429 research outputs found

    VMMC demand creation toolkit

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    This toolkit provides implementing partners and organizations with the guidance and tools needed to conduct communication and outreach activities that drive demand for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC). The toolkit is a practical resource that enables users to create community-specific communication campaigns quickly and easily that uphold national, international, and donor-driven standards for quality, content, and sensitivity.The strategy for demand creation outlined in this toolkit addresses three broad audience groups:\ue2\u20ac\ua2 Married and unmarried males aged 15 to 49 years at risk of acquiring HIV infection through heterosexual (vaginal) intercourse\ue2\u20ac\ua2 Married and unmarried females aged 15 to 49 years, including the sexual partners of males aged 15 to 49, who can influence males\ue2\u20ac\u2122 decisions about VMMC\ue2\u20ac\ua2 Key influencers, such as male peers, community leaders, spiritual leaders, celebrities, or others at the community, regional, and/or national levels, who can encourage males to consider VMMCThe Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Demand Creation Toolkit was developed by RTI International and Population Services International (PSI) with substantial content and editing input from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV Prevention Branch, Health Communication Office, within the Division of Global HIV/AIDS.This research has been supported by the President\ue2\u20ac\u2122s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the terms of the Cooperative Agreement Number 200-2010-35772.Publication date from document properties.VMMC_Demand_Creation_Toolkit.pdf200-2010-3577

    Colorado water, June/July 2007

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    The scope of the newsletter is devoted to enhancing communication between Colorado water users and managers and faculty at the research universities in the state.Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University

    Communication plan: attracting upscale tourism to El Corte Inglés, the Lisbon store

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    The tourism industry has expanded at unprecedented levels in Portugal and Lisbon during the last decades, including by outbound tourist markets such as Angola, Brazil, USA, or China, traditionally regarded as upscale, high-end fashion shoppers, signaling the advent of shopping tourism in Lisbon. With an increasing reliance of Lisbon's retailers on international shoppers, retail management has relevant opportunities to leverage their businesses' results by attracting the increasingly demanding and ever-evolving recent market segment, the tourist shoppers. El Corte Inglés Lisbon’s store has been, since its opening in 2001, one of the frontline players in the city's shopping tourism landscape, successfully adjusted its business strategy, captivating this prominent market segment. Hence, considering the tourist shoppers' growth and demographical diversification in Lisbon, an always expanding mix of communication channels', and the store's commercial offer increasingly appealing to high-end tourist shoppers, this project proposes the creation of a more efficient communication strategy, segmented towards tourist shoppers with high-purchasing power, interest for upscale and luxury shopping, and for whom shopping is one of the primary travel motives. To that extent, a comprehensive investigation on El Corte Inglés' tourist customers was implemented through an in-store questionnaire with a sample of 200 international shoppers, unveiling their traveling and shopping behaviors and preferences. The data analysis unveiled the existence of two potential upscale segments already visiting the store, the Angolan and Brazilian young adults, to which, jointly with Chinese luxury shoppers, the communication plan will be targeted.O setor turístico expandiu-se a níveis sem precedents durante as últimas décadas, em Portugal e Lisboa, incluindo de mercados emissores como a Angola, Brasil, EUA, ou China, nacionalidades reconhecidas como compradoras de artigos e marcas premium/de luxo, assinalando o advento do turismo de compras. Com a consequente confiança dos retalhistas neste mercados, surgiram oportunidades relevantes para a gestão dos negócios adaptar as suas estratégias a este segmento, cada vez mais exigente e em contante evolução. O El Corte Inglés Lisboa é, desde a sua abertura, em 2001, um dos retalhistas proeminentes do mercado do turismo de compras em Lisboa, ajustando, com sucesso, a sua estratégia de negócio, captando uma significativa quota de mercado do segmento. Considerando o crescimento e diversificação do turismo de compras, a constante evolução dos meios de comunicação e a oferta comercial do El Corte Inglés cada vez mais atrativa para o turismo de luxo, este projeto propõe a criação de uma estratégia de comunicação mais eficiente, segmentada para os turistas com maior poder de compra, interessados em compras de luxo, e para quem shopping está na base da decisão de viajar. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação junto de uma amostra de 200 turistas na loja, para estudar os seus comportamento e preferências de compras. A análise dos dados revelou a existência de dois potenciais segmentos de compras de luxo que visitam a loja, compostos por jovens adultos angolanos e brasileiros para quem, em conjunto com os compradores de luxo chineses, o plano vai ser dirigido

