137 research outputs found

    Time complexity analysis of RLS and (1 + 1) EA for the edge coloring problem

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    The edge coloring problem asks for an assignment of colors to edges of a graph such that no two incident edges share the same color and the number of colors is minimized. It is known that all graphs with maximum degree Δ can be colored with Δ or Δ + 1 colors, but it is NP-hard to determine whether Δ colors are sufficient. We present the first runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) for the edge coloring problem. Simple EAs such as RLS and (1+1) EA efficiently find (2Δ - 1)-colorings on arbitrary graphs and optimal colorings for even and odd cycles, paths, star graphs and arbitrary trees. A partial analysis for toroids also suggests efficient runtimes in bipartite graphs with many cycles. Experiments support these findings and investigate additional graph classes such as hypercubes, complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs. Theoretical and experimental results suggest that simple EAs find optimal colorings for all these graph classes in expected time O(Δℓ2m log m), where m is the number of edges and ℓ is the length of the longest simple path in the graph

    More effective randomized search heuristics for graph coloring through dynamic optimization

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    Dynamic optimization problems have gained significant attention in evolutionary computation as evolutionary algorithms (EAs) can easily adapt to changing environments. We show that EAs can solve the graph coloring problem for bipartite graphs more efficiently by using dynamic optimization. In our approach the graph instance is given incrementally such that the EA can reoptimize its coloring when a new edge introduces a conflict. We show that, when edges are inserted in a way that preserves graph connectivity, Randomized Local Search (RLS) efficiently finds a proper 2-coloring for all bipartite graphs. This includes graphs for which RLS and other EAs need exponential expected time in a static optimization scenario. We investigate different ways of building up the graph by popular graph traversals such as breadth-first-search and depth-first-search and analyse the resulting runtime behavior. We further show that offspring populations (e. g. a (1 + λ) RLS) lead to an exponential speedup in λ. Finally, an island model using 3 islands succeeds in an optimal time of Θ(m) on every m-edge bipartite graph, outperforming offspring populations. This is the first example where an island model guarantees a speedup that is not bounded in the number of islands

    Time complexity analysis of randomized search heuristics for the dynamic graph coloring problem

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    We contribute to the theoretical understanding of randomized search heuristics for dynamic problems. We consider the classical vertex coloring problem on graphs and investigate the dynamic setting where edges are added to the current graph. We then analyze the expected time for randomized search heuristics to recompute high quality solutions. The (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm and RLS operate in a setting where the number of colors is bounded and we are minimizing the number of conflicts. Iterated local search algorithms use an unbounded color palette and aim to use the smallest colors and, consequently, the smallest number of colors. We identify classes of bipartite graphs where reoptimization is as hard as or even harder than optimization from scratch, i.e., starting with a random initialization. Even adding a single edge can lead to hard symmetry problems. However, graph classes that are hard for one algorithm turn out to be easy for others. In most cases our bounds show that reoptimization is faster than optimizing from scratch. We further show that tailoring mutation operators to parts of the graph where changes have occurred can significantly reduce the expected reoptimization time. In most settings the expected reoptimization time for such tailored algorithms is linear in the number of added edges. However, tailored algorithms cannot prevent exponential times in settings where the original algorithm is inefficient

    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing

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    One of the exciting phenomena in mathematics in recent years has been the widespread and surprisingly effective use of probabilistic methods in diverse areas. The probabilistic point of view has turned out to b

    Investigations on efficient adaptation algorithms

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    Ankara : Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1995.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 71-75.Efficient adaptation algorithms, which are intended to improve the performances of the LMS and the RLS algorithms are introduced. It is shown that nonlinear transformations of the input and the desired signals by a softlimiter improve the convergence speed of the LMS algorithm at no cost, with a small bias in the optimal filter coefficients. Also, the new algorithm can be used to filter a-stable non-Gaussian processes for which the conventional adaptive algorithms are useless. In a second approach, a prewhitening filter is used to increase the convergence speed of the LMS algorithm. It is shown that prewhitening does not change the relation between the input and the desired signals provided that the relation is a linear one. A low order adaptive prewhitening filter can provide significant speed up in the convergence. Finally, adaptive filtering algorithms running on roughly quantized signals are proposed to decrease the number of multiplications in the LMS and the RLS algorithms. Although, they require significantly less computations their preformances are comparable to those of the conventional LMS and RLS algorithms.Belge, MuratM.S

