4,658 research outputs found

    On the information theory of clustering, registration, and blockchains

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    Progress in data science depends on the collection and storage of large volumes of reliable data, efficient and consistent inference based on this data, and trusting such computations made by untrusted peers. Information theory provides the means to analyze statistical inference algorithms, inspires the design of statistically consistent learning algorithms, and informs the design of large-scale systems for information storage and sharing. In this thesis, we focus on the problems of reliability, universality, integrity, trust, and provenance in data storage, distributed computing, and information processing algorithms and develop technical solutions and mathematical insights using information-theoretic tools. In unsupervised information processing we consider the problems of data clustering and image registration. In particular, we evaluate the performance of the max mutual information method for image registration by studying its error exponent and prove its universal asymptotic optimality. We further extend this to design the max multiinformation method for universal multi-image registration and prove its universal asymptotic optimality. We then evaluate the non-asymptotic performance of image registration to understand the effects of the properties of the image transformations and the channel noise on the algorithms. In data clustering we study the problem of independence clustering of sources using multivariate information functionals. In particular, we define consistent image clustering algorithms using the cluster information, and define a new multivariate information functional called illum information that inspires other independence clustering methods. We also consider the problem of clustering objects based on labels provided by temporary and long-term workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Here we define budget-optimal universal clustering algorithms using distributional identicality and temporal dependence in the responses of workers. For the problem of reliable data storage, we consider the use of blockchain systems, and design secure distributed storage codes to reduce the cost of cold storage of blockchain ledgers. Additionally, we use dynamic zone allocation strategies to enhance the integrity and confidentiality of these systems, and frame optimization problems for designing codes applicable for cloud storage and data insurance. Finally, for the problem of establishing trust in computations over untrusting peer-to-peer networks, we develop a large-scale blockchain system by defining the validation protocols and compression scheme to facilitate an efficient audit of computations that can be shared in a trusted manner across peers over the immutable blockchain ledger. We evaluate the system over some simple synthetic computational experiments and highlights its capacity in identifying anomalous computations and enhancing computational integrity

    On Geometric Alignment in Low Doubling Dimension

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    In real-world, many problems can be formulated as the alignment between two geometric patterns. Previously, a great amount of research focus on the alignment of 2D or 3D patterns, especially in the field of computer vision. Recently, the alignment of geometric patterns in high dimension finds several novel applications, and has attracted more and more attentions. However, the research is still rather limited in terms of algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, most existing approaches for high dimensional alignment are just simple extensions of their counterparts for 2D and 3D cases, and often suffer from the issues such as high complexities. In this paper, we propose an effective framework to compress the high dimensional geometric patterns and approximately preserve the alignment quality. As a consequence, existing alignment approach can be applied to the compressed geometric patterns and thus the time complexity is significantly reduced. Our idea is inspired by the observation that high dimensional data often has a low intrinsic dimension. We adopt the widely used notion "doubling dimension" to measure the extents of our compression and the resulting approximation. Finally, we test our method on both random and real datasets, the experimental results reveal that running the alignment algorithm on compressed patterns can achieve similar qualities, comparing with the results on the original patterns, but the running times (including the times cost for compression) are substantially lower

    Linear Regression and Unsupervised Learning For Tracking and Embodied Robot Control.

