4 research outputs found

    Uniform Strategies

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    We consider turn-based game arenas for which we investigate uniformity properties of strategies. These properties involve bundles of plays, that arise from some semantical motive. Typically, we can represent constraints on allowed strategies, such as being observation-based. We propose a formal language to specify uniformity properties and demonstrate its relevance by rephrasing various known problems from the literature. Note that the ability to correlate different plays cannot be achieved by any branching-time logic if not equipped with an additional modality, so-called R in this contribution. We also study an automated procedure to synthesize strategies subject to a uniformity property, which strictly extends existing results based on, say standard temporal logics. We exhibit a generic solution for the synthesis problem provided the bundles of plays rely on any binary relation definable by a finite state transducer. This solution yields a non-elementary procedure.Comment: (2012

    Infinite games played on finite graphs

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    AbstractThe concept of an infinite game played on a finite graph is perhaps novel in the context of an rather extensive recent literature in which infinite games are generally played on an infinite game tree. We claim two advantages for our model, which is admittedly more restrictive. First, our games have a more apparent resemblance to ordinary parlor games in spite of their infinite duration. Second, by distinguishing those nodes of the graph that determine the winning and losing of the game (winning-condition nodes), we are able to offer a complexity analysis that is useful in computer science applications

    Playing with Trees and Logic

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    This document proposes an overview of my research sinc