    Derandomizing Concentration Inequalities with dependencies and their combinatorial applications

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    Both in combinatorics and design and analysis of randomized algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, we often use the famous bounded differences inequality by C. McDiarmid (1989), which is based on the martingale inequality by K. Azuma (1967), to show positive probability of success. In the case of sum of independent random variables, the inequalities of Chernoff (1952) and Hoeffding (1964) can be used and can be efficiently derandomized, i.e. we can construct the required event in deterministic, polynomial time (Srivastav and Stangier 1996). With such an algorithm one can construct the sought combinatorial structure or design an efficient deterministic algorithm from the probabilistic existentce result or the randomized algorithm. The derandomization of C. McDiarmid's bounded differences inequality was an open problem. The main result in Chapter 3 is an efficient derandomization of the bounded differences inequality, with the time required to compute the conditional expectation of the objective function being part of the complexity. The following chapters 4 through 7 demonstrate the generality and power of the derandomization framework developed in Chapter 3. In Chapter 5, we derandomize the Maker's random strategy in the Maker-Breaker subgraph game given by Bednarska and Luczak (2000), which is fundamental for the field, and analyzed with the concentration inequality of Janson, Luczak and Rucinski. But since we use the bounded differences inequality, it is necessary to give a new proof of the existence of subgraphs in G(n,M)-random graphs (Chapter 4). In Chapter 6, we derandomize the two-stage randomized algorithm for the set-multicover problem by El Ouali, Munstermann and Srivastav (2014). In Chapter 7, we show that the algorithm of Bansal, Caprara and Sviridenko (2009) for the multidimensional bin packing problem can be elegantly derandomized with our derandomization framework of bounded differences inequality, while the authors use a potential function based approach, leading to a rather complex analysis. In Chapter 8, we analyze the constrained hypergraph coloring problem given in Ahuja and Srivastav (2002), which generalizes both the property B problem for the non-monochromatic 2-coloring of hypergraphs and the multidimensional bin packing problem using the bounded differences inequality instead of the Lovasz local lemma. We also derandomize the algorithm using our framework. In Chapter 9, we turn to the generalization of the well-known concentration inequality of Hoeffding (1964) by Janson (1994), to sums of random variables, that are not independent, but are partially dependent, or in other words, are independent in certain groups. Assuming the same dependency structure as in Janson (1994), we generalize the well-known concentration inequality of Alon and Spencer (1991). In Chapter 10, we derandomize the inequality of Alon and Spencer. The derandomization of our generalized Alon-Spencer inequality under partial dependencies remains an interesting, open problem

    Artificial Immune Systems for Combinatorial Optimisation: A Theoretical Investigation

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    We focus on the clonal selection inspired computational models of the immune system developed for general-purpose optimisation. Our aim is to highlight when these artificial immune systems (AIS) are more efficient than evolutionary algorithms (EAs). Compared to traditional EAs, AIS use considerably higher mutation rates (hypermutations) for variation, give higher selection probabilities to more recent solutions and lower selection probabilities to older ones (ageing). We consider the standard Opt-IA that includes both of the AIS distinguishing features and argue why it is of greater applicability than other popular AIS. Our first result is the proof that the stop at first constructive mutation version of its hypermutation operator is essential. Without it, the hypermutations cannot optimise any function with an arbitrary polynomial number of optima. Afterwards we show that the hypermutations are exponentially faster than the standard bit mutation operator used in traditional EAs at escaping from local optima of standard benchmark function classes and of the NP-hard Partition problem. If the basin of attraction of the local optima is not too large, then ageing allows even greater speed-ups. For the Cliff benchmark function this can make the difference between exponential and quasi-linear expected time. If the basin of attraction is too large, then ageing can implicitly detect the local optimum and escape it by automatically restarting the search process. The described power of hypermutations and ageing allows us to prove that they guarantee (1+epsilon) approximations for Partition in expected polynomial time for any constant epsilon. These features come at the expense of the hypermutations being a linear factor slower than EAs for standard unimodal benchmark functions and of eliminating the power of ageing at escaping local optima in the complete Opt-IA. We show that hypermutating with inversely proportional rates mitigates such drawbacks at the expense of losing the explorative advantages of the standard operator. We conclude the thesis by designing fast hypermutation operators that are provably a linear factor faster than the traditional ones for the unimodal benchmark functions and Partition, while maintaining explorative power and working in harmony together with ageing

