4,725 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Establishing Critical Periodic Scientific Benchmarking

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    The dependence of life scientists on software has steadily grown in recent years. For many tasks, researchers have to decide which of the available bioinformatics software are more suitable for their specific needs. Additionally researchers should be able to objectively select the software that provides the highest accuracy, the best efficiency and the highest level of reproducibility when integrated in their research projects. Critical benchmarking of bioinformatics methods, tools and web services is therefore an essential community service, as well as a critical component of reproducibility efforts. Unbiased and objective evaluations are challenging to set up and can only be effective when built and implemented around community driven efforts, as demonstrated by the many ongoing community challenges in bioinformatics that followed the success of CASP. Community challenges bring the combined benefits of intense collaboration, transparency and standard harmonization. Only open systems for the continuous evaluation of methods offer a perfect complement to community challenges, offering to larger communities of users that could extend far beyond the community of developers, a window to the developments status that they can use for their specific projects. We understand by continuous evaluation systems as those services which are always available and periodically update their data and/or metrics according to a predefined schedule keeping in mind that the performance has to be always seen in terms of each research domain. We argue here that technology is now mature to bring community driven benchmarking efforts to a higher level that should allow effective interoperability of benchmarks across related methods. New technological developments allow overcoming the limitations of the first experiences on online benchmarking e.g. EVA. We therefore describe OpenEBench, a novel infra-structure designed to establish a continuous automated benchmarking system for bioinformatics methods, tools and web services. OpenEBench is being developed so as to cater for the needs of the bioinformatics community, especially software developers who need an objective and quantitative way to inform their decisions as well as the larger community of end-users, in their search for unbiased and up-to-date evaluation of bioinformatics methods. As such OpenEBench should soon become a central place for bioinformatics software developers, community-driven benchmarking initiatives, researchers using bioinformatics methods, and funders interested in the result of methods evaluation.Preprin

    DALI and the persistence of protein shape

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    DALI is a popular resource for comparing protein structures. The software is based on distance-matrix alignment. The associated web server provides tools to navigate, integrate and organize some data pushed out by genomics and structural genomics. The server has been running continuously for the past 25 years. Structural biologists routinely use DALI to compare a new structure against previously known protein structures. If significant similarities are discovered, it may indicate a distant homology, that is, that the structures are of shared origin. This may be significant in determining the molecular mechanisms, as these may remain very similar from a distant predecessor to the present day, for example, from the last common ancestor of humans and bacteria. Meta-analysis of independent reference-based evaluations of alignment accuracy and fold discrimination shows DALI at top rank in six out of 12 studies. The web server and standalone software are available from .Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-2). 29 November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

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    Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-2), held in Lisbon, Portugal on 29 November 2012

    Upcoming challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the high-throughput era

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    This review focuses on recent trends in multiple sequence alignment tools. It describes the latest algorithmic improvements including the extension of consistency-based methods to the problem of template-based multiple sequence alignments. Some results are presented suggesting that template-based methods are significantly more accurate than simpler alternative methods. The validation of existing methods is also discussed at length with the detailed description of recent results and some suggestions for future validation strategies. The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and finally, the need to integrate many alternative methods and approaches

    Structure-based Prediction of Protein-protein Interaction Networks across Proteomes

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    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) orchestrate virtually all cellular processes, therefore, their exhaustive exploration is essential for the comprehensive understanding of cellular networks. Significant efforts have been devoted to expand the coverage of the proteome-wide interaction space at molecular level. A number of experimental techniques have been developed to discover PPIs, however these approaches have some limitations such as the high costs and long times of experiments, noisy data sets, and often high false positive rate and inter-study discrepancies. Given experimental limitations, computational methods are increasingly becoming important for detection and structural characterization of PPIs. In that regard, we have developed a novel pipeline for high-throughput PPI prediction based on all-to-all rigid body docking of protein structures. We focus on two questions, ‘how do proteins interact?’ and ‘which proteins interact?’. The method combines molecular modeling, structural bioinformatics, machine learning, and functional annotation data to answer these questions and it can be used for genome-wide molecular reconstruction of protein-protein interaction networks. As a proof of concept, 61,913 protein-protein interactions were confidently predicted and modeled for the proteome of E. coli. Further, we validated our method against a few human pathways. The modeling protocol described in this communication can be applied to detect protein-protein interactions in other organisms as well as to construct dimer structures and estimate the confidence of protein interactions experimentally identified with high-throughput techniques

