710 research outputs found

    Automatic Generation of Trace Links in Model-driven Software Development

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    Traceability data provides the knowledge on dependencies and logical relations existing amongst artefacts that are created during software development. In reasoning over traceability data, conclusions can be drawn to increase the quality of software. The paradigm of Model-driven Software Engineering (MDSD) promotes the generation of software out of models. The latter are specified through different modelling languages. In subsequent model transformations, these models are used to generate programming code automatically. Traceability data of the involved artefacts in a MDSD process can be used to increase the software quality in providing the necessary knowledge as described above. Existing traceability solutions in MDSD are based on the integral model mapping of transformation execution to generate traceability data. Yet, these solutions still entail a wide range of open challenges. One challenge is that the collected traceability data does not adhere to a unified formal definition, which leads to poorly integrated traceability data. This aggravates the reasoning over traceability data. Furthermore, these traceability solutions all depend on the existence of a transformation engine. However, not in all cases pertaining to MDSD can a transformation engine be accessed, while taking into account proprietary transformation engines, or manually implemented transformations. In these cases it is not possible to instrument the transformation engine for the sake of generating traceability data, resulting in a lack of traceability data. In this work, we address these shortcomings. In doing so, we propose a generic traceability framework for augmenting arbitrary transformation approaches with a traceability mechanism. To integrate traceability data from different transformation approaches, our approach features a methodology for augmentation possibilities based on a design pattern. The design pattern supplies the engineer with recommendations for designing the traceability mechanism and for modelling traceability data. Additionally, to provide a traceability mechanism for inaccessible transformation engines, we leverage parallel model matching to generate traceability data for arbitrary source and target models. This approach is based on a language-agnostic concept of three similarity measures for matching. To realise the similarity measures, we exploit metamodel matching techniques for graph-based model matching. Finally, we evaluate our approach according to a set of transformations from an SAP business application and the domain of MDSD

    Bayesian Uncertainty Evaluation in Vision-Based Metrology

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    Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications

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    An Initial Maturity Model for Information Governance

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    This report details the maturity model for information governance which will be used to assess the E-ARK Project use cases. The method that guides the application of this maturity model will then be detailed in deliverable 7.5, A Maturity Model consists of a number of entities, including “maturity levels” (often six) which are, from the lowest to the highest, (0) Non Existent, (1) Initial, (2) Basic, (3) Intermediate, (4) Advanced and (5) Optimizing. Each process can have its own Maturity Model, which expresses quantitatively the maturity level of an organization regarding a certain process. A Maturity Model provides also a way for organizations to see clearly what they must accomplish in order to pass to the next maturity level. The use of maturity models is wide spread and accepted, both in industry and academia. There are numerous maturity models, at least one for each of the most trending topics in such areas as Information Technology or Information Systems. Maturity Models are widely used and accepted because of their simplicity and effectiveness. They can easily help understanding the current level of maturity of a certain aspect in a meaningful way, so that stakeholders can clearly identify strengths and weaknesses requiring improvement, and thus prioritise what must be done in order to reach a higher level. This can be used to show the outcomes that will result from that effort, enabling stakeholders to decide if the outcomes justify the effort

