16 research outputs found


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    Time series clustering has been an important research field in the last decade, providing useful and effective information in diverse domain. As outcome of the great existing interest for part of the scientific community of data mining area, innumerable research works have arisen that propose new algorithms and methodologies to identify cluster in the data time series. To provide an overview, this paper surveys and summarizes works that investigated the data time series clustering in diverse applications field. The basic concepts of time series clustering are presented and the surveyed works are organized into three groups: temporal-proximity-based, model-based and representation-based. The application areas are summarized with a brief description of the used data. The characteristics and particularities of some works are discussed

    A Stacked Multi-Granularity Convolution Denoising Auto-Encoder

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    With the development of big data, artificial intelligence has provided many intelligent solutions to urban life. For instance, an image-based intelligent technology, such as image classification of diseases, is widely used in daily life. However, the image in real life is mostly unlabeled, so the performance of many image-based intelligent models shows limitations. Therefore, how to use a large amount of unlabeled image data to build an efficient and high-quality model for better urban life has been an urgent research topic. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised image feature extraction method that is referred to as a stacked multi-granularity convolution denoising auto-encoder (SMGCDAE). The algorithm is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN), yet it introduces a multi-granularity kernel. This approach resolved issues with image unicity by extracting a diverse category of high-level features. In addition, the denoising auto-encoder ensures stability and improves the classification accuracy by extracting more robust features. The algorithm was assessed using three image benchmark datasets and a series of meningitis images, achieving higher average accuracy than other methods. These results suggest that the algorithm is capable of extracting more discriminative high-level features and thus offers superior performance compared with the existing methodologies

    A perceptual learning model to discover the hierarchical latent structure of image collections

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    Biology has been an unparalleled source of inspiration for the work of researchers in several scientific and engineering fields including computer vision. The starting point of this thesis is the neurophysiological properties of the human early visual system, in particular, the cortical mechanism that mediates learning by exploiting information about stimuli repetition. Repetition has long been considered a fundamental correlate of skill acquisition andmemory formation in biological aswell as computational learning models. However, recent studies have shown that biological neural networks have differentways of exploiting repetition in forming memory maps. The thesis focuses on a perceptual learning mechanism called repetition suppression, which exploits the temporal distribution of neural activations to drive an efficient neural allocation for a set of stimuli. This explores the neurophysiological hypothesis that repetition suppression serves as an unsupervised perceptual learning mechanism that can drive efficient memory formation by reducing the overall size of stimuli representation while strengthening the responses of the most selective neurons. This interpretation of repetition is different from its traditional role in computational learning models mainly to induce convergence and reach training stability, without using this information to provide focus for the neural representations of the data. The first part of the thesis introduces a novel computational model with repetition suppression, which forms an unsupervised competitive systemtermed CoRe, for Competitive Repetition-suppression learning. The model is applied to generalproblems in the fields of computational intelligence and machine learning. Particular emphasis is placed on validating the model as an effective tool for the unsupervised exploration of bio-medical data. In particular, it is shown that the repetition suppression mechanism efficiently addresses the issues of automatically estimating the number of clusters within the data, as well as filtering noise and irrelevant input components in highly dimensional data, e.g. gene expression levels from DNA Microarrays. The CoRe model produces relevance estimates for the each covariate which is useful, for instance, to discover the best discriminating bio-markers. The description of the model includes a theoretical analysis using Huber’s robust statistics to show that the model is robust to outliers and noise in the data. The convergence properties of themodel also studied. It is shown that, besides its biological underpinning, the CoRe model has useful properties in terms of asymptotic behavior. By exploiting a kernel-based formulation for the CoRe learning error, a theoretically sound motivation is provided for the model’s ability to avoid local minima of its loss function. To do this a necessary and sufficient condition for global error minimization in vector quantization is generalized by extending it to distance metrics in generic Hilbert spaces. This leads to the derivation of a family of kernel-based algorithms that address the local minima issue of unsupervised vector quantization in a principled way. The experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve a consistent performance gain compared with state-of-the-art learning vector quantizers, while retaining a lower computational complexity (linear with respect to the dataset size). Bridging the gap between the low level representation of the visual content and the underlying high-level semantics is a major research issue of current interest. The second part of the thesis focuses on this problem by introducing a hierarchical and multi-resolution approach to visual content understanding. On a spatial level, CoRe learning is used to pool together the local visual patches by organizing them into perceptually meaningful intermediate structures. On the semantical level, it provides an extension of the probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model that allows discovery and organization of the visual topics into a hierarchy of aspects. The proposed hierarchical pLSA model is shown to effectively address the unsupervised discovery of relevant visual classes from pictorial collections, at the same time learning to segment the image regions containing the discovered classes. Furthermore, by drawing on a recent pLSA-based image annotation system, the hierarchical pLSA model is extended to process and representmulti-modal collections comprising textual and visual data. The results of the experimental evaluation show that the proposed model learns to attach textual labels (available only at the level of the whole image) to the discovered image regions, while increasing the precision/ recall performance with respect to flat, pLSA annotation model

