90 research outputs found

    Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction

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    Digital maps of road networks are a vital part of digital cities and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on road extraction based on various remote sensing data sources, including high-resolution images, hyperspectral images, synthetic aperture radar images, and light detection and ranging. This review is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the existing data acquisition techniques for road extraction, including data acquisition methods, typical sensors, application status, and prospects. Part 2 underlines the main road extraction methods based on four data sources. In this section, road extraction methods based on different data sources are described and analysed in detail. Part 3 presents the combined application of multisource data for road extraction. Evidently, different data acquisition techniques have unique advantages, and the combination of multiple sources can improve the accuracy of road extraction. The main aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive reference for research on existing road extraction technologies.Peer reviewe

    Multisource and Multitemporal Data Fusion in Remote Sensing

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    The sharp and recent increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors combined with their considerably heterogeneous natures poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary datasets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal datasets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to the application at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several spaceborne sensors, the integration of the temporal information with the spatial and/or spectral/backscattering information of the remotely sensed data is possible and helps to move from a representation of 2D/3D data to 4D data structures, where the time variable adds new information as well as challenges for the information extraction algorithms. There are a huge number of research works dedicated to multisource and multitemporal data fusion, but the methods for the fusion of different modalities have expanded in different paths according to each research community. This paper brings together the advances of multisource and multitemporal data fusion approaches with respect to different research communities and provides a thorough and discipline-specific starting point for researchers at different levels (i.e., students, researchers, and senior researchers) willing to conduct novel investigations on this challenging topic by supplying sufficient detail and references

    Very High Resolution (VHR) Satellite Imagery: Processing and Applications

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    Recently, growing interest in the use of remote sensing imagery has appeared to provide synoptic maps of water quality parameters in coastal and inner water ecosystems;, monitoring of complex land ecosystems for biodiversity conservation; precision agriculture for the management of soils, crops, and pests; urban planning; disaster monitoring, etc. However, for these maps to achieve their full potential, it is important to engage in periodic monitoring and analysis of multi-temporal changes. In this context, very high resolution (VHR) satellite-based optical, infrared, and radar imaging instruments provide reliable information to implement spatially-based conservation actions. Moreover, they enable observations of parameters of our environment at greater broader spatial and finer temporal scales than those allowed through field observation alone. In this sense, recent very high resolution satellite technologies and image processing algorithms present the opportunity to develop quantitative techniques that have the potential to improve upon traditional techniques in terms of cost, mapping fidelity, and objectivity. Typical applications include multi-temporal classification, recognition and tracking of specific patterns, multisensor data fusion, analysis of land/marine ecosystem processes and environment monitoring, etc. This book aims to collect new developments, methodologies, and applications of very high resolution satellite data for remote sensing. The works selected provide to the research community the most recent advances on all aspects of VHR satellite remote sensing

    Novel pattern recognition methods for classification and detection in remote sensing and power generation applications

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    Novel pattern recognition methods for classification and detection in remote sensing and power generation application

    An integrative approach using remote sensing and social analysis to identify different settlement types and the specific living conditions of its inhabitants

