12 research outputs found

    ReSHAPE: A Framework for Dynamic Resizing and Scheduling of Homogeneous Applications in a Parallel Environment

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    Applications in science and engineering often require huge computational resources for solving problems within a reasonable time frame. Parallel supercomputers provide the computational infrastructure for solving such problems. A traditional application scheduler running on a parallel cluster only supports static scheduling where the number of processors allocated to an application remains fixed throughout the lifetime of execution of the job. Due to the unpredictability in job arrival times and varying resource requirements, static scheduling can result in idle system resources thereby decreasing the overall system throughput. In this paper we present a prototype framework called ReSHAPE, which supports dynamic resizing of parallel MPI applications executed on distributed memory platforms. The framework includes a scheduler that supports resizing of applications, an API to enable applications to interact with the scheduler, and a library that makes resizing viable. Applications executed using the ReSHAPE scheduler framework can expand to take advantage of additional free processors or can shrink to accommodate a high priority application, without getting suspended. In our research, we have mainly focused on structured applications that have two-dimensional data arrays distributed across a two-dimensional processor grid. The resize library includes algorithms for processor selection and processor mapping. Experimental results show that the ReSHAPE framework can improve individual job turn-around time and overall system throughput.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables Submitted to International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'07

    Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Shared Heterogeneous Cluster Systems

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    Cluster computing systems have recently generated enormous interest for providing easily scalable and cost-effective parallel computing solution for processing large-scale applications. Various adaptive space-sharing scheduling algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of dedicated and homogeneous clusters. But commodity clusters are naturally non-dedicated and tend to be heterogeneous over the time as cluster hardware is usually upgraded and new fast machines are also added to improve cluster performance. The existing adaptive policies for dedicated homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel systems are not suitable for such conditions. Most of the existing adaptive policies assume a priori knowledge of certain job characteristics to take scheduling decisions. However such information is not readily available without incurring great cost. This paper fills these gaps by designing robust and effective space-sharing scheduling algorithm for non-dedicated heterogeneous cluster systems, assuming no job characteristics to reduce mean job response time. Evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm provide substantial improvement over existing algorithms at moderate to high system utilizations

    Towards Optimality in Parallel Scheduling

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    To keep pace with Moore's law, chip designers have focused on increasing the number of cores per chip rather than single core performance. In turn, modern jobs are often designed to run on any number of cores. However, to effectively leverage these multi-core chips, one must address the question of how many cores to assign to each job. Given that jobs receive sublinear speedups from additional cores, there is an obvious tradeoff: allocating more cores to an individual job reduces the job's runtime, but in turn decreases the efficiency of the overall system. We ask how the system should schedule jobs across cores so as to minimize the mean response time over a stream of incoming jobs. To answer this question, we develop an analytical model of jobs running on a multi-core machine. We prove that EQUI, a policy which continuously divides cores evenly across jobs, is optimal when all jobs follow a single speedup curve and have exponentially distributed sizes. EQUI requires jobs to change their level of parallelization while they run. Since this is not possible for all workloads, we consider a class of "fixed-width" policies, which choose a single level of parallelization, k, to use for all jobs. We prove that, surprisingly, it is possible to achieve EQUI's performance without requiring jobs to change their levels of parallelization by using the optimal fixed level of parallelization, k*. We also show how to analytically derive the optimal k* as a function of the system load, the speedup curve, and the job size distribution. In the case where jobs may follow different speedup curves, finding a good scheduling policy is even more challenging. We find that policies like EQUI which performed well in the case of a single speedup function now perform poorly. We propose a very simple policy, GREEDY*, which performs near-optimally when compared to the numerically-derived optimal policy

    Simbatch: an API for simulating and predicting the performance of parallel resources and batch systems

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    The study of scheduling algorithms for parallel tasks in a grid computing context either neglects local reservation systems which manage parallel resources, either suppose that they use a First Come First Served strategy, or the experimental model does not handle parallel tasks. In this report, we describe an API built in the grid simulation tool Simgrid. It offers core functionalities to simulate in a realistic way parallel resources and batch reservation systems. Simbatch simulation experiments show an error rate inferior to 1% compared to real life experiments conducted with the OAR batch manager

