95 research outputs found

    Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners

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    Wopereis, I., & Sloep, P. B. (2013, January-February). Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners. Position paper presented at the Workshop on Technology support for reflecting on experiences and sharing them across learning contexts at the Alpine Rendez-Vous 2013, Villard-de-Lans, France.Weblogs, a mainstream social software, allow for externalizing thinking processes and subsequent review, and thus offer rich opportunities for modelling, reflection and feedback. We studied the assumption that weblogs are suitable tools to support and stimulate reflection on action in teacher training in the Netherlands. At the Alpine Rendez-Vous we would like to discuss the findings of our study, which include moderate positive findings with regard to reflection learning and technology use. Both (instructional) design issues and concerns related to the implementation of weblogs will be presented (e.g., the relation with e-portfolio). In addition, we would like to consider the redefinition of teacher training expertise needed for using weblog technology and the role of the (incipient) expert in the context of Web 2.0-powered changes in knowledge creation

    Critical Success Factor in Monetizing Blog

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    Blog usage has transformed from its initial function as a digital diary into a legitimate form of mainstream media. Nowadays any member of the public can generate income from blogging through monetization even though various factors affect the results of this process. Four factors were identified: traffic, search engine optimization (SEO), post frequencies, and media usage. This study examines the level of importance of these factors through practical implementation into blogs then quantitatively determine which factor is critical for the success of blog monetization. An empirical analysis based on thirty samples of blogs were performed to assess the impact of the received income. The finding showed that the revenue for most of the blogs increased after the implementation of critical factors with SEO being the most critical of all the factors

    Active and Collaborative Learning through a Blog Network

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    This paper describes a team blog network method designed for a graduate class which surveyed the concepts and practices of system integration. To facilitate student participation and knowledge sharing, a project based on a network of team blog websites was designed. The paper introduces the project setting and summarizes student feedback collected through an end-of-semester survey. Experiences and lessons learned from this project will also be discussed

    Using blog posts for peer to peer learning and summative assessment

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    EDUBLOGS as elements of a PLE

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    En este trabajo se presenta una revisión documental sobre el uso educativo de los blog, llamados Edublog, los cuales, de acuerdo a sus características y al carácter individual que cada persona, pueden ser considerados entorno personales de aprendizajes o lo que, comúnmente, llamamos PLE (Personal Learning Environment. En este sentido, presentamos la definición, características más resaltantes, los recursos de aprendizajes que se pueden utilizar y los pasos claves para generar un edublog, el cual, una vez que toma ciertas características, se convierte en un PLE.We present in this paper a documentary review on the educational use of blog, called Edublog, which according to its characteristics and individual character of each person it can be considered environment personal learning or what we commonly call PLE (Personal Learning Environment). It is the definition, the most important characteristics, resources for learning that can be used and key steps to generate an edublog, which once it takes certain characteristics becomes a PLE

    Rethinking the tutoring of the practicum experience in teacher education: reflection and collaboration

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    En la presente comunicación planteamos la necesidad de repensar la metodología que hasta el momento se viene siguiendo en la tutorización de las prácticas externas en las titulaciones de grado de educación. Nuestra propuesta será justificada y fundamentada teóricamente. Abogamos, en primer lugar, por promover que el alumnado construya un portfolio electrónico que ayude a la autorreflexión sobre su práctica de enseñanza. Ésta es una forma óptima para que los estudiantes reconozcan sus debilidades y fortalezas en el ejercicio de la profesión docente. Asimismo si animamos a la lectura de la producción, total o parcial, del portfolio de otros compañeros e incidimos en que intercambien comentarios y opiniones estamos contribuyendo a la construcción colaborativa de la profesionalidad docente. Finalmente, proponemos que el alumnado participe en una red social donde pueda interactuar y comunicarse de forma continuada, y con total flexibilidad geográfica, con sus compañeros y con el equipo de docentes expertos encargados de la tutorización. Ésta puede constituirse en una comunidad donde sea posible, por una parte, hacer visible los problemas y dificultades encontrados en la realidad del aula y recibir rápido asesoramiento tanto de los iguales como de los tutores y, por otra, trabajar colaborativamente.n this communication we explain the need to rethink the methodology which is been currently following in the tutoring of the practicum experience in Teacher Education. Our proposal will be justified with teorethical information. Firstly we propose that the students build an electronic portfolio that allows the self-reflection on their teaching practice. This is an optimum choice for the students because they can recognize their strengths and weaknesses as teachers. Also, if we encourage them to read the partners’ production (total or partial) in their portfolio and ask them to exchange comments and opinions, we are contributing to the collaborative construction of teacher professionalism. Finally, we suggest the students participate in a social network where they can interact and communicate with their partners and with the team responsible for tutoring. This can become a community where, on the one hand, it's posible to show the problems and difficulties found in the classroom and receive some advice from their peers or tutors and, on the other hand, work collaboratively

    La implicatura en los blogs educativos. Una aproximación pragmática.

