567 research outputs found

    Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions

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    Read-only caches are widely used in cloud infrastructures to reduce access latency and load on backend databases. Operators view coherent caches as impractical at genuinely large scale and many client-facing caches are updated in an asynchronous manner with best-effort pipelines. Existing solutions that support cache consistency are inapplicable to this scenario since they require a round trip to the database on every cache transaction. Existing incoherent cache technologies are oblivious to transactional data access, even if the backend database supports transactions. We propose T-Cache, a novel caching policy for read-only transactions in which inconsistency is tolerable (won't cause safety violations) but undesirable (has a cost). T-Cache improves cache consistency despite asynchronous and unreliable communication between the cache and the database. We define cache-serializability, a variant of serializability that is suitable for incoherent caches, and prove that with unbounded resources T-Cache implements this new specification. With limited resources, T-Cache allows the system manager to choose a trade-off between performance and consistency. Our evaluation shows that T-Cache detects many inconsistencies with only nominal overhead. We use synthetic workloads to demonstrate the efficacy of T-Cache when data accesses are clustered and its adaptive reaction to workload changes. With workloads based on the real-world topologies, T-Cache detects 43-70% of the inconsistencies and increases the rate of consistent transactions by 33-58%.Comment: Ittay Eyal, Ken Birman, Robbert van Renesse, "Cache Serializability: Reducing Inconsistency in Edge Transactions," Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), IEEE 35th International Conference on, June~29 2015--July~2 201

    Building replicated database systems using distributed shared memory

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    Current trends in main memory capacity and cost indicate that in a few years most performance-critical applications will have all (or most of) their data stored in the main mem- ory of the nodes of a small-size cluster. A few recent research papers have pointed this out and proposed architectures tak- ing advantage of clustered nvironments aggregating power- ful processors equipped with large main memories. This position paper proposes yet another approach, which builds on Distributed Shared Memory systems (DSMs) introduced in the early 80’s. We introduce the idea of the dsmDB, dis- cuss how its architecture could be organized, and elaborate on some of its algorithms. We conclude the paper with a discussion of some of its advantages and drawbacks.Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem para a construção de sistemas de base de dados replicados utilizando memória compartilhada distribuída. A arquitetura dsmDB, a qual implementa tal proposta, é apresentada. Vantagens e desvantagens da abordagem são elencadas e discutidas

    Growth of relational model: Interdependence and complementary to big data

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    A database management system is a constant application of science that provides a platform for the creation, movement, and use of voluminous data. The area has witnessed a series of developments and technological advancements from its conventional structured database to the recent buzzword, bigdata. This paper aims to provide a complete model of a relational database that is still being widely used because of its well known ACID properties namely, atomicity, consistency, integrity and durability. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to highlight the adoption of relational model approaches by bigdata techniques. Towards addressing the reason for this in corporation, this paper qualitatively studied the advancements done over a while on the relational data model. First, the variations in the data storage layout are illustrated based on the needs of the application. Second, quick data retrieval techniques like indexing, query processing and concurrency control methods are revealed. The paper provides vital insights to appraise the efficiency of the structured database in the unstructured environment, particularly when both consistency and scalability become an issue in the working of the hybrid transactional and analytical database management system

    Database Workload Management (Dagstuhl Seminar 12282)

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 12282 "Database Workload Management". Dagstuhl Seminar 12282 was designed to provide a venue where researchers can engage in dialogue with industrial participants for an in-depth exploration of challenging industrial workloads, where industrial participants can challenge researchers to apply the lessons-learned from their large-scale experiments to multiple real systems, and that would facilitate the release of real workloads that can be used to drive future research, and concrete measures to evaluate and compare workload management techniques in the context of these workloads

    From cluster databases to cloud storage: Providing transactional support on the cloud

