9,893 research outputs found

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    LANDSAT-D investigations in snow hydrology

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    Work undertaken during the contract and its results are described. Many of the results from this investigation are available in journal or conference proceedings literature - published, accepted for publication, or submitted for publication. For these the reference and the abstract are given. Those results that have not yet been submitted separately for publication are described in detail. Accomplishments during the contract period are summarized as follows: (1) analysis of the snow reflectance characteristics of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper, including spectral suitability, dynamic range, and spectral resolution; (2) development of a variety of atmospheric models for use with LANDSAT Thematic Mapper data. These include a simple but fast two-stream approximation for inhomogeneous atmospheres over irregular surfaces, and a doubling model for calculation of the angular distribution of spectral radiance at any level in an plane-parallel atmosphere; (3) incorporation of digital elevation data into the atmospheric models and into the analysis of the satellite data; and (4) textural analysis of the spatial distribution of snow cover

    Generalized ellipsoids and anisotropic filtering for segmentation improvement in 3D medical imaging

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    Deformable models have demonstrated to be very useful techniques for image segmentation. However, they present several weak points. Two of the main problems with deformable models are the following: (1) results are often dependent on the initial model location, and (2) the generation of image potentials is very sensitive to noise. Modeling and preprocessing methods presented in this paper contribute to solve these problems. We propose an initialization tool to obtain a good approximation to global shape and location of a given object into a 3D image. We also introduce a novel technique for corner preserving anisotropic diffusion filtering to improve contrast and corner measures. This is useful for both guiding initialization (global shape) and subsequent deformation for fine tuning (local shape).This work was supported by the Spanish Government and the Xunta de Galicia by projects TIC2000-0399-C02-02 and PGIDT99PXI20606B, respectively.2005-04-01S

    Analysis of Image Sequence Data with Applications to Two-Dimensional Echocardiography

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    Digital two-dimensional echocardiography is an ultrasonic imaging technique that is used as an increasingly important noninvasive technique in the comprehensive characterization of the left ventricular structure and function. Quantitative analysis often uses heart wall motion and other shape attributes such as the heart wall thickness, heart chamber area, and the variation of these attributes throughout the cardiac cycle. These analyses require the complete determination of the heart wall boundaries. Poor image quality and large amount of noise makes computer detection of the boundaries difficult. An algorithm to detect both the inner and outer heart wall boundaries is presented. The algorithm was applied to images acquired from animal studies and from a tissue equivalent phantom to verify the performance. Different approaches to exploiting the temporal redundancy of the image data without making use of results from image segmentation and scene interpretation are explored. A new approach to perform image flow analysis is developed based on the Total Least Squares method. The result of this processing is an estimate of the velocities in the image plane. In an image understanding system, information acquired from related domains by other sensors are often useful to the analysis of images. Electrocardiogram signals measure the change of electrical potential changes in the heart muscle an d provide important information such as the timing data for image sequence analysis. These signals are frequently plagued by impulsive muscle noise and background drift due to patient movement. A new approach to solving these problems is presented using mathematical morphology. Experiments addressing various aspects of the problem, such as algorithm performance, choice of operator parameters, and response to sinusoidal inputs, are reported

    Recent advances in directional statistics

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    Mainstream statistical methodology is generally applicable to data observed in Euclidean space. There are, however, numerous contexts of considerable scientific interest in which the natural supports for the data under consideration are Riemannian manifolds like the unit circle, torus, sphere and their extensions. Typically, such data can be represented using one or more directions, and directional statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with their analysis. In this paper we provide a review of the many recent developments in the field since the publication of Mardia and Jupp (1999), still the most comprehensive text on directional statistics. Many of those developments have been stimulated by interesting applications in fields as diverse as astronomy, medicine, genetics, neurology, aeronautics, acoustics, image analysis, text mining, environmetrics, and machine learning. We begin by considering developments for the exploratory analysis of directional data before progressing to distributional models, general approaches to inference, hypothesis testing, regression, nonparametric curve estimation, methods for dimension reduction, classification and clustering, and the modelling of time series, spatial and spatio-temporal data. An overview of currently available software for analysing directional data is also provided, and potential future developments discussed.Comment: 61 page

    Automated analysis of quantitative image data using isomorphic functional mixed models, with application to proteomics data

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    Image data are increasingly encountered and are of growing importance in many areas of science. Much of these data are quantitative image data, which are characterized by intensities that represent some measurement of interest in the scanned images. The data typically consist of multiple images on the same domain and the goal of the research is to combine the quantitative information across images to make inference about populations or interventions. In this paper we present a unified analysis framework for the analysis of quantitative image data using a Bayesian functional mixed model approach. This framework is flexible enough to handle complex, irregular images with many local features, and can model the simultaneous effects of multiple factors on the image intensities and account for the correlation between images induced by the design. We introduce a general isomorphic modeling approach to fitting the functional mixed model, of which the wavelet-based functional mixed model is one special case. With suitable modeling choices, this approach leads to efficient calculations and can result in flexible modeling and adaptive smoothing of the salient features in the data. The proposed method has the following advantages: it can be run automatically, it produces inferential plots indicating which regions of the image are associated with each factor, it simultaneously considers the practical and statistical significance of findings, and it controls the false discovery rate.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS407 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A New Halo Finding Method for N-Body Simulations

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    We have developed a new halo finding method, Physically Self-Bound (PSB) group finding algorithm, which can efficiently identify halos located even at crowded regions. This method combines two physical criteria such as the tidal radius of a halo and the total energy of each particle to find member particles. Two hierarchical meshes are used to increase the speed and the power of halo identification in the parallel computing environments. First, a coarse mesh with cell size equal to the mean particle separation lmeanl_{\rm mean} is used to obtain the density field over the whole simulation box. Mesh cells having density contrast higher than a local cutoff threshold δLOC\delta_{\rm LOC} are extracted and linked together for those adjacent to each other. This produces local-cell groups. Second, a finer mesh is used to obtain density field within each local-cell group and to identify halos. If a density shell contains only one density peak, its particles are assigned to the density peak. But in the case of a density shell surrounding at least two density peaks, we use both the tidal radii of halo candidates enclosed by the shell and the total energy criterion to find physically bound particles with respect to each halo. Similar to DENMAX and HOP, the \hfind method can efficiently identify small halos embedded in a large halo, while the FoF and the SO do not resolve such small halos. We apply our new halo finding method to a 1-Giga particle simulation of the Λ\LambdaCDM model and compare the resulting mass function with those of previous studies. The abundance of physically self-bound halos is larger at the low mass scale and smaller at the high mass scale than proposed by the Jenkins et al. (2001) who used the FoF and SO methods. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 8 figs, submitted to Ap
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