    Machine learning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT

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    Die Entwicklung von Synchrotronlichtquellen der dritten Generation hat die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der 3D-Struktur opaker Proben mit einer Auflösung im Mikrometerbereich und höher geschaffen. Dies führte zur Entwicklung der Röntgen-Synchrotron-Mikro-Computertomographie, welche die Schaffung von Bildgebungseinrichtungen zur Untersuchung von Proben verschiedenster Art förderte, z.B. von Modellorganismen, um die Physiologie komplexer lebender Systeme besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung moderner Steuerungssysteme und Robotik ermöglichte die vollständige Automatisierung der Röntgenbildgebungsexperimente und die Kalibrierung der Parameter des Versuchsaufbaus während des Betriebs. Die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Detektorsysteme führte zu Verbesserungen der Auflösung, des Dynamikbereichs, der Empfindlichkeit und anderer wesentlicher Eigenschaften. Diese Verbesserungen führten zu einer beträchtlichen Steigerung des Durchsatzes des Bildgebungsprozesses, aber auf der anderen Seite begannen die Experimente eine wesentlich größere Datenmenge von bis zu Dutzenden von Terabyte zu generieren, welche anschließend manuell verarbeitet wurden. Somit ebneten diese technischen Fortschritte den Weg für die Durchführung effizienterer Hochdurchsatzexperimente zur Untersuchung einer großen Anzahl von Proben, welche Datensätze von besserer Qualität produzierten. In der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft besteht daher ein hoher Bedarf an einem effizienten, automatisierten Workflow für die Röntgendatenanalyse, welcher eine solche Datenlast bewältigen und wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Fachexperten liefern kann. Die bestehenden Lösungen für einen solchen Workflow sind nicht direkt auf Hochdurchsatzexperimente anwendbar, da sie für Ad-hoc-Szenarien im Bereich der medizinischen Bildgebung entwickelt wurden. Daher sind sie nicht für Hochdurchsatzdatenströme optimiert und auch nicht in der Lage, die hierarchische Beschaffenheit von Proben zu nutzen. Die wichtigsten Beiträge der vorliegenden Arbeit sind ein neuer automatisierter Analyse-Workflow, der für die effiziente Verarbeitung heterogener Röntgendatensätze hierarchischer Natur geeignet ist. Der entwickelte Workflow basiert auf verbesserten Methoden zur Datenvorverarbeitung, Registrierung, Lokalisierung und Segmentierung. Jede Phase eines Arbeitsablaufs, die eine Trainingsphase beinhaltet, kann automatisch feinabgestimmt werden, um die besten Hyperparameter für den spezifischen Datensatz zu finden. Für die Analyse von Faserstrukturen in Proben wurde eine neue, hochgradig parallelisierbare 3D-Orientierungsanalysemethode entwickelt, die auf einem neuartigen Konzept der emittierenden Strahlen basiert und eine präzisere morphologische Analyse ermöglicht. Alle entwickelten Methoden wurden gründlich an synthetischen Datensätzen validiert, um ihre Anwendbarkeit unter verschiedenen Abbildungsbedingungen quantitativ zu bewerten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Workflow in der Lage ist, eine Reihe von Datensätzen ähnlicher Art zu verarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden die effizienten CPU/GPU-Implementierungen des entwickelten Workflows und der Methoden vorgestellt und der Gemeinschaft als Module für die Sprache Python zur Verfügung gestellt. Der entwickelte automatisierte Analyse-Workflow wurde erfolgreich für Mikro-CT-Datensätze angewandt, die in Hochdurchsatzröntgenexperimenten im Bereich der Entwicklungsbiologie und Materialwissenschaft gewonnen wurden. Insbesondere wurde dieser Arbeitsablauf für die Analyse der Medaka-Fisch-Datensätze angewandt, was eine automatisierte Segmentierung und anschließende morphologische Analyse von Gehirn, Leber, Kopfnephronen und Herz ermöglichte. Darüber hinaus wurde die entwickelte Methode der 3D-Orientierungsanalyse bei der morphologischen Analyse von Polymergerüst-Datensätzen eingesetzt, um einen Herstellungsprozess in Richtung wünschenswerter Eigenschaften zu lenken

