373 research outputs found

    Privacy-aware Linked Widgets

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    The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings new challenges for companies, who must demonstrate that their systems and business processes comply with usage constraints specified by data subjects. However, due to the lack of standards, tools, and best practices, many organizations struggle to adapt their infrastructure and processes to ensure and demonstrate that all data processing is in compliance with users' given consent. The SPECIAL EU H2020 project has developed vocabularies that can formally describe data subjects' given consent as well as methods that use this description to automatically determine whether processing of the data according to a given policy is compliant with the given consent. Whereas this makes it possible to determine whether processing was compliant or not, integration of the approach into existing line of business applications and ex-ante compliance checking remains an open challenge. In this short paper, we demonstrate how the SPECIAL consent and compliance framework can be integrated into Linked Widgets, a mashup platform, in order to support privacy-aware ad-hoc integration of personal data. The resulting environment makes it possible to create data integration and processing workflows out of components that inherently respect usage policies of the data that is being processed and are able to demonstrate compliance. We provide an overview of the necessary meta data and orchestration towards a privacy-aware linked data mashup platform that automatically respects subjects' given consents. The evaluation results show the potential of our approach for ex-ante usage policy compliance checking within the Linked Widgets Platforms and beyond

    Human system interaction with confident computing

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    This keynote will give an overview of the last 30 years of human system interaction and the key elements of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and its transition from traditional HCI into the frontier of Human System Interaction (HSI). This leads to the discussion as to why HSI is about Digital Ecosystems and about the world we live in rather than just ICT. We explain the 5 Mega Trends, and the emergence of Confident Computing and how that is leading to the revolution of the next generation of Human System Interaction version 2.0 and Usability version 2.0. This is followed by the challenges and research issues within Human System Interaction (HSI)

    0010/2010 - Um Estudo sobre Mashup para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações em uma Abordagem SOA

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    A evolução da Web 2.0 trouxe alguns desafios para o desenvolvimento de aplicações ad hoc (conhecidas também como aplicações situacionais) com objetivo de atingir uma meta específica de negócio. Esses aplicativos são normalmente construídos com a integração de informações de fontes de dados heterogêneas e distribuídas. Neste cenário a abordagem SOA apresenta o conceito de composição de serviços, com a finalidade de reutilizar serviços existentes para o desenvolvimento de novos aplicativos. A proposta da composição de serviços mashup é estender as características de composição apresentadas em SOA com o objetivo de simplificar o desenvolvimento de aplicações ad hoc. Este relatório apresenta os principais conceitos para a desenvolvimento de aplicações mashup


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    The purpose of the research paper is to examine the differences between e-government and smart government and how will smart governments benefit modern public administrations and service delivery. It seeks to compare and contrast between smart government and e-government. In addition, it compares the application of smart government and e-government in the United States and Jordan. The research idea is based on the observation that the concept of e-government is relatively new in the modern world. Nevertheless, it has, in the last few decades, enabled governments to serve citizens using the internet technology. In addition, technology has allowed governments to obtain, process, manipulate, store, retrieve and report data on an efficient and reliable manner. The term ‘e-government’ refers to the development, adoption and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve the service delivery and activities of the public sector. Although there are many definitions of the term, it is generally agreed that the use of internet-enabled application to allow interactions between the government and outside groups are the key aspects of e-Government. An in-depth research method is based on the qualitative search of information from 13 credible sources. The study finds that the domain of E-Administration involves the initiatives that deal with improving internal working in the public sector. Further, it finds several differences and similarities between Jordan’s E-government model and that adopted from the US. It finds that America has a longer history of using digital systems in public service provision. Also, United States is already moving from e-government to Smart Government System. Jordan’s new system is still an e-government establishment rather than a Smart Government system, despite the fact that both systems have related objectives

    Situational Application Usage: A Framework for Success in Enterprises

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    Situational Application usage is on the increase. Instead of targeting large scale projects which traditional IT developments address, Situational Applications look to remediate the often forgotten longtail of business requirements. They are often considered as temporary solutions to an immediate demand, which (solutions) fit poorly with an organisation’s robust software development and delivery lifecycle. Despite both fulfilling a legitimate business need, and seeing an increase in usage, there are few positive or well publicised success stories within industry and/or academia. In this paper we will investigate the motivational use of Situational Applications in enterprise, as well as the benefits and risks which they bring to both end users, and organisations as a whole. Whilst it is beyond the remit of this paper to answer how situational applications can be implemented successfully, a methodology will be proposed such that further research can be undertaken. The method defined, if implemented, would allow the creation of a template for successfully creating, deploying and maintaining situational applications. Furthermore, it would facilitate the creation of a risk analysis model to determine if situational applications are appropriate for a given organisation as well as document key performance indicators for measuring success. If an enterprise was truly able to successfully create, deploy and maintain Situational Applications consistently, then the possible benefits to an organisation’s return on investment would be significant. Such benefits could be enough to challenge the use of traditional software applications for addressing business requirements as well as existing widespread software development lifecycle approache

    Plataformas para la creación de mashups sensibles al contexto en entornos de inteligencia ambiental

