33 research outputs found

    Underspecification, Inherent Nondeterminism and Probability in Sequence Diagrams

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    Abstract. Nondeterminism in specifications may be used for at least two different purposes. One is to express underspecification, which means that the specifier for the same environment behavior allows several alterna-tive behaviors of the specified component and leaves the choice between these to those responsible for implementing the specification. In this case a valid implementation will need to implement at least one, but not nec-essarily all, alternatives. The other purpose is to express inherent nonde-terminism, which means that a valid implementation needs to reflect all alternatives. STAIRS is an approach to the compositional and incremental development of sequence diagrams supporting underspecification as well as inherent nondeterminism. Probabilistic STAIRS builds on STAIRS and allows probabilities to be included in the specifications. Underspecifica-tion with respect to probabilities is also allowed. This paper investigates the use of underspecification, inherent nondeterminism and probability in sequence diagrams, the relationships between these concepts, and how these are expressed in STAIRS and probabilistic STAIRS.

    STAIRS - Understanding and Developing Specifications Expressed as UML Interaction Diagrams

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    STAIRS is a method for the step-wise, compositional development of interactions in the setting of UML 2.x. UML 2.x interactions, such as sequence diagrams and interaction overview diagrams, are seen as intuitive ways of describing communication between different parts of a system, and between a system and its users. STAIRS addresses the challenges of harmonizing intuition and formal reasoning by providing a precise understanding of the partial nature of interactions, and of how this kind of incomplete specifications may be consistently refined into more complete specifications. For understanding individual interaction diagrams, STAIRS defines a denotational trace semantics for the main constructs of UML 2.x interactions. The semantic model takes into account the partiality of interactions, and the formal semantics of STAIRS is faithful to the informal semantics given in the UML 2.x standard. For developing UML 2.x interactions, STAIRS defines a number of refinement relations corresponding to basic system development steps. STAIRS also defines matching compliance relations, for relating interactions to real computer systems. An important feature of STAIRS is the distinction between underspecification and inherent nondeterminism. Underspecification means that there are several possible behaviours serving the same overall purpose, and that it is sufficient for a computer system to perform only one of these. On the other hand, inherent nondeterminism is used to capture alternative behaviours that must all be possible for an implementation. A typical example is the tossing of a coin, where both heads and tails should be possible outcomes. In some cases, using inherent nondeterminism may also be essential for ensuring the necessary security properties of a system

    Relating computer systems to sequence diagrams with underspecification, inherent nondeterminism and probabilistic choice : Part 1

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    Having a sequence diagram specification and a computer system, we need to answer the question: Is the system compliant with the sequence diagram specification in the desired way? We present a procedure for answering this question for three variations of sequence diagrams.The procedure is independent of the choice of programming language used for the system. The semantics of sequence diagrams is denotational and based on traces. In order to answer the initial question, the procedure starts by obtaining the trace-set of the system by e.g. testing, and then transforming this into the same semantic model as that used for the sequence diagram. In addition to extending our earlier work on refinement relations for sequence diagrams, we define conformance relations relating systems to sequence diagrams. The work is split in two parts. This paper presents part 1, in which we introduce the necessary definitions for using the compliance checking procedure on sequence diagrams with underspecification and sequence diagrams with inherent nondeterminism. In part 2 [RRS07], we present the definitions for using the procedure on sequence diagrams with probabilistic choice

    The pragmatics of STAIRS

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    STAIRS is a method for the compositional development of interactions in the setting of UML 2.0. In addition to defining denotational trace semantics for the main aspects of interactions, STAIRS focuses on how interactions may be developed through successive refinement steps. In this tutorial paper, we concentrate on explaining the practical relevance of STAIRS. Guidelines are given on how to create interactions using the different STAIRS operators, and how these may be refined. The pragmatics is illustrated by a running example