    Agrupamiento, predicción y clasificación ordinal para series temporales utilizando técnicas de machine learning: aplicaciones

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    In the last years, there has been an increase in the number of fields improving their standard processes by using machine learning (ML) techniques. The main reason for this is that the vast amount of data generated by these processes is difficult to be processed by humans. Therefore, the development of automatic methods to process and extract relevant information from these data processes is of great necessity, giving that these approaches could lead to an increase in the economic benefit of enterprises or to a reduction in the workload of some current employments. Concretely, in this Thesis, ML approaches are applied to problems concerning time series data. Time series is a special kind of data in which data points are collected chronologically. Time series are present in a wide variety of fields, such as atmospheric events or engineering applications. Besides, according to the main objective to be satisfied, there are different tasks in the literature applied to time series. Some of them are those on which this Thesis is mainly focused: clustering, classification, prediction and, in general, analysis. Generally, the amount of data to be processed is huge, arising the need of methods able to reduce the dimensionality of time series without decreasing the amount of information. In this sense, the application of time series segmentation procedures dividing the time series into different subsequences is a good option, given that each segment defines a specific behaviour. Once the different segments are obtained, the use of statistical features to characterise them is an excellent way to maximise the information of the time series and simultaneously reducing considerably their dimensionality. In the case of time series clustering, the objective is to find groups of similar time series with the idea of discovering interesting patterns in time series datasets. In this Thesis, we have developed a novel time series clustering technique. The aim of this proposal is twofold: to reduce as much as possible the dimensionality and to develop a time series clustering approach able to outperform current state-of-the-art techniques. In this sense, for the first objective, the time series are segmented in order to divide the them identifying different behaviours. Then, these segments are projected into a vector of statistical features aiming to reduce the dimensionality of the time series. Once this preprocessing step is done, the clustering of the time series is carried out, with a significantly lower computational load. This novel approach has been tested on all the time series datasets available in the University of East Anglia and University of California Riverside (UEA/UCR) time series classification (TSC) repository. Regarding time series classification, two main paths could be differentiated: firstly, nominal TSC, which is a well-known field involving a wide variety of proposals and transformations applied to time series. Concretely, one of the most popular transformation is the shapelet transform (ST), which has been widely used in this field. The original method extracts shapelets from the original time series and uses them for classification purposes. Nevertheless, the full enumeration of all possible shapelets is very time consuming. Therefore, in this Thesis, we have developed a hybrid method that starts with the best shapelets extracted by using the original approach with a time constraint and then tunes these shapelets by using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model. Secondly, time series ordinal classification (TSOC) is an unexplored field beginning with this Thesis. In this way, we have adapted the original ST to the ordinal classification (OC) paradigm by proposing several shapelet quality measures taking advantage of the ordinal information of the time series. This methodology leads to better results than the state-of-the-art TSC techniques for those ordinal time series datasets. All these proposals have been tested on all the time series datasets available in the UEA/UCR TSC repository. With respect to time series prediction, it is based on estimating the next value or values of the time series by considering the previous ones. In this Thesis, several different approaches have been considered depending on the problem to be solved. Firstly, the prediction of low-visibility events produced by fog conditions is carried out by means of hybrid autoregressive models (ARs) combining fixed-size and dynamic windows, adapting itself to the dynamics of the time series. Secondly, the prediction of convective cloud formation (which is a highly imbalance problem given that the number of convective cloud events is much lower than that of non-convective situations) is performed in two completely different ways: 1) tackling the problem as a multi-objective classification task by the use of multi-objective evolutionary artificial neural networks (MOEANNs), in which the two conflictive objectives are accuracy of the minority class and the global accuracy, and 2) tackling the problem from the OC point of view, in which, in order to reduce the imbalance degree, an oversampling approach is proposed along with the use of OC techniques. Thirdly, the prediction of solar radiation is carried out by means of evolutionary artificial neural networks (EANNs) with different combinations of basis functions in the hidden and output layers. Finally, the last challenging problem is the prediction of energy flux from waves and tides. For this, a multitask EANN has been proposed aiming to predict the energy flux at several prediction time horizons (from 6h to 48h). All these proposals and techniques have been corroborated and discussed according to physical and atmospheric models. The work developed in this Thesis is supported by 11 JCR-indexed papers in international journals (7 Q1, 3 Q2, 1 Q3), 11 papers in international conferences, and 4 papers in national conferences

