78 research outputs found

    Programes i estratègies de prevenció del ciberassetjament

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    Programes i estratègies de prevenció del ciberassetjamen

    The uses of chatbots in the context of children and teenagers bullying: a systematic literature review

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    This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review concerning the actual and future uses of chatbots (artificial conversation agents) in youth bullying cases. The study found that while artificial intelligence is highly regarded as an interesting tool by researchers, the technology is not yet good enough to intervene in crisis cases. Indeed, the studies show that chatbots are still inaccurate regarding emotion detection, their language is not adapted to children’s way of speaking and writing, and they are too predictable. Despite those limitations, the most promising use of chatbots regarding bullying is as a way to raise awareness about it among children and teenagers. Chatbots could then become a tool in preventing bullying cases. This paper also presents a review of researchers’ rhetoric about chatbots, the reasons why youths want to interact with chatbots, and how the use of chatbots in intervention is going to affect the service providers’ work

    Estratégias de intervenção para adolescentes em situações de bullying escolar: uma revisão sistemática

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    O bullying entre adolescentes constitui-se em um grave problema social e de saúde pública, fazendo-se necessária a utilização de estratégias de intervenção que ajudem na prevenção do bullying no ambiente escolar. Sendo assim, esta revisão sistemática objetivou investigar os tipos de intervenções existentes, as quais podem ser utilizadas com adolescentes em situação de bullying escolar. As buscas por artigos científicos foram realizadas em maio de 2018, através da utilização da string “Bullying” AND “Intervention” AND “School” AND “Adolescents”, em três bases de dados virtuais: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (PubMed) e American Psychological Association Database (PsycNET). Foram localizados inicialmente 1.784 artigos, restando 19 estudos após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e de exclusão. Observou-se que as estratégias de intervenção para o bullying podem ser divididas em três categorias: 1) estratégias de intervenção mediadas por professores e equipe escolar, 2) estratégias de intervenção mediadas por profissionais de fora da escola, 3) estratégias de intervenção mediadas por alunos. Concluiu-se que as duas primeiras categorias apresentam estratégias de intervenção com boas evidências de eficácia para redução dos comportamentos relacionados ao bullying escolar. Foram localizados apenas três estudos que sugeriram o uso de intervenções mediadas pelos próprios estudantes, as quais não apresentaram altos índices de eficácia. Palavras-chave: Bullying; intervenção; adolescentes.

    O cyberbullying entre adolescentes do ensino m?dio do Instituto Federal Baiano-Campus Guanambi- e o uso das TDIC nos programas escolares voltados para seu enfrentamento

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    Embora a m?dia social possibilite a intera??o entre seus usu?rios, algumas pessoas a utilizam para comportamento agressivo, marcado por intimida??o e/ou medo, conhecido como cyberbullying, que consiste na manifesta??o da viol?ncia por meio das tecnologias digitais da informa??o e comunica??o (TDIC). No contexto escolar, este ? um problema para os alunos, professores e fam?lias, devido ao seu impacto negativo na sa?de mental das v?timas. Nesse sentido, este estudo buscou inicialmente identificar as manifesta??es de cyberbullying e seus desdobramentos psicol?gicos e sociais entre alunos do ensino m?dio do Instituto Federal Baiano-Campus Guanambi-BA (IF BAIANO-Campus Guanambi). Os dados foram coletados por meio de question?rio online e analisados por meio da estat?stica descritiva e inferencial, em que se buscou o entendimento das rela??es dos estudantes com o cyberbullying. Os resultados mostraram que as v?timas possuem abalos psicol?gicos e problemas sociais, como consequ?ncias do cyberbullying, al?m de testemunhas das pr?ticas de viol?ncia virtual possu?rem not?ria sensibilidade e vontade de ajudar a v?tima. Isso refor?a a necessidade de se estabelecer um canal de comunica??o eficiente na unidade escolar para receber notifica??es e, ent?o, proceder com as estrat?gias de investiga??o e controle, para o enfrentamento do cyberbullying. Nesse sentido, considerando que as TDIC tamb?m podem ser utilizadas no sentido inverso ao dessas agress?es, para promover o bemestar emocional, f?sico e social dos seus usu?rios, foi realizado um mapeamento sistem?tico da literatura, no qual buscouse pesquisar como elas t?m sido utilizadas em programas para prevenir e combater o cyberbullying no ambiente escolar. Tais programas foram caracterizados de acordo com as estrat?gias de design adotadas por suas interven??es para o enfrentamento do cyberbullying. Com isso, foi poss?vel estabelecer uma vis?o geral dos programas mediados por tecnologia com foco na mitiga??o do cyberbullying no ambiente escolar. No entanto, os resultados mostram um pequeno n?mero desses programas nos ?ltimos anos (apenas quatro em um intervalo de cinco anos). Assim, a literatura mapeada aponta uma lacuna sobre programas institucionais anticyberbullying mediados por tecnologia.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.Although social media provides interaction among users, some people use it for aggressive behaviors, characterized by intimidation and/or fear, known as cyberbullying, which consists of violence manifestation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In the context of schools, this is a problem for students, teachers, and families due to its negative impact on the mental health of the victims. In this sense, this research initially looked to identify the manifestations of cyberbullying and its psychological and social consequences among high school students of the Instituto Federal Baiano-Campus Guanambi-BA (IF BAIANO-Campus Guanambi). The data was collected via online questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics to identify the students? relationship with cyberbullying. The results have shown that the victims present psychological traumas and social problems as a consequence of cyberbullying, and witnesses of virtual violence have a notorious sensitivity and willingness to help the victim. These results reinforce the need to stablish an efficient communication channel in the education unit to receive notifications and then to proceed with the strategies of investigation and control to combat the cyberbullying. In this sense, considering that ICTs can also be used to counteract these aggressions, in order to promote the emotional, physical, and social wellbeing of the users, a systematic mapping of literature was done to search how ICTs have been used in programs to prevent and combat the cyberbullying in the school environment. Those programs were categorized according to the design strategies adopted by their interventions to combat the cyberbullying. Therefore, it was possible to establish an overview of the programs mediated by technology that are focused on mitigating cyberbullying in the school environment. However, the results demonstrate a limited number of those programs created in the recent years (only four programs in five years). Thus, the mapped literature points to a gap of institutional anticyberbullying programs mediated by technology

