306,006 research outputs found

    A Theory of Minsky Super-Cycles and Financial Crises

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    This paper argues that Hyman Minsky's financial instability hypothesis weaves together a medium term Keynesian approach to the business cycles in the spirit of Samuelson (1936) and Hicks (1950) with long cycle thinking of economists such as Schumpeter (1939) and Kondratieff. Post Keynesians have devoted considerable attention to the medium term dimension of Minsky's thinking. The current paper concentrates on the long swing dimension and introduces the idea of "Minsky super-cycles." It is the supercycle that ultimately permits financial crisis. Whereas financially driven business cycles occur every decade, financial crises occur over longer durations reflecting the longer phase of the super-cycle.Minsky, business cycles, financial instability hypothesis

    Thinking Tracks for Integrated Systems Design

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    The paper investigates systems thinking and systems engineering. After a short literature review, the paper presents, as a means for systems thinking, twelve thinking tracks. The tracks can be used as creativity starter, checklist, and as means to investigate effects of design decisions taken early in the process. Tracks include thinking about time, risk and safety, and different types of life-cycles. The thinking tracks are based on literature, teaching experience and practice as a system designer. By using the tracks a more complete picture of the system under design, the issue to be solved, the context, stakeholders and the rest of the world is created


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    Based on the observations and interviews which have been done in SMP Negeri 1 Atap Merjosari Malang, there were some problem at biology learning of class VIIB. One of them was low of critical thinking. This was caused by the ability of the students in solving their problem still low. Learning strategy which was applied still tend to be not training the critical thinking ability of the students yet. The problem of this research is how did the application of NHT to increase the critical thinking ability of the students in class VII B SMPN 1 Atap Merjosari Malang. The purpose of this research is to describe the application of NHT in increasing the students’ critical thinking ability in class VII B SMPN 1 Atap Merjosari Malang. The kind of research that was used in this research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). This research was started from May 11st to June 8th 2010 which used two cycles. Population of this research is all students on class VII B SMPN 1 Atap Merjosari Malang which consist of 38 students. The data as the result of this research is gotten from the observation paper of result of cooperative learning strategy’s held of NHT type when the teaching process is run, and the data as the result of critical thinking ability was taken from group and individual critical thinking tests. Research result showed that from two cycles that have been held is at first cycle, the average of students critical thinking ability in group critical thinking test is 1.23 with “less of criticism” category and in individual critical thinking test is 1.37 with “less of criticism” category too. At 2nd cycle, the average was increase. In group critical thinking test became 2.71 with “criticism” category and in individual test became 3.27 with “very critics” category. The conclusion of this research is the application of NHT in learning can increase the students’ critical thinking ability in biological study program

    Improving The Mathematic Critical And Creative Thinking Skills In Grade 10th SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul On Mathematics Learning Through Problem-Based Learning

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    This research aims to describe: (1) implementation of the PBL that improve the mathematic critical and creative thinking skills and (2) improvement the mathematic critical and creative thinking skills of students with PBL. The research is Classroom Action-Research, which is consisted of two cycles. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul in August until December 2010. The subjects were all of the students in class X D which consist of 33 students. The data was obtained from observation sheet, field notes, documentation, interviews, and tests of critical and creative thinking skills in mathematics learning. The data validation has done by triangulation. The results shows that the implementation of the PBL which can improve the students’ mathematics critical and creative thinking skills consist of four steps: (1) engagement, (2) inquiry and investigation, (3) performance, and (4) debriefing. Keyword: critical thinking, creative thinking, problem based learnin

    Exploring young students creativity: The effect of model eliciting activities

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    The aim of this paper is to show how engaging students in real-life mathematical situations can stimulate their mathematical creative thinking. We analyzed the mathematical modeling of two girls, aged 10 and 13 years, as they worked on an authentic task involving the selection of a track team. The girls displayed several modeling cycles that revealed their thinking processes, as well as cognitive and affective features that may serve as the foundation for a methodology that uses model-eliciting activities to promote the mathematical creative process

    Review of experimental research on supercritical and transcritical thermodynamic cycles designed for heat recovery application

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    Supercritical operation is considered a main technique to achieve higher cycle efficiency in various thermodynamic systems. The present paper is a review of experimental investigations on supercritical operation considering both heat-to-upgraded heat and heat-to-power systems. Experimental works are reported and subsequently analyzed. Main findings can be summarized as: steam Rankine cycles does not show much studies in the literature, transcritical organic Rankine cycles are intensely investigated and few plants are already online, carbon dioxide is considered as a promising fluid for closed Brayton and Rankine cycles but its unique properties call for a new thinking in designing cycle components. Transcritical heat pumps are extensively used in domestic and industrial applications, but supercritical heat pumps with a working fluid other than CO2 are scarce. To increase the adoption rate of supercritical thermodynamic systems further research is needed on the heat transfer behavior and the optimal design of compressors and expanders with special attention to the mechanical integrity

    Debate-Based Learning and Its Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

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    This study aims at understanding the implementation of debate-based learning models on critical thinking skill of economic students in senior high school. This research was conducted in a senior high school in Malang particularly in SMA Laboratory UM. The study applied a classroom action research by comparing students’ critical thinking skills during research period. The level of critical thinking skill adopted Structure Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) Taxonomy which consisting of Prestructural, Unistructural, Multistuctural, Relational, and Extended Abstract Thinking Skills. The findings showed that a remarkable change of students’ critical thinking skills during cycles. The average of post-test score between cycles increased by 11.9 percent. In addition, the level of students critical thinking skill was dominated by Prestructural, Unistructural, Multistructural then it move noticeably to the greater level which is Multistructural, Relational and Extended Abstract. From these results,it can be concluded that the implementation of debate-based learning can stimulate students’ learning activities and critical thinking skills.Keywords: Debate-Based Learning, Critical Thinking, Students’ Activitie

    Supervision and Scholarly Writing: Writing to Learn - Learning to Write

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    This paper describes an action research project on postgraduate students’ scholarly writing in which I employed reflective approaches to examine and enhance my postgraduate supervisory practice. My reflections on three distinct cycles of supervision illustrate a shift in thinking about scholarly writing and an evolving understanding of how to support postgraduate students’ writing. These understandings provide the foundation for a future-oriented fourth cycle of supervisory practice, which is characterised by three principles, namely the empowerment of students as writers, the technological context of contemporary writing, and ethical issues in writing

    Penerapan Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Pada Matakuliah Problematika Lingkungan Hidup

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    The research titled the Implementing of Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve of the Critical Thinking Skills of the Students in the Subject of Environmental Problematics have done in 2013. This study generally aims to improve students' critical thinking skills in the subject environmental problematic. The critical thinking skills consist of skills to formulate the problem statement, analyze the argument, questioning and answering, evaluating of information source credibility, observation skill, and the skills of interact with the others. This research is classified as classroom action research carried out in two cycles. Every cycles consist of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The result showed that the CTL is able to increase the critical thinking skills of the students on the subject of environmental problematics. We recommended that CTL should be apply in the other subject with the same characteristic like environmental knowledge, advancer ecology, environmental pollution, etc
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