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    Durant les últimes tres dècades, les limitacions tecnològiques (com per exemple la capacitat dels dispositius d'emmagatzematge o l'ample de banda de les xarxes de comunicació) i les creixents demandes dels usuaris (estructures d'informació, volums de dades) han conduït l'evolució de les bases de dades distribuïdes. Des dels primers repositoris de dades per arxius plans que es van desenvolupar en la dècada dels vuitanta, s'han produït importants avenços en els algoritmes de control de concurrència, protocols de replicació i en la gestió de transaccions. No obstant això, els reptes moderns d'emmagatzematge de dades que plantegen el Big Data i el cloud computing—orientats a millorar la limitacions pel que fa a escalabilitat i elasticitat de les bases de dades estàtiques—estan empenyent als professionals a relaxar algunes propietats importants dels sistemes transaccionals clàssics, cosa que exclou a diverses aplicacions les quals no poden encaixar en aquesta estratègia degut a la seva alta dependència transaccional. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és abordar dos reptes importants encara latents en el camp de les bases de dades distribuïdes: (1) les limitacions pel que fa a escalabilitat dels sistemes transaccionals i (2) el suport transaccional en repositoris d'emmagatzematge en el núvol. Analitzar les tècniques tradicionals de control de concurrència i de replicació, utilitzades per les bases de dades clàssiques per suportar transaccions, és fonamental per identificar les raons que fan que aquests sistemes degradin el seu rendiment quan el nombre de nodes i / o quantitat de dades creix. A més, aquest anàlisi està orientat a justificar el disseny dels repositoris en el núvol que deliberadament han deixat de banda el suport transaccional. Efectivament, apropar el paradigma de l'emmagatzematge en el núvol a les aplicacions que tenen una forta dependència en les transaccions és fonamental per a la seva adaptació als requeriments actuals pel que fa a volums de dades i models de negoci. Aquesta tesi comença amb la proposta d'un simulador de protocols per a bases de dades distribuïdes estàtiques, el qual serveix com a base per a la revisió i comparativa de rendiment dels protocols de control de concurrència i les tècniques de replicació existents. Pel que fa a la escalabilitat de les bases de dades i les transaccions, s'estudien els efectes que té executar diferents perfils de transacció sota diferents condicions. Aquesta anàlisi contínua amb una revisió dels repositoris d'emmagatzematge de dades en el núvol existents—que prometen encaixar en entorns dinàmics que requereixen alta escalabilitat i disponibilitat—, el qual permet avaluar els paràmetres i característiques que aquests sistemes han sacrificat per tal de complir les necessitats actuals pel que fa a emmagatzematge de dades a gran escala. Per explorar les possibilitats que ofereix el paradigma del cloud computing en un escenari real, es presenta el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura d'emmagatzematge de dades inspirada en el cloud computing la qual s’utilitza per emmagatzemar la informació generada en les Smart Grids. Concretament, es combinen les tècniques de replicació en bases de dades transaccionals i la propagació epidèmica amb els principis de disseny usats per construir els repositoris de dades en el núvol. Les lliçons recollides en l'estudi dels protocols de replicació i control de concurrència en el simulador de base de dades, juntament amb les experiències derivades del desenvolupament del repositori de dades per a les Smart Grids, desemboquen en el que hem batejat com Epidemia: una infraestructura d'emmagatzematge per Big Data concebuda per proporcionar suport transaccional en el núvol. A més d'heretar els beneficis dels repositoris en el núvol en quant a escalabilitat, Epidemia inclou una capa de gestió de transaccions que reenvia les transaccions dels clients a un conjunt jeràrquic de particions de dades, cosa que permet al sistema oferir diferents nivells de consistència i adaptar elàsticament la seva configuració a noves demandes de càrrega de treball. Finalment, els resultats experimentals posen de manifest la viabilitat de la nostra contribució i encoratgen als professionals a continuar treballant en aquesta àrea.Durante las últimas tres décadas, las limitaciones tecnológicas (por ejemplo la capacidad de los dispositivos de almacenamiento o el ancho de banda de las redes de comunicación) y las crecientes demandas de los usuarios (estructuras de información, volúmenes de datos) han conducido la evolución de las bases de datos distribuidas. Desde los primeros repositorios de datos para archivos planos que se desarrollaron en la década de los ochenta, se han producido importantes avances en los algoritmos de control de concurrencia, protocolos de replicación y en la gestión de transacciones. Sin embargo, los retos modernos de almacenamiento de datos que plantean el Big Data y el cloud computing—orientados a mejorar la limitaciones en cuanto a escalabilidad y elasticidad de las bases de datos estáticas—están empujando a los profesionales a relajar algunas propiedades importantes de los sistemas transaccionales clásicos, lo que excluye a varias aplicaciones las cuales no pueden encajar en esta estrategia debido a su alta dependencia transaccional. El propósito de esta tesis es abordar dos retos importantes todavía latentes en el campo de las bases de datos distribuidas: (1) las limitaciones en cuanto a escalabilidad de los sistemas transaccionales y (2) el soporte transaccional en repositorios de almacenamiento en la nube. Analizar las técnicas tradicionales de control de concurrencia y de replicación, utilizadas por las bases de datos clásicas para soportar transacciones, es fundamental para identificar las razones que hacen que estos sistemas degraden su rendimiento cuando el número de nodos y/o cantidad de datos crece. Además, este análisis está orientado a justificar el diseño de los repositorios en la nube que deliberadamente