2,087 research outputs found

    User equilibrium traffic network assignment with stochastic travel times and late arrival penalty

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    The classical Wardrop user equilibrium (UE) assignment model assumes traveller choices are based on fixed, known travel times, yet these times are known to be rather variable between trips, both within and between days; typically, then, only mean travel times are represented. Classical stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) methods allow the mean travel times to be differentially perceived across the population, yet in a conventional application neither the UE or SUE approach recognises the travel times to be inherently variable. That is to say, there is no recognition that drivers risk arriving late at their destinations, and that this risk may vary across different paths of the network and according to the arrival time flexibility of the traveller. Recent work on incorporating risky elements into the choice process is seen either to neglect the link to the arrival constraints of the traveller, or to apply only to restricted problems with parallel alternatives and inflexible travel time distributions. In the paper, an alternative approach is described based on the ‘schedule delay’ paradigm, penalising late arrival under fixed departure times. The approach allows flexible travel time densities, which can be fitted to actual surveillance data, to be incorporated. A generalised formulation of UE is proposed, termed a Late Arrival Penalised UE (LAPUE). Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of LAPUE solutions are considered, as well as methods for their computation. Two specific travel time models are then considered, one based on multivariate Normal arc travel times, and an extended model to represent arc incidents, based on mixture distributions of multivariate Normals. Several illustrative examples are used to examine the sensitivity of LAPUE solutions to various input parameters, and in particular its comparison with UE predictions. Finally, paths for further research are discussed, including the extension of the model to include elements such as distributed arrival time constraints and penalties

    a cross-entropy based multiagent approach for multiclass activity chain modeling and simulation

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    This paper attempts to model complex destination-chain, departure time and route choices based on activity plan implementation and proposes an arc-based cross entropy method for solving approximately the dynamic user equilibrium in multiagent-based multiclass network context. A multiagent-based dynamic activity chain model is developed, combining travelers' day-to-day learning process in the presence of both traffic flow and activity supply dynamics. The learning process towards user equilibrium in multiagent systems is based on the framework of Bellman's principle of optimality, and iteratively solved by the cross entropy method. A numerical example is implemented to illustrate the performance of the proposed method on a multiclass queuing network.dynamic traffic assignment, cross entropy method, activity chain, multiagent, Bellman equation

    Dynamic traffic assignment: model classifications and recent advances in travel choice principles

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    Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) has been studied for more than four decades and numerous reviews of this research area have been conducted. This review focuses on the travel choice principle and the classification of DTA models, and is supplementary to the existing reviews. The implications of the travel choice principle for the existence and uniqueness of DTA solutions are discussed, and the interrelation between the travel choice principle and the traffic flow component is explained using the nonlinear complementarity problem, the variational inequality problem, the mathematical programming problem, and the fixed point problem formulations. This paper also points out that all of the reviewed travel choice principles are extended from those used in static traffic assignment. There are also many classifications of DTA models, in which each classification addresses one aspect of DTA modeling. Finally, some future research directions are identified.postprin

    The Day-to-Day Dynamics of Route Choice

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    This paper reviews methods proposed for modelling the day-to-day dynamics of route choice, on an individual driver level. Extensions to within-day dynamics and choice of departure time are also discussed. A new variation on the approaches reviewed is also described. Simulation tests on a simple two-link network are used to illustrate the approach, and to investigate probabilistic counterparts of equilibrium uniqueness and stability. The long-term plan is for such a day-to-day varying demand-side model to be combined with a suitable microscopic supply-side model, thereby producing a new generation network model. The need for such a model - particularly in the context of assessing real-time transport strategies - has been identified in previous working papers

    a cross-entropy based multiagent approach for multiclass activity chain modeling and simulation

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    This paper attempts to model complex destination-chain, departure time and route choices based on activity plan implementation and proposes an arc-based cross entropy method for solving approximately the dynamic user equilibrium in multiagent-based multiclass network context. A multiagent-based dynamic activity chain model is developed, combining travelers' day-to-day learning process in the presence of both traffic flow and activity supply dynamics. The learning process towards user equilibrium in multiagent systems is based on the framework of Bellman's principle of optimality, and iteratively solved by the cross entropy method. A numerical example is implemented to illustrate the performance of the proposed method on a multiclass queuing network

    A Modified Late Arrival Penalised User Equilibrium Model and Robustness in Data Perturbation

