121 research outputs found

    Advances in Stereo Vision

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    Stereopsis is a vision process whose geometrical foundation has been known for a long time, ever since the experiments by Wheatstone, in the 19th century. Nevertheless, its inner workings in biological organisms, as well as its emulation by computer systems, have proven elusive, and stereo vision remains a very active and challenging area of research nowadays. In this volume we have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints

    Biblioteca de procesamiento de imágenes optimizada para Arm Cortex-M7

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    La mayoría de los vehículos en la actualidad están equipados con sistemas que asisten al conductor en tareas difíciles y repetitivas, como reducir la velocidad del vehículo en una zona escolar. Algunos de estos sistemas requieren una computadora a bordo capaz de realizar el procesamiento en tiempo real de las imágenes del camino obtenidas por una cámara. El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar una librería de procesamiento de imagen optimizada para la arquitectura ARM® Cortex®-M7. Esta librería provee rutinas para realizar filtrado espacial, resta, binarización y extracción de la información direccional de una imagen, así como el reconocimiento parametrizado de patrones de una figura predefinida utilizando la Transformada Generalizada de Hough. Estas rutinas están escritas en el lenguaje de programación C, para aprovechar las optimizaciones del compilador GNU ARM C, y obtener el máximo desempeño y el mínimo tamaño de objetos. El desempeño de las rutinas fue comparado con la implementación existente para otro microcontrolador, el Freescale® MPC5561. Para probar la funcionalidad de esta librería en una aplicación de tiempo real, se desarrolló un sistema de reconocimiento de señales de tráfico. Los resultados muestran que en promedio el tiempo de ejecución es 18% más rápido y el tamaño de objetos es 25% menor que en la implementación de referencia, lo que habilita a este sistema para procesar hasta 24 cuadros por segundo. En conclusión, estos resultados demuestran la funcionalidad de la librería de procesamiento de imágenes en sistemas de tiempo real.Most modern vehicles are equipped with systems that assist the driver by automating difficult and repetitive tasks, such as reducing the vehicle speed in a school zone. Some of these systems require an onboard computer capable of performing real-time processing of the road images captured by a camera. The goal of this project is to implement an optimized image processing library for the ARM® Cortex®-M7 architecture. This library includes the routines to perform image spatial filtering, subtraction, binarization, and extraction of the directional information along with the parameterized pattern recognition of a predefined template using the Generalized Hough Transform (GHT). These routines are written in the C programming language, leveraging GNU ARM C compiler optimizations to obtain maximum performance and minimum object size. The performance of the routines was benchmarked with an existing implementation for a different microcontroller, the Freescale® MPC5561. To prove the usability of this library in a real-time application, a Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) system was implemented. The results show that in average the execution time is 18% faster and the binary object size is 25% smaller than in the reference implementation, enabling the TSR application to process up to 24 fps. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that the image processing library implemented in this project is suitable for real-time applications.ITESO, A. C.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaContinental Automotiv

    Local Binary Patterns in Focal-Plane Processing. Analysis and Applications

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    Feature extraction is the part of pattern recognition, where the sensor data is transformed into a more suitable form for the machine to interpret. The purpose of this step is also to reduce the amount of information passed to the next stages of the system, and to preserve the essential information in the view of discriminating the data into different classes. For instance, in the case of image analysis the actual image intensities are vulnerable to various environmental effects, such as lighting changes and the feature extraction can be used as means for detecting features, which are invariant to certain types of illumination changes. Finally, classification tries to make decisions based on the previously transformed data. The main focus of this thesis is on developing new methods for the embedded feature extraction based on local non-parametric image descriptors. Also, feature analysis is carried out for the selected image features. Low-level Local Binary Pattern (LBP) based features are in a main role in the analysis. In the embedded domain, the pattern recognition system must usually meet strict performance constraints, such as high speed, compact size and low power consumption. The characteristics of the final system can be seen as a trade-off between these metrics, which is largely affected by the decisions made during the implementation phase. The implementation alternatives of the LBP based feature extraction are explored in the embedded domain in the context of focal-plane vision processors. In particular, the thesis demonstrates the LBP extraction with MIPA4k massively parallel focal-plane processor IC. Also higher level processing is incorporated to this framework, by means of a framework for implementing a single chip face recognition system. Furthermore, a new method for determining optical flow based on LBPs, designed in particular to the embedded domain is presented. Inspired by some of the principles observed through the feature analysis of the Local Binary Patterns, an extension to the well known non-parametric rank transform is proposed, and its performance is evaluated in face recognition experiments with a standard dataset. Finally, an a priori model where the LBPs are seen as combinations of n-tuples is also presentedSiirretty Doriast

    Template reduction of feature point models for rigid objects and application to tracking in microscope images.

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    This thesis addresses the problem of tracking rigid objects in video sequences. A novel approach to reducing the template size of shapes is presented. The reduced shape template can be used to enhance the performance of tracking, detection and recognition algorithms. The main idea consists of pre-calculating all possible positions and orientations that a shape can undergo for a given state space. From these states, it is possible to extract a set of points that uniquely and robustly characterises the shape for the considered state space. An algorithm, based on the Hough transform, has been developed to achieve this for discrete shapes, i.e. sets of points, projected in an image when the state space is bounded. An extended discussion on particle filters, that serves as an introduction to the topic, is presented, as well as some generic improvements. The introduction of these improvements allow the data to be better sampled by incorporating additional measurements and knowledge about the velocity of the tracked object. A partial re-initialisation scheme is also presented that enables faster recovery of the system when the object is temporarily occluded.A stencil estimator is introduced to identify the position of an object in an image. Some of its properties are discussed and demonstrated. The estimator can be efficiently evaluated using the bounded Hough transform algorithm. The performance of the stencilled Hough transform can be further enhanced with a methodology that decimates the stencils while maintaining the robustness of the tracker. Performance evaluations have demonstrated the relevance of the approach. Although the methods presented in this thesis could be adapted to full 3-D object motion, motions that maintain the same view of the object in front of a camera are more specifically studied

    RANSAC for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Random Sample Consensus, most commonly abbreviated as RANSAC, is a robust estimation method for the parameters of a model contaminated by a sizable percentage of outliers. In its simplest form, the process starts with a sampling of the minimum data needed to perform an estimation, followed by an evaluation of its adequacy, and further repetitions of this process until some stopping criterion is met. Multiple variants have been proposed in which this workflow is modified, typically tweaking one or several of these steps for improvements in computing time or the quality of the estimation of the parameters. RANSAC is widely applied in the field of robotics, for example, for finding geometric shapes (planes, cylinders, spheres, etc.) in cloud points or for estimating the best transformation between different camera views. In this paper, we present a review of the current state of the art of RANSAC family methods with a special interest in applications in robotics.This work has been partially funded by the Basque Government, Spain, under Research Teams Grant number IT1427-22 and under ELKARTEK LANVERSO Grant number KK-2022/00065; the Spanish Ministry of Science (MCIU), the State Research Agency (AEI), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), under Grant number PID2021-122402OB-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE); and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, under Grant FPU18/04737

    Lane detection in autonomous vehicles : A systematic review

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    One of the essential systems in autonomous vehicles for ensuring a secure circumstance for drivers and passengers is the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). Adaptive Cruise Control, Automatic Braking/Steer Away, Lane-Keeping System, Blind Spot Assist, Lane Departure Warning System, and Lane Detection are examples of ADAS. Lane detection displays information specific to the geometrical features of lane line structures to the vehicle's intelligent system to show the position of lane markings. This article reviews the methods employed for lane detection in an autonomous vehicle. A systematic literature review (SLR) has been carried out to analyze the most delicate approach to detecting the road lane for the benefit of the automation industry. One hundred and two publications from well-known databases were chosen for this review. The trend was discovered after thoroughly examining the selected articles on the method implemented for detecting the road lane from 2018 until 2021. The selected literature used various methods, with the input dataset being one of two types: self-collected or acquired from an online public dataset. In the meantime, the methodologies include geometric modeling and traditional methods, while AI includes deep learning and machine learning. The use of deep learning has been increasingly researched throughout the last four years. Some studies used stand-Alone deep learning implementations for lane detection problems. Meanwhile, some research focuses on merging deep learning with other machine learning techniques and classical methodologies. Recent advancements imply that attention mechanism has become a popular combined strategy with deep learning methods. The use of deep algorithms in conjunction with other techniques showed promising outcomes. This research aims to provide a complete overview of the literature on lane detection methods, highlighting which approaches are currently being researched and the performance of existing state-of-The-Art techniques. Also, the paper covered the equipment used to collect the dataset for the training process and the dataset used for network training, validation, and testing. This review yields a valuable foundation on lane detection techniques, challenges, and opportunities and supports new research works in this automation field. For further study, it is suggested to put more effort into accuracy improvement, increased speed performance, and more challenging work on various extreme conditions in detecting the road lane

    3D reconstruction and motion estimation using forward looking sonar

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are increasingly used in different domains including archaeology, oil and gas industry, coral reef monitoring, harbour’s security, and mine countermeasure missions. As electromagnetic signals do not penetrate underwater environment, GPS signals cannot be used for AUV navigation, and optical cameras have very short range underwater which limits their use in most underwater environments. Motion estimation for AUVs is a critical requirement for successful vehicle recovery and meaningful data collection. Classical inertial sensors, usually used for AUV motion estimation, suffer from large drift error. On the other hand, accurate inertial sensors are very expensive which limits their deployment to costly AUVs. Furthermore, acoustic positioning systems (APS) used for AUV navigation require costly installation and calibration. Moreover, they have poor performance in terms of the inferred resolution. Underwater 3D imaging is another challenge in AUV industry as 3D information is increasingly demanded to accomplish different AUV missions. Different systems have been proposed for underwater 3D imaging, such as planar-array sonar and T-configured 3D sonar. While the former features good resolution in general, it is very expensive and requires huge computational power, the later is cheaper implementation but requires long time for full 3D scan even in short ranges. In this thesis, we aim to tackle AUV motion estimation and underwater 3D imaging by proposing relatively affordable methodologies and study different parameters affecting their performance. We introduce a new motion estimation framework for AUVs which relies on the successive acoustic images to infer AUV ego-motion. Also, we propose an Acoustic Stereo Imaging (ASI) system for underwater 3D reconstruction based on forward looking sonars; the proposed system features cheaper implementation than planar array sonars and solves the delay problem in T configured 3D sonars

    Video-based Bed Monitoring

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