1,458 research outputs found

    Modifying the Yamaguchi Four-Component Decomposition Scattering Powers Using a Stochastic Distance

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    Model-based decompositions have gained considerable attention after the initial work of Freeman and Durden. This decomposition which assumes the target to be reflection symmetric was later relaxed in the Yamaguchi et al. decomposition with the addition of the helix parameter. Since then many decomposition have been proposed where either the scattering model was modified to fit the data or the coherency matrix representing the second order statistics of the full polarimetric data is rotated to fit the scattering model. In this paper we propose to modify the Yamaguchi four-component decomposition (Y4O) scattering powers using the concept of statistical information theory for matrices. In order to achieve this modification we propose a method to estimate the polarization orientation angle (OA) from full-polarimetric SAR images using the Hellinger distance. In this method, the OA is estimated by maximizing the Hellinger distance between the un-rotated and the rotated T33T_{33} and the T22T_{22} components of the coherency matrix [T]\mathbf{[T]}. Then, the powers of the Yamaguchi four-component model-based decomposition (Y4O) are modified using the maximum relative stochastic distance between the T33T_{33} and the T22T_{22} components of the coherency matrix at the estimated OA. The results show that the overall double-bounce powers over rotated urban areas have significantly improved with the reduction of volume powers. The percentage of pixels with negative powers have also decreased from the Y4O decomposition. The proposed method is both qualitatively and quantitatively compared with the results obtained from the Y4O and the Y4R decompositions for a Radarsat-2 C-band San-Francisco dataset and an UAVSAR L-band Hayward dataset.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE J-STARS (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

    Improvement of PolSAR Decomposition Scattering Powers Using a Relative Decorrelation Measure

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    In this letter, a methodology is proposed to improve the scattering powers obtained from model-based decomposition using Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data. The novelty of this approach lies in utilizing the intrinsic information in the off-diagonal elements of the 3×\times3 coherency matrix T\mathbf{T} represented in the form of complex correlation coefficients. Two complex correlation coefficients are computed between co-polarization and cross-polarization components of the Pauli scattering vector. The difference between modulus of complex correlation coefficients corresponding to Topt\mathbf{T}^{\mathrm{opt}} (i.e. the degree of polarization (DOP) optimized coherency matrix), and T\mathbf{T} (original) matrices is obtained. Then a suitable scaling is performed using fractions \emph{i.e.,} (Tiiopt/i=13Tiiopt)(T_{ii}^{\mathrm{opt}}/\sum\limits_{i=1}^{3}T_{ii}^{\mathrm{opt}}) obtained from the diagonal elements of the Topt\mathbf{T}^{\mathrm{opt}} matrix. Thereafter, these new quantities are used in modifying the Yamaguchi 4-component scattering powers obtained from Topt\mathbf{T}^{\mathrm{opt}}. To corroborate the fact that these quantities have physical relevance, a quantitative analysis of these for the L-band AIRSAR San Francisco and the L-band Kyoto images is illustrated. Finally, the scattering powers obtained from the proposed methodology are compared with the corresponding powers obtained from the Yamaguchi \emph{et. al.,} 4-component (Y4O) decomposition and the Yamaguchi \emph{et. al.,} 4-component Rotated (Y4R) decomposition for the same data sets. The proportion of negative power pixels is also computed. The results show an improvement on all these attributes by using the proposed methodology.Comment: Accepted for publication in Remote Sensing Letter

