11 research outputs found

    Tsallis Distribution Decorated With Log-Periodic Oscillation

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    In many situations, in all branches of physics, one encounters power-like behavior of some variables which are best described by a Tsallis distribution characterized by a nonextensivity parameter qq and scale parameter TT. However, there exist experimental results which can be described only by a Tsallis distributions which are additionally decorated by some log-periodic oscillating factor. We argue that such a factor can originate from allowing for a complex nonextensivity parameter qq. The possible information conveyed by such an approach (like the occurrence of complex heat capacity, the notion of complex probability or complex multiplicative noise) will also be discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure. The content of this article was presented by Z. Wlodarczyk at the SigmaPhi2014 conference at Rhodes, Greece, 7-11 July 2014. To be published in Entropy (2015

    Multiplicity Dependence in the Non-Extensive Hadronization Model Calculated by the HIJING++ Framework

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    The non-extensive statistical description of the identified final state particles measured in high energy collisions is well-known by its wide range of applicability. However, there are many open questions that need to be answered, including but not limited to, the question of the observed mass scaling of massive hadrons or the size and multiplicity dependence of the model parameters. This latter is especially relevant, since currently the amount of available experimental data with high multiplicity at small systems is very limited. This contribution has two main goals: On the one hand we provide a status report of the ongoing tuning of the soon-to-be-released HIJING++ Monte Carlo event generator. On the other hand, the role of multiplicity dependence of the parameters in the non-extensive hadronization model is investigated with HIJING++ calculations. We present cross-check comparisons of HIJING++ with existing experimental data to verify its validity in our range of interest as well as calculations at high-multiplicity regions where we have insufficient experimental data.Comment: This paper is based on the talk at the 18th Zim\'anyi School, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 December 201

    An econo-physics view on the historical dynamics of the Albanian currency vs. Euro exchange rates

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    The descriptive analysis for the very long-term behavior of the Euro/ALL exchange rates has identified a near to average .revert behavior which contradict some econometric arguments and economical level of the country. Apparent anxious regimes have continuously ended up without crashing and generally the national currency of the not competitive economy has shown a nearly stabilized dynamics toward EU currency. Some of those properties have been explained herein by employing the analysis of the system from complexity and econo-physics point of view. So, by approaching the trend we obtained that the time precursor is characterized by local self-organization regimes that never organized in long scale to produce dangerous move. Thermodynamic–like processes have acted constantly as stabilizer of the national currency value. More details and features have been considered by analyzing the distributions and multifractal structure of the series in the framework of the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics approach. Gathering the information about the stationarity of the states, presences of regimes and their properties, we realized to identify the optimal condition for measurement, modeling and steadfast descriptive statistics. Finally, by using neural network we have realized a forecasting example for one month time interval. The work aims to reveal the importance of interdisciplinary consideration for better results in the study of complex socioeconomic systems

    Discrete hierarchy of sizes and performances in the exchange-traded fund universe

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    Using detailed statistical analyses of the size distribution of a universe of equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs), we discover a discrete hierarchy of sizes, which imprints a log-periodic structure on the probability distribution of ETF sizes that dominates the details of the asymptotic tail. This allows us to propose a classification of the studied universe of ETFs into seven size layers approximately organized according to a multiplicative ratio of 3.5 in their total market capitalization. Introducing a similarity metric generalising the Herfindhal index, we find that the largest ETFs exhibit a significantly stronger intra-layer and inter-layer similarity compared with the smaller ETFs. Comparing the performance across the seven discerned ETF size layers, we find an inverse size effect, namely large ETFs perform significantly better than the small ones both in 2014 and 2015

    Systematic analysis of the non-extensive statistical approach in high energy particle collisions-experiment vs. theory

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    The analysis of high-energy particle collisions is an excellent testbed for the non-extensive statistical approach. In these reactions we are far from the thermodynamical limit. In small colliding systems, such as electron-positron or nuclear collisions, the number of particles is several orders of magnitude smaller than the Avogadro number; therefore, finite-size and fluctuation effects strongly influence the final-state one-particle energy distributions. Due to the simple characterization, the description of the identified hadron spectra with the Boltzmann-Gibbs thermodynamical approach is insufficient. These spectra can be described very well with Tsallis-Pareto distributions instead, derived from non-extensive thermodynamics. Using the qq-entropy formula, we interpret the microscopic physics in terms of the Tsallis qq and TT parameters. In this paper we give a view on these parameters, analyzing identified hadron spectra from recent years in a wide center-of-mass energy range. We demonstrate that the fitted Tsallis-parameters show dependency on the center-of-mass energy and particle species (mass). Our findings are described well by a QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) inspired parton evolution ansatz. Based on this comprehensive study, apart from the evolution, both mesonic and baryonic components found to be non-extensive (q>1q>1), besides the mass ordered hierarchy observed in the parameter TT. We also study and compare in details the theory-obtained parameters for the case of PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo Generator, perturbative QCD and quark coalescence models.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. This is an extended version of our paper at the 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2016), 10-15 July 2016, Ghent, Belgiu

    A temporal network perspective of collective behavior in economic systems

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    New Trends in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

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    A topical research activity in statistical physics concerns the study of complex and disordered systems. Generally, these systems are characterized by an elevated level of interconnection and interaction between the parts so that they give rise to a rich structure in the phase space that self-organizes under the control of internal non-linear dynamics. These emergent collective dynamics confer new behaviours to the whole system that are no longer the direct consequence of the properties of the single parts, but rather characterize the whole system as a new entity with its own features, giving rise to the birth of new phenomenologies. As is highlighted in this collection of papers, the methodologies of statistical physics have become very promising in understanding these new phenomena. This volume groups together 12 research works showing the use of typical tools developed within the framework of statistical mechanics, in non-linear kinetic and information geometry, to investigate emerging features in complex physical and physical-like systems. A topical research activity in statistical physics concerns the study of complex and disordered systems. Generally, these systems are characterized by an elevated level of interconnection and interaction between the parts so that they give rise to a rich structure in the phase space that self-organizes under the control of internal non-linear dynamics. These emergent collective dynamics confer new behaviours to the whole system that are no longer the direct consequence of the properties of the single parts, but rather characterize the whole system as a new entity with its own features, giving rise to the birth of new phenomenologies. As is highlighted in this collection of papers, the methodologies of statistical physics have become very promising in understanding these new phenomena. This volume groups together 12 research works showing the use of typical tools developed within the framework of statistical mechanics, in non-linear kinetic and information geometry, to investigate emerging features in complex physical and physical-like systems