10 research outputs found

    XML-based formal specification comprehension

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    Object-Z / TCOZ and Timed automata; Projection and integration

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    Tools and verification techniques for integrated formal methods

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    Semantic web and formal design methods

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    Complementary formalisms - synthesis, verification and visualization

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    Model checking concurrent and real-time systems : the PAT approach

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    Timed CSP and Object-Z

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    In this paper we discuss a simple integration of timed CSP and Object-Z. Following existing work, the components in such an integration are written as either Object-Z classes, or timed CSP processes, and are combined together using CSP parallel composition. Here we discuss the approach in general, and describe how the semantics of timed CSP can be used as the semantics of the integrated notation. We briefly discuss verification and analysis for integrated descriptions, before providing a more in-depth discussion of refinement in this approach. We describe both refinement of individual components, as well as a two-event model which distinguishes between start and end events. The latter allows operation duration to be specified and we show how refinement in this model integrates into traditional state-based simulation rules

    Capturing Concurrent Interactions of Mission Computer Tasks

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    Safety critical systems, such as aviation systems controlled by software, often have hard real-time requirements. Producing the correct result at the right time is the fundamental goal of such systems. Formally specifying the system functions and the timing requirements is the crucial step towards achieving such a goal. Aviation systems often need to be modified or upgraded on a regular basis, i.e. functionality and timing constraints may be altered. Therefore, the formal specification of such systems needs to be easily reused, maintained and modified. This paper demonstrates how an aircraft mission computer task rate sequences with their interactions can be formalised in TCOZ (an integrated notation of Timed CSP and Object-Z)

    Bunches for Object-Oriented, Concurrent, and Real-Time Specification

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    . We show how a collection of object-oriented concepts can be directly expressed in predicative programming [6]. We demonstrate how these features can be used in cooperation with the existing real-time and concurrency features of predicative programming in several examples, thus providing a simple integration of object-orientation, real-time, and concurrency. 1 Introduction Formal methods---like Object-Z [3], VDM++ [7], and others---have been developed for rigorously specifying and proving properties about object-oriented (OO) systems. Similarly, methods have been developed for specifying and reasoning about real-time and concurrent systems, e.g., CSP, CCS, and the various real-time refinement calculi. There has been much recent interest in integrating these different paradigms. Work on combining CSP and Object-Z [13], Timed CSP and Object-Z (TCOZ) [8], VDM++ (which integrates VDM with concepts from Ada and process algebras), has aimed at producing notations that combine OO, conc..