25 research outputs found

    Nursing Leaders' Satisfaction with Information Systems in the Day-to-Day Operations Management in Hospital Units

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    Information usage in the day-to-day operations management of hospital units is complex due to numerous information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe and compare nurse leaders' satisfaction with information systems used in the day-to-day operations management in hospital units. The design was a cross-sectional survey with five questions rated from one (disagree) to five (fully agree). The response rate was 65 % (n = 453). Respondents reported fair satisfaction with how information systems support decision-making (median 4, IQR 3-4) and improve ease of access to information (median 4, IQR 3-4). However, respondents were less satisfied with how systems improve speed of access to information (median 3, IQR 3-4). Nor did respondents think that systems were developed for them (median 3, IQR 2-4). Respondents further reported needing numerous systems daily to support decision-making (median 4, IQR 3-5). A clear need for one system, which would gather important information for display was stated (median 5, IQR 4-5). Work experience, gender and time when overseeing the unit were associated with some aspects related to satisfaction. In conclusion, information system improvements are needed to better support the day-to-day operations management in hospital units.Peer reviewe


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    The Indonesian government has mandated using the Hospital Information System (HIS) since 2013. Until now, not all hospitals in Indonesia have implemented HIS, however. Some barriers have prevented them from applying HIS. This study explores the opportunities and barriers regarding implementing the Hospital Information System (HIS) in Indonesia through a public hospital case study. This study applied a qualitative approach. The approach used interviews to gather data using a pre-tested interview guideline. The guideline used several constructs to structure the questions, i.e., predisposing, enabling, reinforcing, barrier, and projected behavior. Participants were different types of HIS users in the studied hospital, i.e., physician, nurse, pharmacist, administrators, laboratory personnel, and Information Technology (IT) personnel. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. The interviews involved twenty-one participants. Nine themes describe HIS implementation challenges in this case study, i.e., familiarity, flexibility, empowerment, discipline, facilities, data sharing, quality assurance, pragmatism, and capacity building. Pragmatism could be a barrier, while the other values would be opportunities. These challenges are promising in guiding HIS implementation success. The values found in this study convince that HIS implementation in Indonesia is promising. Those challenges are required to be taken into account to  implement  HIS successfully

    Promoting ubiquity and interoperability among health information systems using an soa based architecture

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    Health information systems are of extreme importance and they became an intrinsic part of the healthcare sector. However, in today’s molds and with the advent of the Internet and mobile devices, a paradigm shift, from the current isolated systems to interoperable distributed systems, that take advantage of ubiquitous computing, is needed. In critical situations, such as decision making in healthcare, it is necessary to have access to all of the patient’s information; for the information must be reliable and must be accessed in an easy and fast way. The present work proposes an architecture that aims to answer the needs of interoperability between heterogeneous health information systems and the need for ubiquity of medical information. A prototype was developed that tries to provide interoperability through a service-oriented architecture using web services. A mobile component was also developed to enable ubiquitous access to medical information. This work is based on the authors’ knowledge about the Portuguese National Health Service

    A SOA based architecture to promote ubiquity and interoperability among health information systems

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    In critical situations, such as decision making in healthcare, is necessary to have access to all of the patient’s information, the information must be reliable, and must be accessed in an easy and fast way. These requirements make medical information systems of extreme importance. However in today’s molds and with the advent of the Internet and mobile devices, a paradigm shift, from the current isolated systems to interoperable distributed systems, that take advantage of ubiquitous computing, is needed. The present work proposes an architecture that aims to answer the needs of interoperability between heterogeneous systems and the need of ubiquity of medical information systems. A prototype was developed that tries to provide interoperability through a service-oriented architecture using web services. A mobile component was also developed to enable ubiquitous access to medical information. This work was based on the author’s knowledge about the Portuguese National Health Service

    National Plan of Recovery and Resilience and Digitalization of Public Administrations: New Opportunities for Old Challenges for Social Work

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    The object of this paper is to encourage contemplation on the opportunities and problems the contemporary digital era presents for social work. The paper highlights the significance of considering ISSS not just as a tool for gathering information describing reality but, more importantly, as a tool for its users to advance their knowledge and build relationships with their client and one another. Due to this, it suggests concentrating the informational tools and systems on social workers’ daily tasks and developing them with their direct and ongoing engagement

