281 research outputs found

    Sensitivity degradation and antenna isolation analyses for a multi-operator global systems for mobile communication base transceiver stations

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    In other to mitigate challenges associated with the expansion of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) systems, infrastructure sharing have been proposed and adopted by some GSM operators. When infrastructure sharing is done, there is the possibility of degradation of quality of service due to Electromagnetic Compatibility issues, interference between operators, sensitivity degradation, increasing noise floor, antenna isolation requirement issue. This paper analyses the sensitivity degradation and the effects of spatial separation on antenna isolation requirement of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) receiver for a multi-operator mobile cellular systems. The data used were extracted from standards of organisation like European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standards and others. Antenna dimension were obtained from physical observations of BTS site. By comparison with identified metrics in the standards, we verified that the number of operators that can share infrastructure is limited by the allowable sensitivity degradation. It was noted that an antenna isolation of 70dB can be achieved for GSM 900 band antennas and when GSM 1800 band antennas are used, 90dB antenna isolation is achievable greater than the minimum recommendation of 30dB.Keywords: Antenna isolation, base station, BTS, GSM, infrastructure sharing, receiver sensitivity, sensitivity degradatio

    Radio frequency optimization of a Global System for Mobile (GSM) network

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    Estimating population density distribution from network-based mobile phone data

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    In this study we address the problem of leveraging mobile phone network-based data for the task of estimating population density distribution at pan-European level. The primary goal is to develop a methodological framework for the collection and processing of network-based data that can be plausibly applied across multiple MNOs. The proposed method exploits more extensive network topology information than is considered in most state-of-the-art literature, i.e., (approximate) knowledge of cell coverage areas is assumed instead of merely cell tower locations. A distinguishing feature of the proposed methodology is the capability of taking in input a combination of cell-level and Location Area-level data, thus enabling the integration of data from Call Detail Records (CDR) with other network-based data sources, e.g., Visitor Location Register (VLR). Different scenarios are considered in terms of input data availability at individual MNOs (CDR only, VLR only, combinations of CDR and VLR) and for multi-MNO data fusion, and the relevant tradeoff dimensions are discussed. At the core of the proposed method lies a novel formulation of the population distribution estimation as a Maximum Likelihood estimation problem. The proposed estimation method is validated for consistency with synthetically generated data in a simplified simulation scenario.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

    Soluções partilhadas para redes de telecomunicações

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesDespite the substantial increase in the percentage of the globe surface covered by mobile communications, there are issues that have hampered the implementation and development of cellular networks in regions where the market and economic power are still under development. Many of these issues are of economic and financial nature. It is curiously a contradictory fact, since mobile communications on several occasions proved to be a great ally for the growth and economic development of this type of regions. Therefore, in situations such as these, where the development or installation of cellular networks is blocked or conditioned by economic and financial factors, the adoption of infrastructure or service sharing methods can facilitate the implementation and expansion of cellular networks in these regions. The work developed in this dissertation seeks to identify and study the most common methods of cellular network sharing. Through the use of a numerical tool, the effects and techno-economic benefits that each sharing method will bring to the operators interested in entering markets with these characteristics will be analyzed.Apesar do crescente aumento da superfície terrestre coberta pelas comunicações móveis, há questões que têm dificultado à implementação e desenvolvimento das redes celulares nas regiões onde o mercado e o poder económico ainda estão em desenvolvimento. Muitas dessas questões são de carácter económico e financeiro. O que se torna, curiosamente, um facto contraditório, uma vez que as comunicações móveis em diversas ocasiões provaram ser um grande aliado para o crescimento e desenvolvimento económico deste tipo de regiões. Portanto para situações como estas, onde o desenvolvimento ou instalação de redes celulares é travado ou condicionado por factores de carácter económico e financeiro, a adopção de métodos de partilha de infraestruturas ou serviços consegue facilitar a implementação e expansão de redes celulares nestas regiões. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação procura identificar e estudar os métodos mais comum de partilha. Através do uso de uma ferramenta de cálculo, analisam-se também os efeitos e benefícios económicos que cada método de partilha trará para os operadores interessados em entrar em mercados com características aqui consideradas