han dejado de lado el soporte transaccional. Efectivamente, acercar el paradigma del almacenamiento en la nube a las aplicaciones que tienen una fuerte dependencia en las transacciones es crucial para su adaptación a los requerimientos actuales en cuanto a volúmenes de datos y modelos de negocio. Esta tesis empieza con la propuesta de un simulador de protocolos para bases de datos distribuidas estáticas, el cual sirve como base para la revisión y comparativa de rendimiento de los protocolos de control de concurrencia y las técnicas de replicación existentes. En cuanto a la escalabilidad de las bases de datos y las transacciones, se estudian los efectos que tiene ejecutar distintos perfiles de transacción bajo diferentes condiciones. Este análisis continua con una revisión de los repositorios de almacenamiento en la nube existentes—que prometen encajar en entornos dinámicos que requieren alta escalabilidad y disponibilidad—, el cual permite evaluar los parámetros y características que estos sistemas han sacrificado con el fin de cumplir las necesidades actuales en cuanto a almacenamiento de datos a gran escala. Para explorar las posibilidades que ofrece el paradigma del cloud computing en un escenario real, se presenta el desarrollo de una arquitectura de almacenamiento de datos inspirada en el cloud computing para almacenar la información generada en las Smart Grids. Concretamente, se combinan las técnicas de replicación en bases de datos transaccionales y la propagación epidémica con los principios de diseño usados para construir los repositorios de datos en la nube. Las lecciones recogidas en el estudio de los protocolos de replicación y control de concurrencia en el simulador de base de datos, junto con las experiencias derivadas del desarrollo del repositorio de datos para las Smart Grids, desembocan en lo que hemos acuñado como Epidemia: una infraestructura de almacenamiento para Big Data concebida para proporcionar soporte transaccional en la nube. Además de heredar los beneficios de los repositorios en la nube altamente en cuanto a escalabilidad, Epidemia incluye una capa de gestión de transacciones que reenvía las transacciones de los clientes a un conjunto jerárquico de particiones de datos, lo que permite al sistema ofrecer distintos niveles de consistencia y adaptar elásticamente su configuración a nuevas demandas cargas de trabajo. Por último, los resultados experimentales ponen de manifiesto la viabilidad de nuestra contribución y alientan a los profesionales a continuar trabajando en esta área.Over the past three decades, technology constraints (e.g., capacity of storage devices, communication networks bandwidth) and an ever-increasing set of user demands (e.g., information structures, data volumes) have driven the evolution of distributed databases. Since flat-file data repositories developed in the early eighties, there have been important advances in concurrency control algorithms, replication protocols, and transactions management. However, modern concerns in data storage posed by Big Data and cloud computing—related to overcome the scalability and elasticity limitations of classic databases—are pushing practitioners to relax some important properties featured by transactions, which excludes several applications that are unable to fit in this strategy due to their intrinsic transactional nature. The purpose of this thesis is to address two important challenges still latent in distributed databases: (1) the scalability limitations of transactional databases and (2) providing transactional support on cloud-based storage repositories. Analyzing the traditional concurrency control and replication techniques, used by classic databases to support transactions, is critical to identify the reasons that make these systems degrade their throughput when the number of nodes and/or amount of data rockets. Besides, this analysis is devoted to justify the design rationale behind cloud repositories in which transactions have been generally neglected. Furthermore, enabling applications which are strongly dependent on transactions to take advantage of the cloud storage paradigm is crucial for their adaptation to current data demands and business models. This dissertation starts by proposing a custom protocol simulator for static distributed databases, which serves as a basis for revising and comparing the performance of existing concurrency control protocols and replication techniques. As this thesis is especially concerned with transactions, the effects on the database scalability of different transaction profiles under different conditions are studied. This analysis is followed by a review of existing cloud storage repositories—that claim to be highly dynamic, scalable, and available—, which leads to an evaluation of the parameters and features that these systems have sacrificed in order to meet current large-scale data storage demands. To further explore the possibilities of the cloud computing paradigm in a real-world scenario, a cloud-inspired approach to store data from Smart Grids is presented. More specifically, the proposed architecture combines classic database replication techniques and epidemic updates propagation with the design principles of cloud-based storage. The key insights collected when prototyping the replication and concurrency control protocols at the database simulator, together with the experiences derived from building a large-scale storage repository for Smart Grids, are wrapped up into what we have coined as Epidemia: a storage infrastructure conceived to provide transactional support on the cloud. In addition to inheriting the benefits of highly-scalable cloud repositories, Epidemia includes a transaction management layer that forwards client transactions to a hierarchical set of data partitions, which allows the system to offer different consistency levels and elastically adapt its configuration to incoming workloads. Finally, experimental results highlight the feasibility of our contribution and encourage practitioners to further research in this area

