8 research outputs found

    The UNIVAC project: implementing the user journey approach in accessibility research at university

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    Work for inclusive, quality education and the reduction of inequalities is among the prioritised lines of action promoted by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (2015). In the context of higher education, persons with sensory disabilities who study and work at universities face daily accessibility challenges when interacting with their pervasive digital environments. The ongoing UNIVAC research project aims to qualitatively analyse the measures taken by Spanish universities to overcome such challenges, as well as to explore areas of improvement in accessibility at university. This paper presents the project’s aim and scope, and proposes the adoption of the cross-disciplinary user journey approach as a form of methodological innovation in accessibility research in higher education

    Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey

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    Using a mobile application that is featured with local public transit information can greatly improve user action, as well as assisting travelers to have a better experience while taking public transit services. Crowd environment inside a public transit is one of the most frequent causes that lead difficulties to passengers when they engaging their mobile devices to access their apps or in some conditions. Finding crucial information such as stops points and remaining time to interchanges point when switching to another line becomes more difficult in those conditions especially for foreigners who new in a particular region. This study presents the combination of a mental model and a usability approach to construct a user journey map that led to new insights on user's experiences and challenges when utilizing their mobile local transit application. This valuable information is a part of the elicitation process to propose an alternative interaction method to enhance the usability and travel experience of the public transit app. The experimental results indicate that in contrast to the existing mobile transit app, the proposed interface with the utilization of a wearable device could considerably enhance user action when trying to reach the desired location in terms of total time and performance. It implies that the proposed solution, which works through the mental model and user journey is able to intuitively enhance the public transit app usability


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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) adalah ilmu yang mempelajari mesin cerdas. Mulai dari sekolah dasar, anak-anak harus memiliki kesempatan dalam mempelajari ilmu komputer, baik dari beripikir komputasi maupun pemrograman. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dibuatlah platform e-learning yang membahas tentang AI menggunakan block-based programming yaitu eCraft2Learn. Berdasarkan hasil studi lapangan, pengukuran user experience dan user inteface menunjukkan kategori “bad” pada setiap skalanya yaitu attractiveness, perspicuity, effeciancy, dependability, stimulation, dan novelty. Sedangkan dalam e-learning, UI/UX adalah titik dari interaksi sebagai kunci dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Sehingga diperlukan pengembangan UI/UX baik dari segi struktur dan penyajian konten, kolaborasi, hingga interaksi agar dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk merancang kembali UI/UX dan komponen e-learning dalam rangka membantu siswa dalam kenyamanan dan kesuksesan dalam suatu pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, pengembangan UI/UX ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode mixed method dan didukung pula dengan metode pengembangan UI/UX yaitu User Centered Design (UCD) dengan empat tahap utama. Setelah seluruh tahapan metode tersebut dilakukan, maka menghasilkan desain UI/UX yang dapat diukur nilainya berdasarkan pengukuran pengalaman pengguna dan juga perkembangan motivasi belajar siswa melalui empat indikator yaitu motivasi intrinsik, identified regulation, external regulation, dan amotivasi. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain UI/UX yang telah dikembangkan berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi intrinsik dan identified regulation dengan hasil nilai signifikan sebesar 0,04 dan 0,05, sedangkan UI/UX ini berpengaruh negatif terhadap amotivasi dengan nilai t tabel sebesar -0,41. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of intelligent machines. Starting from elementary school, children should have the opportunity to learn computer science, both from thinking computing and programming. Based on this, an e-learning platform was created that discusses AI using block-based programming, namely eCraft2Learn. Based on the results of field studies, user experience and user interface measurements show the "bad" category on each scale, namely attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. Whereas in e-learning, UI/UX is the point of interaction as the key in achieving educational goals. So it is necessary to develop UI/UX both in terms of structure and content presentation, collaboration, and interaction in order to influence student learning motivation. It aims to redesign the UI/UX and e-learning components in order to help students feel comfortable and successful in learning. Thus, the UI/UX development is carried out by applying the mixed method and is also supported by the UI/UX development method, namely User Centered Design (UCD) with four main phases. After all phases of the method are carried out, it produces a UI/UX design whose value can be measured based on the measurement of user experience and also the development of student learning motivation through four indicators, namely intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation. From these results, it can be concluded that the UI/UX design that has been developed has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation and identified regulation with significant values of 0.04 and 0.05, while UI/UX has a negative effect on amotivation with a t-table value of -0.41