    STAIRS case study : the BuddySync system

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    This paper presents a case study evaluating the use of STAIRS when specifying a system for connecting service providers and people requesting those services. As part of the case study, we give an example of how STAIRS may be used in combination with development methodologies like e.g. RUP. We conclude that STAIRS seems a promising method for working with UML 2.x interactions, and indicate some possible directions for future research

    Zur Rolle von Nichtdeterminismus und Verfeinerung in der modellgetriebenen Top-Down-Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen

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    Large-scale software systems need to be accurately planned and designed. This includes the determination of requirements, the definition of specifications, and the development of models conforming to specifications. These models are expressed in modeling languages like process algebras, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), or variants of state diagrams (e.g. UML state machines or Harel's statecharts). Such modeling languages are usually underspecified, since they only express certain aspects of the system to be designed, leaving out implementation details. The process of refining such abstract descriptions in a stepwise fashion, until finally the concrete, executable implementation is reached, is called (model-driven) top-down development. Finding bugs as early as possible in this process often saves considerable development costs. This thesis considers methods for proven-to-be-correct top-down development, with specification conformance being guaranteed at all levels of abstraction, either by applying model checking techniques or by employing pre-defined refinement patterns that are already proven to be sound. In order to apply formal proof methods, models on all levels of abstraction, e.g. presented as process algebra terms or state diagrams, need to be given a precise semantics in some semantic domain, usually based on (extensions of) labeled transition systems. We call semantic domains that support underspecification refinement settings. One of the contributions of this thesis is a new kind of comparison of a dozen such settings proposed in the literature with respect to their expressible sets of implementations. This comparison is done by providing transformations that not only establish the implementation-based expressiveness hierarchy of the most commonly used refinement settings, but can also be employed to convert models between the settings, thus enabling tool reuse. Some kinds of abstract models require a setting as semantic domain that not only features resolvable nondetermism expressing underspecification, but also persistent nondeterminism that is not to be resolved in refinements, as characterized by bisimulation equivalence on labeled transition systems. We show that such a setting is needed for process algebras if they specify concurrent systems, because concurrency may introduce resolvable nondeterminism which is resolved by the scheduler of the operating system, and the choice operator, which is common to process algebras, may correspond to persistent nondeterminism. This is the first work in the literature making this observation. A simple process algebra of this kind is given an operational semantics, using the refinement setting of mu-automata, as well as a sound and complete axiomatic semantics. Sometimes state diagrams, such as UML state machines or Harel's statecharts, also require a refinement setting with both kinds of nondeterminism, because (i) they are underspecified and (ii) the underlying action language may contain operators exhibiting persistent nondeterministic behavior. This thesis is the first publication presenting a state diagram semantics with both kinds of nondeterminism. In this context, existing refinement settings like mu-automata lead to unnecessarily complex semantic models. Therefore, we develop a new and in this context more succinct refinement setting, called nu-automata, and give a semantic mapping for a simple state diagram variant, as well as a general transformation that can be applied when extending existing semantics by persistent nondeterminism. Thus, we make state diagrams accessible to persistent nondeterminism. Support for both kinds of nondeterminism, however, does not necessarily imply the practical feasibility of top-down development in state diagrams. In existing state diagram variants, expressing resolvable nondeterminism is only possible to a certain degree, because the notations for underspecification (i) often have no precise semantics, and (ii) are not expressive enough to reflect the requirements of the top-down development process, such as starting with interface definitions and subsequent parallel development of mostly independent modules. Therefore, we develop a new variant of state diagrams that allows more explicit and more expressive modeling of underspecification than existing variants. This variant is given a semantics in a newly developed semantic setting that distinguishes between input and output events. A set of refinement patterns is then provided that enables proven-to-be-correct stepwise refinement without the need to re-check correctness after each refinement step. Consequently, we deliver the formal foundations for the development of a state-diagram-based design tool that ensures correctness at all stages of the development