890 research outputs found

    A proposal of an architecture for the coordination level of intelligent machines

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    The issue of obtaining a practical, structured, and detailed description of an architecture for the Coordination Level of Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Sapce Exploration (CIRSSE) Testbed Intelligent Controller is addressed. Previous theoretical and implementation works were the departure point for the discussion. The document is organized as follows: after this introductory section, section 2 summarizes the overall view of the Intelligent Machine (IM) as a control system, proposing a performance measure on which to base its design. Section 3 addresses with some detail implementation issues. An hierarchic petri-net with feedback-based learning capabilities is proposed. Finally, section 4 is an attempt to address the feedback problem. Feedback is used for two functions: error recovery and reinforcement learning of the correct translations for the petri-net transitions

    Independent verification of specification models for large software systems at the early phases of development lifecycle

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    One of the major challenges facing the software industry, in general and IV&V (Independent Verification and Validation) analysts in particular, is to find ways for analyzing dynamic behavior of requirement specifications of large software systems early in the development lifecycle. Such analysis can significantly improve the performance and reliability of the developed systems. This dissertation addresses the problem of developing an IV&V framework for extracting semantics of dynamic behavior from requirement specifications based on: (1) SART (Structured Analysis with Realtime) models, and (2) UML (Unified Modeling Language) models.;For SART, the framework presented here shows a direct mapping from SART specification models to CPN (Colored Petrinets) models. The semantics of the SART hierarchy at the individual levels are preserved in the mapping. This makes it easy for the analyst to perform the analysis and trace back to the corresponding SART model. CPN was selected because it supports rigorous dynamic analysis. A large scale case study based on a component of NASA EOS system was performed for a proof of the concept.;For UML specifications, an approach based on metamodels is presented. A special type of metamodel, called dynamic metamodel (DMM), is introduced. This approach holds several advantages over the direct mapping of UML to CPN. The mapping rules for generating DMM are not CPN specific, hence they would not change if a language other than CPN is used. Also it makes it more flexible to develop DMM because other types of models can be added to the existing UML models. A simple example of a pacemaker is used to illustrate the concepts of DMM

    An Executable System Architecture Approach to Discrete Events System Modeling Using SysML in Conjunction with Colored Petri Net

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    This paper proposes an executable system architecting paradigm for discrete event system modeling and analysis through integration of a set of architecting tools, executable modeling tools, analytical tools, and visualization tools. The essential step is translating SysML-based specifications into colored Petri nets (CPNs) which enables rigorous static and dynamic system analysis as well as formal verification of the behavior and functionality of the SysML-based design. A set of tools have been studied and integrated that enable a structured architecture design process. Some basic principles of executable system architecture for discrete event system modeling that guide the process of executable architecture specification and analysis are discussed. This paradigm is aimed at general system design. Its feasibility was demonstrated with a C4- type network centric system as an example. The simulation results was used to check the overall integrity and internal consistency of the architecture models, refine the architecture design, and, finally, verify the behavior and functionality of the system being modeled

    Conformance checking in UML artifact-centric business process models

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    Business artifacts have appeared as a new paradigm to capture the information required for the complete execution and reasoning of a business process. Likewise, conformance checking is gaining popularity as a crucial technique that enables evaluating whether recorded executions of a process match its corresponding model. In this paper, conformance checking techniques are incorporated into a general framework to specify business artifacts. By relying on the expressive power of an artifact-centric specification, BAUML, which combines UML state and activity diagrams (among others), the problem of conformance checking can be mapped into the Petri net formalism and its results be explained in terms of the original artifact-centric specification. In contrast to most existing approaches, ours incorporates data constraints into the Petri nets, thus achieving conformance results which are more precise. We have also implemented a plug-in, within the ProM framework, which is able to translate a BAUML into a Petri net to perform conformance checking. This shows the feasibility of our approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Translation Of AADL To PNML To Ensure The Utilization Of Petri Nets

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), which is used to design and analyze software and hardware architectures of embedded and real-time systems, has proven to be a very efficient way of expressing the non-functional properties of safety-critical systems and architectural modeling. Petri nets are the graphical and mathematical modeling tools used to describe and study information processing systems characterized as concurrent and distributed. As AADL lacks the formal semantics needed to show the functional properties of such systems, the objective of this research was to extend AADL to enable other Petri nets to be incorporated into Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), an interchange language for Petri nets. PNML makes it possible to incorporate different types of analysis using different types of Petri net. To this end, the interchange format Extensible Markup Language (XML) was selected and AADL converted to AADL-XML (the XML format of AADL) and Petri nets to PNML, the XML-format of Petri nets, via XSLT script. PNML was chosen as the transfer format for Petri nets due to its universality, which enables designers to easily map PNML to many different types of Petri nets. Manual conversion of AADL to PNML is error-prone and tedious and thus requires automation, so XSLT script was utilized for the conversion of the two languages in their XML format. Mapping rules were defined for the conversion from AADL to PNML and the translation to XSLT automated. Finally, a PNML plug-in was designed and incorporated into the Open Source AADL Tool Environment (OSATE)

    Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents, Aarhus, Denmark, August 27-28, 2001

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the workshop Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA'01), August 27-28, 2001. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark and the "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science" Group at the University of Hamburg, Germany. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop01

    Vers un modèle de vérification de la couche logique d'entreprise dans une architecture à 3 couches: modèle CPN-ECA

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a model for building a flexible system, which accepts and verifies the change on business logic, including both business processes and business rules, while the system has to cover the properties as reliability and reuse. In this model, the business process will be designed with Colour Petri Net and translated into a set of Event-Condition-Action rules, this set will be combined with business rules for checking the respect of a business process to the business rules in design and modifying the process. Hierarchical Colour Petri Net is also used to guarantee the reliability and to reuse properties of the system.Ce document propose un modèle pour la création d'un système flexible, qui accepte et vérifie les modifications apportées à la logique métier, y compris les processus et les règles métier, tandis que le système doit couvrir les propriétés en termes de fiabilité et de réutilisation. Dans ce modèle, le processus de gestion sera conçu avec un réseau Pétri coloré et traduit en un ensemble de règles Event-Condition-Action (ECA). Cet ensemble sera combiné à des règles de gestion permettant de vérifier le respect du processus de gestion par modifier le processus. Un réseau Pétri coloré hiérarchisé est également utilisé pour garantir la fiabilité et pour réutiliser les propriétés du systèm

    Mapping AADL to Petri Net Tool-Sets Using PNML Framework

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) has been utilized to specify and verify non- functional properties of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) used in critical application systems. Examples of such critical application systems include medical devices, nuclear power plants, aer- ospace, financial, etc. Using AADL, an engineer is enable to analyze the quality of a system. For example, a developer can perform performance analysis such as end-to-end flow analysis to guarantee that system components have the required resources to meet the timing requirements relevant to their communications. The critical issue related to developing and deploying safety critical systems is how to validate the expected level of quality (e.g., safety, performance, security) and functionalities (capabilities) at design level. Currently, the core AADL is extensively applied to analyze and verify quality of RTES embed in the safety critical applications. The notation lacks the formal semantics needed to reason about the logical properties (e.g., deadlock, livelock, etc.) and capabilities of safety critical systems. The objective of this research is to augment AADL with exit- ing formal semantics and supporting tools in a manner that these properties can be automatically verified. Toward this goal, we exploit Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), which is a standard act- ing as the intermediate language between different classes of Petri Nets. Using PNML, we interface AADL with different classes of Petri nets, which support different types of tools and reasoning. The justification for using PNML is that the framework provides a context in which interoperability and exchangeability among different models of a system specified by different types of Petri nets is possible. The contributions of our work include a set of mappings and mapping rules between AADL and PNML. To show the feasibility of our approach, a fragment of RT-Embedded system, namely, Cruise Control System has been used

    Detecting Deadlocks in Formal System Models with Condition Synchronization

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    We present a novel notion of deadlock for synchronization on arbitrary boolean conditions and a sound, fully automatic deadlock analysis. Contrary to other approaches, our analysis aims to detect deadlocks caused by faulty system design, rather than implementation bugs. We analyze synchronization on boolean conditions on the fields of an object instead of targeting specific synchronization primitives.  As usual, a deadlock is a circular dependency between multiple tasks. A task depends on a second task if the execution of this second task has a side-effect that makes the blocking guard-condition of the first one evaluate to true. This requires an analysis of the computations in a method beyond syntactic properties and we integrate a logical validity calculus to do so
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