    Magnitude Sensitive Competitive Neural Networks

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    En esta Tesis se presentan un conjunto de redes neuronales llamadas Magnitude Sensitive Competitive Neural Networks (MSCNNs). Se trata de un conjunto de algoritmos de Competitive Learning que incluyen un término de magnitud como un factor de modulación de la distancia usada en la competición. Al igual que otros métodos competitivos, MSCNNs realizan la cuantización vectorial de los datos, pero el término de magnitud guía el entrenamiento de los centroides de modo que se representan con alto detalle las zonas deseadas, definidas por la magnitud. Estas redes se han comparado con otros algoritmos de cuantización vectorial en diversos ejemplos de interpolación, reducción de color, modelado de superficies, clasificación, y varios ejemplos sencillos de demostración. Además se introduce un nuevo algoritmo de compresión de imágenes, MSIC (Magnitude Sensitive Image Compression), que hace uso de los algoritmos mencionados previamente, y que consigue una compresión de la imagen variable según una magnitud definida por el usuario. Los resultados muestran que las nuevas redes neuronales MSCNNs son más versátiles que otros algoritmos de aprendizaje competitivo, y presentan una clara mejora en cuantización vectorial sobre ellos cuando el dato está sopesado por una magnitud que indica el ¿interés¿ de cada muestra

    Über die Selbstorganisation einer hierarchischen Gedächtnisstruktur für kompositionelle Objektrepräsentation im visuellen Kortex