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    In this paper, we revisit the LAPUE model with a different focus: we begin by adopting a new penalty function which gives a smooth transition of the boundary between lateness and no lateness and demonstrate the LAPUE model based on the new penalty function has a unique equilibrium and is stable with respect to (w.r.t.) small perturbation of probability distribution under moderate conditions. We then move on to discuss statistical robustness of the modified LAPUE (MLAPUE) model by considering the case that the data to be used for fitting the density function may be perturbed in practice or there is a discrepancy between the probability distribution of the underlying uncertainty constructed with empirical data and the true probability distribution in future, we investigate how the data perturbation may affect the equilibrium. We undertake the analysis from two perspectives: (a) a few data are perturbed by outliers and (b) all data are potentially perturbed. In case (a), we use the well-known influence function to quantify the sensitivity of the equilibrium by the outliers and in case (b) we examine the difference between empirical distributions of the equilibrium based on perturbed data and the equilibrium based on unperturbed data. To examine the performance of the MLAPUE model and our theoretical analysis of statistical robustness, we carry out some numerical experiments, the preliminary results confirm the statistical robustness as desired.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures and 1 tabl

    Models and Algorithms for Addressing Travel Time Variability: Applications from Optimal Path Finding and Traffic Equilibrium Problems

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    An optimal path finding problem and a traffic equilibrium problem are two important, fundamental, and interrelated topics in the transportation research field. Under travel time variability, the road networks are considered as stochastic, where the link travel times are treated as random variables with known probability density functions. By considering the effect of travel time variability and corresponding risk-taking behavior of the travelers, this dissertation proposes models and algorithms for addressing travel time variability with applications from optimal path finding and traffic equilibrium problems. Specifically, two new optimal path finding models and two novel traffic equilibrium models are proposed in stochastic networks. To adaptively determine a reliable path with the minimum travel time budget required to meet the user-specified reliability threshold α, an adaptive α-reliable path finding model is proposed. It is formulated as a chance constrained model under a dynamic programming framework. Then, a discrete-time algorithm is developed based on the properties of the proposed model. In addition to accounting for the reliability aspect of travel time variability, the α-reliable mean-excess path finding model further concerns the unreliability aspect of the late trips beyond the travel time budget. It is formulated as a stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear program. To solve this difficult problem, a practical double relaxation procedure is developed. By recognizing travelers are not only interested in saving their travel time but also in reducing their risk of being late, a α-reliable mean-excess traffic equilibrium (METE) model is proposed. Furthermore, a stochastic α-reliable mean-excess traffic equilibrium (SMETE) model is developed by incorporating the travelers’ perception error, where the travelers’ route choice decisions are determined by the perceived distribution of the stochastic travel time. Both models explicitly examine the effects of both reliability and unreliability aspects of travel time variability in a network equilibrium framework. They are both formulated as a variational inequality (VI) problem and solved by a route-based algorithm based on the modified alternating direction method. In conclusion, this study explores the effects of the various aspects (reliability and unreliability) of travel time variability on travelers’ route choice decision process by considering their risk preferences. The proposed models provide novel views of the optimal path finding problem and the traffic equilibrium problem under an uncertain environment, and the proposed solution algorithms enable potential applicability for solving practical problems


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    Travel time reliability is deemed as one of the most important factors affecting travelers’ route choice decisions. However, existing practices mostly consider average travel time only. This dissertation establishes a methodology framework to overcome such limitation. Semi-standard deviation is first proposed as the measure of reliability to quantify the risk under uncertain conditions on the network. This measure only accounts for travel times that exceed certain pre-specified benchmark, which offers a better behavioral interpretation and theoretical foundation than some currently used measures such as standard deviation and the probability of on-time arrival. Two path finding models are then developed by integrating both average travel time and semi-standard deviation. The single objective model tries to minimize the weighted sum of average travel time and semi-standard deviation, while the multi-objective model treats them as separate objectives and seeks to minimize them simultaneously. The multi-objective formulation is preferred to the single objective model, because it eliminates the need for prior knowledge of reliability ratios. It offers an additional benefit of providing multiple attractive paths for traveler’s further decision making. The sampling based approach using archived travel time data is applied to derive the path semi-standard deviation. The approach provides a nice workaround to the problem that there is no exact solution to analytically derive the measure. Through this process, the correlation structure can be implicitly accounted for while simultaneously avoiding the complicated link travel time distribution fitting and convolution process. Furthermore, the metaheuristic algorithm and stochastic dominance based approach are adapted to solve the proposed models. Both approaches address the issue where classical shortest path algorithms are not applicable due to non-additive semi-standard deviation. However, the stochastic dominance based approach is preferred because it is more computationally efficient and can always find the true optimal paths. In addition to semi-standard deviation, on-time arrival probability and scheduling delay measures are also investigated. Although these three measures share similar mathematical structures, they exhibit different behaviors in response to large deviations from the pre-specified travel time benchmark. Theoretical connections between these measures and the first three stochastic dominance rules are also established. This enables us to incorporate on-time arrival probability and scheduling delay measures into the methodology framework as well

    Advances in Urban Traffic Network Equilibrium Models and Algorithms

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