2,030 research outputs found

    Transformation of ADA programs into silicon (82 Mar. 1 - 82 Oct. 31)

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    technical reportThis report outlines the beginning steps taken in an integrated research effort toward the development of a methodology, and supporting systems, for transforming Ada programs, or program units, (directly) into corresponding VLSI systems. The time seems right to expect good results. The need is evident; special purpose systems should be realistic alternatives where simplicity, speed, reliability, and security are dominant factors. Success in this research can lead to attractive options for embedded system applications

    High level synthesis of memory architectures

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    Synthesis of hardware systems from very high level behavioural specifications

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    Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications

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    Proceedings of a conference held in Huntsville, Alabama, on November 15-16, 1988. The Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications brings together diverse technical and scientific work in order to help those who employ AI methods in space applications to identify common goals and to address issues of general interest in the AI community. Topics include the following: space applications of expert systems in fault diagnostics, in telemetry monitoring and data collection, in design and systems integration; and in planning and scheduling; knowledge representation, capture, verification, and management; robotics and vision; adaptive learning; and automatic programming

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 1988

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    Topics covered include: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    NASA Tech Briefs, November/December 1986, Special Edition

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    Topics: Computing: The View from NASA Headquarters; Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software: Versatile Tool for Data Analysis; The Hypercube: Cost-Effective Supercomputing; Artificial Intelligence: Rendezvous with NASA; NASA's Ada Connection; COSMIC: NASA's Software Treasurehouse; Golden Oldies: Tried and True NASA Software; Computer Technical Briefs; NASA TU Services; Digital Fly-by-Wire

    Defense R&D and information technology in a long-term perspective la rd militaire et les technologies de l'information en longue période

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    Defense R&D is usually considered as an economic burden, implying an eviction effect on civilian R&D and perverting the national systems of innovation. If arms production benefits nowadays from advanced civilian R&D, the flow of technology was not always in the same direction–especially in the 1950s and 1960s. Moreover, since the beginning of the 1990s, some technologies, classified for a long time as purely defense ones (GaAs, GPS, computer networking, etc.), have found new civilian applications. Why technological opportunities created by defense R&D are not systematically seized by commercial firms? First, technology transfers come true only when a legal framework exists and allows commercial firms to get access to the « military technological fund ». Second, the global economic context appears as the greatest incentive to engage civilian firms in exploiting defense technologies, as an investment opportunity. In a long-term perspective, when specific conditions are set up or exist, defense R&D can become a means of strengthening the international competitiveness of national economies. La RD de défense est souvent considérée comme un fardeau pour l'économie, impliquant un effet d'éviction sur la RD civile et pervertissant le système national d'innovation. Si la production d'armements profite aujourd'hui des avancées de la RD civile, le flot de technologies n'a pas toujours été dans la même direction – tout particulièrement dans les années 1950 et 1960. De plus, depuis le début des années 1990, quelques technologies, longtemps classées comme purement militaires (GaAs, GPS, réseaux informatiques, etc.), ont trouvé de nouvelles applications civiles. Pour quelles raisons les opportunités technologiques créées par la R&D de défense ne sont-elles pas systématiquement saisies par les firmes commerciales ? Premièrement, les transferts de technologies se concrétisent seulement quand un cadre légal existe et autorise les firmes commerciales à avoir accès au « fonds technologique militaire ». Deuxièmement, le contexte économique global constitue une incitation importante pour engager les firmes civiles à exploiter les technologies de défense. Dans une perspective de longue période, quand les conditions idoines sont mises en place ou existent, la RD de défense peut ainsi devenir un moyen de renforcer la compétitivité internationale des économies nationales.Defense R&D, Information Technology, international Competitiveness, Global Positioning System, Networking
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