    Cross-species network and transcript transfer

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    Metabolic processes, signal transduction, gene regulation, as well as gene and protein expression are largely controlled by biological networks. High-throughput experiments allow the measurement of a wide range of cellular states and interactions. However, networks are often not known in detail for specific biological systems and conditions. Gene and protein annotations are often transferred from model organisms to the species of interest. Therefore, the question arises whether biological networks can be transferred between species or whether they are specific for individual contexts. In this thesis, the following aspects are investigated: (i) the conservation and (ii) the cross-species transfer of eukaryotic protein-interaction and gene regulatory (transcription factor- target) networks, as well as (iii) the conservation of alternatively spliced variants. In the simplest case, interactions can be transferred between species, based solely on the sequence similarity of the orthologous genes. However, such a transfer often results either in the transfer of only a few interactions (medium/high sequence similarity threshold) or in the transfer of many speculative interactions (low sequence similarity threshold). Thus, advanced network transfer approaches also consider the annotations of orthologous genes involved in the interaction transfer, as well as features derived from the network structure, in order to enable a reliable interaction transfer, even between phylogenetically very distant species. In this work, such an approach for the transfer of protein interactions is presented (COIN). COIN uses a sophisticated machine-learning model in order to label transferred interactions as either correctly transferred (conserved) or as incorrectly transferred (not conserved). The comparison and the cross-species transfer of regulatory networks is more difficult than the transfer of protein interaction networks, as a huge fraction of the known regulations is only described in the (not machine-readable) scientific literature. In addition, compared to protein interactions, only a few conserved regulations are known, and regulatory elements appear to be strongly context-specific. In this work, the cross-species analysis of regulatory interaction networks is enabled with software tools and databases for global (ConReg) and thousands of context-specific (CroCo) regulatory interactions that are derived and integrated from the scientific literature, binding site predictions and experimental data. Genes and their protein products are the main players in biological networks. However, to date, the aspect is neglected that a gene can encode different proteins. These alternative proteins can differ strongly from each other with respect to their molecular structure, function and their role in networks. The identification of conserved and species-specific splice variants and the integration of variants in network models will allow a more complete cross-species transfer and comparison of biological networks. With ISAR we support the cross-species transfer and comparison of alternative variants by introducing a gene-structure aware (i.e. exon-intron structure aware) multiple sequence alignment approach for variants from orthologous and paralogous genes. The methods presented here and the appropriate databases allow the cross-species transfer of biological networks, the comparison of thousands of context-specific networks, and the cross-species comparison of alternatively spliced variants. Thus, they can be used as a starting point for the understanding of regulatory and signaling mechanisms in many biological systems.In biologischen Systemen werden Stoffwechselprozesse, SignalĂŒbertragungen sowie die Regulation von Gen- und Proteinexpression maßgeblich durch biologische Netzwerke gesteuert. Hochdurchsatz-Experimente ermöglichen die Messung einer Vielzahl von zellulĂ€ren ZustĂ€nden und Wechselwirkungen. Allerdings sind fĂŒr die meisten Systeme und Kontexte biologische Netzwerke nach wie vor unbekannt. Gen- und Proteinannotationen werden hĂ€ufig von Modellorganismen ĂŒbernommen. Demnach stellt sich die Frage, ob auch biologische Netzwerke und damit die systemischen Eigenschaften Ă€hnlich sind und ĂŒbertragen werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird: (i) Die Konservierung und (ii) die artenĂŒbergreifende Übertragung von eukaryotischen Protein-Interaktions- und regulatorischen (Transkriptionsfaktor-Zielgen) Netzwerken, sowie (iii) die Konservierung von Spleißvarianten untersucht. Interaktionen können im einfachsten Fall nur auf Basis der SequenzĂ€hnlichkeit zwischen orthologen Genen ĂŒbertragen werden. Allerdings fĂŒhrt eine solche Übertragung oft dazu, dass nur sehr wenige Interaktionen ĂŒbertragen werden können (hoher bis mittlerer Sequenzschwellwert) oder dass ein Großteil der ĂŒbertragenden Interaktionen sehr spekulativ ist (niedriger Sequenzschwellwert). Verbesserte Methoden berĂŒcksichtigen deswegen zusĂ€tzlich noch die Annotationen der Orthologen, Eigenschaften der Interaktionspartner sowie die Netzwerkstruktur und können somit auch Interaktionen auf phylogenetisch weit entfernte Arten (zuverlĂ€ssig) ĂŒbertragen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein solcher Ansatz fĂŒr die Übertragung von Protein-Interaktionen vorgestellt (COIN). COIN verwendet Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens, um Interaktionen als richtig (konserviert) oder als falsch ĂŒbertragend (nicht konserviert) zu klassifizieren. Der Vergleich und die artenĂŒbergreifende Übertragung von regulatorischen Interaktionen ist im Vergleich zu Protein-Interaktionen schwieriger, da ein Großteil der bekannten Regulationen nur in der (nicht maschinenlesbaren) wissenschaftlichen Literatur beschrieben ist. Zudem sind im Vergleich zu Protein-Interaktionen nur wenige konservierte Regulationen bekannt und regulatorische Elemente scheinen stark kontextabhĂ€ngig zu sein. In dieser Arbeit wird die artenĂŒbergreifende Analyse von regulatorischen Netzwerken mit Softwarewerkzeugen und Datenbanken fĂŒr globale (ConReg) und kontextspezifische (CroCo) regulatorische Interaktionen ermöglicht. Regulationen wurden dafĂŒr aus Vorhersagen, experimentellen Daten und aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur abgeleitet und integriert. Grundbaustein fĂŒr viele biologische Netzwerke sind Gene und deren Proteinprodukte. Bisherige Netzwerkmodelle vernachlĂ€ssigen allerdings meist den Aspekt, dass ein Gen verschiedene Proteine kodieren kann, die sich von der Funktion, der Proteinstruktur und der Rolle in Netzwerken stark voneinander unterscheiden können. Die Identifizierung von konservierten und artspezifischen Proteinprodukten und deren Integration in Netzwerkmodelle wĂŒrde einen vollstĂ€ndigeren Übertrag und Vergleich von Netzwerken ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird der artenĂŒbergreifende Vergleich von Proteinprodukten mit einem multiplen Sequenzalignmentverfahren fĂŒr alternative Varianten von paralogen und orthologen Genen unterstĂŒtzt, unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der bekannten Exon-Intron-Grenzen (ISAR). Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Verfahren, Datenbanken und Softwarewerkzeuge ermöglichen die Übertragung von biologischen Netzwerken, den Vergleich von tausenden kontextspezifischen Netzwerken und den artenĂŒbergreifenden Vergleich von alternativen Varianten. Sie können damit die Ausgangsbasis fĂŒr ein VerstĂ€ndnis von Kommunikations- und Regulationsmechanismen in vielen biologischen Systemen bilden