    E-leadership in nursing – a systematic review

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    Nurses and nurse leaders play a key role in healthcare digitalisation. While the volume of nursing leadership research has increased dramatically, empirical research on e-leadership in nursing remains limited. We believe this is the first systematic review of e-leadership among nurse leaders. Our purpose is to synthesise and describe existing research knowledge on e-leadership in nursing and to identify gaps in research knowledge. We conducted a systematic literature review guided by the framework suggested by Holly et al. (2017). We searched the CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Business Source Premier and Medic databases. The search yielded 1,968 records. We excluded 656 duplicates and 1,125 records by reference to the title and read 187 abstracts. We read 51 full texts, resulting in 12 records; we screened the reference lists of each of those and detected one more relevant record. The review includes 13 studies. Qualitative content analysis was utilised to analyse the data, leading to three main themes being identified: i) interpersonal relationships, ii) e-leadership and coping and iii) readiness for e-leadership and remote work. The main themes incorporated 12 sub-themes. The paper concludes by presenting several practical implications for nurse leaders and their organisations. The findings indicate a readiness for e-leadership among nurse leaders and for remote work among employees. There are several advantages but also many disadvantages regarding e-leadership in nursing. Nurse leaders need sufficient training in e-leadership as digitalisation is progressing in healthcare.© 2024 Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Erikoissairaanhoidon tietojärjestelmien ja rekisterien hyödyntäminen hoitotyön henkilöstövoimavarojen suunnittelussa

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    Tietojärjestelmien tuottama tieto on terveydenhuollon palveluiden järjestämisessä entistä tärkeämpää. Henkilöstövoimavaroja koskevaan näyttöön perustuvaan päätöksentekoon tarvitaan luotettavaa ja vertailukelpoista tietoa potilaiden hoidon tarpeista, hoitotyön toimintaympäristön ominaisuuksista, henkilöstöresursseista ja hoidon tuloksista. Tässä artikkelissa kuvataan hoitotyön henkilöstömitoituksen ja tuloksen tietojärjestelmäperusteisten tunnuslukujen saatavuutta ja käytettävyyttä osastotasolla. Tunnuslukujen määrittely perustui kirjallisuuskatsaukseen. Tunnuslukujen muodostamiseen tarvittavat 18 primaarilukua poimittiin kolmen erikoissairaanhoidon sairaalan tietojärjestelmistä 35 somaattiselta vuodeosastolta aikasarjana vuodelta 2008. Tietojärjestelmistä saatiin yhtenevä tieto yhdeksästä primaariluvusta ja yhdeksästä hieman erilaisina tai vain osasta organisaatioita. Henkilöstömitoituksesta oli saatavilla tunnuslukuja melko hyvin, mutta tulostunnuslukuja vain niukasti. Terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmiin tallentuu henkilöstömitoituksen kannalta käyttökelpoista tietoa, mutta sen hyödyntäminen edellyttää kehittämistyötä

    Nursing Informatics 2018

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    Information usage in the day-to-day operations management of hospital units is complex due to numerous information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe and compare nurse leaders' satisfaction with information systems used in the day-to-day operations management in hospital units. The design was a cross-sectional survey with five questions rated from one (disagree) to five (fully agree). The response rate was 65 % (n = 453). Respondents reported fair satisfaction with how information systems support decision-making (median 4, IQR 3–4) and improve ease of access to information (median 4, IQR 3–4). However, respondents were less satisfied with how systems improve speed of access to information (median 3, IQR 3–4). Nor did respondents think that systems were developed for them (median 3, IQR 2–4). Respondents further reported needing numerous systems daily to support decision-making (median 4, IQR 3–5). A clear need for one system, which would gather important information for display was stated (median 5, IQR 4–5). Work experience, gender and time when overseeing the unit were associated with some aspects related to satisfaction. In conclusion, information system improvements are needed to better support the day-to-day operations management in hospital units.</p