    Development of an Augmented Reality musical instrument

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    Nowadays, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are concepts of which people are becoming more and more aware of due to their application to the video-game industry (speceially in the case of VR). Such raise is partly due to a decrease in costs of Head Mounted Displays, which are consequently becoming more and more accessible to the public and developers worldwide. All of these novelties, along with the frenetic development of Information Technologies applied to essentially, all markets; have also made digital artists and manufacturers aware of the never-ending interaction possibilities these paradigms provide and a variety of systems have appeared, which offer innovative creative capabilities. Due to the personal interest of the author in music and the technologies surrounding its creation by digital means, this document covers the application of the Virtuality- Reality-Continuum (VR and AR) paradigms to the field of interfaces for the musical expression. More precisely, it covers the development of an electronic drumset which integrates Arduino-compatible hardware with a 3D visualisation application (developed based on Unity) to create a complete functioning instrument musical instrument, The system presented along the document attempts to leverage three-dimensional visual feedback with tangible interaction based on hitting, which is directly translated to sound and visuals in the sound generation application. Furthermore, the present paper provides a notably deep study of multiple technologies and areas that are ultimately applied to the target system itself. Hardware concerns, time requirements, approaches to the creation of NIMEs (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Virtual Musical Instrument (VMI) design, musical-data transmission protocols (MIDI and OSC) and 3D modelling constitute the fundamental topics discussed along the document. At the end of this paper, conclusions reflect on the difficulties found along the project, the unfulfilled objectives and all deviations from the initial concept that the project suffered during the development process. Besides, future work paths will be listed and depicted briefly and personal comments will be included as well as humble pieces of advice targeted at readers interested in facing an ambitious project on their own.En la actualidad, los conceptos de Realidad Aumentada (AR) y Realidad Virtual (VR) son cada vez más conocidos por la gente de a pie, debido en gran parte a su aplicación al ámbito de los videojuegos, donde el desarollo para dispositivos HMDs está en auge. Esta popularidad se debe en gran parte al abaratamiento de este tipo de dispositivos, los cuales son cada vez más accesibles al público y a los desarrolladores de todo el mundo. Todas estas novedades sumadas al frenético desarrollo de la industria de IT han llamado la atención de artistas y empresas que han visto en estos paradigmas (VR and AR) una oportunidad para proporcionar nuevas e ilimitadas formas de interacción y creación de arte en alguna de sus formas. Debido al interés personal del autor de este TFG en la música y las tecnologías que posiblitan la creación musical por medios digitales, este documento explora la aplicación de los paradigmas del Virtuality-Reality Continuum de Milgram (AR y VR) al ámbito de las interfaces para la creación musical. Concretamente, este TFG detalla el desarrollo de una batería electrónica, la cual combina una interfaz tangible creada con hardware compatible con Arduino con una aplicación de generación de sonidos y visualización, desarrollada utilizando Unity como base. Este sistema persigue lograr una interacción natural por parte del usuario por medio de integrar el hardware en unas baquetas, las cuales permiten detectar golpes a cualquier tipo de superficie y convierten estos en mensajes MIDI que son utilizados por el sistema generador de sonido para proporcionar feedback al usuario (tanto visual como auditivo); por tanto, este sistema se distingue por abogar por una interacción que permita golpear físicamente objetos (e.g. una cama), mientras que otros sistemas similates basan su modo de interacción en “air-drumming”. Además, este sistema busca solventar algunos de los inconvenientes principales asociados a los baterías y su normalmente conflictivo instrumento, como es el caso de las limitaciones de espacio, la falta de flexibilidad en cuanto a los sonidos que pueden ser generados y el elevado coste del equipo. Por otro lado, este documento pormenoriza diversos aspectos relacionados con el sistema descrito en cuestión, proporcionando al lector una completa panorámica de sistemas similares al propuesto. Asimismo, se describen los aspectos más importantes en relación al desarrollo del TFG, como es el caso de protocolos de transmisión de información musical (MIDI y OSC), algoritmos de control, guías de diseño para interfaces de creación musical (NIMEs) y modelado 3D. Se incluye un íntegro proceso de Ingeniería de Software para mantener la formalidad y tratar de garantizar un desarrollo más organizado y se discute la metodología utilizada para este proceso. Por último, este documento reflexiona sobre las dificultades encontradas, se enumeran posibilidades de Trabajo Futuro y se finaliza con algunas conclusiones personales derivadas de este trabajo de investigación.Ingeniería Informátic

    Towards interoperability of i* models using iStarML

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    Goal-oriented and agent-oriented modelling provides an effective approach to the understanding of distributed information systems that need to operate in open, heterogeneous and evolving environments. Frameworks, firstly introduced more than ten years ago, have been extended along language variants, analysis methods and CASE tools, posing language semantics and tool interoperability issues. Among them, the i* framework is one the most widespread. We focus on i*-based modelling languages and tools and on the problem of supporting model exchange between them. In this paper, we introduce the i* interoperability problem and derive an XML interchange format, called iStarML, as a practical solution to this problem. We first discuss the main requirements for its definition, then we characterise the core concepts of i* and we detail the tags and options of the interchange format. We complete the presentation of iStarML showing some possible applications. Finally, a survey on the i* community perception about iStarML is included for assessment purposes.Preprin

    A Value-Driven Framework for Software Architecture

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    Software that is not aligned with the business values of the organization for which it was developed does not entirely fulfill its raison d’etre. Business values represent what is important in a company, or organization, and should influence the overall software system behavior, contributing to the overall success of the organization. However, approaches to derive a software architecture considering the business values exchanged between an organization and its market players are lacking. Our quest is to address this problem and investigate how to derive value-centered architectural models systematically. We used the Technology Research method to address this PhD research question. This methodological approach proposes three steps: problem analysis, innovation, and validation. The problem analysis was performed using systematic studies of the literature to obtain full coverage on the main themes of this work, particularly, business value modeling, software architecture methods, and software architecture derivation methods. Next, the innovation step was accomplished by creating a framework for the derivation of a software reference architecture model considering an organization’s business values. The resulting framework is composed of three core modules: Business Value Modeling, Agile Reference Architecture Modeling, and Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling. While the Business value modeling module focuses on building a stakeholder-centric business specification, the Agile Reference Architecture Modeling and the Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling modules concentrate on generating a software reference architecture aligned with the business value specification. Finally, the validation part of our framework is achieved through proof-of-concept prototypes for three new domain specific languages, case studies, and quasi-experiments, including a family of controlled experiments. The findings from our research show that the complexity and lack of rigor in the existing approaches to represent business values can be addressed by an early requirements specification method that represents the value exchanges of a business. Also, by using sophisticated model-driven engineering techniques (e.g., metamodels, model transformations, and model transformation languages), it was possible to obtain source generators to derive a software architecture model based on early requirements value models, while assuring traceability throughout the architectural derivation process. In conclusion, despite using sophisticated techniques, the derivation process of a software reference architecture is helped by simple to use methods supported by black box transformations and guidelines that facilitate the activities for the less experienced software architects. The experimental validation process used confirmed that our framework is feasible and perceived as easy to use and useful, also indicating that the participants of the experiments intend to use it in the future

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns