20 research outputs found

    A methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for interactive information systems

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    The definition of proposed research addressing the development and validation of a methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for interactive information systems is given. The major objectives of this research are: the development of a comprehensive, objective, and generalizable methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for information systems; the development of equations and/or analytical models to characterize user behavior and the performance of a designed interface; the design of a prototype system for the development and administration of user interfaces; and the design and use of controlled experiments to support the research and test/validate the proposed methodology. The proposed design methodology views the user interface as a virtual machine composed of three layers: an interactive layer, a dialogue manager layer, and an application interface layer. A command language model of user system interactions is presented because of its inherent simplicity and structured approach based on interaction events. All interaction events have a common structure based on common generic elements necessary for a successful dialogue. It is shown that, using this model, various types of interfaces could be designed and implemented to accommodate various categories of users. The implementation methodology is discussed in terms of how to store and organize the information

    Applying serious games to assess driver : information system ergonomics

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informåtica e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Microcomputers as adaptive and protective interfaces in computer networks

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    Imperial Users onl

    User Perception of Bitcoin Usability and Security across Novice Users

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    This paper investigates users’ perceptions and experiences of an anonymous digital payment system (Bitcoin) and its influence on users in terms of usability and security in comparison to other non-anonymous payment systems such as credit/debit cards. This paper identifies users’ perceptual differences in terms of usability and security. Two versions of user survey are used to collect data, which reveal significant differences in users’ perceptions of credit/debit cards and Bitcoin. The usability attributes of both systems examined show that respondents perceive the usability of credit/debit cards to be higher than Bitcoin. This has a great negative influence on users’ security perceptions of Bitcoin. We conclude that Bitcoin, as a crypto-currency, is still in its infancy and requires user education and a new way of thinking. The study recommends developing users’ mental models to deepen developers’ understanding of anonymous digital payment technology and improve user-centred design. We also make recommendations with respect to e-government services that may be developed relying on crypto-currencies

    Learnability makes things click : a grounded theory approach to the software product evaluation

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    The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to investigate the phenomenon of learnability more deeply in order to better understand the learnability process. Grounded theory was used to determine the ground concepts based on fifteen users’ (N=15) actions (N=1836) in the WebCT Campus Edition’s virtual environment. Based on this study, the phenomenon of learnability and the learnability process is understood in greater detail and defined from the human centric of view, where the human being is the key actor. This doctoral dissertation answers the following research problem: 1. How learnable is the WebCT Campus Edition’s virtual environment? 2. How can the phenomenon of learnability be defined in a new way? The WebCT Campus Edition virtual environment’s learnability was measured with performance time and directions of action. In addition, the traditional learnability metrics of performance time and direction of users’ actions was used to verify the theoretical model of learnability and its nonlinearity. The result of this study showed that the variety of the WebCT Campus Edition’s learnability was higher between the individual users than it was between the different tasks. Therefore, the variety of task difficulty, i.e. the complexity or easiness of the different part of the user interface, have less influence on learnability in the WebCT Campus Edition than do the individual users’characteristics. Thus, the research results confirm the results found in earlier studies, where two important issues for usability evaluation and therefore evaluation on learnability, are the tasks and users individual characteristics. The theoretical model of learnability with following phases of information search, data collection, knowledge management, knowledge form, knowledge build and the result of action were determined from data. The theoretical model of learnability and its main patterns of a) data collection-information search, b)knowledge build-knowledge form and c) information searchknowledge management proves that learnability is a non-linear process. Therefore, the phenomenon of learnability cannot purely be defined by the separate properties of learnability, i.e. the properties of a user interface and a progressively enhanced linear process illustrated with learning curves. The theoretical model of learnability is one of the rare models of learnability that is based on empirical data. The use of grounded theory methodology means that the phenomenon of learnability is studied through tacit knowledge, i.e. through users’ real actions and though explicit knowledge, the users cognitive processes during interaction i.e. the phenomenon of learnability is approached from the holistic point of view, where the phenomenon of learnability is seen as one holistic process. Thus triangulation, where the phenomenon is interpreted through several split case studies are therefore unnecessary in this research setting. In conclusion, too many studies are still conducted in a laboratory situation using traditional methodological paradigms. More learnability studies with new methodological approaches in the natural environments are needed were the human, learning and non-linear process of learnability are in focus. It is important to understand more deeply the process of learnability and investigate more in greater detail the key elements that enhance learnability and on the other hand, cause learnability problems for users. Finally, based on the theoretical models of learnability, we can develop tools for the commercial user interface world in order to measure and test the learnability process more precisely and better understand how skills are actually learnt and how “to click” learnability

    Modelling and evaluating drivers’ interactions with in-vehicle information systems (IVIS)