    Coherency Matrix Decomposition-Based Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The rationale of polarimetric optimization techniques is to enhance the phase quality of the interferograms by combining adequately the different polarization channels available to produce an improved one. Different approaches have been proposed for polarimetric persistent scatterer interferometry (PolPSI). They range from the simple and computationally efficient BEST, where, for each pixel, the polarimetric channel with the best response in terms of phase quality is selected, to those with high-computational burden like the equal scattering mechanism (ESM) and the suboptimum scattering mechanism (SOM). BEST is fast and simple, but it does not fully exploit the potentials of polarimetry. On the other side, ESM explores all the space of solutions and finds the optimal one but with a very high-computational burden. A new PolPSI algorithm, named coherency matrix decomposition-based PolPSI (CMD-PolPSI), is proposed to achieve a compromise between phase optimization and computational cost. Its core idea is utilizing the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) coherency matrix decomposition to determine the optimal polarization channel for each pixel. Three different PolSAR image sets of both full- (Barcelona) and dual-polarization (Murcia and Mexico City) are used to evaluate the performance of CMD-PolPSI. The results show that CMD-PolPSI presents better optimization results than the BEST method by using either DAD_{\mathrm{ A}} or temporal mean coherence as phase quality metrics. Compared with the ESM algorithm, CMD-PolPSI is 255 times faster but its performance is not optimal. The influence of the number of available polarization channels and pixel's resolutions on the CMD-PolPSI performance is also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling PolSAR Scattering Signatures at Long Wavelengths of Glacier Ice Volumes

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    The crucial role of cryosphere for understanding the global climate change has been widely recognized in recent decades [1]. Glaciers and ice sheets are the main components of the cryosphere and constitute the basic reservoir of fresh water for high-latitudes and many densely populated areas at mid and low latitudes. The need of information on large scale and the inaccessibility of polar regions qualify synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors for glaciological applications. At long wavelengths (e.g. P- and L- band), SAR systems are capable to penetrate several tens of meters deep into the ice body. Consequently, they are sensitive to the glacier surface as well as to sub-surface ice structures. However, the complexity of the scattering mechanisms, occurring within the glacier ice volume, turns the interpretation of SAR scattering signatures into a challenge and large uncertainties remain in estimating reliably glacier accumulation rates, ice thickness, subsurface structures and discharge rates. In literature great attention has been given to model-based decomposition techniques of polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data. The first model-based decomposition for glacier ice was proposed in [2] as an adaptation and extension of the well-known Freeman-Durden model [3]. Despite this approach was able to interpret many effects in the experimental data, it could not explain, for instance, co-polarization phase differences. The objective of this study is to develop a novel polarimetric model that attempts to explain PolSAR signatures of glacier ice. A new volume scattering component from a cloud of oriented particles will be presented. In particular, air and atmospheric gases inclusions, typically present in ice volumes [4], are modeled as oblate spheroidal particles, mainly horizontally oriented and embedded in a glacier ice background. Since the model has to account for an oriented ice volume, the anisotropic nature of the ice medium has to be incorporated. This phenomenon, neglected in [2], leads to different refraction indices, i.e. differential propagation velocities (phase differences) and losses of the electromagnetic wave along different polarizations [5]. Furthermore, the introduction of additional scattering components (e.g. from the glacier surface) will extend and complete the polarimetric model. For a first quality assessment, modeled polarimetric signatures are compared to airborne fully polarimetric SAR data at L- and P-band, collected over the Austfonna ice-cap, in Svalbard, Norway, by DLR’s E-SAR system within the ICESAR 2007 campaign

    A deep-neural-network-based hybrid method for semi-supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data

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    This paper proposes a deep-neural-network-based semi-supervised method for polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data classification. The proposed method focuses on achieving a well-trained deep neural network (DNN) when the amount of the labeled samples is limited. In the proposed method, the probability vectors, where each entry indicates the probability of a sample associated with a category, are first evaluated for the unlabeled samples, leading to an augmented training set. With this augmented training set, the parameters in the DNN are learned by solving the optimization problem, where the log-likelihood cost function and the class probability vectors are used. To alleviate the “salt-and-pepper” appearance in the classification results of PolSAR images, the spatial interdependencies are incorporated by introducing a Markov random field (MRF) prior in the prediction step. The experimental results on two realistic PolSAR images demonstrate that the proposed method effectively incorporates the spatial interdependencies and achieves the good classification accuracy with a limited number of labeled samples