2,082 research outputs found

    TCP Performance in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The TCP protocol is used by most Internet applications today, including the recent mobile wireless terminals that use TCP for their World-Wide Web, E-mail and other traffic. The recent wireless network technologies, such as GPRS, are known to cause delay spikes in packet transfer. This causes unnecessary TCP retransmission timeouts. This dissertation proposes a mechanism, Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO) for detecting the unnecessary TCP retransmission timeouts and thus allow TCP to take appropriate follow-up actions. We analyze a Linux F-RTO implementation in various network scenarios and investigate different alternatives to the basic algorithm. The second part of this dissertation is focused on quickly adapting the TCP's transmission rate when the underlying link characteristics change suddenly. This can happen, for example, due to vertical hand-offs between GPRS and WLAN wireless technologies. We investigate the Quick-Start algorithm that, in collaboration with the network routers, aims to quickly probe the available bandwidth on a network path, and allow TCP's congestion control algorithms to use that information. By extensive simulations we study the different router algorithms and parameters for Quick-Start, and discuss the challenges Quick-Start faces in the current Internet. We also study the performance of Quick-Start when applied to vertical hand-offs between different wireless link technologies.Suurin osa Internet-sovelluksista käyttää TCP-protokollaa turvatakseen luotettavan tiedonvaihdon. Tällaisia sovelluksia ovat esimerkiksi WWW, sähköposti, ja monet pikaviestiohjelmat. TCP-protokollan pääpiirteet on suunniteltu 1970- ja 1980-luvulla, jolloin päätelaitteita ja sovelluksia oli huomattavasti nykyistä vähemmän ja yhteydet pohjautuivat kiinteiden kommunikaatiolinkkien käyttöön. Langattomien päätelaitteiden yleistyessä on huomattu, että TCP-protokollan suorituskyky ei aina ole hyväksyttävällä tasolla, koska monet sen piirteistä on alunperin suunniteltu erilaisessa käyttöympäristössä. Väitöstyö perehtyy langattoman linkin aiheuttamien vaikeasti ennustettavien viiveiden vaikutukseen TCP:n suorituskyvylle. Tällainen käyttäytyminen on ominaista esimerkiksi nykyisin laajalti matkapuhelimissa käytetylle GPRS-teknologialle. Yllättävät viiveet datansiirrossa aiheuttavat TCP:n uudelleenlähetysajastimen tarpeettoman laukeamisen. Tämä aiheuttaa useiden pakettien turhan uudelleenlähetyksen ja vaikeuttaa TCP:n ruuhkanvalvonta-algoritmien toimintaa. Väitöstyössä ehdotetaan F-RTO -nimistä parannusta TCP:n uudelleenlähetysalgoritmeihin, joka pyrkii havaitsemaan turhat uudelleenlähetykset ja välttämään edellä mainitut ongelmat tällaisissa tilanteissa. Väitöstyö analysoi F-RTO:n suorituskykyä erilaisissa kommunikaatioskenaarioissa ja tutkii erilaisia variaatioita perusalgoritmiin. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa tutkitaan TCP:n lähetysnopeuden pikaista sopeuttamista vallitseville siirto-olosuhteille. Normaalisti TCP tarvitsee huomattavan ajan löytääkseen oikean siirtonopeuden yhteyden alussa, mikäli siirtolinkki on erityisen nopea ja siirtoviiveet verraten pitkiä. Tämä on tilanne uusimmissa langattomissa kommunikaatioteknologioissa. Samankaltainen ongelma esiintyy myös, mikäli TCP-yhteys vaihtaa käyttämäänsä siirtoteknologiaa kesken yhteyden esimerkiksi liikkuvuuden seurauksena. Tämä voi tapahtua uusimmissa päätelaitteissa, jotka tukevat useita erityyppisiä radioteknologioita, kuten WLAN ja GPRS. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan Quick-Start - nimistä mekanismia, joka nopeuttaa huomattavasti TCP:n sopeutumisnopeutta edellä mainitun kaltaisissa tilanteissa. Työssä tarkastellaan erilaisia algoritmeja Quick-Startin käyttöön ja analysoidaan simulointien avulla algoritmien toimintaa erilaisissa ympäristöissä. Väitöstyössä esitetyillä tuloksilla Internet-kommunikaation suorituskykyä ja käytettävyyttä langattomilla laitteilla voidaan parantaa huomattavasti

    Enhancing TCP with Cross-layer Notifications and Capacity Estimation in Heterogeneous Access Networks