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    Computer vision problems, such as tracking and robot navigation, tend to be solved using models of the objects of interest to the problem. These models are often either hard-coded, or learned in a supervised manner. In either case, an engineer is required to identify the visual information that is important to the task, which is both time consuming and problematic. Issues with these engineered systems relate to the ungrounded nature of the knowledge imparted by the engineer, where the systems have no meaning attached to the representations. This leads to systems that are brittle and are prone to failure when expected to act in environments not envisaged by the engineer. The work presented in this thesis removes the need for hard-coded or engineered models of either visual information representations or behaviour. This is achieved by developing novel approaches for learning from example, in both input (percept) and output (action) spaces. This approach leads to the development of novel feature tracking algorithms, and methods for robot control. Applying this approach to feature tracking, unsupervised learning is employed, in real time, to build appearance models of the target that represent the input space structure, and this structure is exploited to partition banks of computationally efficient, linear regression based target displacement estimators. This thesis presents the first application of regression based methods to the problem of simultaneously modeling and tracking a target object. The computationally efficient Linear Predictor (LP) tracker is investigated, along with methods for combining and weighting flocks of LP’s. The tracking algorithms developed operate with accuracy comparable to other state of the art online approaches and with a significant gain in computational efficiency. This is achieved as a result of two specific contributions. First, novel online approaches for the unsupervised learning of modes of target appearance that identify aspects of the target are introduced. Second, a general tracking framework is developed within which the identified aspects of the target are adaptively associated to subsets of a bank of LP trackers. This results in the partitioning of LP’s and the online creation of aspect specific LP flocks that facilitate tracking through significant appearance changes. Applying the approach to the percept action domain, unsupervised learning is employed to discover the structure of the action space, and this structure is used in the formation of meaningful perceptual categories, and to facilitate the use of localised input-output (percept-action) mappings. This approach provides a realisation of an embodied and embedded agent that organises its perceptual space and hence its cognitive process based on interactions with its environment. Central to the proposed approach is the technique of clustering an input-output exemplar set, based on output similarity, and using the resultant input exemplar groupings to characterise a perceptual category. All input exemplars that are coupled to a certain class of outputs form a category - the category of a given affordance, action or function. In this sense the formed perceptual categories have meaning and are grounded in the embodiment of the agent. The approach is shown to identify the relative importance of perceptual features and is able to solve percept-action tasks, defined only by demonstration, in previously unseen situations. Within this percept-action learning framework, two alternative approaches are developed. The first approach employs hierarchical output space clustering of point-to-point mappings, to achieve search efficiency and input and output space generalisation as well as a mechanism for identifying the important variance and invariance in the input space. The exemplar hierarchy provides, in a single structure, a mechanism for classifying previously unseen inputs and generating appropriate outputs. The second approach to a percept-action learning framework integrates the regression mappings used in the feature tracking domain, with the action space clustering and imitation learning techniques developed in the percept-action domain. These components are utilised within a novel percept-action data mining methodology, that is able to discover the visual entities that are important to a specific problem, and to map from these entities onto the action space. Applied to the robot control task, this approach allows for real-time generation of continuous action signals, without the use of any supervision or definition of representations or rules of behaviour

    Automated Segmentation of Cerebral Aneurysm Using a Novel Statistical Multiresolution Approach

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    Cerebral Aneurysm (CA) is a vascular disease that threatens the lives of many adults. It a ects almost 1:5 - 5% of the general population. Sub- Arachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH), resulted by a ruptured CA, has high rates of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, radiologists aim to detect it and diagnose it at an early stage, by analyzing the medical images, to prevent or reduce its damages. The analysis process is traditionally done manually. However, with the emerging of the technology, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) algorithms are adopted in the clinics to overcome the traditional process disadvantages, as the dependency of the radiologist's experience, the inter and intra observation variability, the increase in the probability of error which increases consequently with the growing number of medical images to be analyzed, and the artifacts added by the medical images' acquisition methods (i.e., MRA, CTA, PET, RA, etc.) which impedes the radiologist' s work. Due to the aforementioned reasons, many research works propose di erent segmentation approaches to automate the analysis process of detecting a CA using complementary segmentation techniques; but due to the challenging task of developing a robust reproducible reliable algorithm to detect CA regardless of its shape, size, and location from a variety of the acquisition methods, a diversity of proposed and developed approaches exist which still su er from some limitations. This thesis aims to contribute in this research area by adopting two promising techniques based on the multiresolution and statistical approaches in the Two-Dimensional (2D) domain. The rst technique is the Contourlet Transform (CT), which empowers the segmentation by extracting features not apparent in the normal image scale. While the second technique is the Hidden Markov Random Field model with Expectation Maximization (HMRF-EM), which segments the image based on the relationship of the neighboring pixels in the contourlet domain. The developed algorithm reveals promising results on the four tested Three- Dimensional Rotational Angiography (3D RA) datasets, where an objective and a subjective evaluation are carried out. For the objective evaluation, six performance metrics are adopted which are: accuracy, Dice Similarity Index (DSI), False Positive Ratio (FPR), False Negative Ratio (FNR), speci city, and sensitivity. As for the subjective evaluation, one expert and four observers with some medical background are involved to assess the segmentation visually. Both evaluations compare the segmented volumes against the ground truth data

