13 research outputs found

    Systems approach to model smart tourism ecosystems

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    The tourism industry is inherently complex and a key player in sustainable development. This paper intends to discuss the path towards building a sustainable smart tourism ecosystem model by delving deep into the pivotal topics with interesting speculations on smart cities' perspectives that lay a broader foundation of smart tourism destinations. First, it discusses the interconnections and foundation of smart tourism ecosystems by proposing a general conceptual model describing traditional tourism transformation through ICTs. Second, by explicating each building block of smart tourism ecosystems and using systems methodology (systems thinking method and qualitative modeling in a frame of system dynamics) to break down the complex system of smart tourism's roles and components. Such methods are widely utilized in different fields of study to facilitate the decisionmaking process by furnishing a holistic view of the problem. For that matter, Causal Loop Diagramming (CLDs) was used as one of the powerful tools of systems thinking to depict smart tourism ecosystems. The proposed causal loop diagram considers sustainability as one of the main concerns and trying to shed some light on intricate networks of businesses, socioeconomic, and environmental subsystems in smart tourism destinations that are performing distinctively yet interdependent. This study is an ongoing process employing System Dynamics (SD) methodology for model testing and validation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shaping digitalization among German tourism service providers: Processes and implications

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    Purpose: This study addresses the digital transformation in tourism, accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. By linking the front- and backstage activities, a model of the tourism value system is sketched with the aim to assist the shift toward digital value creation in the case of the German tourism sector by asking, What are the challenges for the digital transformation of tourism service providers, and how can it be promoted along with the tourism value system? Methods: Recognizing the processual challenges of digitalization, this contribution builds upon a mixed-methods approach. First, a quantitative online survey (n = 372) was conducted by the German Competence Center for Tourism at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results were discussed in a workshop with 40 experts from the tourism industry in September 2020, where the COVID-19 pandemic was referred to. Results: The focus of tourism service providers is predominantly the digitalization of guest communication, whereas corporate strategies on digitalization are widely not available. Key findings of the survey indicate that competitiveness in digitalization will depend on the appropriate infrastructure, clear strategies, and organizational integration. Implications: The study affirms the increased speed of digital transformation against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and reveals the need for greater focus on internal processes. In addition, an orchestrated linking of the service providers in a digital ecosystem that is supported by national efforts is proposed

    Conceptualising capabilities and value co-creation in a digital business ecosystem (DBE): a systematic literature review

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    Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) is a topical concept for business organisations to collaborate in driving product or service innovation. DBE is supported by digital technologies which aim to create and co-create values among the participated business organisations. For achieving successful collaboration, business organisations need to understand their capabilities that lead to value creation. This approach is vital for a business organisation to benefit from the values co-created when collaborating with others. Failing to do so will cause inefficient collaboration. However, there is a lack of capability and value co-creation studies in the DBE context. Therefore, this paper aims to conceptualise capabilities and value co-creation through a systematic literature review. We analysed the findings by thematic analysis. The review results produced a set of research themes surrounding the capability and value co-creation concepts. The research themes contribute to informing future avenues in digital business ecosystem research

    The digital revolution in the tourist industry. An opportunity for tourism in Spain

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    La industria turística más tradicional está experimentando una penúltima revolución industrial que requiere no solo de un proceso de adaptación continua por parte de los agentes implicados, sino también de un análisis de sus consecuencias. El sector turístico en España supone un pilar fundamental en su economía y empleo, sin embargo, nos encontramos ante un sector que no crea su propia innovación, haciendo que la especialización turística española sea vulnerable y dependiente. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar el estado actual del turismo español y el reto tecnológico al que se enfrentan sus ventajas comparativas cuando se ven amenazadas por los nuevos competidores disruptivos que basan su modelo de negocio en las nuevas tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y en la economía de plataforma, siendo estos agentes disruptivos los que tienen la capacidad de cambiar la oferta y la demanda del sector.The traditional tourist industry is experiencing a penultimate industrial revolution that requires not only a process of continuous adaptation by the agents involved, but also an analysis of its consequences. The tourism sector in Spain is a fundamental pillar in its economy and employment. However, we are facing a sector that does not create its own innovation, making Spanish tourism specialization vulnerable and dependent. This work aims to analyse the current state of Spanish tourism and the technological challenge faced by its comparative advantages when threatened by the new disruptive competitors that base their business model on new artificial intelligence technologies and on the platform economy, having these agents the ability to change the supply and demand of the sector