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    At present, there is a huge lag between the artificial and the biological information processing systems in terms of their capability to learn. This lag could be certainly reduced by gaining more insight into the higher functions of the brain like learning and memory. For instance, primate visual cortex is thought to provide the long-term memory for the visual objects acquired by experience. The visual cortex handles effortlessly arbitrary complex objects by decomposing them rapidly into constituent components of much lower complexity along hierarchically organized visual pathways. How this processing architecture self-organizes into a memory domain that employs such compositional object representation by learning from experience remains to a large extent a riddle. The study presented here approaches this question by proposing a functional model of a self-organizing hierarchical memory network. The model is based on hypothetical neuronal mechanisms involved in cortical processing and adaptation. The network architecture comprises two consecutive layers of distributed, recurrently interconnected modules. Each module is identified with a localized cortical cluster of fine-scale excitatory subnetworks. A single module performs competitive unsupervised learning on the incoming afferent signals to form a suitable representation of the locally accessible input space. The network employs an operating scheme where ongoing processing is made of discrete successive fragments termed decision cycles, presumably identifiable with the fast gamma rhythms observed in the cortex. The cycles are synchronized across the distributed modules that produce highly sparse activity within each cycle by instantiating a local winner-take-all-like operation. Equipped with adaptive mechanisms of bidirectional synaptic plasticity and homeostatic activity regulation, the network is exposed to natural face images of different persons. The images are presented incrementally one per cycle to the lower network layer as a set of Gabor filter responses extracted from local facial landmarks. The images are presented without any person identity labels. In the course of unsupervised learning, the network creates simultaneously vocabularies of reusable local face appearance elements, captures relations between the elements by linking associatively those parts that encode the same face identity, develops the higher-order identity symbols for the memorized compositions and projects this information back onto the vocabularies in generative manner. This learning corresponds to the simultaneous formation of bottom-up, lateral and top-down synaptic connectivity within and between the network layers. In the mature connectivity state, the network holds thus full compositional description of the experienced faces in form of sparse memory traces that reside in the feed-forward and recurrent connectivity. Due to the generative nature of the established representation, the network is able to recreate the full compositional description of a memorized face in terms of all its constituent parts given only its higher-order identity symbol or a subset of its parts. In the test phase, the network successfully proves its ability to recognize identity and gender of the persons from alternative face views not shown before. An intriguing feature of the emerging memory network is its ability to self-generate activity spontaneously in absence of the external stimuli. In this sleep-like off-line mode, the network shows a self-sustaining replay of the memory content formed during the previous learning. Remarkably, the recognition performance is tremendously boosted after this off-line memory reprocessing. The performance boost is articulated stronger on those face views that deviate more from the original view shown during the learning. This indicates that the off-line memory reprocessing during the sleep-like state specifically improves the generalization capability of the memory network. The positive effect turns out to be surprisingly independent of synapse-specific plasticity, relying completely on the synapse-unspecific, homeostatic activity regulation across the memory network. The developed network demonstrates thus functionality not shown by any previous neuronal modeling approach. It forms and maintains a memory domain for compositional, generative object representation in unsupervised manner through experience with natural visual images, using both on- ("wake") and off-line ("sleep") learning regimes. This functionality offers a promising departure point for further studies, aiming for deeper insight into the learning mechanisms employed by the brain and their consequent implementation in the artificial adaptive systems for solving complex tasks not tractable so far.Gegenwärtig besteht immer noch ein enormer Abstand zwischen der Lernfähigkeit von künstlichen und biologischen Informationsverarbeitungssystemen. Dieser Abstand ließe sich durch eine bessere Einsicht in die höheren Funktionen des Gehirns wie Lernen und Gedächtnis verringern. Im visuellen Kortex etwa werden die Objekte innerhalb kürzester Zeit entlang der hierarchischen Verarbeitungspfade in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt und so durch eine Komposition von Elementen niedrigerer Komplexität dargestellt. Bereits bekannte Objekte werden so aus dem Langzeitgedächtnis abgerufen und wiedererkannt. Wie eine derartige kompositionell-hierarchische Gedächtnisstruktur durch die visuelle Erfahrung zustande kommen kann, ist noch weitgehend ungeklärt. