide insight into application-level and system-level resiliencies. Across various HPC application frameworks, there are notable deficiencies in fault tolerance. Our experiments also revealed a failure phenomenon that was previously unobserved in field data: application hangs, in which forward progress is not made, but jobs are not terminated until the maximum allowed time has elapsed. At the system level, failover procedures prove highly robust on small-scale systems, able to handle both single and multiple faults in the network

    The terminator : an AI-based framework to handle dependability threats in large-scale distributed systems

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    With the advent of resource-hungry applications such as scientific simulations and artificial intelligence (AI), the need for high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure is becoming more pressing. HPC systems are typically characterised by the scale of the resources they possess, containing a large number of sophisticated HW components that are tightly integrated. This scale and design complexity inherently contribute to sources of uncertainties, i.e., there are dependability threats that perturb the system during application execution. During system execution, these HPC systems generate a massive amount of log messages that capture the health status of the various components. Several previous works have leveraged those systems’ logs for dependability purposes, such as failure prediction, with varying results. In this work, three novel AI-based techniques are proposed to address two major dependability problems, those of (i) error detection and (ii) failure prediction. The proposed error detection technique leverages the sentiments embedded in log messages in a novel way, making the approach HPC system-independent, i.e., the technique can be used to detect errors in any HPC system. On the other hand, two novel self-supervised transformer neural networks are developed for failure prediction, thereby obviating the need for labels, which are notoriously difficult to obtain in HPC systems. The first transformer technique, called Clairvoyant, accurately predicts the location of the failure, while the second technique, called Time Machine, extends Clairvoyant by also accurately predicting the lead time to failure (LTTF). Time Machine addresses the typical regression problem of LTTF as a novel multi-class classification problem, using a novel oversampling method for online time-based task training. Results from six real-world HPC clusters’ datasets show that our approaches significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods on various metrics

    Towards efficient error detection in large-scale HPC systems

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    The need for computer systems to be reliable has increasingly become important as the dependence on their accurate functioning by users increases. The failure of these systems could very costly in terms of time and money. In as much as system's designers try to design fault-free systems, it is practically impossible to have such systems as different factors could affect them. In order to achieve system's reliability, fault tolerance methods are usually deployed; these methods help the system to produce acceptable results even in the presence of faults. Root cause analysis, a dependability method for which the causes of failures are diagnosed for the purpose of correction or prevention of future occurrence is less efficient. It is reactive and would not prevent the first failure from occurring. For this reason, methods with predictive capabilities are preferred; failure prediction methods are employed to predict the potential failures to enable preventive measures to be applied. Most of the predictive methods have been supervised, requiring accurate knowledge of the system's failures, errors and faults. However, with changing system components and system updates, supervised methods are ineffective. Error detection methods allows error patterns to be detected early to enable preventive methods to be applied. Performing this detection in an unsupervised way could be more effective as changes to systems or updates would less affect such a solution. In this thesis, we introduced an unsupervised approach to detecting error patterns in a system using its data. More specifically, the thesis investigates the use of both event logs and resource utilization data to detect error patterns. It addresses both the spatial and temporal aspects of achieving system dependability. The proposed unsupervised error detection method has been applied on real data from two different production systems. The results are positive; showing average detection F-measure of about 75%

    Sentiment Analysis based Error Detection for Large-Scale Systems

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    Today’s large-scale systems such as High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems are designed/utilized towards exascale computing, inevitably decreasing its reliability due to the increasing design complexity. HPC systems conduct extensive logging of their execution behaviour. In this paper, we leverage the inherent meaning behind the log messages and propose a novel sentiment analysis-based approach for the error detection in large-scale systems, by automatically mining the sentiments in the log messages. Our contributions are four-fold. (1) We develop a machine learning (ML) based approach to automatically build a sentiment lexicon, based on the system log message templates. (2) Using the sentiment lexicon, we develop an algorithm to detect system errors. (3) We develop an algorithm to identify the nodes and components with erroneous behaviors, based on sentiment polarity scores. (4) We evaluate our solution vs. other state-of-the-art machine/deep learning algorithms based on three representative supercomputers’ system logs. Experiments show that our error detection algorithm can identify error messages with an average MCC score and f-score of 91% and 96% respectively, while state of the art ML/deep learning model (LSTM) obtains only 67% and 84%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work leveraging the sentiments embedded in log entries of large-scale systems for system health analysis

    Anomaly Detection and Anticipation in High Performance Computing Systems

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    In their quest toward Exascale, High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are rapidly becoming larger and more complex, together with the issues concerning their maintenance. Luckily, many current HPC systems are endowed with data monitoring infrastructures that characterize the system state, and whose data can be used to train Deep Learning (DL) anomaly detection models, a very popular research area. However, the lack of labels describing the state of the system is a wide-spread issue, as annotating data is a costly task, generally falling on human system administrators and thus does not scale toward exascale. In this article we investigate the possibility to extract labels from a service monitoring tool (Nagios) currently used by HPC system administrators to flag the nodes which undergo maintenance operations. This allows to automatically annotate data collected by a fine-grained monitoring infrastructure; this labelled data is then used to train and validate a DL model for anomaly detection. We conduct the experimental evaluation on a tier-0 production supercomputer hosted at CINECA, Bologna, Italy. The results reveal that the DL model can accurately detect the real failures, and, moreover, it can predict the insurgency of anomalies, by systematically anticipating the actual labels (i.e., the moment when system administrators realize when an anomalous event happened); the average advance time computed on historical traces is around 45 minutes. The proposed technology can be easily scaled toward exascale systems to easy their maintenance
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