    Collaboration and Learning Processes in Value Co-Creation: A Destination Perspective

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    Value co-creation has emerged as an important competitive strategy leading to value innovation. In tourist destinations co-creation results from the participation of multiple actors synchronously and contextually in value realization. Yet value co-creation remains highly theoretical and lacks empirical operationalization, especially in destination contexts. Are tourism destinations able and sufficiently mobilized to exploit the potential offered by co-creation theory? This paper operationalizes two fundamental dimensions of the value co-creation process, collaboration and learning, by developing and testing a measurement scale to evaluate the perceived impact of these dimensions on the market performance of actors at a tourist destination. Contributions to the literature on value co-creation and learning as well as managerial implications are discussed and suggestions for further research are made

    Cultura digital e inovação : redes sociais digitais como fonte de informação em empresas nato-digitais

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Eduardo Botelho FranciscoCoorientadora: Profa Dra Taiane Ritta CoelhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/10/2022Inclui referências: p. 115-132Resumo: Esta tese conduziu um estudo netnográfico com o objetivo de compreender como empresas nato-digitais utilizam informações de redes sociais digitais para obter insights de inovação em produtos e serviços. O estudo começou contextualizando o paradigma informativo na cibercultura, explorando o papel das redes sociais digitais e das comunidades de marcas online como fontes de coleta e uso de informações por parte das empresas. Em seguida, analisou-se como essas informações são utilizadas pelas empresas nascidas no universo digital para obter insights que impulsionem o desenvolvimento de inovações. O referencial teórico abrangeu os temas relacionados à cibercultura, informação e inovação, incorporando perspectivas históricas, trabalhos atuais e conceitos relevantes para o estudo. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um referencial empírico específico para as empresas nato-digitais, comumente chamadas de empresas nascidas no universo digital. Utilizando uma abordagem netnográfica, o estudo empregou técnicas de análise quantitativa de dados, análise de conteúdo e entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a construção de um modelo de processo para a utilização de redes sociais como fonte de informações de inovação. Especificamente em empresas que têm a cultura digital intrínseca à sua essência, o processo se inicia com o uso das redes sociais como fonte de informações, seguido pela coleta de insights relacionados à inovação. A forma como essas informações são utilizadas pelas empresas afeta o processo, que inclui o desenvolvimento de inovações e encerra-se com o feedback para a comunidade. Com base nesses achados, esta pesquisa contribui para o entendimento de como empresas natodigitais podem aproveitar as redes sociais como uma fonte valiosa de informações para impulsionar a inovação. Os insights obtidos nesse estudo podem auxiliar essas empresas a otimizar seus processos de coleta, análise e utilização de informações provenientes das redes sociais, fomentando a geração de inovações significativas em produtos e serviços.Abstract: This thesis conducted a netnographic study to understand how nato-digital companies use information from digital social networks to gain insights for product and service innovation. The study began by contextualizing the information paradigm in cyberculture, exploring the role of digital social networks and online brand communities as sources of information gathering and use by companies. Next, it analyzed how this information is used by companies born in the digital universe to gain insights that drive the development of innovations. The theoretical framework covered the themes related to cyberculture, information, and innovation, incorporating historical perspectives, current works, and concepts relevant to the study. In addition, a specific empirical referential was developed for nato-digital companies, commonly called companies born in the digital universe. The study employed quantitative data analysis techniques, using a netnographic approach, content analysis, and interviews. The results allowed the construction of a process model for using social networks as a source of innovation information. Specifically, in companies with digital culture intrinsic to their essence, the process begins with using social networks as a source of information, followed by collecting insights related to innovation. How companies use this information affects the process, which includes the development of innovations and ends with feedback to the community. Based on these findings, this research contributes to understanding how digital-native companies can leverage social media as a valuable source of information to drive innovation. The insights gained in this study can help these companies optimize their processes of collecting, analyzing, and using information from social networks, fostering the generation of meaningful innovations in products and services

    Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain

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    Subido al repositorio por el editor (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, art. 8)This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The book explores the profound impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry and the increasing importance of digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key drivers for the industry's recovery, alongside sustainability. This curated collection of research papers offers conceptualizations, methodologies, analyses, and empirical case studies that illuminate the path to a resilient and sustainable future for tourism.Instituto Andaluz de Investigación e Innovación en Turismo. Unviersidad de Málag

    The effects of information, interaction and design qualities of travel and tour websites on Malaysian tourists’ usage satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships and effects of information, interaction and design qualities of travel and tour websites on Malaysian tourists’ usage satisfaction. This study adopted a convenience sampling method, employing self‐administered online questionnaire approach targeting Malaysian tourists who have used any travel and tour websites. The 200 samples obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 26. Information and interaction qualities of travel and tour websites were found to be significant factors to tourists’ usage satisfaction. Future studies could investigate the rural population in Malaysia as access and coverage to technology may be limited

    The influence of informal networks of individuals in tourist destination management

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    Turistička destinacija je kompleksan sustav u kojem se isprepleću formalne i neformalne mreže međusobno povezanih dionika s različitom strukturnom i relacijskom pozicijom koja može diktirati utjecaj na njezine razvojne i upravljačke procese. Razumijevanje i uvid u destinacijske mrežne strukture može imati duboke implikacije za javne vlasti i destinacijski menadžment, u smislu adaptabilnog planiranja, upravljanja i nadzora. Destinacijske mreže su ovdje analizirane relacijskim pristupom odnosa moći i utjecaja njihovih aktera, s naglaskom na neformalna osobna povezivanja istaknutih pojedinaca, čiji konsenzusi mogu prethoditi važnim institucionalnim odlukama i odrediti ishode turističkih procesa. Dosadašnja istraživanja bavila su se uglavnom formalnim destinacijskim mrežama. Kvantitativna analiza neformalnih destinacijskih mreža istaknutih pojedinaca provedena je samo inicijalno na ograničenom skupnom uzorku nekoliko destinacija u Alpama, uz preporuku nužnosti metodološke nadogradnje i analize usporedo s formalnim mrežama i u drugim slučajevima. Slijedom toga činilo se važnim i svrhovitim provesti sveobuhvatnu i metodološki kombinatornu kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu analizu destinacijskih mreža u različitim kvalitativnim kontekstima – kontinentalnoj i primorskoj destinaciji u Hrvatskoj, u funkciji predispozicija njihova učinkovitog upravljanja. Metodom referalnog lančanog upućivanja putem anketnog upitnika identificirani su svi važni akteri destinacijskih mreža. U kvantitativnoj analizi prikupljenih podataka realizirana je originalna znanstvena i metodološka ideja mogućnosti predviđanja utjecajnosti aktera destinacijskih mreža; na osnovi njihove međusobno percipirane moći generirane prema četiri dimenzije (hijerarhijske pozicije, stručnosti, pozicije u procesu i imovine) i centralnosti pozicije na grafu društvene mreže, generirane frekvencijom njihovih međusobnih kontakata. Rezultati analize pokazali su da je utjecajnost aktera u obje promatrane destinacije veća u okviru neformalnih mreža u odnosu na formalne, a ukupno gledajući, veća je u primorskoj destinaciji. U neformalnoj domeni grupiranja aktera prema percipiranim dimenzijama moći, u kontinentalnoj destinaciji je, za njihovu utjecajnost, primarna moć hijerarhijske pozicije, dok je u primorskoj, primarna moć stručnosti. Disperzija moći i utjecaja unutar mreže, a time i autonomnost aktera, te aktivnija suradnja i otvorenost za inovativnosti, prisutnija je na strani primorske destinacije, čime se stvaraju uvjeti za implementaciju modela mrežnog i učinkovitog upravljanja turističkom destinacijom. Na osnovi provedenih intervjua pokazano je da su glavni motivi