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, wird hier ein funktionelles Modell eines lernfähigen rekurrenten neuronalen Netzwerkes vorgestellt. Im Netzwerk werden neuronale Mechanismen implementiert, die der kortikalen Verarbeitung und Plastizität zugrunde liegen. Die hierarchische Architektur des Netzwerkes besteht aus zwei nacheinander geschalteten Schichten, die jede eine Anzahl von verteilten, rekurrent vernetzten Modulen beherbergen. Ein Modul umfasst dabei mehrere funktionell separate Subnetzwerke. Jedes solches Modul ist imstande, aus den eintreffenden Signalen eine geeignete Repräsentation für den lokalen Eingaberaum unüberwacht zu lernen. Die fortlaufende Verarbeitung im Netzwerk setzt sich zusammen aus diskreten Fragmenten, genannt Entscheidungszyklen, die man mit den schnellen kortikalen Rhythmen im gamma-Frequenzbereich in Verbindung setzen kann. Die Zyklen sind synchronisiert zwischen den verteilten Modulen. Innerhalb eines Zyklus wird eine lokal umgrenzte winner-take-all-ähnliche Operation in Modulen durchgeführt. Die Kompetitionsstärke wächst im Laufe des Zyklus an. Diese Operation aktiviert in Abhängigkeit von den Eingabesignalen eine sehr kleine Anzahl von Einheiten und verstärkt sie auf Kosten der anderen, um den dargebotenen Reiz in der Netzwerkaktivität abzubilden. Ausgestattet mit adaptiven Mechanismen der bidirektionalen synaptischen Plastizität und der homöostatischen Aktivitätsregulierung, erhält das Netzwerk natürliche Gesichtsbilder von verschiedenen Personen dargeboten. Die Bilder werden der unteren Netzwerkschicht, je ein Bild pro Zyklus, als Ansammlung von Gaborfilterantworten aus lokalen Gesichtslandmarken zugeführt, ohne Information über die Personenidentität zur Verfügung zu stellen. Im Laufe der unüberwachten Lernprozedur formt das Netzwerk die Verbindungsstruktur derart, dass die Gesichter aller dargebotenen Personen im Netzwerk in Form von dünn besiedelten Gedächtnisspuren abgelegt werden. Hierzu werden gleichzeitig vorwärtsgerichtete (bottom-up) und rekurrente (lateral, top-down) synaptische Verbindungen innerhalb und zwischen den Schichten gelernt. Im reifen Verbindungszustand werden infolge dieses Lernens die einzelnen Gesichter als Komposition ihrer Bestandteile auf generative Art gespeichert. Dank der generativen Art der gelernten Struktur reichen schon allein das höhere Identitätssymbol oder eine kleine Teilmenge von zugehörigen Gesichtselementen, um alle Bestandteile der gespeicherten Gesichter aus dem Gedächtnis abzurufen. In der Testphase kann das Netzwerk erfolgreich sowohl die Identität als auch das Geschlecht von Personen aus vorher nicht gezeigten Gesichtsansichten erkennen. Eine bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft der entstandenen Gedächtnisarchitektur ist ihre Fähigkeit, ohne Darbietung von externen Stimuli spontan Aktivitätsmuster zu generieren und die im Gedächtnis abgelegten Inhalte in diesem schlafähnlichen "off-line" Regime wiederzugeben. Interessanterweise ergibt sich aus der Schlafphase ein direkter Vorteil für die Gedächtnisfunktion. Dieser Vorteil macht sich durch eine drastisch verbesserte Erkennungsrate nach der Schlafphase bemerkbar, wenn das Netwerk mit den zuvor nicht dargebotenen Ansichten von den bereits bekannten Personen konfrontiert wird. Die Leistungsverbesserung nach der Schlafphase ist umso deutlicher, je stärker die Alternativansichten vom Original abweichen. Dieser positive Effekt ist zudem komplett unabhängig von der synapsenspezifischen Plastizität und kann allein durch die synapsenunspezifische, homöostatische Regulation der Aktivität im Netzwerk erklärt werden. Das entwickelte Netzwerk demonstriert so eine im Bereich der neuronalen Modellierung bisher nicht gezeigte Funktionalität. Es kann unüberwacht eine Gedächtnisdomäne für kompositionelle, generative Objektrepräsentation durch die Erfahrung mit natürlichen Bildern sowohl im reizgetriebenen, wachähnlichen Zustand als auch im reizabgekoppelten, schlafähnlichen Zustand formen und verwalten. Diese Funktionalität bietet einen vielversprechenden Ausgangspunkt für weitere Studien, die die neuronalen Lernmechanismen des Gehirns ins Visier nehmen und letztendlich deren konsequente Umsetzung in technischen, adaptiven Systemen anstreben

    New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining

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    The progress of data mining technology and large public popularity establish a need for a comprehensive text on the subject. The series of books entitled by "Data Mining" address the need by presenting in-depth description of novel mining algorithms and many useful applications. In addition to understanding each section deeply, the two books present useful hints and strategies to solving problems in the following chapters. The contributing authors have highlighted many future research directions that will foster multi-disciplinary collaborations and hence will lead to significant development in the field of data mining