    Simulating Road Traffic for Generating Cellular Network Logs in Urban Context

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    Viimastel aastatel on hakanud mobiilside andmestik paeluma aina rohkem teadlasi erinevatelt teadusdistsipliinidelt. Need andmed aitavad mõista inimeste käitumis- kui ka liikumismustreid. Mitmed mobiilsusandmestikud (nagu näiteks Call Detail Records mobiilside andmed) ning GPS andmed näitavad inimeste liikumissagedust ja -põhjusi.Need andmestikud sisaldavad endas väärtuslikku informatsiooni ühiskonna kohta. Töödeldud informatsiooni saab kasutada mitmel otstarbel. Teadlased saaksid andmestiku põhjal planeerida teedevõrgustikke, paremini suunata inimestele reklaame arvestades nende paiknemist, luua uusi positsioneerimistehnoloogiaid, arendada rahvastikukontrolli tarkvara jne.Vaatamata tehnoloogilistele võimalustele on inimeste mobiilsusandmestikud väga raskesti kättesaadavad, sest need on kaitstud riiklike regulatsioonide poolt, kuna riivavad inimeste privaatsust. Teine tegur on mobiilioperaatorite enda huvi luua inimeste mobiilsusandmetel põhinevaid kommertslahendusi. Selline situatsioon ei innusta operaatoreid jagama äriliselt vajalikku informatsiooni kolmandate osapooltega. Antud magistritöö käigus näidatakse, kuidas sellest raskest probleemist üle saada arendades mobiilsidevõrgukäitumissimulatsiooni prototüüpi. Genereerides andmeid läbi erinevate teaduslike liikumismudelite, mida võimaldab meile liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvara.Uurimistöö tulemusena selgus, et selline lähenemine on resultatiivne ja omab mitmeid laienemisvõimalusi. Täheldati mitmeid võimalusi koostööks teiste uurimisvaldkondadega, et muuta genereeritavaid mobiilsusandmeid reaalelule sarnanevateks. Mobiilsidevõrgu käituvussimulatsioon on näidanud suurt potentsiaali ning arendamise käigus avaldusid võimalused, mida algselt ei osatud oodata. Mainitud mobiilsidevõrgu käituvussimulatsioon on integreeritud eksisteeriva liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvaraga, mis on vabavara ning mida on võimalik laialdaselt konfigureerida. Liiklussimulatsiooni tarkvaraskasutatavad inimkäitumise mudelid põhinevad erinevate teadustööde tulemustel ning seetõttu mobiilsidevõrgu käituvus- ning liiklussimulatsiooni sümbioosi tulemusel genereeritud andmed on märkimisväärse väärtusega.In the last years, the use of mobile phone data logs start to attract a lot of researchers’ attentions from various disciplines. Those logs help the scientist to understand and predict human behaviour. The mobility logs, like Call Detail Records and GPS data, show where to people commute, how often do they commute and, usually, those logs also say why. These logs hold knowledge about our society, from that data the knowledge could be extracted and used for multiple purposes. The scientists could analyse through the movement how to plan the road infrastructure, generate target advertisement based on forecasting peoples displacement, new positioning technology, population control software, etc. But there are limits on the people's mobility data. Those information logs are heavily protected by the government privacy data laws to protect the personal rights. Additionally, the mobile operators are interested in their own commercial solutions and therefore their interest to share vital information is low. Here, in this thesis, we show that this cumbersome problem can be over-stepped by prototyping a cellular network behaviour simulator to generate the logs for us through different scientific commuting models inherited from the traffic simulation program.The result of this thesis reveals that this approach is feasible and shows multiple expansion possibilities how to produce even more real-life like mobility logs. The development of the cellular network behaviour simulation has shown huge potential and even bigger possibilities than predicted in the beginning. Since, our cellular network behaviour simulation is integrated with already existing open-source, highly configurable, road traffic simulator basing on the scientific human behaviour models produce with considerable value data

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Optimization of the methodology of configuration of mobile communication networks

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    The mobile communication network has been growing quickly, and the mobile network maintenance is becoming more complex, in performance, network coverage, energy, time consuming and expensive. The telecommunication service provider and mobile network telecommunication operator worries to what is the better methodology to optimizing a mobile network configuration and to improve the most efficient operation and functionality, to increase a superior performance in technical aspect (Create, and integrate new network planning in hardware and software level), economic aspect (cost reduction in maintenance) and environmental aspect (use of renewable energy through solar panels or wind power system). The work developed in this dissertation aims to propose an optimization of methodology of configuration of mobile communication network and build an automated configuration system in different technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE) to provide a good quality and improvement in its architecture to meet the requirement for a large number of services or application through distinct means transmission and using technology appropriate with a new generation of hardware to reach certain area in a Base Station Transmition (BTS) and a Radio Network Controller (RNC) that permit configure and integrated hardware and software issues in distinct networks technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE).A rede de comunicação móvel tem crescido rapidamente e ficando cada vez mais complexa, sendo cada vez mais complicado melhorar o desempenho, a cobertura, a eficiência energética e ao mesmo tempo aumentar o numero de utilizadores e serviços. O provedor de serviços de telecomunicações e a operadora de rede móvel têm de se preocupar em optimizar de forma a garantir a melhor configuração de rede móvel tendo em vista melhorar a operação e funcionalidade, a fim de esta ser mais eficiente, no seu desempenho. Relativamente aos aspectos técnicos (Criar novo planeamento e integrar a uma rede ao nível hardware e de software), aspecto econômico (redução de custo na manutenção) e aspecto ambiental (uso de energia renovável, quer através de painéis solares como de sistemas eólicos). O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação visa propor uma otimização da metodologia de configuração das redes de comunicação móveis e construir um sistema de configuração automatizado em diferentes tecnologias (GSM, UMTS e LTE), para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade e atender a exigência de um grande número de serviços ou aplicações através de diferentes meios de transmissão e uso de tecnologia apropriada com uma nova geração de hardware para atingir determinada área em uma Estação de Transmissão de Base (BTS) e numa Rede de Controlador de Rádio (RNC) que permitem configurar e integrar diversos tipos de hardware e software em tecnologia de diferentes redes (GSM, UMTS e LTE)