    Exploiting cost-performance tradeoffs for modern cloud systems

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    The trade-off between cost and performance is a fundamental challenge for modern cloud systems. This thesis explores cost-performance tradeoffs for three types of systems that permeate today's clouds, namely (1) storage, (2) virtualization, and (3) computation. A distributed key-value storage system must choose between the cost of keeping replicas synchronized (consistency) and performance (latency) or read/write operations. A cloud-based disaster recovery system can reduce the cost of managing a group of VMs as a single unit for recovery by implementing this abstraction in software (instead of hardware) at the risk of impacting application availability performance. As another example, run-time performance of graph analytics jobs sharing a multi-tenant cluster can be made better by trading of the cost of replication of the input graph data-set stored in the associated distributed file system. Today cloud system providers have to manually tune the system to meet desired trade-offs. This can be challenging since the optimal trade-off between cost and performance may vary depending on network and workload conditions. Thus our hypothesis is that it is feasible to imbue a wide variety of cloud systems with adaptive and opportunistic mechanisms to efficiently navigate the cost-performance tradeoff space to meet desired tradeoffs. The types of cloud systems considered in this thesis include key-value stores, cloud-based disaster recovery systems, and multi-tenant graph computation engines. Our first contribution, PCAP is an adaptive distributed storage system. The foundation of the PCAP system is a probabilistic variation of the classical CAP theorem, which quantifies the (un-)achievable envelope of probabilistic consistency and latency under different network conditions characterized by a probabilistic partition model. Our PCAP system proposes adaptive mechanisms for tuning control knobs to meet desired consistency-latency tradeoffs expressed in terms in service-level agreements. Our second system, GeoPCAP is a geo-distributed extension of PCAP. In GeoPCAP, we propose generalized probabilistic composition rules for composing consistency-latency tradeoffs across geo-distributed instances of distributed key-value stores, each running on separate data-centers. GeoPCAP also includes a geo-distributed adaptive control system that adapts new controls knobs to meet SLAs across geo-distributed data-centers. Our third system, GCVM proposes a light-weight hypervisor-managed mechanism for taking crash consistent snapshots across VMs distributed over servers. This mechanism enables us to move the consistency group abstraction from hardware to software, and thus lowers reconfiguration cost while incurring modest VM pause times which impact application availability. Finally, our fourth contribution is a new opportunistic graph processing system called OPTiC for efficiently scheduling multiple graph analytics jobs sharing a multi-tenant cluster. By opportunistically creating at most 1 additional replica in the distributed file system (thus incurring cost), we show up to 50% reduction in median job completion time for graph processing jobs under realistic network and workload conditions. Thus with a modest increase in storage and bandwidth cost in disk, we can reduce job completion time (improve performance). For the first two systems (PCAP, and GeoPCAP), we exploit the cost-performance tradeoff space through efficient navigation of the tradeoff space to meet SLAs and perform close to the optimal tradeoff. For the third (GCVM) and fourth (OPTiC) systems, we move from one solution point to another solution point in the tradeoff space. For the last two systems, explicitly mapping out the tradeoff space allows us to consider new design tradeoffs for these systems

    Application-level caching with transactional consistency

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-159).Distributed in-memory application data caches like memcached are a popular solution for scaling database-driven web sites. These systems increase performance significantly by reducing load on both the database and application servers. Unfortunately, such caches present two challenges for application developers. First, they cannot ensure that the application sees a consistent view of the data within a transaction, violating the isolation properties of the underlying database. Second, they leave the application responsible for locating data in the cache and keeping it up to date, a frequent source of application complexity and programming errors. This thesis addresses both of these problems in a new cache called TxCache. TxCache is a transactional cache: it ensures that any data seen within a transaction, whether from the cache or the database, reflects a slightly stale but consistent snapshot of the database. TxCache also offers a simple programming model. Application developers simply designate certain functions as cacheable, and the system automatically caches their results and invalidates the cached data as the underlying database changes. Our experiments found that TxCache can substantially increase the performance of a web application: on the RUBiS benchmark, it increases throughput by up to 5.2x relative to a system without caching. More importantly, on this application, TxCache achieves performance comparable (within 5%) to that of a non-transactional cache, showing that consistency does not have to come at the price of performance.by Dan R. K. Ports.Ph.D

    Tunable Security for Deployable Data Outsourcing

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    Security mechanisms like encryption negatively affect other software quality characteristics like efficiency. To cope with such trade-offs, it is preferable to build approaches that allow to tune the trade-offs after the implementation and design phase. This book introduces a methodology that can be used to build such tunable approaches. The book shows how the proposed methodology can be applied in the domains of database outsourcing, identity management, and credential management