    Workflow task clustering for best effort systems with

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    ABSTRACT Many scientific workflows are composed of fine computational granularity tasks, yet they are composed of thousands of them and are data intensive in nature, thus requiring resources such as the TeraGrid to execute efficiently. In order to improve the performance of such applications, we often employ task clustering techniques to increase the computational granularity of workflow tasks. The goal is to minimize the completion time of the workflow by reducing the impact of queue wait times. In this paper, we examine the performance impact of the clustering techniques using the Pegasus workflow management system. Experiments performed using an astronomy workflow on the NCSA TeraGrid cluster show that clustering can achieve a significant reduction in the workflow completion time (upto 97%)

    Real-Time Divisible Load Scheduling with Different Processor Available Times

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    Providing QoS and performance guarantees to arbitrarily divisible loads has become a significant problem for many cluster-based research computing facilities. While progress is being made in scheduling arbitrarily divisible loads, some of proposed approaches may cause Inserted Idle Times (IITs) that are detrimental to system performance. In this paper we propose a new approach that utilizes IITs and thus enhances the system performance. The novelty of our approach is that, to simplify the analysis, a homogenous system with IITs is transformed to an equivalent heterogeneous system, and that our algorithms can schedule real-time divisible loads with different processor available times. Intensive simulations show that the new approach outperforms the previous approach in all configurations. We also compare the performance of our algorithm to the current practice of manually splitting workloads by users. Simulation results validate the advantages of our approach

    Cost-Effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud

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    This paper presents a new MapReduce cloud service model, Cura, for provisioning cost-effective MapReduce services in a cloud. In contrast to existing MapReduce cloud services such as a generic compute cloud or a dedicated MapReduce cloud, Cura has a number of unique benefits. First, Cura is designed to provide a cost-effective solution to efficiently handle MapReduce production workloads that have a significant amount of interactive jobs. Second, unlike existing services that require customers to decide the resources to be used for the jobs, Cura leverages MapReduce profiling to automatically create the best cluster configuration for the jobs. While the existing models allow only a per-job resource optimization for the jobs, Cura implements a globally efficient resource allocation scheme that significantly reduces the resource usage cost in the cloud. Third, Cura leverages unique optimization opportunities when dealing with workloads that can withstand some slack. By effectively multiplexing the available cloud resources among the jobs based on the job requirements, Cura achieves significantly lower resource usage costs for the jobs. Cura's core resource management schemes include cost-aware resource provisioning, VM-aware scheduling and online virtual machine reconfiguration. Our experimental results using Facebook-like workload traces show that our techniques lead to more than 80 percent reduction in the cloud compute infrastructure cost with upto 65 percent reduction in job response times

    "Virtual malleability" applied to MPI jobs to improve their execution in a multiprogrammed environment"

