200 research outputs found

    Multiparty session types, beyond duality

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    Multiparty Session Types (MPST) are a well-established typing discipline for message-passing processes interacting on sessions involving two or more participants. Session typing can ensure desirable properties: absence of communication errors and deadlocks, and protocol conformance. We propose a novel MPST theory based on a rely/guarantee typing system, that checks (1) the guaranteed behaviour of the process being typed, and (2) the relied upon behaviour of other processes. Crucially, our theory achieves type safety by enforcing a typing context liveness invariant throughout typing derivations. Unlike “classic” MPST works, our typing system does not depend on global session types, and does not use syntactic duality checks. As a result, our new theory can prove type safety for processes that implement protocols with complex inter-role dependencies, thus sidestepping an intrinsic limitation of “classic” MPST

    Generalised Multiparty Session Types with Crash-Stop Failures

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    Session types enable the specification and verification of communicating systems. However, their theory often assumes that processes never fail. To address this limitation, we present a generalised multiparty session type (MPST) theory with crash-stop failures, where processes can crash arbitrarily. Our new theory validates more protocols and processes w.r.t. previous work. We apply minimal syntactic changes to standard session ?-calculus and types: we model crashes and their handling semantically, with a generalised MPST typing system parametric on a behavioural safety property. We cover the spectrum between fully reliable and fully unreliable sessions, via optional reliability assumptions, and prove type safety and protocol conformance in the presence of crash-stop failures. Introducing crash-stop failures has non-trivial consequences: writing correct processes that handle all crash scenarios can be difficult. Yet, our generalised MPST theory allows us to tame this complexity, via model checking, to validate whether a multiparty session satisfies desired behavioural properties, e.g. deadlock-freedom or liveness, even in presence of crashes. We implement our approach using the mCRL2 model checker, and evaluate it with examples extended from the literature

    Precise subtyping for asynchronous multiparty sessions

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    Session subtyping is a cornerstone of refinement of communicating processes: a process implementing a session type (i.e., a communication protocol) T can be safely used whenever a process implementing one of its supertypes Tâ€Č is expected, in any context, without introducing deadlocks nor other communication errors. As a consequence, whenever T Tâ€Č holds, it is safe to replace an implementation of Tâ€Č with an implementation of the subtype T, which may allow for more optimised communication patterns. We present the first formalisation of the precise subtyping relation for asynchronous multiparty sessions. We show that our subtyping relation is sound (i.e., guarantees safe process replacement, as outlined above) and also complete: any extension of the relation is unsound. To achieve our results, we develop a novel session decomposition technique, from full session types (including internal/external choices) into single input/output session trees (without choices). Previous work studies precise subtyping for binary sessions (with just two participants), or multiparty sessions (with any number of participants) and synchronous interaction. Here, we cover multiparty sessions with asynchronous interaction, where messages are transmitted via FIFO queues (as in the TCP/IP protocol), and prove that our subtyping is both operationally and denotationally precise. In the asynchronous multiparty setting, finding the precise subtyping relation is a highly complex task: this is because, under some conditions, participants can permute the order of their inputs and outputs, by sending some messages earlier or receiving some later, without causing errors; the precise subtyping relation must capture all such valid permutations — and consequently, its formalisation, reasoning and proofs become challenging. Our session decomposition technique overcomes this complexity, expressing the subtyping relation as a composition of refinement relations between single input/output trees, and providing a simple reasoning principle for asynchronous message optimisations

    Stay safe under panic: affine rust programming with multiparty session types

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    Communicating systems comprise diverse software components across networks. To ensure their robustness, modern programming languages such as Rust provide both strongly typed channels, whose usage is guaranteed to be affine (at most once), and cancellation operations over binary channels. For coordinating components to correctly communicate and synchronise with each other, we use the structuring mechanism from multiparty session types, extending it with affine communication channels and implicit/explicit cancellation mechanisms. This new typing discipline, affine multiparty session types (AMPST), ensures cancellation termination of multiple, independently running components and guarantees that communication will not get stuck due to error or abrupt termination. Guided by AMPST, we implemented an automated generation tool (MultiCrusty) of Rust APIs associated with cancellation termination algorithms, by which the Rust compiler auto-detects unsafe programs. Our evaluation shows that MultiCrusty provides an efficient mechanism for communication, synchronisation and propagation of the notifications of cancellation for arbitrary processes. We have implemented several usecases, including popular application protocols (OAuth, SMTP), and protocols with exception handling patterns (circuit breaker, distributed logging)

    Timed Multiparty Session Types

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    We propose a typing theory, based on multiparty session types, for modular verification of real-time choreographic interactions. To model real-time implementations, we introduce a simple calculus with delays and a decidable static proof system. The proof system ensures type safety and time-error freedom, namely processes respect the prescribed timing and causalities between interactions. A decidable condition on timed global types guarantees time-progress for validated processes with delays, and gives a sound and complete characterisation of a new class of CTAs with general topologies that enjoys progress and liveness

    Foundations of Session Types and Behavioural Contracts

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    International audienceBehavioural type systems, usually associated to concurrent or distributed computations, encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, and contracts, in addition to the traditional input/output operations. The behavioural type of a software component specifies its expected patterns of interaction using expressive type languages, so that types can be used to determine automatically whether the component interacts correctly with other components. Two related important notions of behavioural types are those of session types and behavioural contracts. This paper surveys the main accomplishments of the last twenty years within these two approaches

    Combining behavioural types with security analysis

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    Today's software systems are highly distributed and interconnected, and they increasingly rely on communication to achieve their goals; due to their societal importance, security and trustworthiness are crucial aspects for the correctness of these systems. Behavioural types, which extend data types by describing also the structured behaviour of programs, are a widely studied approach to the enforcement of correctness properties in communicating systems. This paper offers a unified overview of proposals based on behavioural types which are aimed at the analysis of security properties

    Multiparty compatibility in communicating automata: characterisation and synthesis of global session types

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    Multiparty session types are a type system that can ensure the safety and liveness of distributed peers via the global specification of their interactions. To construct a global specification from a set of distributed uncontrolled behaviours, this paper explores the problem of fully characterising multiparty session types in terms of communicating automata. We equip global and local session types with labelled transition systems (LTSs) that faithfully represent asynchronous communications through unbounded buffered channels. Using the equivalence between the two LTSs, we identify a class of communicating automata that exactly correspond to the projected local types. We exhibit an algorithm to synthesise a global type from a collection of communicating automata. The key property of our findings is the notion of multiparty compatibility which non-trivially extends the duality condition for binary session types

    Fair Termination of Binary Sessions

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    A binary session is a private communication channel that connects two processes, each adhering to a protocol description called session type. In this work, we study the first type system that ensures the fair termination of binary sessions. A session fairly terminates if all of the infinite executions admitted by its protocol are deemed ‘unrealistic’ because they violate certain fairness assumptions. Fair termination entails the eventual completion of all pending input/output actions, including those that depend on the completion of an unbounded number of other actions in possibly different sessions. This form of lock freedom allows us to address a large family of natural communication patterns that fall outside the scope of existing type systems. Our type system is also the first to adopt fair subtyping, a liveness-preserving refinement of the standard subtyping relation for session types that so far has only been studied theoretically. Fair subtyping is surprisingly subtle not only to characterize concisely but also to use appropriately, to the point that the type system must carefully account for all usages of fair subtyping to avoid compromising its liveness-preserving properties