    mHealth in Practice

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. There has recently been an explosion of interest around the application of mobile communication technologies to support health initiatives in developing countries (mHealth). As a result, there is a need to promote and share rigorous research for better informed policy, programming, and investment. There are, however, few platforms for the exchange of information and proven practice between practitioners and researchers. The subtopic of prevention, well-being, and health promotion within mHealth is particularly ripe for deeper exploration. While many reports tout the potential of mobiles to influence behaviour change for health, there is limited knowledge about what works (and what does not work), and about how to evaluate current and future programs. This is a focused edited volume with contributions from leading researchers and practitioners to identify best practices in using mobile technologies to promote healthy behaviours (and reduce unhealthy ones) in resource-constrained settings with a special focus on developing countries. This topic is inherently interdisciplinary. Though the opportunities to leverage mobile phones for health are new, the challenges confronting researchers and practitioners are well-established and theoretically complex, with roots in decades of work on mediated behaviour change campaigns and theories

    User interactive service provisioning framework for enhancing citizens’ adoption of mobile enabled government services in Tanzania.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Mobile enabled government (m-government) services are trending due to the envisaged efficiencies in time, access, and freedom of movement that mobile and wireless technology accords public administration and service provision. These benefits are only attainable if citizens adopt m-government services. However, adoption of m-government services has persistently continued to be a challenge worldwide. Consequently, this study investigates the challenges associated with citizens’ adoption of m-government services and recommends a service-provisioning framework to mitigate the identified challenges. The framework is informed by a holistic examination of both provision and consumption perspectives towards m-government service adoption. The provision perspective focuses on unveiling the provisioning practices, while the consumption perspective focuses on identifying factors that influence citizens’ adoption decisions for m-government services. The study applied a mixed-methods approach in a two-phased research process, that is, the adoption challenges identification and the framework evaluation. It employed a questionnaire and interview approach to collect data in the adoption challenges identification phase, and a mix of open- and closed-ended questions for the framework evaluation phase. A total of 396 citizens constituted the sample for the quantitative part, and 16 employees from four participating government organisations constituted the sample for the qualitative part of the challenge identification phase. In the framework evaluation phase, a sample of 12 experts was consulted to assess the viability of the developed service-provisioning framework to mitigate the citizens’ adoption challenges for m-government services. The study used the structured equation modeling (SEM) technique for quantitative data analysis and a thematic analysis technique for the qualitative data. Findings indicate that while emotional and cognitive factors significantly affect citizens’ adoption decisions, they are negligibly addressed in the current provisioning practices for m-government services. Hence, the developed service-provisioning framework advocates for an interactive citizen-centric provisioning practice to facilitate mitigating the adoption challenge. Findings for the framework evaluation divulge that the framework is suitable in addressing citizens’ challenges in adopting m-government services. Thus, the constructed framework will assist government organisations in Tanzania to develop and provide highly adoptable m-government services. This study recommends ongoing IT skills building trainings for both citizens and public officers to facilitate awareness and acceptance of m-government services