    Example-based machine translation using the marker hypothesis

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    The development of large-scale rules and grammars for a Rule-Based Machine Translation (RBMT) system is labour-intensive, error-prone and expensive. Current research in Machine Translation (MT) tends to focus on the development of corpus-based systems which can overcome the problem of knowledge acquisition. Corpus-Based Machine Translation (CBMT) can take the form of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) or Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT). Despite the benefits of EBMT, SMT is currently the dominant paradigm and many systems classified as example-based integrate additional rule-based and statistical techniques. The benefits of an EBMT system which does not require extensive linguistic resources and can produce reasonably intelligible and accurate translations cannot be overlooked. We show that our linguistics-lite EBMT system can outperform an SMT system trained on the same data. The work reported in this thesis describes the development of a linguistics-lite EBMT system which does not have recourse to extensive linguistic resources. We apply the Marker Hypothesis (Green, 1979) — a psycholinguistic theory which states that all natural languages are ‘marked’ for complex syntactic structure at surface form by a closed set of specific lexemes and morphemes. We use this technique in different environments to segment aligned (English, French) phrases and sentences. We then apply an alignment algorithm which can deduce smaller aligned chunks and words. Following a process similar to (Block, 2000), we generalise these alignments by replacing certain function words with an associated tag. In so doing, we cluster on marker words and add flexibility to our matching process. In a post hoc stage we treat the World Wide Web as a large corpus and validate and correct instances of determiner-noun and noun-verb boundary friction. We have applied our marker-based EBMT system to different bitexts and have explored its applicability in various environments. We have developed a phrase-based EBMT system (Gough et al., 2002; Way and Gough, 2003). We show that despite the perceived low quality of on-line MT systems, our EBMT system can produce good quality translations when such systems are used to seed its memories. (Carl, 2003a; Schaler et al., 2003) suggest that EBMT is more suited to controlled translation than RBMT as it has been known to overcome the ‘knowledge acquisition bottleneck’. To this end, we developed the first controlled EBMT system (Gough and Way, 2003; Way and Gough, 2004). Given the lack of controlled bitexts, we used an on-line MT system Logomedia to translate a set of controlled English sentences, We performed experiments using controlled analysis and generation and assessed the performance of our system at each stage. We made a number of improvements to our sub-sentential alignment algorithm and following some minimal adjustments to our system, we show that our controlled EBMT system can outperform an RBMT system. We applied the Marker Hypothesis to a more scalable data set. We trained our system on 203,529 sentences extracted from a Sun Microsystems Translation Memory. We thus reduced problems of data-sparseness and limited our dependence on Logomedia. We show that scaling up data in a marker-based EBMT system improves the quality of our translations. We also report on the benefits of extracting lexical equivalences from the corpus using Mutual Information

    Ranking for Web Data Search Using On-The-Fly Data Integration

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    Ranking - the algorithmic decision on how relevant an information artifact is for a given information need and the sorting of artifacts by their concluded relevancy - is an integral part of every search engine. In this book we investigate how structured Web data can be leveraged for ranking with the goal to improve the effectiveness of search. We propose new solutions for ranking using on-the-fly data integration and experimentally analyze and evaluate them against the latest baselines