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    Someday in 2007, the world population reached a historical landmark: for the first time in human history, more than half of the world´s population was urban. A stagnation of this urbanization process is not in sight, so that by 2050, already 70 percent of humankind is projected to live in urban settlements. Over the last few decades, enormous migrations from rural hinterlands to steadily growing cities could be witnessed coming along with a dramatic growth of the world’s urban population. The speed and the scale of this growth, particularly in the so called less developed regions, are posing tremendous challenges to the countries concerned as well as to the world community. Within mega cities the strongest trends and the most extreme dimensions of the urbanization process can be observed. Their rapid growth results in uncontrolled processes of fragmentation which is often associated with pronounced poverty, social inequality, socio-spatial and political fragmentation, environmental degradation as well as population demands that outstrip environmental service capacity. For the majority of the mega cities a tremendous increase of informal structures and processes has to be observed. Consequentially informal settlements are growing, which represent those characteristic municipal areas being subject to particularly high population density, dynamics as well as marginalization. They have quickly become the most visible expression of urban poverty in developing world cities. Due to the extreme dynamics, the high complexity and huge spatial dimension of mega cities, urban administrations often only have an obsolete or not even existing data basis available to be at all informed about developments, trends and dimensions of urban growth and change. The knowledge about the living conditions of the residents is correspondingly very limited, incomplete and not up to date. Traditional methods such as statistical and regional analyses or fieldwork are no longer capable to capture such urban process. New data sources and monitoring methodologies are required in order to provide an up to date information basis as well as planning strate¬gies to enable sustainable developments and to simplify planning processes in complex urban structures. This research shall seize the described problem and aims to make a contribution to the requirements of monitoring fast developing mega cities. Against this background a methodology is developed to compensate the lack of socio-economic data and to deduce meaningful information on the living conditions of the inhabitants of mega cities. Neither social science methods alone nor the exclusive analysis of remote sensing data can solve the problem of the poor quality and outdated data base. Conventional social science methods cannot cope with the enormous developments and the tremendous growth as they are too labor-, as well as too time- and too cost-intensive. On the other hand, the physical discipline of remote sensing does not allow for direct conclusions on social parameters out of remote sensing images. The prime objective of this research is therefore the development of an integrative approach − bridging remote sensing and social analysis – in order to derive useful information about the living conditions in this specific case of the mega city Delhi and its inhabitants. Hence, this work is established in the overlapping range of the research topics remote sensing, urban areas and social science. Delhi, as India’s fast growing capital, meanwhile with almost 25 million residents the second largest city of the world, represents a prime example of a mega city. Since the second half of the 20th century, Delhi has been transformed from a modest town with mainly administrative and trade-related functions to a complex metropolis with a steep socio-economic gradient. The quality and amount of administrative and socio-economic data are poor and the knowledge about the circumstances of Delhi’s residents is correspondingly insufficient and outdated. Delhi represents therefore a perfectly suited study area for this research. In order to gather information about the living conditions within the different settlement types a methodology was developed and conducted to analyze the urban environment of the mega city Delhi. To identify different settlement types within the urban area, regarding the complex and heterogeneous appearance of the Delhi area, a semi-automated, object-oriented classification approach, based on segmentation derived image objects, was implemented. As the complete conceptual framework of this research, the classification methodology was developed based on a smaller representative training area at first and applied to larger test sites within Delhi afterwards. The object-oriented classification of VHR satellite imagery of the QuickBird sensor allowed for the identification of five different urban land cover classes within the municipal area of Delhi. In the focus of the image analysis is yet the identification of different settlement types and amongst these of informal settlements in particular. The results presented within this study demonstrate, that, based on density classes, the developed methodology is suitable to identify different settlement types and to detect informal settlements which are mega urban risk areas and thus potential residential zones of vulnerable population groups. The remote sensing derived land cover maps form the foundation for the integrative analysis concept and deliver there¬fore the general basis for the derivation of social attributes out of remote sensing data. For this purpose settlement characteristics (e.g., area of the settlement, average building size, and number of houses) are estimated from the classified QuickBird data and used to derive spatial information about the population distribution. In a next step, the derived information is combined with in-situ information on socio-economic conditions (e.g., family size, mean water consumption per capita/family) extracted from georeferenced questionnaires conducted during two field trips in Delhi. This combined data is used to characterize a given settlement type in terms of specific population and water related variables (e.g., population density, total water consumption). With this integrative methodology a catalogue can be compiled, comprising the living conditions of Delhi’s inhabitants living in specific settlement structures – and this in a quick, large-scaled, cost effective, by random or regularly repeatable way with a relatively small required data basis.The combined application of remotely sensed imagery and socio-economic data allows for the mapping, capturing and characterizing the socio-economic structures and dynamics within the mega city of Delhi, as well as it establishes a basis for the monitoring of the mega city of Delhi or certain areas within the city respectively by remote sensing. The opportunity to capture the condition of a mega city and to monitor its development in general enables the persons in charge to identify unbeneficial trends and to intervene accordingly from an urban planning perspective and to countersteer against a non-adequate supply of the inhabitants of different urban districts, primarily of those of informal settlements. This study is understood to be a first step to the development of methods which will help to identify and understand the different forms, actors and processes of urbanization in mega cities. It could support a more proactive and sustainable urban planning and land management – which in turn will increase the importance of urban remote sensing techniques. In this regard, the most obvious and direct beneficiaries are on the one hand the governmental agencies and urban planners and on the other hand, and which is possibly the most important goal, the inhabitants of the affected areas, whose living conditions can be monitored and improved as required. Only if the urban monitoring is quickly, inexpensively and easily available, it will be accepted and applied by the authorities, which in turn enables for the poorest to get the support they need. All in all, the listed benefits are very convincing and corroborate the combined use of remotely sensed and socio-economic data in mega city research

