25 research outputs found

    A Concurrent Language with a Uniform Treatment of Regions and Locks

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    A challenge for programming language research is to design and implement multi-threaded low-level languages providing static guarantees for memory safety and freedom from data races. Towards this goal, we present a concurrent language employing safe region-based memory management and hierarchical locking of regions. Both regions and locks are treated uniformly, and the language supports ownership transfer, early deallocation of regions and early release of locks in a safe manner


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    This paper reports on an experiment to add concurrency to the Cyclone programming language, in order to get a safe concurrent language. The basic model considered is that of FairThreads in which synchronous and asynchronous aspects are mixed. The language Loft implements the FairThreads model in C. In this paper, one uses Cyclone instead of C in the implementation of Loft. Using the multi-threaded version of Boehm's GC, one gets an extension of Cyclone to concurrency which is as safe as Cyclone for sequential code, with some additional safety verifications for concurrent code

    Cooperative Threads and Preemptive Computations

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    A two-level model for reactive systems programming is introduced in which threads linked to the same scheduler are run cooperatively and have the possibility to escape from the scheduler control to run preemptively. We present a type and effect system to enforce a logical separation of the memory which ensures that, when running in preemptive mode, threads do not interfere with those running in cooperative mode. Thus, the atomicity property at the basis of the cooperative model is preserved

    A Tour of Gallifrey, a Language for Geodistributed Programming

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    Programming efficient distributed, concurrent systems requires new abstractions that go beyond traditional sequential programming. But programmers already have trouble getting sequential code right, so simplicity is essential. The core problem is that low-latency, high-availability access to data requires replication of mutable state. Keeping replicas fully consistent is expensive, so the question is how to expose asynchronously replicated objects to programmers in a way that allows them to reason simply about their code. We propose an answer to this question in our ongoing work designing a new language, Gallifrey, which provides orthogonal replication through _restrictions_ with _merge strategies_, _contingencies_ for conflicts arising from concurrency, and _branches_, a novel concurrency control construct inspired by version control, to contain provisional behavior

    Thread-modular shape analysis

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    HardBound: Architectural Support for Spatial Safety of the C Programming Language

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    The C programming language is at least as well known for its absence of spatial memory safety guarantees (i.e., lack of bounds checking) as it is for its high performance. C\u27s unchecked pointer arithmetic and array indexing allow simple programming mistakes to lead to erroneous executions, silent data corruption, and security vulnerabilities. Many prior proposals have tackled enforcing spatial safety in C programs by checking pointer and array accesses. However, existing software-only proposals have significant drawbacks that may prevent wide adoption, including: unacceptably high runtime overheads, lack of completeness, incompatible pointer representations, or need for non-trivial changes to existing C source code and compiler infrastructure. Inspired by the promise of these software-only approaches, this paper proposes a hardware bounded pointer architectural primitive that supports cooperative hardware/software enforcement of spatial memory safety for C programs. This bounded pointer is a new hardware primitive datatype for pointers that leaves the standard C pointer representation intact, but augments it with bounds information maintained separately and invisibly by the hardware. The bounds are initialized by the software, and they are then propagated and enforced transparently by the hardware, which automatically checks a pointer\u27s bounds before it is dereferenced. One mode of use requires instrumenting only malloc, which enables enforcement of per-allocation spatial safety for heap-allocated objects for existing binaries. When combined with simple intra-procedural compiler instrumentation, hardware bounded pointers enable a low-overhead approach for enforcing complete spatial memory safety in unmodified C programs

    Formalisation of FunLoft

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    We formalise a thread-based concurrent language which makes resource control possible. Concurrency is based on a two-level model: threads are executed cooperatively when linked to a scheduler, and unlinked threads and schedulers are executed preemptively, under the control of the OS. We present a type and effect system to enforce a logical separation of the memory which ensures that (1) when running in preemptive mode, threads do not interfere with other threads; (2) threads linked to a scheduler do not interfere with threads linked to another scheduler. Thus, we get a concurrency model in which well-typed programs are free from data-races. The type system also insures that well-typed programs are bounded in memory and in their use of the CPU. Detection of termination of recursive functions and stratification of references in memory are techniques used to get these properties

    Deadlock checking by a behavioral effect system for lock handling

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    AbstractDeadlocks are a common error in programs with lock-based concurrency and are hard to avoid or even to detect. One way for deadlock prevention is to statically analyze the program code to spot sources of potential deadlocks. Often static approaches try to confirm that the lock-taking adheres to a given order, or, better, to infer that such an order exists. Such an order precludes situations of cyclic waiting for each other’s resources, which constitute a deadlock.In contrast, we do not enforce or infer an explicit order on locks. Instead we use a behavioral type and effect system that, in a first stage, checks the behavior of each thread or process against the declared behavior, which captures potential interaction of the thread with the locks. In a second step on a global level, the state space of the behavior is explored to detect potential deadlocks. We define a notion of deadlock-sensitive simulation to prove the soundness of the abstraction inherent in the behavioral description. Soundness of the effect system is proven by subject reduction, formulated such that it captures deadlock-sensitive simulation.To render the state-space finite, we show two further abstractions of the behavior sound, namely restricting the upper bound on re-entrant lock counters, and similarly by abstracting the (in general context-free) behavioral effect into a coarser, tail-recursive description. We prove our analysis sound using a simple, concurrent calculus with re-entrant locks

    Locking Discipline Inference and Checking

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    Concurrency is a requirement for much modern software, but the implementation of multithreaded algorithms comes at the risk of errors such as data races. Programmers can prevent data races by documenting and obeying a locking discipline, which indicates which locks must be held in order to access which data. This paper introduces a formal semantics for locking specifications that gives a guarantee of race freedom. The paper also provides two implementations of the formal semantics for the Java language: one based on abstract interpretation and one based on type theory. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first tools that can soundly infer and check a locking discipline for Java. Our experiments com-pare the implementations with one another and with annotations written by programmers

    Precise and Scalable Detection of Double-Fetch Bugs in OS Kernels

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    During system call execution, it is common for operating system kernels to read userspace memory multiple times (multi-reads). A critical bug may exist if the fetched userspace memory is subject to change across these reads, i.e., a race condition, which is known as a double-fetch bug. Prior works have attempted to detect these bugs both statically and dynamically. However, due to their improper assumptions and imprecise definitions regarding double-fetch bugs, their multiread detection is inherently limited and suffers from significant false positives and false negatives. For example, their approach is unable to support device emulation, inter-procedural analysis, loop handling, etc. More importantly, they completely leave the task of finding real double-fetch bugs from the haystack of multireads to manual verification, which is expensive if possible at all. In this paper, we first present a formal and precise definition of double-fetch bugs and then implement a static analysis system— DEADLINE—to automatically detect double-fetch bugs in OS kernels. DEADLINE uses static program analysis techniques to systematically find multi-reads throughout the kernel and employs specialized symbolic checking to vet each multi-read for double-fetch bugs. We apply DEADLINE to Linux and FreeBSD kernels and find 23 new bugs in Linux and one new bug in FreeBSD. We further propose four generic strategies to patch and prevent double-fetch bugs based on our study and the discussion with kernel maintainers