18 research outputs found

    Understanding notional machines through traditional teaching with conceptual contraposition and program memory tracing

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    A correct understanding about how computers run code is mandatory in order to effectively learn to program. Lectures have historically been used in programming courses to teach how computers execute code, and students are assessed through traditional evaluation methods, such as exams. Constructivism learning theory objects to students’ passiveness during lessons, and traditional quantitative methods for evaluating a complex cognitive process such as understanding. Constructivism proposes complimentary techniques, such as conceptual contraposition and colloquies. We enriched lectures of a “Programming II” (CS2) course combining conceptual contraposition with program memory tracing, then we evaluated students’ understanding of programming concepts through colloquies. Results revealed that these techniques applied to the lecture are insufficient to help students develop satisfactory mental models of the C++ notional machine, and colloquies behaved as the most comprehensive traditional evaluations conducted in the course.Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaMinisterio de Ciencia Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones de Costa Rica/[]/MICITT/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ingeniería::Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (CITIC)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e Informátic

    Estudi i introducció del Pensament Computacional al mòdul de Programació de CF d'informàtica

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    Aquest treball està motivat per la experiència docent a dos centres de Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior d'informàtica on vaig impartir el mòdul de programació (M03). Durant la classe de programació, mentre els alumnes resolien els seus problemes, vaig experimentar les seves dificultats per a solucionar-los. Vaig tenir la sensació que alguns d'ells estaven molt perduts i que els faltaven les eines. Vaig pensar que calia preguntar-se si les competències i estratègies associades a la programació dels Cicles Formatius estan prou desenvolupades al currículum i reben l'atenció necessària a les aules. El Pensament Computacional és un concepte aplicat a l'ensenyament obligatori de moltes escoles arreu del món amb l'objectiu d'ensenyar els conceptes computacionals, afins a la programació, per a alumnes que no necessàriament han d'acabar sent programadors. Aquest concepte posa l'accent en el tot el procés del pensament previ a la codificació, justament la part on vaig veure que els alumnes tenen més dificultats. Aquest treball vol comprovar si el Pensament Computacional pot ser una estratègia que ajudi a resoldre les problemàtiques esmentades, dissenyant una nova Unitat Formativa que incorpori els conceptes i pràctiques computacionals per tal d'ajudar als alumnes a ser millors programadors

    Instructional strategies in explicating the discovery function of proof for lower secondary school students

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    In this paper, we report on the analysis of teaching episodes selected from our pedagogical and cognitive research on geometry teaching that illustrate how carefully-chosen instructional strategies can guide Grade 8 students to see and appreciate the discovery function of proof in geometr

    “A Cosmic Wirtschaft”: Mood, Materiality and “Metacommunication” in the Cinema of Béla Tarr [Ágnes Hranitzky, Míhaly Víg, and Laszlo Krasznahorkai] (1987-2011).

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    This dissertation is a thematic response to the films of Bela Tarr’s “second-period”, from Damnation to The Turin Horse; and to claims made in the director’s discourse concerning the departure of his cinema from “story” and toward “metacommunication.” By this, Tarr refers to a motion away from the exigency of conventional narrative economy and toward an expressive realisation of the materiality of time, atmosphere and milieu. With reference to the philosophical discourse on Stimmung, or “mood,” I will argue that the disposition toward these paranarrative elements constitutes a medium of experience that conditions an attunement to the affective presence of the world. The appeal of Stimmung - which displaces the difference between “subject” and “object” - will orient our engagement with the “cosmic perspective” of these films and the “poetic experience” it implies. This displacement takes place with regard to a “free-indirect subjectivity,” an autonomous camera-consciousness that draws together subjects and environment into an experiential “state of being”, or “being-with”. Paradoxically, this inclination away from “story” becomes more profound with the entry of the writer Krasznahorkai into the circle of Tarr’s collaborators. The writer’s work represents a pretext and philosophical background to these films, which will be explicated with particular reference to Benjamin and Heidegger. Meanwhile, Tarr’s medium essentialist view rejects interpretation, situating his antipathy to “story” with reference to “metaphysical things” – theory and ideology, symbol and allegory – and suggesting that our “dignity” has been progressively diminished by the being-in-language of historical man. Accordingly, corruption by language is a thematic element of these films, in which the breakdown of meaning and its communicability takes on the apocalyptic dimensions of a cosmic disharmony. This will be read through Agamben’s discourse on gesture, ethics, and “messianic” time

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education

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    International audienceThis volume contains the Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME), which took place 9-13 February 2011, at Rzeszñw in Poland

    A polyphony of the mind: intertextuality in the music of Salvatore Sciarrino

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    This dissertation examines the work of the Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino (b. 1947), attempting to find a pathway for analysis that can address both its apparent structural simplicity, and its equally apparent intertextual nature. The first chapter demonstrates that typical methods of structuralist (i.e., formalist / harmonicist) analysis fail to engage with what is most pertinent in Sciarrino’s compositional language. It does this by showing how three different kinds of music that the composer writes, problematize such analysis, concluding that a poststructural alternative that is both semiotically-inflected and intertextual, is necessary. The second chapter explores how such an analysis might be constructed. It examines definitions of structuralism (both Sciarrino's, and the more generally- acknowledged definitions of literary theory and musicology), as well as the influence of poststructural semiotics on the so-called "New Musicology." The third chapter acts as a broad and thorough introduction to Sciarrino’s general aesthetic principles and approach to musical material. The fourth and final chapter begins by setting forth a model for intertextual analysis that combines Peircean semiotics, poststructuralist literary theory, and the topic theory of Robert Hatten and Raymond Monelle, and applies it to two works that embody contrasting types of intertextuality in Sciarrino’s oeuvre: Sei Quartetti Brevi, and Efebo con Radio. This pathway into the music, though somewhat unwieldy, enables us to go beyond superficial observations of Sciarrino’s aesthetic and to see how it constitutes a critique of both structural "systematicity" and indeterminacy. It offers an important alternative route through musical Modernity, one that rejects an aestheticized Hegelian dialectical understanding of (music) history. In the end, Sciarrino is shown to be not a structuralist or a poststructuralist, but, in the words of Svetlana Boym, an "Off-Modern" composer

    Full Autumn 2001 Issue

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    The reflective structuration of entrepreneurship : as contextualized to the Finnish university and polytechnics students’ narratives

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