    Processing techniques development, volume 3

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Analysis of the geometric characteristics of the aircraft synthetic aperture radar (SAR) relative to LANDSAT indicated that relatively low order polynominals would model the distortions to subpixel accuracy to bring SAR into registration for good quality imagery. Also the area analyzed was small, about 10 miles square, so this is an additional constraint. For the Air Force/ERIM data, none of the tested methods could achieve subpixel accuracy. Reasons for this is unknown; however, the noisy (high scintillation) nature of the data and attendent unrecognizability of features contribute to this error. It is concluded that the quadratic model would adequately provide distortion modeling for small areas, i.e., 10 to 20 miles square

    On the Real-Time Performance, Robustness and Accuracy of Medical Image Non-Rigid Registration

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    Three critical issues about medical image non-rigid registration are performance, robustness and accuracy. A registration method, which is capable of responding timely with an accurate alignment, robust against the variation of the image intensity and the missing data, is desirable for its clinical use. This work addresses all three of these issues. Unacceptable execution time of Non-rigid registration (NRR) often presents a major obstacle to its routine clinical use. We present a hybrid data partitioning method to parallelize a NRR method on a cooperative architecture, which enables us to get closer to the goal: accelerating using architecture rather than designing a parallel algorithm from scratch. to further accelerate the performance for the GPU part, a GPU optimization tool is provided to automatically optimize GPU execution configuration.;Missing data and variation of the intensity are two severe challenges for the robustness of the registration method. A novel point-based NRR method is presented to resolve mapping function (deformation field) with the point correspondence missing. The novelty of this method lies in incorporating a finite element biomechanical model into an Expectation and Maximization (EM) framework to resolve the correspondence and mapping function simultaneously. This method is extended to deal with the deformation induced by tumor resection, which imposes another challenge, i.e. incomplete intra-operative MRI. The registration is formulated as a three variable (Correspondence, Deformation Field, and Resection Region) functional minimization problem and resolved by a Nested Expectation and Maximization framework. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this method in correcting the deformation in the vicinity of the tumor. to deal with the variation of the intensity, two different methods are developed depending on the specific application. For the mono-modality registration on delayed enhanced cardiac MRI and cine MRI, a hybrid registration method is designed by unifying both intensity- and feature point-based metrics into one cost function. The experiment on the moving propagation of suspicious myocardial infarction shows effectiveness of this hybrid method. For the multi-modality registration on MRI and CT, a Mutual Information (MI)-based NRR is developed by modeling the underlying deformation as a Free-Form Deformation (FFD). MI is sensitive to the variation of the intensity due to equidistant bins. We overcome this disadvantage by designing a Top-to-Down K-means clustering method to naturally group similar intensities into one bin. The experiment shows this method can increase the accuracy of the MI-based registration.;In image registration, a finite element biomechanical model is usually employed to simulate the underlying movement of the soft tissue. We develop a multi-tissue mesh generation method to build a heterogeneous biomechanical model to realistically simulate the underlying movement of the brain. We focus on the following four critical mesh properties: tissue-dependent resolution, fidelity to tissue boundaries, smoothness of mesh surfaces, and element quality. Each mesh property can be controlled on a tissue level. The experiments on comparing the homogeneous model with the heterogeneous model demonstrate the effectiveness of the heterogeneous model in improving the registration accuracy

    Robotic 3D Plant Perception and Leaf Probing with Collision-Free Motion Planning for Automated Indoor Plant Phenotyping

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    Various instrumentation devices for plant physiology study such as chlorophyll fluorimeter and Raman spectrometer require leaf probing with accurate probe positioning and orientation with respect to leaf surface. In this work, we aimed to automate this process with a Kinect V2 sensor, a high-precision 2D laser profilometer, and a 6-axis robotic manipulator in a high-throughput manner. The relatively wide field of view and high resolution of Kinect V2 allowed rapid capture of the full 3D environment in front of the robot. Given the number of plants, the location and size of each plant were estimated by K-means clustering. A real-time collision-free motion planning framework based on Probabilistic Roadmap was adopted to maneuver the robotic manipulator without colliding with the plants. Each plant was scanned from top with the short-range profilometer to obtain a high-precision point cloud where potential leaf clusters were extracted by region growing segmentation. Each leaf segment was further partitioned into small patches by Voxel Cloud Connectivity Segmentation. Only the small patches with low root mean square values of plane fitting were used to compute probing poses. To evaluate probing accuracy, a square surface was scanned at various angles and its centroid was probed perpendicularly with a probing position error of 1.5 mm and a probing angle error of 0.84 degrees on average. Our growth chamber leaf probing experiment showed that the average motion planning time was 0.4 seconds and the average traveled distance of tool center point was 1 meter
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