    Publicidad Móvil: conocimiento, uso y utilidad para el anunciante

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    This work represents the incursion into the ground at the confluence of mobile phone communication and advertising. Since advertising take letter of existence, their eagerness to be present at all social media has continued to appear. His efforts to be present in each communication channel has been devising our species has been and is perennial. This was the case with urban environments, with the mass media and the press, cinema, radio, television. He also appeared in the cable telephony at the time, and through it, more recently, the Internet. And finally, also, on the mobile phone. This paper presents the first results of the influence and relationship between mobile advertising and advertising process key players in the Spanish market: advertisers, advertising agencies and consumers. In this case, the advertiser is analyzed and, more specifically, the study focuses on measuring the knowledge, use and usefulness of mobile advertising is for the sender of the advertising message.El presente trabajo supone la incursión en el terreno donde confluyen la comunicación telefónica móvil y la comunicación publicitaria. Desde que la publicidad tomara carta de existencia, su afán por estar presente en todo medio de comunicación social no ha dejado de aparecer. Su empeño en hacerse presente en cada canal de comunicación que ha venido ideando nuestra especie ha sido y es perenne. Así ocurrió con los entornos urbanos, con los medios masivos como la prensa, el cine, la radio, la televisión. Asimismo apareció en la telefonía por cable en su momento, y a través de ella, más recientemente, en Internet. Y por último, también, en el teléfono móvil. Este trabajo presenta los primeros resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia y relación existente entre la publicidad móvil y los principales agentes del proceso publicitario en el mercado español: anunciantes, agencias de publicidad y consumidores. En este caso, se analiza al anunciante y, más concretamente, el estudio se centra en medir el conocimiento, uso y utilidad que la publicidad móvil tiene para el emisor del mensaje publicitario

    mHealth in Practice

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. There has recently been an explosion of interest around the application of mobile communication technologies to support health initiatives in developing countries (mHealth). As a result, there is a need to promote and share rigorous research for better informed policy, programming, and investment. There are, however, few platforms for the exchange of information and proven practice between practitioners and researchers. The subtopic of prevention, well-being, and health promotion within mHealth is particularly ripe for deeper exploration. While many reports tout the potential of mobiles to influence behaviour change for health, there is limited knowledge about what works (and what does not work), and about how to evaluate current and future programs. This is a focused edited volume with contributions from leading researchers and practitioners to identify best practices in using mobile technologies to promote healthy behaviours (and reduce unhealthy ones) in resource-constrained settings with a special focus on developing countries. This topic is inherently interdisciplinary. Though the opportunities to leverage mobile phones for health are new, the challenges confronting researchers and practitioners are well-established and theoretically complex, with roots in decades of work on mediated behaviour change campaigns and theories

    Use and Utility of Mobile Advertising for Small and Medium Business

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    El presente trabajo supone la incursión en el terreno donde confluyen la comunicación telefónica móvil y la comunicación publicitaria. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la influencia que la publicidad móvil tiene en la comunicación de las Pymes y, más concretamente, el estudio se centra en medir el conocimiento, uso y utilidad que la publicidad móvil tiene para las pequeñas y medianas empresas

    A social network analysis of the use of social media to promote agriculture to indonesian youth

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    Farmer regeneration remains a big challenge for Indonesia to address food insecurity and promote sustainable agricultural development. With the issue of aging farmers, youth have the potential to become agents of change for the development of agriculture and support the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Nevertheless, young people have less willingness to participate in agriculture. Instead, they prefer working in off-farm employment. It is expected that social media such as Facebook and Instagram can be great tools to promote youth to agriculture. Through social network analysis, this research aims at describing the topics discussed by communities in Instagram and Facebook, representing influential actors, and evaluating the effectiveness of social media in engaging young people in the networks. ScrapeStorm was utilized to scrape posts on Instagram and Facebook with a total of 18,866 and 6,566 posts, respectively. Analyzed through Gephi using Open Ord and Force Atlas 2 algorithms, this study found emerged themes in Instagram network and Facebook related to agricultural production and movement, agribusiness development, sustainable and scientific farming, youth encouragement, and resources needed by youth. The Ministry of Agriculture and Pastal Farm are influential actors in the network that actively advocate for young people to work in agriculture. Finally, Instagram was found to form a more cohesive network of young people. This study contributes to the literature regarding the use of social media to increase youth participation in agriculture through user-generated data and for policymakers, government, and stakeholders to design more effective ways to increase youth participation in the sector. Keywords: Youth, social network analysis, youth participation, agriculture, farmer regeneration
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