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    Improving Performance of QUIC in WiFi

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    QUIC is a new transport protocol under standardization since 2016. Initially developed by Google as an experiment, the protocol is already deployed in large-scale, thanks to its support in Chromium and Google's servers. In this paper we experimentally analyze the performance of QUIC in WiFi networks. We perform experiments using both a controlled WiFi testbed and a production WiFi mesh network. In particular, we study how QUIC interplays with MAC layer features such as IEEE 802.11 frame aggregation. We show that the current implementation of QUIC in Chromium achieves sub-optimal throughput in wireless networks. Indeed, burstiness in modern WiFi standards may improve network performance, and we show that a Bursty QUIC (BQUIC), i.e., a customized version of QUIC that is targeted to increase its burstiness, can achieve better performance in WiFi. BQUIC outperforms the current version of QUIC in WiFi, with throughput gains ranging between 20% to 30%

    Optimal Checkpointing for Secure Intermittently-Powered IoT Devices

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    Energy harvesting is a promising solution to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Due to the intermittent nature of these energy sources, one cannot guarantee forward progress of program execution. Prior work has advocated for checkpointing the intermediate state to off-chip non-volatile memory (NVM). Encrypting checkpoints addresses the security concern, but significantly increases the checkpointing overheads. In this paper, we propose a new online checkpointing policy that judiciously determines when to checkpoint so as to minimize application time to completion while guaranteeing security. Compared to state-of-the-art checkpointing schemes that do not account for the overheads of encrypted checkpoints we improve execution time up to 1.4x.Comment: ICCAD 201

    Improved algorithms for TCP congestion control

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    Reliable and efficient data transfer on the Internet is an important issue. Since late 70’s the protocol responsible for that has been the de facto standard TCP, which has proven to be successful through out the years, its self-managed congestion control algorithms have retained the stability of the Internet for decades. However, the variety of existing new technologies such as high-speed networks (e.g. fibre optics) with high-speed long-delay set-up (e.g. cross-Atlantic links) and wireless technologies have posed lots of challenges to TCP congestion control algorithms. The congestion control research community proposed solutions to most of these challenges. This dissertation adds to the existing work by: firstly tackling the highspeed long-delay problem of TCP, we propose enhancements to one of the existing TCP variants (part of Linux kernel stack). We then propose our own variant: TCP-Gentle. Secondly, tackling the challenge of differentiating the wireless loss from congestive loss in a passive way and we propose a novel loss differentiation algorithm which quantifies the noise in packet inter arrival times and use this information together with the span (ratio of maximum to minimum packet inter arrival times) to adapt the multiplicative decrease factor according to a predefined logical formula. Finally, extending the well-known drift model of TCP to account for wireless loss and some hypothetical cases (e.g. variable multiplicative decrease), we have undertaken stability analysis for the new version of the model

