40 research outputs found

    The characterization of recycled concrete aggregate as filter in removal of phosphorus

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    Phosphorus (P) is one of the key nutrients that lead to eutrophication problem in surface water. However, the existing conventional wastewater treatment system to remove phosphorus is expensive and require a complex process. Therefore, a system using low cost and environmental friendly should be practiced to overcome this problem. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) used as a filter system emerged as an alternative technology for phosphorus removal. This can overcome the problem of construction site waste by converting the waste into something valuable products. Thus, this study aim to investigate the physical and chemical characteristic of RCA that influenced adsorption of P. RCA was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) testing to determine chemical composition. Results shows that RCA is highly contained with Aluminium, Calcium and Magnesium elements that enhanced the Phosphorus adsorption

    Injected charge to recovery as a parameter to characterize the breakdown reversibility of ultrathin HfSiON gate dielectric

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    The injected charge to recovery (QR) is presented as a parameter to characterize the dielectric breakdown (BD)reversibility in MOSFETs with ultrathin high-k hafnium based gate dielectric. The procedure to recover the dielectric is explained and the dependences of QR with the current limit during BD, the polarity of the BD-recovery stresses and the number of stress cycles are analyzed

    Resistive switching-like behavior of the dielectric breakdown in ultra-thin Hf based gate stacks in MOSFETs

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    The gate dielectric breakdown (BD) reversibility in MOSFETs with ultra-thin hafnium based high-k dielectric is studied. The phenomenology is analyzed in detail and the similarities with the resistive switching phenomenon emphasized. The results suggest that the conductive path in the dielectric after BD can be 'opened' and 'closed' many times and that the BD recovery partially restores not only the current through the gate, but also the MOSFET channel related electrical characteristics

    Development of reliability testing automation for microwave radios

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    Diplomityössäni tutkin, miten mikroaaltoradion ulkoyksikön luotettavuustestaus tehostuu automatisoinnin avulla. Olemassa olevaan automaatioon on tarkoitus liittää kaksi uutta mittausta, jolloin niitä ei tarvitse erikseen tehdä käsin. Tarkoituksena on nopeuttaa testausta ja vähentää siinä tarvittavia resursseja. Radiolinkeissä käytettävät mikroaaltoradiot on jaettu kahteen osaan, joista toista kutsutaan sisäyksiköksi ja toista ulkoyksiköksi. Ulkoyksikön täytyy kestää vaihtelevia ulko-olosuhteita. Mikroaaltoradion ulkoyksikön suorituskykyä voidaan tutkia erilaisilla mittauksilla. Näiden mittausten tarkoituksena on tarkastella laitteen suorituskykyyn vaikuttavia osatekijöitä erikseen, mikä auttaa suorituskyvyssä havaittujen ongelmien syiden paikallistamisessa rautatasolla. Mittaukset ovat luonteeltaan toistuvia ja varsin työläitä, jos ne tehdään käsin. Uusien mittausten liittäminen automaation lyhentää mikroaaltoradion testaukseen kuluvaa kokonaisaikaa ja vähentää työn määrää. Lisäksi automatisoitujen mittausten etuja ovat mittausten hyvä toistettavuus ja inhimillisten virheiden vähäisyys.In my master's thesis I have studied how automation makes reliability testing of a microwave radio outdoor unit more efficient. Two new test cases, that are donemanually so far, will be added to an existing automation software. The goal is to speed up reliability testing and decrease resources needed for it. Microwave radios used in radio links are divided into two physical parts. One of them is indoor unit and the other is outdoor unit. The latter has to endure in outdoor conditions. Performance of the microwave radio outdoor unit can be investigated with several test cases. The scope of these test cases is to get detailed information about the radio. This helps locating malfunctioning unit or component in the hard ware. On one test run these test cases are repeated several times with different outdoor unit transmission settings and quite a lot of manual work is needed. Including new test cases in the existing automation software reduces time spent on testing and the amount of work needed for it. Also, benefits of automation are good reproducibility of measurements and the lack of human errors

    Ultrathin gate oxide reliability: physical models, statistics, and characterization

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    Analysis and Design of Electrostatic Discharge Protection Devices and Circuits

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    An electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a spontaneous electrical current that flows between two objects at different electrical potentials. ESD currents can reach several amps and are typically in the order of tens of nanoseconds. Concerning microelectronics, on-chip protection against ESD events has become a main concern on the reliability of IC as dimensions continue to shrink. ESD currents could lead to on-chip voltages that are high enough to cause MOS gate oxide breakdown. ICs can thus be damaged by human handling, contact with machinery, packaging, board assembling, etc. The main goal of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of two-stage ESD protection circuits by means of mixed mode TCAD simulations. Two-dimensional device simulations were carried out using T-Suprem4 and Taurus-Medici software from Synopsis. Also, a TCAD input deck calibration for an NXP Semiconductors¿ proprietary 0.14m¿ CMOS technology was realized. In addition, two aspects on the transparency of ESD protections were studied. An excessive leakage problem found in a real product was analyzed in TCAD. Furthermore, a new approach for distributed ESD protection design for broadband applications is also discussed, resulting in improved RF performance.Pérez Monteagudo, JM. (2010). Analysis and Design of Electrostatic Discharge Protection Devices and Circuits. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/21061.Archivo delegad

    Transient Safe Operating Area (tsoa) For Esd Applications

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    A methodology to obtain design guidelines for gate oxide input pin protection and high voltage output pin protection in Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) time frame is developed through measurements and Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD). A set of parameters based on transient measurements are used to define Transient Safe Operating Area (TSOA). The parameters are then used to assess effectiveness of protection devices for output and input pins. The methodology for input pins includes establishing ESD design targets under Charged Device Model (CDM) type stress in low voltage MOS inputs. The methodology for output pins includes defining ESD design targets under Human Metal Model (HMM) type stress in high voltage Laterally Diffused MOS (LDMOS) outputs. First, the assessment of standalone LDMOS robustness is performed, followed by establishment of protection design guidelines. Secondly, standalone clamp HMM robustness is evaluated and a prediction methodology for HMM type stress is developed based on standardized testing. Finally, LDMOS and protection clamp parallel protection conditions are identifie