    Dark side of information systems and protection of children online: examining predatory behavior and victimization of children within social media

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    Protecting children online from sexual predators has been a focus of research in psychiatry, sociology, computer science, and information systems (IS) for many years. However, the anonymity afforded by social media has made finding a solution to the problem of child protection difficult. Pedophiles manipulate conversation (discourse) with children in social media in order to exercise power, control and coercion over children leading to their psychological and often physical victimization. Recent IS research points to "individuals, groups, and organizations that have been transformed - in intended and unintended ways - by technology" (Dang and Brown 2010, p. 2). This research examines a darker side of social media that demonstrates unintended consequences that are negatively transforming and affecting lives of children who fall victim to predatory coercion. There is a critical need for information systems research to investigate and understand how sexual predators victimize children online. The knowledge gained could help society as a whole to develop interventions to better protect children online, enabling them to use valuable online resources for education, social development and becoming better citizens in the future. In this context, this dissertation contributes to the larger research narrative of information systems and critical social issues. This dissertation comprises three studies. Study 1 addresses how online sexual predators use social media, as a discursive system, to propagate their ideology of acceptance of sexual acts between adults and children. Study 2 addresses how online sexual predators use and manipulate the text of institutional logics within negotiated cyber-social realities to victimize children. Study 3 examines how online sexual predators use text to construct and control negotiated cyber-social realities during the online victimization of children. Across these three studies we examined how online sexual predators used computer-mediated communications to coerce and victimize children within social media. This research introduces: (1) critical discourse analysis in information systems research to critically examine the role of social media in society, (2) an example of a mixed methods research combining critical discourse analysis, structured content analysis and grounded theory approach for the development of theory in social media and, (3) the use of institutional logics to examine social media phenomena. The central contribution of this dissertation is the development of theoretical models that uncover ways in which power relations and effects of pedophilic ideology are manifested in language and discourse between pedophiles and children in social media. The resulting theoretical models of: (1) pedophilic ideology manifestation, coercion and victimization of children in social media, (2) cyber-victimization logic and, (3) negotiated cyber-social realities provide the foundation for further research, social intervention and policy formulation that lead to better protection of children in social media. Additionally, we present a matrix of predatory coercion and victimization of children within social media that aggregates the results of all three studies. This dissertation aims to contribute beyond the traditional focus of IS research on business and organizations, leveraging the wealth of knowledge from IS research to positively impact societal causes that affect the lives of millions of our fellow citizens - in this particular research - millions of children that are the most vulnerable population in our society. These contributions aim to empower the powerless and expose power abuse as expressed in coercion of children leading to their victimization

    Coding Christianity: Negotiating Religious Dialogue in Online Participatory Spaces

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    This dissertation examines rhetorical conditions and internet-mediated communication strategies that open and close dialogue between individuals with diverse and conflicting worldviews. The author illustrates this tension through sacred-secular interactions in college composition classrooms and online environments, positing that navigating conflict between these discourses—namely those espoused by religiously committed students and public university instructors—often requires stepping outside of adversarial communication frameworks. This project makes a case for models of civic engagement that use more deliberative rhetorical approaches prioritizing empathy over defensiveness and understanding before persuasion. To develop these non-adversarial communication approaches for the composition classroom, the author looks to participatory media for insights and studies the negotiation strategies of Christian and atheist YouTube users who leverage the affordances of the video medium, internet logics, and invitational rhetorical strategies to engage ideological differences in their respective online communities. Through mixed methods research involving in-depth interviews with five YouTube vloggers, netnographic study of over 3,000 videos, and statistical analysis of 76,000+ user comments, Coding Christianity finds that perspective-taking in conflict-ridden environments can happen between netizens when content creators opt out of “flame wars” and, instead, explicitly model critical openness and charitable listening to perceived “others.” The author ultimately suggests that sacred-secular tension in both academic and digital environments be used, not diffused, to negotiate conflicting values and engage in rigorous, civil dialogues