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    This work focuses on scheduling of MPI jobs when executing in shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs). The objective was to obtain the best performance in response time in multiprogrammed multiprocessors systems using batch systems, assuming all the jobs have the same priority. To achieve that purpose, the benefits of supporting malleability on MPI jobs to reduce fragmentation and consequently improve the performance of the system were studied. The contributions made in this work can be summarized as follows:· Virtual malleability: A mechanism where a job is assigned a dynamic processor partition, where the number of processes is greater than the number of processors. The partition size is modified at runtime, according to external requirements such as the load of the system, by varying the multiprogramming level, making the job contend for resources with itself. In addition to this, a mechanism which decides at runtime if applying local or global process queues to an application depending on the load balancing between processes of it. · A job scheduling policy, that takes decisions such as how many processes to start with and the maximum multiprogramming degree based on the type and number of applications running and queued. Moreover, as soon as a job finishes execution and where there are queued jobs, this algorithm analyzes whether it is better to start execution of another job immediately or just wait until there are more resources available. · A new alternative to backfilling strategies for the problema of window execution time expiring. Virtual malleability is applied to the backfilled job, reducing its partition size but without aborting or suspending it as in traditional backfilling. The evaluation of this thesis has been done using a practical approach. All the proposals were implemented, modifying the three scheduling levels: queuing system, processor scheduler and runtime library. The impact of the contributions were studied under several types of workloads, varying machine utilization, communication and, balance degree of the applications, multiprogramming level, and job size. Results showed that it is possible to offer malleability over MPI jobs. An application obtained better performance when contending for the resources with itself than with other applications, especially in workloads with high machine utilization. Load imbalance was taken into account obtaining better performance if applying the right queue type to each application independently.The job scheduling policy proposed exploited virtual malleability by choosing at the beginning of execution some parameters like the number of processes and maximum multiprogramming level. It performed well under bursty workloads with low to medium machine utilizations. However as the load increases, virtual malleability was not enough. That is because, when the machine is heavily loaded, the jobs, once shrunk are not able to expand, so they must be executed all the time with a partition smaller than the job size, thus degrading performance. Thus, at this point the job scheduling policy concentrated just in moldability.Fragmentation was alleviated also by applying backfilling techniques to the job scheduling algorithm. Virtual malleability showed to be an interesting improvement in the window expiring problem. Backfilled jobs even on a smaller partition, can continue execution reducing memory swapping generated by aborts/suspensions In this way the queueing system is prevented from reinserting the backfilled job in the queue and re-executing it in the future.Postprint (published version

    "Virtual malleability" applied to MPI jobs to improve their execution in a multiprogrammed environment"

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    This work focuses on scheduling of MPI jobs when executing in shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs). The objective was to obtain the best performance in response time in multiprogrammed multiprocessors systems using batch systems, assuming all the jobs have the same priority. To achieve that purpose, the benefits of supporting malleability on MPI jobs to reduce fragmentation and consequently improve the performance of the system were studied. The contributions made in this work can be summarized as follows:· Virtual malleability: A mechanism where a job is assigned a dynamic processor partition, where the number of processes is greater than the number of processors. The partition size is modified at runtime, according to external requirements such as the load of the system, by varying the multiprogramming level, making the job contend for resources with itself. In addition to this, a mechanism which decides at runtime if applying local or global process queues to an application depending on the load balancing between processes of it. · A job scheduling policy, that takes decisions such as how many processes to start with and the maximum multiprogramming degree based on the type and number of applications running and queued. Moreover, as soon as a job finishes execution and where there are queued jobs, this algorithm analyzes whether it is better to start execution of another job immediately or just wait until there are more resources available. · A new alternative to backfilling strategies for the problema of window execution time expiring. Virtual malleability is applied to the backfilled job, reducing its partition size but without aborting or suspending it as in traditional backfilling. The evaluation of this thesis has been done using a practical approach. All the proposals were implemented, modifying the three scheduling levels: queuing system, processor scheduler and runtime library. The impact of the contributions were studied under several types of workloads, varying machine utilization, communication and, balance degree of the applications, multiprogramming level, and job size. Results showed that it is possible to offer malleability over MPI jobs. An application obtained better performance when contending for the resources with itself than with other applications, especially in workloads with high machine utilization. Load imbalance was taken into account obtaining better performance if applying the right queue type to each application independently.The job scheduling policy proposed exploited virtual malleability by choosing at the beginning of execution some parameters like the number of processes and maximum multiprogramming level. It performed well under bursty workloads with low to medium machine utilizations. However as the load increases, virtual malleability was not enough. That is because, when the machine is heavily loaded, the jobs, once shrunk are not able to expand, so they must be executed all the time with a partition smaller than the job size, thus degrading performance. Thus, at this point the job scheduling policy concentrated just in moldability.Fragmentation was alleviated also by applying backfilling techniques to the job scheduling algorithm. Virtual malleability showed to be an interesting improvement in the window expiring problem. Backfilled jobs even on a smaller partition, can continue execution reducing memory swapping generated by aborts/suspensions In this way the queueing system is prevented from reinserting the backfilled job in the queue and re-executing it in the future