7 research outputs found

    MHD transient flows and heat transfer of dusty fluid in a channel with variable physical properties and Navier slip condition

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    AbstractIn this paper, we study the unsteady flow and heat transfer of a dusty fluid between two parallel plates with variable viscosity and electric conductivity. The fluid is driven by a constant pressure gradient and an external uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plates with a Navier slip boundary condition. The governing non-linear partial differential equations are solved numerically using a semi-implicit finite difference scheme. The effect of the wall slip parameter, viscosity and electric conductivity variation and the uniform magnetic field on the velocity and temperature fields for both the fluid and dust particles is discussed

    Unsteady incompressible flow and heat transfer of dusty non-ionized fluid with charged suspended particulate matter (spm) between two infinite parallel plates due to the motion of one of them

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    Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Mauritius, 11-13 July, 2011.In the study of transport phenomena, mass, momentum and energy are increasingly recognized of fundamental importance. The prediction of the mechanical transport in the ocean is a difficult task. Parallel flow through a straight channel provides a good understanding in connection with flow in estuaries. Thus to study the transport through estuaries, a simple case of an unsteady incompressible flow and heat transfer of a non-ionized fluid with charged SPM between two infinite parallel plates has been considered. The solutions of the governing equations of flow field have been obtained by using Crank-Nicholson finite difference technique. An illustration of dependence of physical variables on nondimensional parameters viz. diffusion parameter, finite volume fraction, concentration parameter, magnetic parameter has been depicted through figures and tables. The direction of heat transfer has been discussed by taking a situation PrEc 2 in both frozen flow and equilibrium flow regimes. The electrification of particles has an effect on reduction of the velocity of carrier fluid as well as SPM but on increase of the temperature of carrier fluid and SPM.pm201

    Unsteady Unidirectional MHD Flow of Voigt Fluids Moving between Two Parallel Surfaces for Variable Volume Flow Rates

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    The velocity profile and pressure gradient of an unsteady state unidirectional MHD flow of Voigt fluids moving between two parallel surfaces under magnetic field effects are solved by the Laplace transform method. The flow motion between parallel surfaces is induced by a prescribed inlet volume flow rate that varies with time. Four cases of different inlet volume flow rates are considered in this study including 1 constant acceleration piston motion, 2 suddenly started flow, 3 linear acceleration piston motion, and 4 oscillatory piston motion. The solution for each case is elaborately derived, and the results of associated velocity profile and pressure gradients are presented in analytical forms

    Unsteady Unidirectional MHD Flow of Voigt Fluids Moving between Two Parallel Surfaces for Variable Volume Flow Rates

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    The velocity profile and pressure gradient of an unsteady state unidirectional MHD flow of Voigt fluids moving between two parallel surfaces under magnetic field effects are solved by the Laplace transform method. The flow motion between parallel surfaces is induced by a prescribed inlet volume flow rate that varies with time. Four cases of different inlet volume flow rates are considered in this study including (1) constant acceleration piston motion, (2) suddenly started flow, (3) linear acceleration piston motion, and (4) oscillatory piston motion. The solution for each case is elaborately derived, and the results of associated velocity profile and pressure gradients are presented in analytical forms

    Investigation of Transient MHD Couette flow and Heat Transfer of Dusty Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Oroperties

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    In the present study, transient MHD Couette flow and heat transfer of dusty fluid between two parallel plates and the effect of the temperature dependent properties has been investigated. The thermal conductivity and viscosity of the fluid are assumed as linear and exponential functions of temperature, respectively. A constant pressure gradient and an external uniform magnetic field are considered in the main flow direction and perpendicular to the plates, respectively. A hybrid treatment based on finite difference method (FDM) and differential transform method (DTM) is used to solve the coupled flow and heat transfer equations. The effects of the variable properties, Hartman number, Hall current, Reynolds number and suction velocity on the Nusselt number and skin friction factor have been discussed. It is found that when Hartman number increases, skin friction of the upper and lower plates increases

    Heat Transfer in a Fluid Through a Porous Medium over a Permeable Stretching Surface with Thermal Radiation and Variable Thermal Conductivity

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    This paper treats about the flow and heat transfer of a viscous incompressible fluid in a porous medium over a permeable stretching surface taking into account thermal radiation and the variation of the thermal conductivity with temperature. Analytical solutions for the stream function are obtained and two cases are studied, namely, (i) prescribed surface temperature (PST case) and (ii) prescribed heat flux (PHF case). The effects of Prandtl number, permeability, suction/blowing, variable thermal conductivity, thermal radiation and surface temperature parameters on heat-transfer characteristics are shown through tables and graphs and discussed. (c) 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical EngineeringCortell Bataller, R. (2012). Heat Transfer in a Fluid Through a Porous Medium over a Permeable Stretching Surface with Thermal Radiation and Variable Thermal Conductivity. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 90(5):1347-1355. doi:10.1002/cjce.20639S13471355905Ahmad, N., Siddiqui, Z. 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