30 research outputs found

    3-D distributed memory polynomial behavioral model for concurrent dual-band envelope tracking power amplifier linearization

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a new 3-D behavioral model to compensate for the nonlinear distortion arising in concurrent dual-band (DB) Envelope Tracking (ET) Power Amplifiers (PAs). The advantage of the proposed 3-D distributed memory polynomial (3D-DMP) behavioral model, in comparison to the already published behavioral models used for concurrent dual-band envelope tracking PA linearization, is that it requires a smaller number of coefficients to achieve the same linearity performance, which reduces the overall identification and adaptation computational complexity. The proposed 3D-DMP digital predistorter (DPD) is tested under different ET supply modulation techniques. Moreover, further model order reduction of the 3D-DMP DPD is achieved by applying the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. Experimental results are shown considering a concurrent DB transmission of aWCDMA signal at 1.75GHz and a 10-MHz bandwidth LTE signal at 2.1 GHz. The performance of the proposed 3D-DMP DPD is evaluated in terms of linearity, drain power efficiency, and computational complexity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Power Amplifier Linearization using Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm

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    The power amplifier presents itself as a significant device towards the improvement of system. But itself it is the main source of nonlinearities present in the transmission chain. This effect is appropriate as it produces a spectral regrowth consequently leaking energy into adjacent channels. To improve the power amplifier efficiency without compromising its linearity, power amplifier linearization is essential. A common solution to avoid this effect is to drive the PA far from its compression zone, a technique known as back-off

    Digital Predistorion of 5G Millimeter-Wave Active Phased Arrays using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Caracterização, modelação e compensação de efeitos de memória lenta em amplificadores de potência baseados em GAN HEMTS

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have emerged as the most compelling technology for the transmission of highpower radio-frequency (RF) signals for cellular mobile communications and radar applications. However, despite their remarkable power capabilities, the deployment of GaN HEMT-based RF power amplifiers (PAs) in the mobile communications infrastructure is often ruled out in favor of alternative siliconbased technologies. One of the main reasons for this is the pervasiveness of nonlinear long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT technology caused by thermal and charge-trapping phenomena. While these effects can be compensated for using sophisticated digital predistortion algorithms, their implementation and model-extraction complexity—as well as the power necessary for their real-time execution—make them unsuitable for modern small cells and large-scale multiple-input multiple-output transceivers, where the power necessary for the linearization of each amplification element is of great concern. In order to address these issues and further the deployment of high-powerdensity high-efficiency GaN HEMT-based RF PAs in next-generation communications and radar applications, in this thesis we propose novel methods for the characterization, modeling, and compensation of long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT-based RF PAs. More specifically, we propose a method for the characterization of the dynamic self-biasing behavior of GaN HEMTbased RF PAs; multiple behavioral models of charge trapping and their implementation as analog electronic circuits for the accurate real-time prediction of the dynamic variation of the threshold voltage of GaN HEMTs; a method for the compensation of the pulse-to-pulse instability of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for radar applications; and a hybrid analog/digital scheme for the linearization of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for next-generation communications applications.Os transístores de alta mobilidade eletrónica de nitreto de gálio (GaN HEMTs) são considerados a tecnologia mais atrativa para a transmissão de sinais de radiofrequência de alta potência para comunicações móveis celulares e aplicações de radar. No entanto, apesar das suas notáveis capacidades de transmissão de potência, a utilização de amplificadores de potência (PAs) baseados em GaN HEMTs é frequentemente desconsiderada em favor de tecnologias alternativas baseadas em transístores de silício. Uma das principais razões disto acontecer é a existência pervasiva na tecnologia GaN HEMT de efeitos de memória lenta causados por fenómenos térmicos e de captura eletrónica. Apesar destes efeitos poderem ser compensados através de algoritmos sofisticados de predistorção digital, estes algoritmos não são adequados para transmissores modernos de células pequenas e interfaces massivas de múltipla entrada e múltipla saída devido à sua complexidade de implementação e extração de modelo, assim como a elevada potência necessária para a sua execução em tempo real. De forma a promover a utilização de PAs de alta densidade de potência e elevada eficiência baseados em GaN HEMTs em aplicações de comunicação e radar de nova geração, nesta tese propomos novos métodos de caracterização, modelação, e compensação de efeitos de memória lenta em PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs. Mais especificamente, nesta tese propomos um método de caracterização do comportamento dinâmico de autopolarização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs; vários modelos comportamentais de fenómenos de captura eletrónica e a sua implementação como circuitos eletrónicos analógicos para a previsão em tempo real da variação dinâmica da tensão de limiar de condução de GaN HEMTs; um método de compensação da instabilidade entre pulsos de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para aplicações de radar; e um esquema híbrido analógico/digital de linearização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para comunicações de nova geração.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Partial least squares identification of multi look-up table digital predistorters for concurrent dual-band envelope tracking power amplifiers

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    ©208 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a technique to estimate the coefficients of a multiple-look-up table (LUT) digital predistortion (DPD) architecture based on the partial least-squares (PLS) regression method. The proposed 3-D distributed memory LUT architecture is suitable for efficient FPGA implementation and compensates for the distortion arising in concurrent dual-band envelope tracking power amplifiers. On the one hand, a new variant of the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm is proposed to properly select only the best LUTs of the DPD function in the forward path, and thus reduce the number of required coefficients. On the other hand, the PLS regression method is proposed to address both the regularization problem of the coefficient estimation and, at the same time, reducing the number of coefficients to be estimated in the DPD feedback identification path. Moreover, by exploiting the orthogonality of the PLS transformed matrix, the computational complexity of the parameters' identification can be significantly simplified. Experimental results will prove how it is possible to reduce the DPD complexity (i.e., the number of coefficients) in both the forward and feedback paths while meeting the targeted linearity levels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft