12 research outputs found

    UML Extensions for Design Pattern Compositions.

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    Adoptando el Paradigma de la Programación Orientada a Atributos

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    A la sombra del paradigma de la programación orientada a objetos, surgen en la actualidad nuevos paradigmas, relacionados en mayor o menor medida. Dentro de ellos se pueden enmarcar la programación orientada a aspectos y la programación orientada a atributos. Dada la actual imposición curricular del paradigma orientado a objetos, resulta difícil escapar a la inclusión de alguno de estos nuevos paradigmas en el campo docente. En particular este trabajo muestra los primeros resultados de la introducción del concepto de programación orientada a atributos: desde una visión superficial, en la que se usan marcos de trabajo simples, a un nivel profundo con el desarrollo de bibliotecas basadas en dicho concepto, y finalmente con su empleo en entornos más avanzados. El trabajo pretende mostrar las primeras experiencias realizadas en este sentido, y los resultados observados, para ir mejorando en su progresiva incorporación, y ayudando a futuras planificaciones de su integración y uso en asignaturas

    Formalization, Selection and Detection of Security Patterns

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    Generally, software requirement analysis and design methodologies based on different UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams need to be strengthened by the use of a number of security patterns. Security Patterns provide a way for the software developers to communicate at security level in more comprehensive way. Over the last few years, a number of security patterns has been gradually increased and still increasing. Large number of security patterns has given rise to critical problem of selecting the appropriate security pattern to solve the problem at hand. In this study, an attempt has been made for automated verification of security pattern and an approach is proposed for selection of appropriate security patterns that fulfills security requirements. In order to demonstrate this approach, four security patterns have been selected such as Single Access Point, CheckPoint, Role and Session. A grammar has been developed for the verification of selected security patterns. Goal-Oriented Requirement Language (GRL) has been used for creating the repository of formalized security patterns, this GRL model is used for extracting facts which are then represented as relational instances. Queries have been made to the instances to find appropriate security pattern which fulfils security requirements. This approach clearly identifies the contribution and consequences of a security pattern towards the security related Non Functional Requirements (NFRs). It also checks for the relationships and dependences among the security patterns, which helps in finding the pre-requisite patterns for the selected security patterns. Finally, a method for detection of security patterns using similarity score is presented

    Formal Verification, Quantitative Analysis and Automated Detection of Design Patterns

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    Present-day software engineering concepts emphasize on developing software based on design patterns. Design patterns form the basis of generic solution to a recurring design problem. Software requirement analysis and design methodologies based on different Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams need to be strengthened by the use of a number of design patterns. In this study, an attempt has been made for automated verification of the design patterns. A grammar has been developed for verification and recognition of selected design patterns. ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) tool has been used for verification of developed grammar. After proper verification and validation of design patterns, there comes a need to quantitatively determine the quality of design patterns. Hence, we have provided a methodology to compare the quality attributes of a system having design pattern solution with a system having non-pattern solution, both the system intending to provide same functionalities. Using Quality Model for Object-Oriented Design (QMOOD) approach, the cut-off points are calculated in order to provide the exact size of the system in terms of the number of classes, for which the solution adopted using design pattern, provides more quality parameters. Again Design Pattern Detection (DPD) has also considered as an emerging field of Software Reverse Engineering. An attempt has been made to present a noble approach for design pattern detection with the help of Graph Isomorphism and Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) techniques. Eclipse Plugin i.e., ObjectAid is used to extract UML class diagrams as well as the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files from the Software System and Design Pattern. An algorithm is proposed to extract relevant information from the XML files, and Graph Isomorphism technique is used to find the pattern subgraph. Use of NCC provides the percentage existence of the pattern in the system

    Identificación de patrones de diseño para software científico a partir de esquemas preconceptuales

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    Los patrones de diseño son soluciones a problemas de diseño recurrentes en software científico. Estos patrones se usan para mitigar la ausencia de algunos aspectos de calidad inherentes al software. Los científicos, debido a su formación profesional, abordan diseños poco flexibles y difíciles de mantener en sus aplicaciones. Además, en ausencia de un lenguaje común con ingenieros de software se hace muy compleja la comunicación y validación del dominio de aplicación. Normalmente, las representaciones de los patrones de diseño se basan en diagramas de UML u otro tipo de grafos. Estos diagramas son difíciles de entender para los científicos e ingenieros de software inexpertos debido a su nivel de formalismo y, además, porque sólo representan el patrón de diseño aplicado y no el problema genérico que resuelven. Por otro lado, estos diagramas como unidad no poseen los elementos necesarios para representar completamente un dominio de software científico y se deben valer de la combinación de varios de ellos para hacerlo. Por ello, en esta Tesis de Maestría se propone una representación en esquemas preconceptuales de los patrones de diseño más usados en software científico y, además, la representación genérica del problema que resuelven. Adicionalmente, se presentan una serie de nuevos elementos para los esquemas preconceptuales que permiten la completa representación y validación de los dominios complejos presentes en el software científico. Al usar esquemas preconceptuales se facilita el entendimiento de los patrones de diseño debido a su proximidad con el lenguaje natural y a los elementos disponibles para su representación. Además, se hace posible la comunicación y validación del dominio de aplicación entre científicos e ingenieros de software. Este trabajo ayuda a la comunidad científica a hacer un diseño más robusto, flexible y fácil de mantener de su aplicación, y además, abre las puertas a la automatización de la implementación de los patrones de diseño a partir de una representación del dominio en esquemas preconceptuales.Abstract: Design patterns are solutions for recurrent design problems in scientific software. These patterns are used to mitigate the lack of several quality aspects inherent in the software. Scientists, due to their professional training, tackle little flexible and maintainable designs for their software applications. In addition, in the absence of a common vocabulary with software engineers, domain communication and validation becomes complex. Normally, design patterns representation are based on UML class diagrams or other kind of graphs. These diagrams are difficult to understand for scientist and inexperienced software engineers due to their level of formalism and, also because of this diagrams only represents the implemented design pattern and not the generic problem the design patterns solves. Furthermore, these diagrams as unity do not have the necessary elements to represent scientific software domains completely, so they must combine to do it. For this reason, in this Master’s Thesis it is proposed a representation of design patterns for scientific software by using preconceptual schemes, and also, a generic representation of the problem that design patterns address. Additionally, it is proposed a number of new elements for preconceptual schemes that allows a complete representation and validation of complex domains in scientific software. By using preconceptual schemes facilitates design patterns understanding due to their natural language proximity. In addition, it is made possible the validation and communication of application domain between scientists and software engineers. This work helps scientific community to make robust, flexible and maintainable software applications, and also, opens the doors to automated design pattern implementation from domain representation in preconceptual schemes.Maestrí