    Manfaat dan Hambatan dalam Pelaksanaan Sistem Informasi Keperawatan

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    Pendahuluan: Sejak tahun 1980 peran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam praktik keperawatan telah berkembang. Untuk sebagian besar perawat, penggunaan TIK telah memberikan semangat baru melalui pengenalan catatan pasien elektronik serta sumber daya klinis yang memerlukan penggunaan komputer bangsal atau perangkat digital lainnya. Evaluasi teknologi informasi (TI) dalam keperawatan  relevan karena cepatnya implementasi sistem TI dalam perawatan kesehatan.Metode: Metode yang digunakan penulis adalah literatur review. Database yang digunakan penulis adalah PROQUEST,Ebsco dan Science Direct dengan menggunakan kata kunci nursing informatic, Health Information System. KeperawatanHasil : Terdapat beberapa kata kunci yang dapat  diambil dari manfaat yang dirasakan oleh perawat dalam penggunaan sistem infomasi keperawatan, yakni merasa lebih banyak waktu yang digunakan untuk bersama dengan pasien, mengurangi kertas (kehilangan data kertas), kontrol kesalahan mudah dicapai, tersedianya data yang dapat digunakan untuk penelitian, serta tersedianya data sebagai landasan perlindungan hukum bagi perawat. Selain itu, dengan sistem yang terintegrasi, komunikasi antar interprofesional dirasakan meningkat, sebab data dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh tenaga kesehatan. Disamping manfaat yang didapatkan tersebut, juga ditemui beberapa kendala yang menjadi penghambat penggunaan sistem informasi dalam keperawatan, sebagaimana dalama kajian literatur ditemukan beberapa kendala, yakni sistem perangkat yang dimana tidak semua perawat mampu mengoperasikan sistem yang ada, kemudian dengan sistem sendiri yang tak kala menemui malah seperti proses yang lambat sehinggamembutuhkan lebih banyak waktu, kerahasian data pasien yang dirasakan kurang terjaga dengan adanya sistem ini, dan dengan adanya sistem ini perawat terkadang merasa kehilangan kemampuan untuk berpikir kritis, sebab kemampuan menyimpulkan diagnosa dan intervensi dirumuskan langsung oleh sistem yang ada.Kesimpulan: Pengaplikasian sistem informasi keperawatan dirasakan memberikan manfaat bagi perawat dan juga pasien, namun manfaat tersebut belum sempurna karena adanya hambatan dan kendala dalam pengaplikasian sistem tersebut yang menjadikan manfaat yang dirasakan belum begitu maksimal.Kata kunci: nursing informatic, Health Information System. Keperawata

    Perusterveydenhuollon johtajien kokemuksia koronaviruspandemian vaikutuksista digitaaliseen työkulttuuriin ja sen johtamiseen

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    Koronaviruspandemian aiheuttama kriisitilanne on muokannut työkulttuuria terveydenhuollossa, jossa on turvauduttu yhä voimakkaammin digitaalisiin ratkaisuihin koronaviruksen leviämisen ehkäisemiseksi. Koronaviruspandemian vaikutuksia digitaaliseen työkulttuuriin ja sen johtamiseen on tutkittu vähän ja tietoa tarvitaan muun muassa terveydenhuollon organisaatioiden toiminnan jatkuvaan arviointiin ja kehittämiseen.   Tämän kuvailevan laadullisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata perusterveydenhuollon johtajien kokemuksia koronaviruspandemian vaikutuksista digitaaliseen työkulttuuriin ja sen johtamiseen. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduin yksilöhaastatteluin perusterveydenhuollon johtajilta (n=21) kolmesta kunnasta ja yhdestä kuntayhtymästä eri puolilta maata touko-marraskuussa 2020. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällön analyysilla.   Tulosten mukaan koronaviruspandemian vaikutukset digitaaliseen työkulttuuriin liittyivät digitaalisen työkulttuurin kehittymiseen, muutokseen työnluonteessa sekä työyhteisön muutosvalmiuteen. Koronaviruspandemian vaikutukset digitaalisen työkulttuuriin johtamiseen liittyivät puolestaan muutosjohtamiseen, johtajan työn luonteen muutokseen ja johtajien muutosvalmiuteen.   Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että koronaviruspandemia muutti nopeasti ja pysyvästi perusterveydenhuollon digitaalista työkulttuuria.  Erityisesti digitaalisten työvälineiden käytön lisääntyminen muutti työssä tapahtuvaa kanssakäymistä. Johdon tuki koettiin tärkeänä digitaalisen työkulttuurin muutoksessa, sillä se stressasi ja kuormitti työntekijöitä. Tulevaisuudessa johtajien tulisi kiinnittää etäjohtamisessa huomiota suhteiden ylläpitämiseen työntekijöiden kanssa. Lisäksi niin työntekijöiden kuin johtajien IT-osaamiseen olisi syytä kiinnittää huomiota. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää digitaalisten terveyspalveluiden ja työkulttuurin kehittämisessä, johtamisessa, koulutuksessa ja työyhteisöjen muutosvalmiuden tukemisessa