    Earthquake damage assessment in urban area from Very High Resolution satellite data

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    The use of remote sensing within the domain of natural hazards and disaster management has become increasingly popular, due in part to increased awareness of environmental issues, including climate change, but also to the improvement of geospatial technologies and the ability to provide high quality imagery to the public through the media and internet. As technology is enhanced, demand and expectations increase for near-real-time monitoring and images to be relayed to emergency services in the event of a natural disaster. During a seismic event, in particular, it is fundamental to obtain a fast and reliable map of the damage of urban areas to manage civil protection interventions. Moreover, the identification of the destruction caused by an earthquake provides seismology and earthquake engineers with informative and valuable data, experiences and lessons in the long term. An accurate survey of damage is also important to assess the economic losses, and to manage and share the resources to be allocated during the reconstruction phase. Satellite remote sensing can provide valuable pieces of information on this regard, thanks to the capability of an instantaneous synoptic view of the scene, especially if the seismic event is located in remote regions, or if the main communication systems are damaged. Many works exist in the literature on this topic, considering both optical data and radar data, which however put in evidence some limitations of the nadir looking view, of the achievable level of details and response time, and the criticality of image radiometric and geometric corrections. The visual interpretation of optical images collected before and after a seismic event is the approach followed in many cases, especially for an operational and rapid release of the damage extension map. Many papers, have evaluated change detection approaches to estimate damage within large areas (e.g., city blocks), trying to quantify not only the extension of the affected area but also the level of damage, for instance correlating the collapse ratio (percentage of collapsed buildings in an area) measured on ground with some change parameters derived from two images, taken before and after the earthquake. Nowadays, remotely sensed images at Very High Resolution (VHR) may in principle enable production of earthquake damage maps at single-building scale. The complexity of the image forming mechanisms within urban settlements, especially of radar images, makes the interpretation and analysis of VHR images still a challenging task. Discrimination of lower grade of damage is particularly difficult using nadir looking sensors. Automatic algorithms to detect the damage are being developed, although as matter of fact, these works focus very often on specific test cases and sort of canonical situations. In order to make the delivered product suitable for the user community, such for example Civil Protection Departments, it is important to assess its reliability on a large area and in different and challenging situations. Moreover, the assessment shall be directly compared to those data the final user adopts when carrying out its operational tasks. This kind of assessment can be hardly found in the literature, especially when the main focus is on the development of sophisticated and advanced algorithms. In this work, the feasibility of earthquake damage products at the scale of individual buildings, which relies on a damage scale recognized as a standard, is investigated. To this aim, damage maps derived from VHR satellite images collected by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical sensors, were systematically compared to ground surveys carried out by different teams and with different purposes and protocols. Moreover, the inclusion of a priori information, such as vulnerability models for buildings and soil geophysical properties, to improve the reliability of the resulting damage products, was considered in this study. The research activity presented in this thesis was carried out in the framework of the APhoRISM (Advanced PRocedures for volcanIc Seismic Monitoring) project, funded by the European Union under the EC-FP7 call. APhoRISM was aimed at demonstrating that an appropriate management and integration of satellite and ground data can provide new improved products useful for seismic and volcanic crisis management

    Multisource and multitemporal data fusion in remote sensing:A comprehensive review of the state of the art

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    The recent, sharp increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors, combined with their considerable heterogeneity, poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary data sets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal data sets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to applications at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several
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