    An Order-based Algorithm for Minimum Dominating Set with Application in Graph Mining

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    Dominating set is a set of vertices of a graph such that all other vertices have a neighbour in the dominating set. We propose a new order-based randomised local search (RLSo_o) algorithm to solve minimum dominating set problem in large graphs. Experimental evaluation is presented for multiple types of problem instances. These instances include unit disk graphs, which represent a model of wireless networks, random scale-free networks, as well as samples from two social networks and real-world graphs studied in network science. Our experiments indicate that RLSo_o performs better than both a classical greedy approximation algorithm and two metaheuristic algorithms based on ant colony optimisation and local search. The order-based algorithm is able to find small dominating sets for graphs with tens of thousands of vertices. In addition, we propose a multi-start variant of RLSo_o that is suitable for solving the minimum weight dominating set problem. The application of RLSo_o in graph mining is also briefly demonstrated

    Adaptive control of compliant robots with Reservoir Computing

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    In modern society, robots are increasingly used to handle dangerous, repetitive and/or heavy tasks with high precision. Because of the nature of the tasks, either being dangerous, high precision or simply repetitive, robots are usually constructed with high torque motors and sturdy materials, that makes them dangerous for humans to handle. In a car-manufacturing company, for example, a large cage is placed around the robot’s workspace that prevents humans from entering its vicinity. In the last few decades, efforts have been made to improve human-robot interaction. Often the movement of robots is characterized as not being smooth and clearly dividable into sub-movements. This makes their movement rather unpredictable for humans. So, there exists an opportunity to improve the motion generation of robots to enhance human-robot interaction. One interesting research direction is that of imitation learning. Here, human motions are recorded and demonstrated to the robot. Although the robot is able to reproduce such movements, it cannot be generalized to other situations. Therefore, a dynamical system approach is proposed where the recorded motions are embedded into the dynamics of the system. Shaping these nonlinear dynamics, according to recorded motions, allows for dynamical system to generalize beyond demonstration. As a result, the robot can generate motions of other situations not included in the recorded human demonstrations. In this dissertation, a Reservoir Computing approach is used to create a dynamical system in which such demonstrations are embedded. Reservoir Computing systems are Recurrent Neural Network-based approaches that are efficiently trained by considering only the training of the readout connections and retaining all other connections of such a network unchanged given their initial randomly chosen values. Although they have been used to embed periodic motions before, they were extended to embed discrete motions, or both. This work describes how such a motion pattern-generating system is built, investigates the nature of the underlying dynamics and evaluates their robustness in the face of perturbations. Additionally, a dynamical system approach to obstacle avoidance is proposed that is based on vector fields in the presence of repellers. This technique can be used to extend the motion abilities of the robot without need for changing the trained Motion Pattern Generator (MPG). Therefore, this approach can be applied in real-time on any system that generates a certain movement trajectory. Assume that the MPG system is implemented on an industrial robotic arm, similar to the ones used in a car factory. Even though the obstacle avoidance strategy presented is able to modify the generated motion of the robot’s gripper in such a way that it avoids obstacles, it does not guarantee that other parts of the robot cannot collide with a human. To prevent this, engineers have started to use advanced control algorithms that measure the amount of torque that is applied on the robot. This allows the robot to be aware of external perturbations. However, it turns out that, even with fast control loops, the adaptation to compensate for a sudden perturbation, is too slow to prevent high interaction forces. To reduce such forces, researchers started to use mechanical elements that are passively compliant (e.g., springs) and light-weight flexible materials to construct robots. Although such compliant robots are much safer and inherently energy efficient to use, their control becomes much harder. Most control approaches use model information about the robot (e.g., weight distribution and shape). However, when constructing a compliant robot it is hard to determine the dynamics of these materials. Therefore, a model-free adaptive control framework is proposed that assumes no prior knowledge about the robot. By interacting with the robot it learns an inverse robot model that is used as controller. The more it interacts, the better the control be- comes. Appropriately, this framework is called Inverse Modeling Adaptive (IMA) control framework. I have evaluated the IMA controller’s tracking ability on sev- eral tasks, investigating its model independence and stability. Furthermore, I have shown its fast learning ability and comparable performance to taskspecific designed controllers. Given both the MPG and IMA controllers, it is possible to improve the inter- actability of a compliant robot in a human-friendly environment. When the robot is to perform human-like motions for a large set of tasks, we need to demonstrate motion examples of all these tasks. However, biological research concerning the motion generation of animals and humans revealed that a limited set of motion patterns, called motion primitives, are modulated and combined to generate advanced motor/motion skills that humans and animals exhibit. Inspired by these interesting findings, I investigate if a single motion primitive indeed can be modulated to achieve a desired motion behavior. By some elementary experiments, where an MPG is controlled by an IMA controller, a proof of concept is presented. Furthermore, a general hierarchy is introduced that describes how a robot can be controlled in a biology-inspired manner. I also investigated how motion primitives can be combined to produce a desired motion. However, I was unable to get more advanced implementations to work. The results of some simple experiments are presented in the appendix. Another approach I investigated assumes that the primitives themselves are undefined. Instead, only a high-level description is given, which describes that every primitive on average should contribute equally, while still allowing for a single primitive to specialize in a part of the motion generation. Without defining the behavior of a primitive, only a set of untrained IMA controllers is used of which each will represent a single primitive. As a result of the high-level heuristic description, the task space is tiled into sub-regions in an unsupervised manner. Resulting in controllers that indeed represent a part of the motion generation. I have applied this Modular Architecture with Control Primitives (MACOP) on an inverse kinematic learning task and investigated the emerged primitives. Thanks to the tiling of the task space, it becomes possible to control redundant systems, because redundant solutions can be spread over several control primitives. Within each sub region of the task space, a specific control primitive is more accurate than in other regions allowing for the task complexity to be distributed over several less complex tasks. Finally, I extend the use of an IMA-controller, which is tracking controller, to the control of under-actuated systems. By using a sample-based planning algorithm it becomes possible to explore the system dynamics in which a path to a desired state can be planned. Afterwards, MACOP is used to incorporate feedback and to learn the necessary control commands corresponding to the planned state space trajectory, even if it contains errors. As a result, the under-actuated control of a cart pole system was achieved. Furthermore, I presented the concept of a simulation based control framework that allows the learning of the system dynamics, planning and feedback control iteratively and simultaneously