    Supporting Management lnteraction and Composition of Self-Managed Cells

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    Management in ubiquitous systems cannot rely on human intervention or centralised decision-making functions because systems are complex and devices are inherently mobile and cannot refer to centralised management applications for reconfiguration and adaptation directives. Management must be devolved, based on local decision-making and feedback control-loops embedded in autonomous components. Previous work has introduced a Self-Managed Cell (SMC) as an infrastructure for building ubiquitous applications. An SMC consists of a set of hardware and software components that implement a policy-driven feedback control-loop. This allows SMCs to adapt continually to changes in their environment or in their usage requirements. Typical applications include body-area networks for healthcare monitoring, and communities of unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance and reconnaissance operations. Ubiquitous applications are typically formed from multiple interacting autonomous components, which establish peer-to-peer collaborations, federate and compose into larger structures. Components must interact to distribute management tasks and to enforce communication strategies. This thesis presents an integrated framework which supports the design and the rapid establishment of policy-based SMC interactions by systematically composing simpler abstractions as building elements of a more complex collaboration. Policy-based interactions are realised – subject to an extensible set of security functions – through the exchanges of interfaces, policies and events, and our framework was designed to support the specification, instantiation and reuse of patterns of interaction that prescribe the manner in which these exchanges are achieved. We have defined a library of patterns that provide reusable abstractions for the structure, task-allocation and communication aspects of an interaction, which can be individually combined for building larger policy-based systems in a methodical manner. We have specified a formal model to ensure the rigorous verification of SMC interactions before policies are deployed in physical devices. A prototype has been implemented that demonstrates the practical feasibility of our framework in constrained resources


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    Model-Driven Development of Control Applications: On Modeling Tools, Simulations and Safety

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    Control systems are required in various industrial applications varying from individual machines to manufacturing plants and enterprises. Software applications have an important role as an implementation technology in such systems, which can be based on Distributed Control System (DCS) or Programmable Control System (PLC) platforms, for example. Control applications are computer programs that, with control system hardware, perform control tasks. Control applications are efficient and flexible by nature; however, their development is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts and information from various domains of expertise.This thesis studies the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in control application development. MDD is a software development methodology in which models are used as primary engineering artefacts and processed with both manual work and automated model transformations. The objective of the thesis is to explore whether or not control application development can benefit from MDD and selected technologies enabled by it. The research methodology followed in the thesis is the constructive approach of design science.To answer the research questions, tools are developed for modeling and developing control applications using UML Automation Profile (UML AP) in a model-driven development process. The modeling approach is developed based on open source tools on Eclipse platform. In the approach, modeling concepts are kept extendable. Models can be processed with model transformation techniques that plug in to the tool. The approach takes into account domain requirements related to, for example, re-use of design. According to assessment of industrial applicability of the approach and tools as part of it, they could be used for developing industrial DCS based control applications.Simulation approaches that can be used in conjunction to model-driven development of control applications are presented and compared. Development of a model-in-the-loop simulation support is rationalized to enable the use of simulations early while taking into account the special characteristics of the domain. A simulator integration is developed that transforms UML AP control application models to Modelica Modeling Language (ModelicaML) models, thus enabling closed-loop simulations with ModelicaML models of plants to be controlled. The simulation approach is applied successfully in simulations of machinery applications and process industry processes.Model-driven development of safety applications, which are parts of safety systems, would require taking into account safety standard requirements related to modeling techniques and documentation, for example. Related to this aspect, the thesis focuses on extending the information content of models with aspects that are required for safety applications. The modeling of hazards and their associated risks is supported with fault tree notation. The risk and hazard information is integrated into the development process in order to improve traceability. Automated functions enable generating documentation and performing consistency checks related to the use of standard solutions, for example. When applicable, techniques and notations, such as logic diagrams, have been chosen so that they are intuitive to developers but also comply with recommendations of safety standards