i okolnosti neformalnoga grupiranja aktera destinacijskih mreža, temeljeni na uključenosti i benefita u destinacijskim procesima i ogledaju se u prevenciji neželjenih posljedica formalnih odluka, dostupnosti javnim resursima i korisnim informacijama, te očuvanju trenutačne ekonomske pozicije. Najvažniji doprinos rada je u pronalaženju nove kombinacije seta tehnika i alata u analizi destinacijskih mreža na osnovi analize međusobnih percepcija dimenzija moći njihovih aktera i centralnosti njihove pozicije na grafu društvene mreže, uz unaprjeđenje korištenja mješovite metodologije. Time se mogu steći predispozicije za nove institucionalne okvire i modele adaptabilnog i učinkovitog upravljanja turističkim destinacijama.The tourist destination is a complex system in which formal and informal networks are interconnected by mutually connected stakeholders with a different structural and relational position that can dictate the impact on its developmental and management processes. Understanding and insights into the destination network structure can have profound implications for public authorities and destination management in terms of adaptive planning, management and control. Destination networks are analyzed here by relational approaches to the power relations and influence of their actors, with emphasis on informal personal connections between salient individuals, whose consensus can precede important institutional decisions and determine the outcomes of tourism processes. Previous research has mainly focused on formal destination networks. Quantitative analysis of informal destination networks of salient individuals was conducted only initially on a limited set of samples of several destinations in the Alps, with the recommendation of the necessity of methodological upgrading and analysis alongside formal networks and in other cases. Consequently, it seemed important and useful to conduct a comprehensive and methodological combinatorial quantitative and qualitative analysis of destination networks in different qualitative contexts – the continental and coastal destination in Croatia, in function of the predispositions of their efficient management. Through the chain refferal method by questionnaire, all important target network actors were identified. In the quantitative analysis of the collected data, the original scientific and methodological idea of the possibility of two-way prediction of the influence of the of the destination network actors was realized; on the basis of their mutual perceived power generated by the four dimensions (hierarchical positions, knowledge, process positions and asset) and the centrality of the position on the social network graph, generated by the frequency of their mutual contacts. The results of the analysis have shown that the influence of actors in both observed destinations is higher within informal networks compared to formal, and overall, in coastal destination. In the informal domain of the grouping of actors, according to the perceived dimensions of power, the continental destination, for their influence is the primary power of the hierarchical position, while in the coastal, is the primary power of knowledge. The dispersion of power and influence within the network and thus the autonomy of the actors, as well as more active cooperation and openness to innovation, is more present on the side of the coastal destination, creating the conditions for the implementation of the model of network- and efficient tourist destination management. Based on the conducted interviews, it has been shown that the main motives and circumstances of the informal grouping of destination networks, are based on inclusive participation and benefit in destination processes and are reflected in the prevention of unwanted consequences of formal decisions, availability of public resources and useful information, and the protection of the current economic position. The most important contribution of the work is to find a new combination of set of techniques and tools in the analysis of destination networks based on an analysis of mutual perceptions of the dimensions of the power of their actors and the centrality of their position on the social network graph, with the improvement of the use of mixed methodology. This will enable them to acquire predispositions for new institutional frameworks and models of adaptive and efficient management of tourist destinations