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    La tecnología está multiplicando las formas en que podemos comunicarnos. Desde la aparición de Internet, la construcción del discurso, los géneros discursivos y el lenguaje mismo se han visto afectados por las características de este nuevo modo de comunicarse. Aparecen discursos mixtos que hacen necesarios nuevos enfoques. Así, el estudio de la red desde una perspectiva pragmática ha abarcado diferentes aproximaciones (el género, la caracterización del lenguaje de los textos, etc.); los blogs han sido considerados como una forma de conversación. El presente trabajo estudia los blogs educativos desde el punto de vista de las máximas conversacionales de Grice, y, en particular, las implicaturas, para intentar caracterizar estos intercambios y determinar si, y hasta qué punto se trata de conversaciones y cómo se comportan desde un punto de vista pragmático. Los resultados muestran que los blogs educativos se asemejan más a una clase magistral que a una conversación. La tecnologia està multiplicant les formes en què podem comunicar-nos. Des de l’aparició d’Internet, la construcció del discurs, els gèneres discursius i el mateix llenguatge s’han vist afectats per les característiques d’aquesta nova forma de comunicar-se. Apareixen discursos mixtes que fan necessaris nous enfocaments. Així, l’estudi de la xarxa des d’una perspectiva pragmàtica ha integrat diferents visions (el gènere, la caracterització del llenguatge dels diferents tipus de texts, etc.). Els blogs han estat considerats com una forma de conversa. El present treball estudia els blogs educatius des del punt de vista de les màximes conversacionals de Grice, i, en particular, les implicatures, per intentar caracteritzar aquests intercanvis i determinar si, i fins a quin punt es tracta de converses i com es comporten des d’un punt de vista pragmàtic. Els resultats mostren que els blogs educatius són més semblants a una classe magistral que a una conversa.Technology is multiplying our communication means. From the appearance of the Internet, the construction of discourse, discourse genres and language itself have been influenced by the features of this new form of communication. Mixt discourses have appeared which make necessary new approaches. Thus, the study of the web from a pragmatics perspective has included different approaches (for instance the genre or characterisation of the language of the different text types). Blogs have been considered as a form of conversation. The present work studies educational blogs from the point of view of Grice’s conversational maxims, and, in particular, the implicatures that can be found in them in order to determine whether they are similar to conversations, and how they deploy from a pragmatic perspective. The results show that they are more similar to lectures than to conversations

    ICT4ELT: A Study with Reference to Kashmir

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    AbstractBenefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially the web 2.0 tools, like blogs and podcasts in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms have been confirmed by research conducted in the context of developed countries. Lack of infrastructure and a forward looking policy is hampering developing countries like India to reap the benefits of ICT. The present study reports the outcome of a survey conducted to find out the available ICT infrastructure and its use in colleges of one of Kashmir division of the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir of India. It further aims to highlight the benefits of using blogs and podcasts in ELT

    A atividade de blogging no desenvolvimento de uma comunidade de investigadores: um estudo exploratório

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    Neste artigo as autoras descrevem e discutem as oportunidades educativas de um blogue no desenvolvimento de uma comunidade de investigadores, no âmbito de um programa doutoral em liderança educacional que se desenvolve em ambiente online. O programa centra-se na investigação avançada e no desenvolvimento de processos reflexivos necessários à análise, reflexão e tomada de decisão em contextos profissionais complexos. Neste cenário, torna-se necessário desenvolver a capacidade de reflexão crítica sobre as práticas e o sentido de autoeficácia visando criar soluções para problemas. Este estudo tem em conta os resultados de investigações desenvolvidas em blogues académicos tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de competências de ordem superior. Nesta linha, as autoras argumentam sobre a pertinência do blogging, quer na sua dimensão individual como suporte da auto-expressão e da auto-reflexão, quer na dimensão de comunidade como suporte do diálogo reflexivo. O ponto de partida neste estudo exploratório foi provocar a interação entre duas comunidades de investigadores visando a constituição de uma comunidade mais alargada em torno de uma temática central – a investigação-ação – para doutorandos que são simultaneamente supervisores e líderes em contextos escolares. As interações no blogue resultantes de reflexões anteriores produzidas em fóruns, bem como as diversas produções escritas dos profissionais constituem o suporte empírico para o estudo e foram analisados qualitativamente, com a análise crítica do discurso. O blogue constituiu-se, simultaneamente, como ferramenta central no desenvolvimento desta comunidade alargada de investigadores e como objeto de estudo e discussão em relação ao valor educacional do blogging em toda esta dinâmica. Os resultados deste estudo podem contribuir para a investigação sobre o uso dos blogues em contextos da formação avançada.In this article the authors describe and discuss the use of a blog for the development of a community of researchers, as part of a doctoral program in educational leadership which is developing in online environment. The program focuses on advanced research and development of reflective processes required for analysis, reflection and decision-making in complex contexts. In this scenario, it is necessary to develop the capacity for critical reflection on the practices and the sense of self-efficacy in order to create solutions to problems. This study takes into account the results of investigations undertaken around the educational opportunities of blogs with a view to the development of higher-order skills. In this line, the authors argue about the relevance of blogging, both in its individual dimension of support and self-reflection and self-expression in the Community dimension as reflective dialogue support. The starting point in this exploratory study was to cause the interaction between two communities of researchers aiming to constitute a wider community around a central theme –the action research – to doctoral candidates who are both supervisors and leaders in school contexts. Blog interactions resulting from previous reflections produced in the forums as well as various productions written by the professionals constitute the empirical support for this study and were analyzed qualitatively, with the critical discourse analysis. The results of this study can contribute to research about the use of blogs in the contexts of advanced training. The blog was both a central tool in the development of this enlarged community of researchers and an object of study and discussion in relation to the educational value of blogging throughout this dynamic