13,777 research outputs found


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    My aim is to have a closer look at the benefits of a cognitive linguistic approach to scientific discourse, its metaphorical terms and their translation. This area of research has emerged over recent decades. What role do metaphors play in science and terminology? Why do metaphors appear in scientific terms? The reasons are cognitive. My approach is based on the findings of cognitive linguistics about the significance of metaphor in thought and language, and my own translation and interpreting experience. Metaphor has been recognised as a basic technique of reasoning that is also manifest in terminology, which is an important area of meaning construction. Theoretical conclusions are drawn, applying the tenets of Cognitive Linguistics, translation theory, semantic and stylistic analyses of the empirical material, which I have chosen from my own archive of metaphorical terminology and my glossaries of simultaneous conference interpreting. Translation of metaphorical scientific terminology falls within the realm of Applied Linguistics, which is an interdisciplinary field, drawing on a number of disciplines apart from linguistics. Applied Linguistics calls for a theoretical understanding of language in use to meet user needs. It is not an end in itself as it has practical worth and application.

    Ready Player One: The Analysis of Specific Dialogue Translation Problems and Potential Cultural Consequences

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    In a world where we find ourselves constantly talking about “the latest Oscar-material movie” and “that new super cool Netflix series”, it is impossible to deny that the entertainment industry is one of the biggest money machines ever created. The global box office revenue is forecast to reach the 50 billion USD mark in 2020 (Statista, 2018) and the global entertainment market size is expected to reach 114.93 billion USD by 2025 (Financial Buzz, 2018). Throughout the years, accessing media products has become increasingly easier (Parrot Analytics, 2018), to the point where we now have an incredibly broad and commercial-free choice of contents at our fingertips (Abend-David, 2014, p. 293). This is especially true for English-speaking countries, but what happens when media products have to be translated and marketed in countries where English is not one of the main languages? Using Steven Spielberg’s 2018 science fiction adventure movie, Ready Player One (Spielberg, 2018), this study highlights how a cheap and hasty adaption work can heavily affect a media product. This paper also outlines what skills a good translator should have in order to be able to overcome these obstacles. A simple legitimate question that could arise at this point is “Why is it so important?". Movies are one of the most widespread and influential tools when it comes to cultural transmission (Pavesi, 2012, p. 14). Movies mirror reality and their dialogues carry out the same function they have in real life: they establish and sustain social relationships and play a decisive role in making individuals unique (Pavesi, 2012, p. 9). Movies are not just a way to entertain the audience, but also and above all a way to educate it (Swain, 2013). For all these reasons, everyone should have access to the original media product, regardless of what language they speak

    “Gender and Translation: a European Map”

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    The article focuses on the European state-of-the-art regarding the intersection between gender and translation studies, offering and updated account of the activities, projects and research that currently conform the European map of the field with a special emphasis on the Italian case

    Subtitling: the long journey to academic acknowledgement

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    The present article is part of a wider translation project from Spanish carried out by Juan Abad, Judith Harling, Yuka Miyakita, Mark Seager and Christina Wiggins, students at the University of Surrey Roehampton. Audiovisual translation seems to have been absent from academic exchanges on translation until very recently. Focusing solely on subtitling, this article starts by taking a look at the reasons behind this state of affairs. It then presents the reader with a detailed account of the research that has taken place in this field, both outside and in Spain. After an overview of the topics, figures, publications and conferences that have had an impact on subtitling, the paper points to the direction of possible avenues of research. Although the future seems very promising for this field of research, the article finishes with a section highlighting some of the challenges that lie ahead of us

    Challenges in the translation of video game

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    Aquest article presenta els diferents tipus de text que poden trobar els traductors quan treballen per a la indústria del software d'entreteniment multimèdia interactiu i explica que els videojocs exigeixen habilitats diferents als traductors, com ara conèixer les memòries de traducció, ser capaços de cercar informació i ser creatius.Este artículo presenta los distintos tipos de texto con los que se pueden encontrar los traductores cuando trabajan para la industria del software de entretenimiento multimedia interactivo y explica que los videojuegos exigen habilidades distintas a los traductores, como por ejemplo, conocer las memorias de traducción, ser capaces de buscar información y ser creativos.This article explains the many different textual types that translators might find when working for the multimedia interactive entertainment software industry, and how different video games may require a variety of skills from translators, such as proficient TMT use, good research techniques and inventiveness

    La traducción de la ambigüedad de género en la literatura: el caso de Written on the Body.