    Cross-layer Assisted TCP Algorithms for Vertical Handoff

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    The ever expanding growth of the wireless access to the Internet in recent years has led to the proliferation of wireless and mobile devices to connect to the Internet. This has created the possibility of mobile devices equipped with multiple radio interfaces to connect to the Internet using any of several wireless access network technologies such as GPRS, WLAN and WiMAX in order to get the connectivity best suited for the application. These access networks are highly heterogeneous and they vary widely in their characteristics such as bandwidth, propagation delay and geographical coverage. The mechanism by which a mobile device switches between these access networks during an ongoing connection is referred to as vertical handoff and it often results in an abrupt and significant change in the access link characteristics. The most common Internet applications such as Web browsing and e-mail make use of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as their transport protocol and the behaviour of TCP depends on the end-to-end path characteristics such as bandwidth and round-trip time (RTT). As the wireless access link is most likely the bottleneck of a TCP end-to-end path, the abrupt changes in the link characteristics due to a vertical handoff may affect TCP behaviour adversely degrading the performance of the application. The focus of this thesis is to study the effect of a vertical handoff on TCP behaviour and to propose algorithms that improve the handoff behaviour of TCP using cross-layer information about the changes in the access link characteristics. We begin this study by identifying the various problems of TCP due to a vertical handoff based on extensive simulation experiments. We use this study as a basis to develop cross-layer assisted TCP algorithms in handoff scenarios involving GPRS and WLAN access networks. We then extend the scope of the study by developing cross-layer assisted TCP algorithms in a broader context applicable to a wide range of bandwidth and delay changes during a handoff. And finally, the algorithms developed here are shown to be easily extendable to the multiple-TCP flow scenario. We evaluate the proposed algorithms by comparison with standard TCP (TCP SACK) and show that the proposed algorithms are effective in improving TCP behavior in vertical handoff involving a wide range of bandwidth and delay of the access networks. Our algorithms are easy to implement in real systems and they involve modifications to the TCP sender algorithm only. The proposed algorithms are conservative in nature and they do not adversely affect the performance of TCP in the absence of cross-layer information.Käytämme enenevissä määrin kannettavia päätelaitteita (esim. matkapuhelin, kannettava tietokone) erilaisiin sovelluksiin kuten sähköpostin lukemiseen, verkon selaamiseen, musiikin lataamiseen ja kuuntelemiseen, pelien pelaamiseen ja laskujen maksamiseen riippumatta olinpaikastamme tai liikkuvuudestamme. Pystymme yhdistämään laitteemme Internetiin milloin tahansa missä tahansa. Langattomat verkot, jotka mahdollistavat laitteen kytkemisen Internetiin radion kautta käyttävät moninaisia teknologioita ja eroavat laajalti ominaisuuksiltaan. Esimerkiksi langaton lähiverkko (WLAN), jota voidaan käyttää rakennuksen sisällä, on matkapuhelinverkkoa (esim. GPRS) nopeampi verkko, kun taas GPRS-kenttä voi ulottua kokonaisen kaupungin tai maan alueelle ja laajemmallekin. Kannettava päätelaite, jossa on monia radioliittymiä, voi siirtyä käyttämään mitä tahansa monista saatavilla olevistaverkoista riippuen olinpaikasta tai käytettävän sovelluksen tarpeista. Verkonvaihto viittaa tähän verkosta toiseen siirtymiseen, ja se tunnetaan vertikaalisena verkonvaihtona, kun siirtymisen kohteena olevien verkkojen teknologia eroaa toisistaan. TCP on tietoliikenneohjelmisto, jota sekä tiedon lähettäjä että vastaanottaja käyttävät kuljettamaan sovelluksen tiedon luotettavasti. TCP säätelee tiedon lähetysnopeutta riippuen Internetin resurssien saatavuudesta. TCP:n käyttäytyminen riippuu päästä-päähän polun ominaisuuksista ja erityisesti pullonkaulayhteydestä, siitä yhteydestä, jolla on minimikapasiteetti polulla. Langaton yhteys, joka yhdistää kannettavan laitteen Internetiin on usein pullonkaulayhteys, ja äkillinen muutos sen ominaisuuksissa vertikaalisen siirtymän aikana vaikuttaa merkittävästi TCP:n suorituskykyyn ja siten koko sovelluksen laatuun. Tämä työssä on keskitytty tutkimaan TCP:n toimintaa vertikaalisessa verkonvaihdon yhteydessä ja suunnittelemaan algoritmeja, jotka parantavat sen suorituskykyä vertikaalisen verkonvaihdon yhteydessä. Suunnitellut algoritmit käyttävät hyväksi tietoa vertikaaliseen verkonvaihtoon liittyvien langattomien yhteyksien ominaisuuksista. Ensimmäinen tapaustutkimuskohde liittyy WLAN-GPRS -ympäristöön, jossa TCP saa minimimäärän tietoa verkonvaihtoon liittyen. Tulokset näyttävät, että TCP:n suorituskykyä voidaan parantaa huomattavasti. Tutkimusta on laajennettu kattamaan verkonvaihto yleisemmässä tapauksessa käyttäen karkeita arvioita ko. verkkojen ominaisuuksista. Kehitettyjen algoritmien toiminnallisuus on evaluoitu simulaatiokokeilla kattaen laajan joukon ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisia verkkoja. Tulokset osoittavat, että TCP-suorituskykyä voidaan parantaa vertikaalisen verkonvaihdon yhteydessä huomattavasti tätä lähestymistapaa käyttäen. Kehitetyt algoritmit voivat olla hyödyksi etsiessämme ratkaisuja kannettavien laitteiden todellisen käytön tarpeisiin

    Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) Prototype Radio - Generation 2 Flight Test Report

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    NASA Glenn Research Center conducted a series of flight tests for the purpose of evaluating air-to-ground communications links for future unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The primary objective of the test effort was to evaluate the transition of the aircraft communications from one ground station to the next, and to monitor data flow during the "hand-off" event. To facilitate the testing, ground stations were installed at locations in Cleveland, Ohio and Albany, Ohio that each provides line-of-sight radio communications with an overflying aircraft. This report describes results from the flight tests including flight parameters, received signal strength measurements, data latency times, and performance observations for the air-to-ground channel