process.Große Softwaresysteme bedĂŒrfen sorgfĂ€ltiger Planung und Entwicklung, einschließlich einer Anforderungsanalyse, dem Aufstellen von Spezifikationen und der Entwicklung von Modellen, die die Spezifikation einhalten. Solche Modelle werden in Modellierungssprachen wie Prozessalgebren, der Unified Modeling Language (UML) oder Varianten von Zustandsdiagrammen (z.B. UML state machines oder Harel's statecharts) ausgedrĂŒckt. Diese Modellierungssprachen sind ĂŒblicherweise unterspezifiziert, d.h. sie beschreiben nur bestimmte Aspekte des zu entwickelten Systems und lassen Implementationsdetails weg. Der Prozess, solche abstrakten Beschreibungen schrittweise zu verfeinern, bis schließlich die konkrete, ausfĂŒhrbare Implementation erreicht ist, wird (modellgetriebene) Top-Down-Entwicklung genannt. Es spart oft beachtliche Entwicklungskosten, wenn Programmierfehler so frĂŒh wie möglich in diesem Prozess gefunden werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet Methoden fĂŒr per-Konstruktion-korrekte Top-Down-Entwicklung, fĂŒr die Spezifikationstreue auf allen Abstraktionsstufen gewĂ€hrleistet ist, entweder durch die Anwendung von Modelchecking-Techniken oder durch die Verwendung von vordefinierten Verfeinerungsmustern, deren Korrektheit bereits bewiesen ist. Um formale Methoden anwenden zu können, muss den Modellen auf allen Abstraktionsstufen, ausgedrĂŒckt etwa in Prozessalgebren oder Zustandsdiagrammen, eine prĂ€zise Semantik gegeben werden. Solche Semantiken werden ĂŒblicherweise mittels (Erweiterungen von) Transitionssystemen ausgedrĂŒckt. Wir nennen solche semantischen Formalismen, die Unterspezifikation unterstĂŒtzen, Verfeinerungsformalismen. Einer der BeitrĂ€ge dieser Arbeit ist eine neue Art von Vergleich von einem Dutzend solcher Formalismen, in Hinblick auf ihre ausdrĂŒckbaren Mengen von Implementationen. Dieser Vergleich erfolgt durch die Angabe von Transformationen, die nicht nur die implementationsbasierte AusdrucksstĂ€rkenhierarchie der meistbenutzten Verfeinerungsformalismen begrĂŒnden, sondern auch dafĂŒr verwendet werden können, Modelle zwischen Formalismen zu konvertieren und damit die Wiederverwendung von Werkzeugen zu ermöglichen. Einige abstrakte Modelle benötigen einen semantischen Formalismus, der nicht nur auflösbaren Nichtdeterminismus fĂŒr das AusdrĂŒcken von Unterspezifikation, sondern auch persistenten Nichtdeterminismus enthĂ€lt. Letzterer soll nicht in Verfeinerungen aufgelöst werden, wie es durch BisimulationsĂ€quivalenz auf Transitionssystemen charakterisiert wird. Wir zeigen, dass ein solches Modell fĂŒr Prozessalgebren im Kontext nebenlĂ€ufiger Systeme benötigt wird, weil NebenlĂ€ufigkeit auflösbaren Nichtdeterminismus einfĂŒhren kann, der vom Scheduler des Betriebssystems aufgelöst wird, und der Choice-Operator, welcher in Prozessalgebren ĂŒblich ist, persistentem Nichtdeterminismus entsprechen kann. Dieses ist die erste publizierte Arbeit, die diese Beobachtung macht. Wir geben fĂŒr eine einfache Prozessalgebra eine operationelle Semantik mittels mu-Automaten, sowie eine korrekte und vollstĂ€ndige axiomatische Semantik an. Auch Zustandsdiagramme wie UML state machines oder Harel's statecharts benötigen manchmal semantische Formalismen mit beiden Arten von Nichtdeterminismus, weil Zustandsdiagramme (i) unterspezifiziert sind und (ii) die zugrundeliegende Aktionssprache Operatoren enthalten kann, die persistent-nichtdeterministisches Verhalten zeigen. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist die erste, die eine Zustandsdiagramm-Semantik mit beiden Arten von Nichtdeterminismus vorstellt. In diesem Kontext wĂŒrden existierende semantische Modelle wie mu-Automaten zu unnötig komplexen semantischen Modellen fĂŒhren. Daher entwickeln wir einen neuen, in diesem Kontext bĂŒndigeren Verfeinerungsformalismus, nĂ€mlich nu-Automaten, und geben eine semantische Abbildung fĂŒr eine einfache Zustandsdiagrammvariante, sowie eine allgemeine Transformation an, die auf existierende Semantiken, die um persistenten Nichtdeterminismus erweitert werden sollen, angewendet werden kann. Wir machen also Zustandsdiagramme im Allgemeinen fĂŒr persistenten Nichtdeterminismus zugĂ€nglich. Die UnterstĂŒtzung von beiden Arten von Nichtdeterminismus impliziert jedoch nicht notwendigerweise die praktische Umsetzbarkeit von Top-Down-Entwicklung in Zustandsdiagrammen. In existierenden Zustandsdiagrammvarianten ist das AusdrĂŒcken von auflösbarem Nichtdeterminismus nur zu einem gewissen Grade möglich, weil die Notationen fĂŒr Unterspezifikation (i) oft keine prĂ€zise Semantik haben, und (ii) nicht ausdrucksstark genug sind, um die Anforderungen des Top-down-Entwicklungsprozesses widerzuspiegeln, wie das Starten mit der Definition von Schnittstellen und nachfolgende parallele Entwicklung grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils unabhĂ€ngiger Module. Daher entwickeln wir eine neue Zustandsdiagrammvariante, die expliziteres und ausdrucksstĂ€rkeres Modellieren von Unterspezifikation als existente Varianten unterstĂŒtzt. Ihre Semantik wird in einem neu entwickelten semantischen Formalismus gegeben, der zwischen Eingabe- und Ausgabeereignissen unterscheidet. Eine Kollektion von gegebenen Verfeinerungsmustern erlaubt korrekt-bewiesene schrittweise Verfeinerung, ohne dass die Korrektheit nach jedem Verfeinerungsschritt erneut bewiesen werden muss. Wir liefern also die formale Basis fĂŒr die Entwicklung eines zustandsdiagrammbasierten Entwicklungswerkzeugs, welches Korrektheit in allen Stadien des Entwicklungsprozesses sicherstellt