    Bio-Inspired Computing For Complex And Dynamic Constrained Problems

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    Bio-inspired algorithms are general-purpose optimisation methods that can find solutions with high qualities for complex problems. They are able to find these solutions with minimal knowledge of a search space. Bio-inspired algorithms (the design of which is inspired by nature) can easily adapt to changing environments. In this thesis, we contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of bioinspired algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimisation. We address complex problems as well as problems with dynamically changing constraints. Firstly, we review the most recent achievements in the theoretical analysis of dynamic optimisation via bio-inspired algorithms. We then continue our investigations in two major areas: static and dynamic combinatorial problems. To tackle static problems, we study the evolutionary algorithms that are enhanced by using a knowledge-based mutation approach in solving single- and multi-objective minimum spanning tree (MST) problems. Our results show that proper development of biased mutation can significantly improve the performance of evolutionary algorithms. Afterwards, we analyse the ability of single- and multi-objective algorithms to solve the packing while travelling (PWT) problem. This NP-hard problem is chosen to represent real-world multi-component problems. We outline the limitations of randomised local search in solving PWT and prove the advantage of using evolutionary algorithms. Our dynamic investigations begin with an empirical analysis of the ability of simple and advanced evolutionary algorithms to optimise the dynamic knapsack (KP) problem. We show that while optimising a population of solutions can speed up the ability of an algorithm to find optimal solutions after a dynamic change, it has the exact opposite effect in environments with high-frequency changes. Finally, we investigate the dynamic version of a more general problem known as the subset selection problem. We prove the inability of the adaptive greedy approach to maintain quality solutions in dynamic environments and illustrate the advantage of using evolutionary algorithms theoretically and practically.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 202
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