    The Relationship Between Core Stability Related Measures and Performance in Adolescent All-Star Cheerleaders

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    Purpose: To determine if a relationship exists between core stability related measures (CSRM) and total cheer performance (TCP); including tumbling, jumping, and stunting. Secondly, to determine if TCP can be predicted by these CSRM. Methods: Fifty female competitive cheerleading bases aged 10-18 from various all-star cheer programs in the southeastern region of the United States were included. Participants filled out a current health status questionnaire prior to participation. The CSRM included the timed sit-up test, trunk extensor endurance test, trunk flexion to extension range of motion, dominant limb single leg stance test, and normalized to height dominant limb single leg hop distance. Performance measures included a standing back tuck, a running tumbling dismount, a toe-touch, and a base skill assessment. The CSRM were tested during one session and tumbling and jump performance was video recorded during a separate session. Pearson’s product-moment correlations were used to examine the relationship between CSRM and TCP, multiple regressions were run to predict TCP, and independent t-tests were run to discriminate top performers from bottom performers. Results: Significant correlations were present between TCP and gymnastics experience, normalized hop distance, and timed sit-up test. Backward regression analysis revealed a prediction equation for TCP including the normalized hop distance, dominant limb single leg stance test, and timed sit-up test, with an adjusted R2 of 0.47 ± 2.77. Independent t-tests revealed significantly greater scores of top performers in timed sit-up test, dominant limb single leg hop distance, and normalized hop distance compared to bottom scoring performers. Conclusions: Three CSRM can predict about half of performance in adolescent competitive cheerleaders. Future research should aim to extend methods utilized in this study to various sports

    Mecanismos dinâmicos de segurança para redes softwarizadas e virtualizadas

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    The relationship between attackers and defenders has traditionally been asymmetric, with attackers having time as an upper hand to devise an exploit that compromises the defender. The push towards the Cloudification of the world makes matters more challenging, as it lowers the cost of an attack, with a de facto standardization on a set of protocols. The discovery of a vulnerability now has a broader impact on various verticals (business use cases), while previously, some were in a segregated protocol stack requiring independent vulnerability research. Furthermore, defining a perimeter within a cloudified system is non-trivial, whereas before, the dedicated equipment already created a perimeter. This proposal takes the newer technologies of network softwarization and virtualization, both Cloud-enablers, to create new dynamic security mechanisms that address this asymmetric relationship using novel Moving Target Defense (MTD) approaches. The effective use of the exploration space, combined with the reconfiguration capabilities of frameworks like Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Management and Orchestration (MANO), should allow for adjusting defense levels dynamically to achieve the required security as defined by the currently acceptable risk. The optimization tasks and integration tasks of this thesis explore these concepts. Furthermore, the proposed novel mechanisms were evaluated in real-world use cases, such as 5G networks or other Network Slicing enabled infrastructures.A relação entre atacantes e defensores tem sido tradicionalmente assimétrica, com os atacantes a terem o tempo como vantagem para conceberem uma exploração que comprometa o defensor. O impulso para a Cloudificação do mundo torna a situação mais desafiante, pois reduz o custo de um ataque, com uma padronização de facto sobre um conjunto de protocolos. A descoberta de uma vulnerabilidade tem agora um impacto mais amplo em várias verticais (casos de uso empresarial), enquanto anteriormente, alguns estavam numa pilha de protocolos segregados que exigiam uma investigação independente das suas vulnerabilidades. Além disso, a definição de um perímetro dentro de um sistema Cloud não é trivial, enquanto antes, o equipamento dedicado já criava um perímetro. Esta proposta toma as mais recentes tecnologias de softwarização e virtualização da rede, ambas facilitadoras da Cloud, para criar novos mecanismos dinâmicos de segurança que incidem sobre esta relação assimétrica utilizando novas abordagens de Moving Target Defense (MTD). A utilização eficaz do espaço de exploração, combinada com as capacidades de reconfiguração de frameworks como Network Function Virtualization (NFV) e Management and Orchestration (MANO), deverá permitir ajustar dinamicamente os níveis de defesa para alcançar a segurança necessária, tal como definida pelo risco actualmente aceitável. As tarefas de optimização e de integração desta tese exploram estes conceitos. Além disso, os novos mecanismos propostos foram avaliados em casos de utilização no mundo real, tais como redes 5G ou outras infraestruturas de Network Slicing.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informátic