    A Hierarchy of Scheduler Classes for Stochastic Automata

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    Stochastic automata are a formal compositional model for concurrent stochastic timed systems, with general distributions and non-deterministic choices. Measures of interest are defined over schedulers that resolve the nondeterminism. In this paper we investigate the power of various theoretically and practically motivated classes of schedulers, considering the classic complete-information view and a restriction to non-prophetic schedulers. We prove a hierarchy of scheduler classes w.r.t. unbounded probabilistic reachability. We find that, unlike Markovian formalisms, stochastic automata distinguish most classes even in this basic setting. Verification and strategy synthesis methods thus face a tradeoff between powerful and efficient classes. Using lightweight scheduler sampling, we explore this tradeoff and demonstrate the concept of a useful approximative verification technique for stochastic automata

    Refinement sensitive formal semantics of state machines with persistent choice

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    Modeling languages usually support two kinds of nondeterminism, an external one for interactions of a system with its environment, and one that stems from under-specification as familiar in models of behavioral requirements. Both forms of nondeterminism are resolvable by composing a system with an environment model and by refining under-specified behavior (respectively). Modeling languages usually dont support nondeterminism that is persistent in that neither the composition with an environment nor refinements of under-specification will resolve it. Persistent nondeterminism is used, e.g., for modeling faulty systems. We present a formal semantics for UML state machines enriched with an operator persistent choice that models persistent nondeterminism. This semantics is based on abstract models - Ό-automata with a novel refinement relation - and a sound three-valued satisfaction relation for properties expressed in the Ό-calculus. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved