165 research outputs found


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    Business rules play a critical role in building and maintaining effective and flexible information systems. In light of that critical role, the publication of the Semantic Business Vocabulary and Business Rules standard (SBVR), has been regarded a highly significant advance. Following that release, a number of research efforts have been made to convert SBVR to design models, most of which are structural models represented in UML. However, so far the proposed methodologies tend to be of an exploratory nature in the sense that they are not built on a rigorous foundation. Our aim is to identify a core subset of the SBVR features and show how those core SBVR features can be translated into an equivalent UML structural model. To do that on a sound foundation, we first provide formal models of the core SBVR and the target UML class diagram. We then transform the core SBVR model to the UML class model, completed with proofs of correctness, and describe how the mapping rules can be applied in a transformation process. Finally, to show the usefulness of our formal approach, we discuss how it is used as a crucial component in a larger project, which embraces a number of practical objectives

    Transforming enterprise ontologies into SBVR formalizations

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    In 2007 the Object Management Group (OMG) adopted the Se- mantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) specification. The languages specified by this specification must be used to create business vocab- ularies and business rules of all kinds of business activities of all kinds of or- ganizations. This paper describes and demonstrates how enterprise ontologies can be transformed into SBVR formalizations

    An Architecture to infer Business Rules from Event Condition Action Rules implemented in the Persistence Layer

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    The business rules that govern the behaviour of a business process can be hardcoded in different ways in a software application. The modernization or improvement of these applications to a process-oriented perspective implies typically the modification of the business rules. Frequently, legacy systems are not well-documented, and almost always, the documentation they have is not updated. As a consequence many times is necessary the analysis of source code and databases structures to be transformed into a business language more understandable by the business experts involved in the modernization process. Database triggers are one of the artefacts in which business rules are hardcoded. We focus on this kind of artefacts, having in mind to avoid the manual analysis of the triggers by a database expert, and bringing it closer to business experts. To get this aim we need to discover business rules that are hardcoded in triggers, and translate it into vocabularies that are commonly used by business experts. In this paper we propose an ADM-based architecture to discover business rules and rewrite then into a language that can be understood by the business experts.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-13714Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2010-21744-C02-

    Unified patterns to transform business rules into an event coordination mechanism.

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    Business rules define and constrain various aspects of the business, such as vocabulary, behavior and organizational issues. Enforcing the rules of the business in information systems is however not straightforward, because different mechanisms exist for the (semi-)automatic transformation of various business constraints and rules. In this paper, we examine if and how business rules, not only data rules, but also process rules, timing rules, authorization rules, etc., can be expressed in SBVR and translated using patterns into a more uniform event mechanism, such that the event handling could provide an integrated enforcement of business rules of many kinds.Business rules; Event coordination; Business processes; SBVR; Declarative process modeling;

    Combiner Contraintes et Modèles pour le Traitement de Langage Contrôlé

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    An object-oriented approach to the translation between MOF Metaschemas

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    Since the 1960s, many formal languages have been developed in order to allow software engineers to specify conceptual models and to design software artifacts. A few of these languages, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), have become widely used standards. They employ notations and concepts that are not readily understood by "domain experts," who understand the actual problem domain and are responsible for finding solutions to problems.The Object Management Group (OMG) developed the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) specification as a first step towards providing a language to support the specification of "business vocabularies and rules." The function of SBVR is to capture business concepts and business rules in languages that are close enough to ordinary language, so that business experts can read and write them, and formal enough to capture the intended semantics and present them in a form that is suitable for engineering the automation of the rules.The ultimate goal of business rules approaches is to build software systems directly from vocabularies and rules. One way of reaching this goal, within the context of model-driven architecture (MDA), is to transform SBVR models into UML models. OMG also notes the need for a reverse engineering transformation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules in order to validate UML schemas. This thesis proposes an automatic approach to translation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules, and vice versa. It consists of the application of a new generic schema translation approach to the particular case of UML and SBVR.The main contribution of the generic approach is the extensive use of object-oriented concepts in the definition of translation mappings, particularly the use of operations (and their refinements) and invariants, both formalized in the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Translation mappings can be used to check that two schemas are translations of each other, and to translate one into the other, in either direction. Translation mappings are declaratively defined by means of preconditions, postconditions and invariants, and they can be implemented in any suitable language. The approach leverages the object-oriented constructs embedded in Meta Object Facility (MOF) metaschemas to achieve the goals of object-oriented software development in the schema translation problem.The generic schema translation approach and its application to UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules is fully implemented in the UML-based Specification Environment (USE) tool and validated by a case study based on the conceptual schema of the Digital Bibliography & Library Project (DBLP) system

    A model transformation framework to increase OCL usability

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    The usability of a modeling language has a direct relationship with several factors of models constructed with the modeling language, such as time required and accuracy. Object Constraint Language (OCL) is the most prevalent language to document system constraints that are annotated in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). OCL is reputed as a modeling language with difficult syntax, and prior knowledge of OCL is needed to use the language. These obstacles result in the low usability of OCL. Therefore, the current research proposes a model to automatically transform system constraints formed in English sentences to OCL specifications. The proposed model is based on the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach. The Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties of the proposed model are verified by the Maude model checker. To validate the proposed model and compare it with the existing work, the En2OCL (English2OCL) application is developed. This application is tested by three evaluation metrics: precision, recall, and f-measure. The En2OCL application is further compared with the NL2OCLviaSBVR application, which is the existing work on OCL generation from English sentences. The comparison shows a considerable improvement in precision, recall, and f-measure.Web of Science281261