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    En el Capítulo 1 se verá la definición de formal de AmI, su visión, los requisitos básicos de tecnología, los requisitos para el desarrollo de aplicaciones y servicios, y además algunas aplicaciones prácticas existentes. En el Capítulo 2 se estudiarán las aplicaciones sensibles al contexto como un componente más de la AmI, se verán distintas definiciones de contexto, una taxonomía de elementos de contexto y formas de representación de información contextual. En el Capítulo 3 se trataran los mashups dando su definición, arquitectura básica, técnicas y tecnologías de soporte como así también herramientas existentes en el mercado para su creación. En el Capítulo 4 se presentan tres plataformas/arquitecturas incipientes para el desarrollo de mashups sensibles al contexto. Por último en el capítulo 5 se presenta la discusión del presente trabajo.Facultad de Informátic

    Web-palveluiden suunnittelu sijaintitietoisille mobiililaitteille - Tapaus: liikenteenvalvontajärjestelmä

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    Open remote programming interfaces and technologies that enable the development of mashup applications have revolutionized the way the World Wide Web is used. The emergence of smartphones has provided a new platform for which to build applications that people can use regardless of their location. The location-aware features of smartphones have made it possible for the mobile mashup applications to customize the content they provide for users based on their location. In this thesis I study how Web services should be designed and implemented so that they would serve location-aware mobile mashup application in the best possible way. I lay down the requirements that this sort of Web service has and then look into different technological and architectural solutions that are available to create a location-aware mobile-friendly Web service interface. As the practical part of the thesis, I use the knowledge gathered from my theoretical study to implement a new Web service interface for a traffic monitoring system. The new interface is created because the system currently lacks an interface that is mobile-friendly and enables the customization of content based on the location of the user. To prove that the new interface solves the problem at hand, I implement a mobile application that consumes the new Web service interface. The client application is also used to measure sizes of responses returned by the new API, the time used to process them and what kind of effect location-based optimization has on the API. Based on the results of the implementation process and the findings of the testing phase, I propose a set of design guidelines that can be applied when developing a Web service interface for mobile location-aware devices.Avoimet etäohjelmointirajapinnat sekä teknologiat, jotka mahdollistavat mashup -sovellusten kehittämisen ovat mullistaneet tavan jolla käytämme World Wide Webiä. Älypuhelimien yleistyminen on tarjonnut uuden alustan sovelluksille, joita ei ole sidottu mihinkään paikkaan vaan ne kulkevat ihmisten mukana. älypuhelinten sijaintitietoiset ominaisuudet ovat mahdollistaneet mobiilien mashup -sovellusten sisällön räätälöimisen käyttäjän sijainnin mukaan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkin, miten Web-palveluita tulisi suunnitella ja toteuttaa, jotta ne parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla palvelisivat sijaintitietoisia mashup -sovelluksia mobiililaitteissa. Esitän vaatimukset, joita tällaisella Web-palvelulla on sekä tutkin millaisia teknologisia sekä arkkitehtuurisia käytäntöjä on olemassa mobiiliystävällisten sijaintitietoisten Web-palvelurajapintojen kehittämiseksi. Työn käytännön osuudessa käytän teoreettista tutkimustani hyväkseni kehittäessäni uuden Web-palvelurajapinnan liikenteenhallintajärjestelmälle. Uusi rajapinta tarvitaan, sillä järjestelmästä puuttuu etäohjelmointirajapinta, joka mahdollistaisi mobiilit käyttäjäsovellukset, joissa sisältö on räätälöity käyttäjän sijainnin mukaan. Todentaakseni, että uusi rajapinta ratkaisee olemassa olevan ongelman, toteutan mobiilin käyttäjäsovelluksen, joka käyttää uutta rajapintaa. Käyttäjäsovelluksen avulla myös mitataan rajapinnan palauttamien viestien kokoa, niiden prosessoimiseen käytettävää aikaa sekä sitä millainen vaikutus lokaatiopohjaisella optimoinnilla on rajapinnan toimintaan. Kehitystyön ja testitulosten pohjalta esitän joukon suosituksia, joita tulisi noudattaa kun kehitetään sijaintitietoisille mobiilisovelluksille tarkoitettua Webpalvelurajapintaa

    Concealment and Discovery: The Role of Information Security in Biomedical Data Re-Use

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    This paper analyses the role of information security (IS) in shaping the dissemination and re-use of biomedical data, as well as the embedding of such data in the material, social and regulatory landscapes of research. We consider the data management practices adopted by two UK-based data linkage infrastructures: the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage, a Welsh databank that facilitates appropriate re-use of health data derived from research and routine medical practice in the region; and the Medical and Environmental Data Mash-up Infrastructure, a project bringing together researchers from the University of Exeter, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the Met Office and Public Health England to link and analyse complex meteorological, environmental and epidemiological data. Through an in-depth analysis of how data are sourced, processed and analysed in these two cases, we show that IS takes two distinct forms: epistemic IS, focused on protecting the reliability and reusability of data as they move across platforms and research contexts; and infrastructural IS, concerned with protecting data from external attacks, mishandling and use disruption. These two dimensions are intertwined and mutually constitutive, and yet are often perceived by researchers as being in tension with each other. We discuss how such tensions emerge when the two dimensions of IS are operationalised in ways that put them at cross purpose with each other, thus exemplifying the vulnerability of data management strategies to broader governance and technological regimes. We also show that whenever biomedical researchers manage to overcome the conflict, the interplay between epistemic and infrastructural IS prompts critical questions concerning data sources, formats, metadata and potential uses, resulting in an improved understanding of the wider context of research and the development of relevant resources. This informs and significantly improves the re-usability of biomedical data, while encouraging exploratory analyses of secondary data sources