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    The present work analyzes the difficulties resulting from the absence of gender marks in English when translating towards Spanish. To do so, the novel Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson –a masterpiece in which the identity of the leading character will be kept in strict ambiguity –would be studied taking into consideration aspects connected to the feminist and queer theories. Several extracts from both the original text and the translation by Encarna Gómez Castejón in 1988 will be exhaustively compared to evaluate the correctness and naturality of the translation. Additionally, if considered necessary, an alternative translation will be proposed.El presente trabajo analiza las dificultades que supone la ausencia de marcas de género en la lengua inglesa a la hora de realizar una traducción hacia el español. Para este fin, se empleará como objeto de estudio la novela Written on the Body de Jeanette Winterson, obra en la cual se conserva deliberadamente la identidad del personaje principal en la más estricta ambigüedad. En primer lugar, se realizará una exhaustiva comparativa de diversos extractos entre el original y la traducción realizada por Encarna Gómez Castejón en 1988 y, posteriormente, si se considerase necesario, se propondrá una traducción alternativa de los mismos. Para lograr todo lo anterior, se tendrán en consideración algunos aspectos ligados a las teorías traductológicas feministas y queer


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    PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN TRANSLATION CLASSApandiProdi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP Unswagati CirebonEmail: [email protected] Siti Sihatul AfiahProdi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP Unswagati Cirebon  AbstractThis study aims to identify student learning experiences in the Indonesian-English translation class. This study uses a case study approach with data collection methods in the form of observations, interviews and questionnaires. Observations are made to obtain data sources from direct sources. Interviews were conducted to find out whether the places visited had historical stories, legends or folktales that could be translated into English, and also to find out the obstacles or challenges faced during learning using PBL. A questionnaire was used to identify learning experiences in the Indonesian-English translation class using PBL. Respondents were students of the 6th semester of the English language education program who took part in the English-Indonesian translation course. Data is presented in the form of descriptive explanations and also supported by graph data to facilitate the presentation. This study shows that the use of PBL provides benefits in forming independent learners, improving critical thinking and can improve attitudes in collaboration with peers. However, there are still obstacles and challenges in translation courses using PBL, namely at the beginning of the lecture in the form of less preparation time, adaptation with group mates and also the location of observations that are located some distance from the campus or where students are, and there are difficulties in translating cultural words found.Key words: PBL, Translation, Learning Experienc

    Victims to villains: Internal displacement and nation-building in Ukraine

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    The war in Donbas has created large-scale displacement within Ukraine, an issue the impoverished state has struggled to manage. Internally displaced people (IDPs) have suffered from prejudice at the hands of host communities and from legal ambiguities caused by the state’s incoherent attempts at limiting the threat of mass displacement. This paper examines how the Ukrainian government-owned newspaper Uriadovyi Kurier represents the IDPs from Donbas and analyses what the publication’s attitudes towards internal displacement mean. Over time, a distinction appears in the newspaper’s reporting between real IDPs in need of help, and people posing as IDPs, guilty of siphoning Ukrainian tax payers’ money to the rebel-held areas. Also, the paper eagerly discusses how the European Union (EU) and foreign states can be engaged in providing support for the IDPs, relieving pressure from regional budgets and simultaneously binding Ukraine to the West. These tropes serve to construct Ukrainian national unity by excluding politically suspicious migrants from Donbas. They also excuse the state from making any structural adjustments or battling corruption as inadequate social protection can be replaced with foreign aid