    Kliendi ostuprotsess lennupiletite online-müügikanalis reisibüroo AS Estravel näitel

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    The Caretaking of EVE Online: Institutional Ethics and Enactments at CCP Games

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    This ethnography examines the Icelandic video game developer CCP Games, the makers of EVE Online—a massively-multiplayer online game (MMO) that takes place in a star cluster far, far away. Through my exploration of CCP Games as an institution over the span of fourteen months, I highlight how corporations are culturally-situated, enacted entities. Simultaneously, I demonstrate that these culturally-located actors who serve as the architects of our digital infrastructures undertake such efforts from their situated vantage points, thereby embedding particular ethical commitments into the digital landscapes they craft and within which we live our social lives. Created with the intent to be a ‘virtual world more meaningful than real life,’ EVE Online serves as the focal point of my observations of the quotidian practices of CCP Games’s employees as they enact multiple versions of the company and, in doing so, show that it, like any corporation, is not a singular being, but rather a composite of social actors and commitments. Simultaneously, I uncover how the Icelandic context of the company informed the company’s creation and the original development of EVE Online while also showing how the evocation of said Icelandic context impacts the company’s development practices to this day. In doing so, I highlight how this “Icelandic” approach to game development impacts the way in which ethical commitments are made and thereby architected into the game. While my ethnographic focus is that of an Icelandic video game maker, this ethnography demonstrates the impact of cultural situatedness on the architecting of digital infrastructures and the importance of further research at the intersection of technology, ethics, and culture

    Identificação das determinantes influenciadoras da experiência de compra do consumidor português no supermercado

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    Este estudo debruça-se sobre a identificação dos determinantes que influenciam a experiência de compra dos consumidores portugueses, durante a fase de compra da sua jornada de compra no supermercado. De forma a atingir o objetivo pretendido, adotou-se uma abordagem quantitativa num paradigma positivista, recorrendo ao inquérito por questionário como técnica de recolha de dados. No entanto, será um estudo com alguma abertura e por isso com carácter exploratório, uma vez que existirão alguns objetivos que irão ser analisados numa lógica mais compreensiva. Deste estudo, percebe-se claramente, à medida que os gastos aumentam, o número de pontos de contacto também aumenta. Mas também, idades inferiores estão relacionadas à propensão de interagir com mais pontos de contacto no online. Os consumidores valorizam e preferem realizar as compras de carácter alimentar em loja física e costumam deslocar-se uma vez por semana ao supermercado. Um resultado muito interessante e relevante, é o facto de o atendimento ao cliente ter sido a categoria mais apontada pelos inquiridos como influenciadora de uma boa ou má experiência, o que significa que este fator é extremamente importante e influenciador na experiência do mesmo. No que concerne, às medidas tomadas pelos supermercados para combate à Covid-19 os inquiridos consideram-se satisfeitos e as mesmas influenciam de forma considerada e positiva o bem-estar dentro da loja do mesmo. De realçar o facto das medidas adotada pelo supermercado, no que respeita à comunidade, fica bastante claro que o inquirido não tem conhecimento de nenhuma medida adotada. A pertinência deste estudo prende-se com o facto de apesar de os consumidores revelarem a crescente tendência em recorrer ao comércio online, no que concerne ao setor alimentar, os consumidores portugueses revelam-se pouco adeptos deste método, preferindo comprar em loja física. Assim, os supermercados têm de se tornar mais eficientes no que toca aos determinantes proporcionadores de uma boa experiência de compra do consumidor português. Para além disso, apesar da temática relativa à experiência do consumidor tenha sido alvo de um estudo aprofundado por diversos autores, em Portugal e ao nível dos supermercados, a investigação a este nível ainda é incipiente. Ademais, este estudo proporciona a avaliação da perspetiva dos consumidores relativamente às medidas adotadas por diversos supermercados no contexto especial da COVID-19. Esta investigação apresenta naturalmente algumas limitações que podem e devem ser colmatas em pesquisas futuras. Neste sentido, os resultados obtidos precisam de ser analisados com cautela e prudência, uma vez que se utilizou uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência. Além disso, na sequência da situação de emergência e posterior pandemia relativa à Covid-19, impossibilitou a recolha de dados através de observação, tal como pretendido e planeado primitivamente

    User Journey Mapping – A Method in User Experience Design

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