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    Evaluating the usability of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) guides engineers in understanding the interaction design limitations of current systems and assessing the potential of concept technologies. The complexity and diversity of the driving task presents a unique challenge in defining usability: user-IVIS interactions create a dual-task scenario, in which conflicts can arise between the primary driving tasks and secondary IVIS tasks. This, and the safety-critical nature of driving, must be specified in defining and evaluating IVIS usability.Work was carried out in the initial phases of this project to define usability for IVIS and to develop a framework for evaluation. One of the key findings of this work was the importance of context-of-use in defining usability, so that specific usability criteria and appropriate evaluation methods can be identified. The evaluation methods in the framework were categorised as either analytic, i.e. applicable at the earliest stages of product development to predict performance and usability; or empirical, i.e. to measure user performance under simulated or real-world conditions. Two case studies have shown that the evaluation framework is sensitive to differences between IVIS and can identify important usability issues, which can be used to inform design improvements.The later stages of the project have focussed on Multimodal Critical Path Analysis (CPA). Initially, CPA was used to predict IVIS task interaction times for a stationary vehicle. The CPA model was extended to produce fastperson and slowperson task time estimates, as well as average predictions. In order for the CPA to be of real use to designers of IVIS, it also needed to predict dual-task IVIS interaction times, i.e. time taken to perform IVIS tasks whilst driving. A hypothesis of shared glances was developed, proposing that drivers are able to monitor two visual information sources simultaneously. The CPA technique was extended for prediction of dual-task interaction times by modelling this shared glance pattern. The hypothesis has important implications for theories of visual behaviour and for the design of future IVIS

    Tuovi 3: Interaktiivinen tekniikka koulutuksessa 2005 -konferenssin tutkijatapaamisen artikkelit

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    Interaktiivinen tekniikka koulutuksessa (ITK) 2005 -konferenssin yhteydessÀ jÀrjestettiin tutkijatapaaminen 20.4.2005. TÀmÀ julkaisu sisÀltÀÀ tutkijatapaamisen esitysten artikkeliversiot. ITK-tutkijatapaaminen pyrkii tuomaan yhteen tieto- ja viestintÀtekniikan opetuskÀytön tutkijoita. Tutkijatapaaminen luotiin palvelemaan erityisesti nuoria ja alueelle tulevia tutkijoita, tarjoamaan heille foorumi, jossa esiintyÀ ja esitellÀ tutkimushankkeitaan. Tutkijatapaamisen esitykset arvioitiin tieteellisen konferenssin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Arvioitsijat olivat alan tunnettuja tieteentekijöitÀ, jotka kiinnittivÀt huomiota esitysten tieteelliseen pÀtevyyteen ja uutuusarvoon sekÀ aiheen kiinnostavuuteen. Arviointien perusteella tutkijatapaamiseen hyvÀksyttiin 21 esitystÀ, jotka muodostavat monipuolisen tutkimushankkeiden kirjon ja kuvaavat hyvin, miten laaja-alaista ja monimuotoista alan tutkimus Suomessa on

    An Integrated Approach to Parametric Associative Design for Powertrain Components on the Automotive Industry

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    The automotive engineering process is characterized by a long and complex design process which starts with the first sketches in the preliminary design phase and proceeds to the final detailed CAD and physical models. In this process, every design phase includes different process steps and tasks which are closely interconnected with each other. Therefore the different design stages demand capable Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems which are able to handle the different kinds of design information created and manipulated in the process. Currently in automotive practice, parametric and associative (PA) CAD systems are widely applied in the product development process. Such systems allow design knowledge to be embedded in CAD models by means of rules and formulae. In addition, CAD parts and assemblies can be generated faster and easier by modification of design parameters and therefore there is a possibility to create different CAD model variants which are based on the same CAD model. The four key element of the following work are (a) to identify the problems during the design process with parametric and associative (PA) methods during a three year of study and also the analysis of the literature survey. Furthermore (b) in this study the author will develop and implement a newly developed PA design approach (PARAMASS) in a ―real‖ industrial context. Beside this the following work will (c) discuss the issues which are important during the implementation of the developed PA approach in an industrial surrounding. The last key element (d) is to develop an evaluation approach for the PARAMASS approach during the application in an industrial context. In this case the author will be able to do action research in the industry and get first hand information during the accomplishment of these key elements. This thesis presents the results of a research programme carried out using the design research methodology of Blessing and Chakrabarti, aimed at understanding the difficulties and challenges faced by designers in using PA CAD systems and then developing and evaluating an integrated approach to the creation of PA CAD models in an automotive power train design context. Firstly, this thesis presents a review of the state of the art in PA design methods and approaches and also reviews previous research on the development of methodologies for the construction of PA CAD models. It then presents results of a descriptive study of the use of PA CAD tools and methods in vehicle power train design in an automotive original equipment manufacturer and in companies in its supply chain using questionnaires, interviews, tests and other field studies with a number of practising engineers. This study identified a number of issues faced by designers in the use of PA CAD tools and allowed the requirements for improved methods for the use of PA CAD tools to be formulated and indicators identified for their evaluation. Based on the results of the descriptive study a new integrated parametric associative (PA) approach for the design process of power train components was created in a prescriptive study stage. The approach, called PARAMASS, allows designers to construct and modify models in a methodical way based on three main phases: a specification phase to prepare the relevant parameters and associative relationships, a structuring phase that allows part and assembly structures to be created and a modification phase in which the created parametric and associative information can be modified and changed. The method makes extensive use of predefined structures matrix approaches adapted from the Design Structure Matrix. The prescriptive study phase of the research was followed by a second descriptive study to evaluate and investigate in both a qualitative and quantitative way the changes achieved by the PARAMASS approach. The qualitative evaluation was based on the Goal Question Metric approach and showed that there are advantages related to the reusability aspects like learning, application and acceptance of the developed integrated approach. The quantitative evaluation was based on the Use Case approach and demonstrated good advantages in applying the developed approach, but dependent on the complexity of the created parts and assemblies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo